Ivanna M. Lazarte, Pablo D. Villarreal
CIDISI, National Technological University Santa Fe Faculty, Lavaise 610, S3004EWB, Santa Fe, Argentina
Omar Chiotti
INGAR, National Council of Scientific and Technological Research, Avellaneda 3657, S3002GJC, Santa Fe, Argentina
Lucin´eia Heloisa Thom, Cirano Iochpe
Institute of Informatics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Bento Gonc¸alves 9500, 91501-970, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Business-to-Business, Collaborative Business Process, Integration Business Process, Model-Driven Architec-
ture, Workflow Activity Patterns.
The design of integration processes is a key issue for implementing collaborative business processes in
Business-to-Business collaborations. A collaborative process is executed through the enactment of the in-
tegration process of each organization, which contains the public and private logic required to support the role
an organization performs in the collaborative process. Integration process models must be aligned with and
derived from their corresponding collaborative process models to guarantee interoperability among organiza-
tions. In this work, we propose a method based on a Model-Driven Architecture to enable organizations to
support and automate the design of integration process models. This method provides a model transformation
process that uses Workflow Activity Patterns to generate the public/private activities required in integration
processes to support cross-organizational message exchanges.
In current global markets, organizations are imple-
menting Business-to-Business (B2B) collaborations
with their business partners to improve their perfor-
mance and competitiveness. A B2B collaboration re-
quires collaborativebusiness processes to be designed
at the business level and implemented at the techno-
logical level. A collaborative business process (CBP)
defines the global view of the interactions among or-
ganizations to achieve common business goals (e.g.
decrease inventory average levels) (Villarreal et al.,
2007; Bauer et al., 2005; Roser and Bauer, 2005).
The design and implementation of B2B collabo-
rations involves the fulfillment of particular require-
ments such as the ability to cope with changes, de-
centralized management of CBPs, peer-to-peer inter-
actions, preservation of organizations’ autonomy, rep-
resentation of complex negotiations, the required sup-
port for interoperability, and the alignment between
business solution and technological solution so that
the technological solution provides full support to
In order to implement a CBP in a decentralized
way, each organization (or business partner) has to
define its integration business process. An integration
process (also called private (OMG, 2010), executable
(Bauer et al., 2005) or orchestration process (Weske,
2007)) specifies the public and private behavior that
supports the role an organization performs in a CBP.
It contains, from the viewpoint of an organization, the
public and private logic required to process or gener-
ate the information exchanged with its partners.
CBPs and integration processes should be mod-
eled at a high level of abstraction and in a technology-
independent way to facilitate design and communi-
cation among stakeholders as well as to enable their
implementation in different platforms (Lazarte et al.,
2010). Designing integration processes is a highly
complex, time consuming and error prone task, which
Lazarte I., Villarreal P., Chiotti O., Thom L. and Iochpe C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003495000550065
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 55-65
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
requires business analysts’ modeling expertise and
knowledge to identify and add the public and private
logic that supports cross-organizational message ex-
In addition, integration process models of organi-
zations must be aligned and consistent with the pub-
lic logic defined in its corresponding CBP model, and
hence, they must be correctly defined in order to guar-
antee their interoperability and provide full support to
the CBP.
In this work, we propose a method based on the
Model-Driven Architecture (OMG, 2003) for gener-
ating integration process models from a CBP model.
The main goals of this method are twofold: (1) to
provide an automated support for the design of inte-
gration process models required by the organizations
for implementing CBPs, (2) to enable organizations
to define integration processes which are interopera-
ble and consistent with the CBPs. By interoperability
we mean the capability of organizations’ integration
processes for interacting with each other in a synchro-
nized way for executing a CBP. By consistency we
mean the coherence between the behavior defined in
an integration process and its corresponding CBP.
To automatically generate the public and private
logic of an integration process model, this method
provides a model-to-model transformation process
that makes use of the Workflow Activity Patterns
(Thom et al., 2009). These patterns represent recur-
rent business functions frequently found in business
processes (e.g. task execution request, notification ac-
tivity, approval). The use of these activity patterns
enables reusing the process knowledge captured in
them and generating the activities and process logic
required in integration process models.
