Deneckère Rébecca, Elena Kornyshova and Colette Rolland
Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, 90 rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris, France
Keywords: Method Component, Method Line, Method Family, Configuration, Decision-Making.
Abstract: The role of variability in Software engineering grows increasingly as it allows developing solutions that can
be easily adapted to a specific context and reusing existing knowledge. In order to deal with variability in
the method engineering (ME) domain, we suggest applying the notion of method families. Method
components are organized as a method family, which is configured in the given project. As variability
relates to variation points, our proposal is to consider the method family configuration as a decision-making
(DM) process. We illustrate our approach by a method family dealing with scenario elicitation.
Over the decades, variability in Software
Engineering has become increasingly important. The
notion of software variability is defined as the ability
of a software system to be changed, customized or
configured to a specific context (Van Gurp, 2000).
(Taylor, 1964) states that variability modeling is
useful for both variability acquisition - to discover
variation points in a problem - and variability
analysis - to evaluate the applicability of each
identified variant in a given context and situation.
The great amount of features observed in modern
software systems and the difficulty in understanding
how the technical details of individual choices affect
stakeholder intentions about the system lead to the
need to explore and analyze variability at a higher
level of abstraction.
This increasing variability in software
engineering has led to the establishment of the
Product lines concept which allows managing
commonalities and variability. This leads to two
major advantages: the reuse of common parts and
the adaptation of products to different customers and
various organisational settings (Svahnberg et al.,
Given the duality that exists between Product
and Process (Rolland, 2010), our motivation is to
investigate the variability concept in method
engineering (ME). Our position is that method
families do exist today in companies and could
beneficially be handled by using the variability.
The foregoing suggests a move away from
thisconstruction of methods ‘on the fly’ to the
management of a set of similar components
considered as a whole, or as a method family. Our
proposal is to organize these components into
method families to manage variability and
commonalities in order to promote the reuse and the
adaptability of method families. As variability
relates to variation points, we propose to foresee the
method family configuration problem as a decision-
making (DM) problem. A DM problem is
characterized by the presence of several alternatives.
In our case, alternatives are method components
which are variables in a given method family, that is
to say, when the method engineer has a possibility to
choose between several method components. We
illustrate the method family description and
configuration within an example dealing with
scenario elicitation.
This paper is organized as follows. The first
section foresees the notion of method family and its
intrinsic variability. Section 2 details three
techniques used for configuring method families.
Section 3 illustrates these techniques. We conclude
in Section 4.
We understand a method family to be a collection of
method components meeting a common goal but in
different ways. For instance, the intention ‘Write a
scenario’ can be achieved through the execution of
two different method components that allow writing
a scenario in free prose or with the help of a
Rébecca D., Kornyshova E. and Rolland C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003494503840387
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 384-387
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
predefined template. The variability across these two
components is obvious. However, there is a
commonality between them as well as the intention
is the same: to obtain a scenario.
In this work, we propose a modelling formalism
called MAP to capture variability across method
families in an intentional manner
. Each map (i.e.
each method family) can then be configured
following specific criteria in order to obtain an
adaptable method (i.e. a method line).
A map is a process model expressed in a goal
driven perspective. This formalism allows
specifying process models in a flexible way by
focusing on the process intentions, and on the
various ways to achieve each of these intentions.
Therefore, it has a teleological nature (it takes into
account the teleological behavior of the process
execution). It describes the intentions (goals,
objectives) associated to the result that the designer
wants to achieve (Taylor, 1964). In this way, the
MAP model presupposes decisions which concern
intentions, strategies or elementary actions. A map
expression provides a synthetic view of the
variability of a process in a relatively easy to
understand way. Variations are revealed in two
ways, by the gradual movement down the different
levels of a top map, and by the alternative
strategies/paths available at a given map level (C.
Rolland, 2007).