The proposed method uses CBP models defined
with the UP-ColBPIP language (Villarreal et al.,
2007; Villarreal et al., 2010) and generates integra-
tion process models defined with theBusiness Process
Model and Notation (BPMN) language (OMG, 2010).
CBPs are modeled as interaction protocols with the
UP-ColBPIP language. In an interaction protocol, a
speech act (e.g. agree, refuse, propose) represents
sender’s intention with respect to the business docu-
ment being exchanged in a message (Villarreal et al.,
2007; Villarreal et al., 2010). In this work, the seman-
tics of speech acts is analyzed and used for determin-
ing the activity patterns applied in each defined trans-
formation rule to derive an integration process model
from a CBP model.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 describes features of the CBP models
and the language used to model them. Applied ac-
tivity patterns are discussed in Section 3. Section 4
describes the MDA-based method for designing inte-
gration process model, and Section 5 presents a case
study of that method. Section 6 discusses related
work. Section 7 draws conclusions and future work.
CBPs must be modeled using concepts that are closer
to the B2B collaboration domain and in an inde-
pendent way of the implementation technology. To
support this, CBPs are modeled with UP-ColBPIP
language (UML Profile for Collaborative Business
Processes based on Interaction Protocols) (Villarreal
et al., 2007; Villarreal et al., 2010). This language
fulfills the requirements for B2B collaborations men-
tioned in Section 1. By using UP-ColBPIP language,
the behavior of CBPs is modeled as interaction pro-
tocols. An interaction protocol describes a high-
level communication pattern through a choreography
of business messages between organizationswho play
different roles. A business message represents an in-
teraction between two organizations. The message
choreography describes the global view of interac-
tions between the roles played by the organizations.
Interaction protocols define not only the informa-
tion exchange but also the communication of actions
between organizations (Villarreal et al., 2007; Villar-
real et al., 2010). Coordination and communication
aspects of B2B interactions are represented in inter-
action protocols through the use of speech acts (Table
1) associated to business messages. Speech acts pro-
vide semantics to the business messages. This enables
the definition of complex negotiations and avoids the
ambiguity in the semantics and understanding of the
business messages of CBPs.
The UP-ColBPIP language was defined as a UML
Profile in order to provide well-known graphical no-
tations for modeling CBP that were easily under-
stood by business analysts and system designers. This
language encourages a top-down approach to model
CBPs and supports the modeling of five views: B2B
Collaboration View, Collaborative Business Process
View, Interaction Protocol View, Business Document
View, and Business Interface View. For space reasons,
this work only includes the description of the Interac-
tion Protocol View that is used to define the behav-
ior of CBPs. More details about this language can
be found in (Villarreal et al., 2007; Villarreal et al.,
UP-ColBPIP language extends the semantics of
UML2 Interactions to model interaction protocols.
Accordingly, they are defined using UML2 Sequence
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Main speech acts used by UP-ColBPIP language.
Accept-Proposal: represents the action of accepting a previously submitted proposal to perform an action.
Agree: represents the action of agreeing to perform some action, possibly in the future. It expresses an
agreement on a previously submitted request to perform some action.
Call-for-Proposal: represents the action of a role requesting another role a proposal to perform some action.
Inform: represents the action of a role informing and communicating another role a given information.
Propose: represents the action of submitting a proposal to perform a certain action. It is used to make a
proposal or respond to an existing proposal in a negotiation process.
Refuse: represents the action of refusing to perform a given action, and explaining the reason for the refusal.
Reject-Proposal: represents the action of rejecting a previously submitted proposal to perform some action.
Request: represents the action of a role requesting another role to perform some action. The document
associated with the act describes the action to be executed.
Diagrams. The main conceptual elements used to de-
fine interaction protocols are described as follows.
Partners (organizations) and the role they fulfill
are represented through lifelines. Business messages
are the basic building blocks of interaction protocols.
A business message defines a one-way asynchronous
interaction between two roles, a sender and a receiver.
It contains a business document (the exchanged infor-
mation) and a speech act (the semantics of the mes-
sage). Table 1 describes the speech acts used, which
were obtained from the speech act library of the Agent
Communication Language (FIPA, 2002).
A Protocol Reference represents a sub-protocol or
nested protocol. Protocols have an implicit termina-
tion. A Termination represents an explicit end event
of a protocol, which can be labeled as success or fail-
A Control Flow Segment represents complex mes-
sage sequences. It contains a control flow operator
and one or more interaction paths. An interaction path
contains an ordered sequence of protocol elements:
messages, termination events, protocol references and
nested control flow segments. The semantics of the
control flow segments depends on the operator being
used: And, Xor, Or, Loop, Exception, Cancel, Multi-
ple Instances, and If.
As an example, Figure 1 presents the Collabora-
tive Demand Forecast interaction protocol, which de-
scribes a CBP of a Vendor-Managed Inventory collab-
orative model. This protocol represents a simple ne-
gotiation process between a customer and a supplier
to determine a demand forecast. The process begins
with the customer, who requests a collaborative de-
mand forecast to the supplier.
The generated request message conveyed the data
to be considered in the forecast (e.g. products, time-
frame). The supplier processes the request and may
respond by accepting or rejecting it. In case it is ac-
cepted, the supplier undertakes to realize the required
forecast; otherwise, the process finalizes with a fail-
ure. If the supplier accepts the request, the customer
informs, in parallel, a sales forecast of points of sales
(POS) and planned sales policies. With this infor-
mation, the supplier generates a demand forecast and
sends it to the customer. Then, the process finishes.
Figure 1: Collaborative Demand Forecast protocol.
An integration process model defines the particular
view of an organization participating in a CBP, and
contains the public and private logic and activities.
Public activities are those that support the exchange
of messages with other organizations. Private activ-
ities comprise data transformations and/or activities
executed either by internal information systems or by
human beings.
In order to facilitate the design task of integra-
tion processes, process patterns can be used. Pro-
cess patterns are behavioral and functional patterns
intended to increase process model quality (Eriksson
and Penker, 2000). A pattern is a generalized solution
that can be implemented and applied in a given con-
text in order to resolve a recurrent problem. The use
of process patterns facilitates the design of process
models, reduces process modeling time and cost, and
encourages the reuse of (fragment of) process model
(Gschwind et al., 2008).
In this work, we use the process patterns proposed
in (Thom et al., 2009) and called Workflow Activ-
ity Patterns for supporting cross-organizational busi-
ness message exchange and ensuring interoperability
in the message exchange.
A Workflow Activity Pattern (activity pattern for
short) refers to the description of a recurrent business
function (e.g., notification, task execution request)
as it can be frequently found in business processes
(Thom et al., 2009). Seven activity patterns were
identified based on an extensive literature study about
business process types. These activity patterns are:
Approval, Question-answer, Uni- / Bi-directional Per-
formative, Information Request, Notification, and De-
cision Making. This pattern set is close to the vocabu-
lary and abstraction level at which business processes
are usually described by domain experts. This fosters
pattern reuse when modeling business processes and
therefore contributes to more standardized and bet-
ter comparable business process models (Thom et al.,
2009). The frequency of co-occurring activity pat-
terns in real world process models was also studied
(Lau et al., 2009).
Figure 2: Bi-Directional Performative (Single-Request-
Response variant) illustrated with the BPMN language.
A sample of activity pattern used in this work is
Bi-Directional Performative (see Figure 2): A sender
requests the execution of a particular activity from an-
other role (e.g. a human or a software agent) involved
in the process. The sender waits until the receiver
notifies him that the requested activity has been per-
The complete set of activity patterns can be found
in (Thom et al., 2009).
To automate the design of integration process mod-
els we propose a method that applies the principles of
the Model-DrivenArchitecture (MDA) (OMG, 2003).
MDA is an approach to system development, which
separates the views of a system on different abstrac-
tion levelsor layers: Computation IndependentModel
(CIM), Platform Independent Model (PIM), and Plat-
form Specific Model (PSM). In MDA, the models are
primary artifacts in thesoftware developmentprocess.
This is accomplished through a series of transforma-
tions between models specified in the same abstrac-
tion level (horizontal transformations) or different ab-
straction levels (vertical transformations).