Let’s look more closely to the Scenario
Elicitation Situational Method
(SESM) example (see
Figure 1). It is based on a map defined in (Ralyte
and Rolland, 2001) which was created to support the
elicitation of functional system requirements in a
goal-driven manner and to conceptualize them using
textual devices such as scenarios or use cases. This
map contains three main intentions, namely ‘Elicit a
Goal’, ‘Write a Scenario’ and ‘Conceptualize a
Scenario’. The original map from (Ralyte and
Rolland, 2001) was defined with the assembly of
two method components, namely the L’écritoire and
the SAVRE ones.
The L’Ecritoire method component (Rolland,
Souveyet and Ben Achour, 1998) provides
guidelines to discover functional system
requirements expressed as goals and to
conceptualize these requirements as scenarios
describing how the system satisfies the achievement
of these goals.
The SAVRE method component (Maiden,
1998) provides guidelines to discover exceptions in
the functioning of a system under design caused by
human errors. It generates scenarios corresponding
to the system requirements and identifies, through an
analysis of these scenarios, possible exceptions
caused by human errors.
Assembly techniques have been used to be able to
put the two method components into the same map.
Specific operators, like intention-merging or strategy-
addition for instance, have been used to create this
situational method. When looking at this map from
the method family point of view, we can notice that
we can already derive two method lines
corresponding to the two methods used to assemble it.
Elicit a
Use Case
free prose
tool supported
a goal
case based
a scenario
a scenario
Completness strategy
Figure 1: Scenario Elicitation Situational Method.
Goal-oriented models have a teleological nature (it
takes into account the teleological behaviour of a
process execution). In this way, they presuppose
decisions which concern different possibilities to
carry out the given process. Each decision is a
variation point. We suggest to foresee these models
as method families as they contain common and
variable elements. Each method family can be
customized in a given project into a method line.
The method line customization is realized by
selecting a particular method component in each
variation point. Our proposal is to use different DM
techniques for guiding this selection. In this way, we
foresee the method line customization as a decision-
making problem.
A DM problem is defined by the presence of
alternatives. The concept of alternative designates the
decision object. Any decision involves at least two
alternatives that must be well identified. Alternatives
are compared between them according to one or more
criteria. Based on this, DM methods can be
monocriterion or multicriteria. Using a single criterion
is most widespread but it is not sufficient when the
consequences of the alternatives to be analyzed are
important (Roy, 1996). Multicriteria DM methods, in
contrast to a monocriterion approach, allow a more in-
depth analysis of the problem because they consider
various aspects. These methods deal with indicators
having different nature (quantitative or qualitative).
However, they are more complicated as the
indicators’ values must be aggregated into a general
value or function (Roy, 1996).
In our case, alternatives are candidate method
components in each variation point, and criteria are
indicators characterizing the given project situation.
Based on this, we suggest three kind of
configuration: Method components subset selection,
Complete method line selection, and Step by step
method components selection.
Method components subset selection uses the
indicator(s) to simplify the Map by suppressing
some components. This kind of configuration allows
to select a sub-set of alternatives (A’) from A based
of the values of G in a given project. For instance, it
can be a selection of method components requiring a
low expertise degree.
Complete method line selection helps to select,
right from the start of the navigation, between all the
possible method lines. The first step is to measure
the indicator values for each method line based on
values associated to method components which
compose this line. Therefore, the alternatives are
method lines (A’’) and criteria are aggregated values
(G’’). For instance, all method components may be
measured according to the duration criteria. First, the
duration of all possible method lines is calculated (as
a sum of its components duration). Then, a method
line having the lowest duration is selected.
Step by step method components selection
guides each of the engineer steps, one by one -
which is the initial and usual way to use a method
family. In this case, the sub-set of method
components (available at the given step) is
considered (A’’’). For instance, when the engineer
must select a method for writing scenario, he has got
to choose between the free prose strategy and the
template strategy (S3 and S4 components of SESM).
All of these guidance types may be used with
one or more indicators.
The indicators typology is based essentially on
the characteristics of IS development projects (Van
Slooten and Hodes, 1996). A set of indicators and
their possible values was deduced from these
characteristics (Deneckere and Kornyshova, 2010).