The proposed MDA-based method focuses on
horizontal transformations between business process
models at a PIM level. This method takes as in-
put a CBP model and generates as output an inte-
gration process model of one organization, accord-
ing to the role the organization fulfills in the CBP
model. The integration process of the other organi-
zations involved in the CBP are not generated so that
each organization can focus on its own integration
process model. The input model is defined with the
UP-ColBPIP language, and the output model is de-
fined with the BPMN language. These languages al-
low representing platform-independent process mod-
els at a high level of abstraction.
The transformation process consists in analyzing
each element of a interaction protocol from the view-
point of a selected protocol role, and generating pub-
lic/private logic and activities in the target integra-
tion process model by applying transformation rules.
The input of a rule is a protocol element. The out-
put of a rule is a predefined BPMN pattern that ex-
presses the semantics of a protocol element in terms
of the elements and semantics provided by BPMN.
For transforming business messages, BPMN patterns
were defined according with the Activity Patterns in
order to generate the activities required by an organi-
zation to support the exchange of business messages.
For the other protocol elements, such as control flow
segments, protocol reference and termination, BPMN
patterns were also defined to generate the control flow
and elements required by an integration process to be
consistent with its corresponding CBP.
The transformation process of an interaction pro-
tocol into an integration process model takes into ac-
count the following actions:
1. The lifeline of the selected role of the source inter-
action protocol is analyzed and a BPMN diagram
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
is generated, which represents the integration pro-
cess of the organization that performs such role in
the CBP.
2. The BPMN diagram is built through the composi-
tion of the predefined BPMN patterns by applying
model transformation rules.
3. For each protocol element there is a rule that
transforms such element into the corresponding
BPMN element/s in a BPMN diagram, accord-
ing with an output BPMN pattern associated to
the rule.
The generated integration process model contains:
public activities that enable to an organization to send
or receive business messages defined in an interac-
tion protocol, private activities that enable the orga-
nization to process or generate the information to be
exchanged, and the control flow that enables the orga-
nization to carry out the routing of business messages
as it was defined in the interaction protocol.
Private activities are defined in a coarse-grained
way, and therefore they may be refined by business
analysts in order to define how they would be carried
out in a particular organization. Public activities and
the control flow must remain inalterable in order to
preserve the consistency between the interaction pro-
tocol and the integration processes, and the interoper-
ability among the integration processes of the organi-
zations involved in the interaction protocol.
To define the transformation rules that generate
the activities for the exchange of business messages,
the correspondence between speech acts and activity
patterns was obtained analyzing the semantics of both
and identifying the similarity between them. The se-
mantics of speech acts used by the UP-ColBPIP lan-
guage is essential to identify activity patterns for gen-
erating the public and private activities of an integra-
tion process model. Process languages such as BPMN
do not provide semantics to cross-organizationalbusi-
ness messages. For this another reason the UP-
ColBPIP language is used for modeling CBPs.
4.1 Transformation Rules for Business
Each transformation rule has two output BPMN pat-
terns, one to be applied in case of the generation of
the integration process of the role that is the sender of
the business message, and another one to be applied
in case of the generation of the process of the role
that is the receiver of the business message. The first
pattern contains all the activities corresponding to the
sender role of the activity pattern used in the rule. The
second pattern contains all activities corresponding to
the receiver role of the activity pattern used.
All activities of the BPMN patterns of the rules are
labeled with the verb-object style, which is consid-
ered less ambiguous and more useful by model users
(Mendling et al., 2010).
In a BPMN pattern, a public activity that enables
an organization to send a business message is defined
as a Send Task, which is a task type that represents
the sending of a message to an external participant
(OMG, 2010). A public activity that enables an or-
ganization to receive a business message is defined as
a Receive Task, which is a task type that waits for a
message to arrive from an external participant (OMG,
2010). Both Send Task and Receive Task types have
an associated Message, which represents the content
of a communication between two participants (OMG,
2010). A message in a BPMN pattern represents
the business document (BD) exchanged in a business
message of a protocol.
Private activities generated by the output of the
rule are defined as Abstract Task type (OMG, 2010).
Then, business analysts, who know the structure and
operation of organizations, should indicate the be-
havior that these activities might represent: Service,
User, Manual, Script, or Business Rule.
Following we describe each transformation rule
for the business messages indicating the activity pat-
tern used and providing the corresponding BPMN
patterns to be used for the sender of the message and
the receiver of the message. Table 2 shows graphi-
cally some transformationrules of business messages.
Rule Accept-Proposal: is applied for each busi-
ness message with the accept-proposal speech
act. This is based on the Notification pattern,
which allows the sender to notify the acceptance
of a previously submitted proposal. The reason of
the acceptance is communicated in the BD.
Sender: for the role sending the message, a
send task is added and labeled as Send +
accept-proposal + BD name.
Receiver: for the role receiving the message, a
receive task is added and labeled as Receive +
accept-proposal + BD name.
Rule Agree (see Table 2.a): it is applied for each
business message with the agree speech act. This
is based on the Notification pattern, which allows
the sender to notify the acceptance of a previously
submitted request to perform some action. The
reason of the acceptance is communicated in the
Sender: a send task is added and labeled as
Send + agree + BD name.
Table 2: BPMN patterns of transformation rules for some elements of the UP-ColBPIP language.
Input patterns (UP-ColBPIP)
Output patterns (BPMN)
Receiver role Sender role
Business message with the
agree speech act.
Notification pattern (Receiver
Notification pattern (Sender
Business message with the in-
form speech act.
Unidirectional Performative pat-
tern (Receiver role).
Unidirectional Performative pat-
tern (Sender role).
Business message with the re-
quest speech act.
Bi-directional Performativepattern
(Receiver role).
Bi-directional Performative pat-
tern (Sender role).
CFS with the And operator.
Receiver: a receive task is added and labeled as
Receive + agree + BD name.
Rule Call-for-Proposal: it is applied for each
business message with the call-for-proposal
speech act. This is based on the Bi-directional
Performative pattern, which allows the sender to
request the receiver generates a proposal to per-
form some action. The sender waits until the re-
ceiver notifies him about completion of the re-
quested activity.
Sender: two tasks are added; a send task, which
is labeled as Send + call-for-proposal + BD
name, and a receive task which is labeled as
Receive + notification of evaluation performed.
Receiver: three tasks are added; a receive task
which is labeled as Receive + call-for-proposal
+ BD name, an abstract task which is labeled
as evaluate + BD name, and a send task which
is labeled as Send + notification of evaluation
Rule Inform (see Table 2.b): it is applied for each
business message with the inform speech act. This
is based on the Unidirectional Performative pat-
tern, which allows the sender to inform about
a particular BD so that the receiver may have
knowledge of the information contained in such
Sender: a send task is added and is labeled as
Send + inform + BD name.
Receiver: two tasks are added: a receive task
which is labeled as Receive + inform + BD
name, and an abstract task which is labeled as
evaluate + BD name.
Rule Propose: it is applied for each business mes-
sage with the propose speech act. This is based
on the Bi-directional Performative pattern, which
allows the sender to propose the receiver to per-
form a certain action. The sender waits until the
receiver notifies him about completion of the re-
quested activity.
Sender: two tasks are added; a send task which
is labeled as Send + propose + BD name, and a
receive task which is labeled as Receive + noti-
fication of evaluation performed.
Receiver: three tasks are added; a receive task
which is labeled as Receive + propose + BD
name, an abstract task which is labeled as eval-
uate + BD name, and a send task which is la-
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
beled as Send + notification of evaluation per-
Rule Refuse: it is applied for each business mes-
sage with the refuse speech act. This is based on
the Notification pattern, which allows the sender
to notify the refusal of the previously submitted
request to perform some action. The reason for
the refusal is communicated in the BD.
Sender: a send task is added and labeled as
Send + refuse + BD name.
Receiver: a receive task is added and labeled as
Receive + refuse + BD name.
Rule Reject-Proposal: it is applied for each busi-
ness message with the reject-proposal speech act.
This is based on the Notification pattern, which al-
lows the sender to notify the rejection of the pre-
viously submitted proposal. The reason for the
rejection is communicated in the BD.
Sender: a send task is added and labeled as
Send + reject-proposal + BD name.
Receiver: a receive task is added and labeled as
Receive + reject-proposal + BD name.