For instance, the guidance between components may
depend on their complexity degree, the number of
stakeholders, the expert role and so on. Others
indicators may also be deduced from Non-
Functional Requirement (NFR) (Santos, Pimentel,
Castro, Sanchez and Pastor, 2010). For instance, the
duration or the cost of a component execution may
influence the component selection guidance.
Indicators can be quantitative or qualitative. The
use of values increases the possibility of automatic
To illustrate our proposal, we applied this
typology to the SESM family of Figure 1. In this
example, we have selected four indicators: Expertise
degree, Formality degree, Goal achievement degree
and Duration. Table 1 shows the values of each of
these criteria applied to each feature of the SESM
Table 1: SESM Family Indicators.
Goal Achievement
S1 1 1 High 10 mn
S2 1 2 Low 15 mn
S3 1 1 High 15 mn
S4 2 3 High 10 mn
S5 1 3 High 15 mn
S6 1 3 High 5 mn
S7 2 1 High 15 mn
S8 1 1 High 20 mn
S9 2 2 High 20 mn
S10 2 2 High 20 mn
S11 2 1 High 20 mn
S12 3 3 High 20 mn
S13 3 3 Low 10 mn
S14 1 1 High 5 mn
We apply three techniques in order to configure the
SESM method family.
Method Components Subset Selection. This
technique allows defining a method line by selecting
a subset of features following one or multiple
criteria. For instance, if we apply the single criteria
of Expertise degree with a preference for a Low
value (equal to 1). The obtained multi-path may be
formalized as follows.
= S1. ((S2)
.((S3.S6) S5))
.((S3.S6) S5) . (S8.(S2)
. S14
The obtained method line can be used by
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
engineers having a low degree of expertise in the
scenario conceptualization. By using this simpler
map, the engineer has fewer variants to take into
account and the further guidance is easier.
Path Selection. There is a possibility to choose a
path, directly from the beginning of the process. For
instance, the Duration criteria will help to obtain a
specific method line which is the quickest to
perform. The time factor will help to choose the
following path as the chosen method line.
Choosing this guidance, the engineer executes
the method line which corresponds to the lowest
duration. He does not have a possibility to change
the used method components during the execution.
Atomic Step Selection. This technique helps to
keep the intentional nature and all the powerfulness
of the map model. For instance, the navigation
through the Map leads the engineer to execute, at his
satisfaction, the section S2 (which helps him to elicit
a goal with a case-based strategy). Four possibilities
are offered to the engineer to go further in the
process. He may execute the section which has the
same target intention (S2) or go further in the Map
to the intention Write a Scenario (S3, S4), or even
go directly to Conceptualize a scenario (S5). As the
intention ‘Elicit a Goal’ is fully satisfied, the
indicator ‘Goal Achievement degree’ will guide him
to suppress the first possibility. He then chooses to
use three other criteria to customize his guidance,
namely Duration, Expertise degree and Formality
degree. These three indicators are quantitative and
have different measure scales. In order to obtain the
compatible scales for comparing them, the
normalization must be applied. The normalized values
are presented in the Table 2.
Table 2: Normalized Indicator Values.
Section Expertise Degree Duration Formality
S3 0,5 1 0,33 0,61
S4 1 0,66 1 0,89
S5 0,5 1 1 0,83
The aggregated value of the indicators guides
him to choose the section S3. That means that, the
selected section requires the lowest expertise and
formality degree and the lowest duration.
We introduce the notion of variability in method
family. Method families bring together a set of
different components having the same main usage to
facilitate their reuse and adaptation. We use the
MAP intentional formalism to represent method
families as a set of method component features and
use variability through four types of feature
. Once the method family has been
expressed with maps, the task of selecting the
adapted method line is done by deciding which
combinations of features are the most suited to the
situation at hand, following criteria and several
selection techniques.
Our future work consists of adapting the Map-
editor tool and combining it with the Map-executor
tool currently on development. This tool will support
navigation in a map to select dynamically the feature
most appropriate to the situation at hand.
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