Rule Request (see Table 2.c): it is applied for
each business message with the request speech
act. This is based on the Bi-directional Perfor-
mative pattern, which allows the sender to request
the receiver to perform some action. The sender
waits until the receiver notifies him that the re-
quested activity has been performed.
Sender: two tasks are added; a send task which
is labeled as Send + request + BD name, and a
receive task which is labeled as Receive + noti-
fication of evaluation performed.
Receiver: three tasks are added; a receive task
which is labeled as Receive + request + BD
name, an abstract task which is labeled as eval-
uate + BD name, and a send task which is la-
beled as Send + notification of evaluation per-
4.2 Transformation Rules for the
Remaining Protocol Elements
To carry out the transformation of the remaining pro-
tocol elements, such as control flow segments (CFS),
protocol reference and termination event, we propose
a set of predefined BPMN patterns that represents the
semantics of a protocol element in terms of the el-
ements and semantics provided by BPMN language
from the viewpoint of a role. Due to UP-ColBPIP is a
block-structured language, BPMN patterns for trans-
forming CFSs are defined in a structured way. Table
2 shows graphically some transformation rules.
Rule Start: a None Start Event is added to repre-
sent the start of an integration process.
Rule And (see Table 2.d): a CFS And is mapped
into a Parallel Gateway with a gate for each inter-
action path. A synchronizing Parallel Gateway is
added to synchronize each path. Paths that have a
termination event are not synchronized.
Rule Xor: A CFS Xor (either data-based or event-
based) is mapped into an Event-Based Gateway if
the role receives messages, or it is mapped into
an Exclusive Gateway if the role sends messages
in the interaction paths. One gate per interaction
path is added. A converging Exclusive Gateway
is added to merge each path. Paths that have a
termination event are not merged.
Rule Or: a CFS Or is mapped into an Inclusive
Gateway with a gate for each interaction path.
A converging Inclusive Gateway is added to syn-
chronize each path. Paths that have a termination
event are not synchronized.
Rule Loop: for each CFS with the Loop operator,
an expanded Sub-Process with a Loop Marker is
created. The transformation depends on the Loop
type. (1) For a ”while loop” whose condition is
[(0,n), Var1=True], the LoopCondition attribute
with the var1=True value, the loopMaximum at-
tribute with the n value, and the testBefore at-
tribute with the true value are settled in the ex-
panded Sub-Process. (2) For a ”repeat until loop”
whose condition is [(1, n), Var1=True], the Loop-
Condition attribute with the not var1 value, the
loopMaximum attribute with the n value, and the
testBefore attribute with the false value are settled
in the expanded Sub-Process.
Rule Cancel: a CFS Cancel is mapped into an
expanded Sub-Process. This Sub-Process is trig-
gered by a Timer Intermediate Event if the inter-
action path of the CFS handles a time constraint,
or by a Conditional Intermediate Event for excep-
tions related to the protocol logic. The outgoing
Sequence Flow of this Sub-Process is connected
to a Terminate End Event.
Rule Ref: for each protocol reference, a Call Ac-
tivity is created to refer to a process defined in an-
other BPMN diagram. The name of the Call Ac-
tivity is the same as the protocol it refers to.
Rule Explicit-End: for each termination event in a
protocol, a Terminate End Event labeled Success
or Failure is added to the BPMN diagram. If this
event is in an expanded Sub-Process, it is mod-
eled by a Signal End Event. Then, a Signal In-
termediate Event is attached to the Sub-Process to
catch the signal. The outgoing Sequence Flow of
this event is connected to a Terminate End Event.
This ensures the protocol execution ends when the
Sub-Process returns the control to the main pro-
Rule Implicit-End: A None End Event is added to
BPMN diagram to represent the implicit termina-
tion of a protocol.
4.3 Eclipse-based IDE to Support the
MDA-based Method
In order to implement the proposed MDA-based
method we use the extended IDE proposedin (Lazarte
et al., 2010) to support the model-driven develop-
ment methodology for B2B collaborations. This IDE
is based on the Eclipse open development platform
(Eclipse, 2004) in order to take advantage of a well-
known development environment and the Eclipse
platform extension mechanisms. Figure 3 shows a
view of the architecture of the Eclipse-based IDE for
supporting the proposed MDA-based method.
Figure 3: Architecture of the Eclipse-based IDE.
The transformation engine for BPMN interprets
and executes the transformation definition, which
uses a UP-ColBPIP meta-model as the source meta-
model and a BPMN meta-model as the target meta-
model. Both meta-models are implemented with
EMF (Eclipse, 2004).
Transformation rules required for the transforma-
tion definition and described in sections 4 are spec-
ified with QVT (OMG, 2011), which is a standard
language for model transformations. These rules are
implemented with the QVT Operational component
(Eclipse, 2004) of Eclipse.
The Collaborative Demand Forecast interaction pro-
tocol described in section 2 is used for exempli-
fying the model transformation process aforemen-
tioned. Due to space limitations, the model transfor-
mation process is described only from the viewpoint
of the supplier, and therefore all business message are
analyzed from this viewpoint.
Figure 4 shows the BPMN diagram of the sup-
plier’s integration process model generated by the
transformation process. The applied transformation
rules are indicated in the diagram.
A None Start Event was added to represent the
start of the integration process (rule Start). The
first protocol element is the request(ForecastRequest)
business message, which is received by the supplier.
The request message is transformed by applying the
rule Request. This rule adds the activities that enables
the supplier to receive and evaluate the request, and
then send a notification of the evaluation performed.
The second protocol element is the CFS with the
Xor operator with two alternative paths. This element
is transformed by applying the rule Xor. This rule
adds an Exclusive Gateway with two gates, one for
each interaction path. Then, each path is analyzed to
determine the rule to be used in the transformation.
After the reception of a request, the supplier
has to respond to the customer with an agree-
ment or refusal throughout the corresponding busi-
ness message: agree(ForecastRequestResponse) and
refuse(ForecastRequestResponse), respectively. The
agree message is transformed by applying the rule
Agree to enable the supplier to notify to the customer
the reason of such decision. The rule Refuse is ap-
plied to notify the refusal. In this case, after the refuse
message is sent, the process finalizes as it is indicated
by the explicit termination element. This element is
transformed by the rule Explicit-End, which adds a
Terminate End Event labeled Failure. Because one
path has an explicit termination, the two gates are not
synchronized and the transformation continues along
the path which does not have the explicit termination.
The next protocol element is the CFS with the And
operator, which represents the parallel execution of
two paths. This element is transformed by the rule
And, which is mapped into a Parallel Gateway with a
gate for each interaction path.
The first path contains the inform(POSForecast)
business message that is received by the supplier. The
inform message is transformed by the rule Inform that
generates the tasks that enable the supplier to receive
the business message and then to process the informa-
tion received within the document from the customer.
The second path contains the inform(PlannedEvents)
business message also received by the supplier. This
message is also transformed by applying the rule In-
form. Both paths are synchronized by a synchronizing
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Supplier’s integration process model.
Parallel Gateway (see rule And).
Following, the inform(DemandForecast) message
sent by the supplier is transformed by the rule Inform,
which generates the task that enables the supplier to
send the DemandForecast document so that the cus-
tomer can have knowledge about this document. Fi-
nally, the implicit termination of the protocol is mod-
eled with a None End Event (rule Implicit-End).
The modeling of CBPs has been a subject of intensive
research. However, this did not occur with the mod-
eling of the business processes required to execute
CBPs. In (Hofreiter, 2009), an approach for modeling
local choreographies is proposed. This approach pro-
vides a UML Profile which extends the UN/CEFACT
Modeling Methodology (UMM) and enables organi-
zations to model their local choreography in align-
ment with the global choreography defined in UMM
models. However, it is not based on a model-driven
approach and does not provide mechanisms to iden-
tify private activities that should be added to a local
choreography. Instead, in the present work we pro-
pose an MDA-based approach that uses speech acts
to identify and automatically generate these activities.
Also, we use the standard BPMN language instead of
a particular one.
In (Zaha et al., 2006), an algorithm for gener-
ating service local models from a service choreog-
raphy model is proposed in order to provide a lo-
cal view of each organization that participates in the
choreography. Such work focuses on process models
based on service interactions. Instead, we focus on
independent-platform process models.
In (Gschwind et al., 2008), an extension of a busi-
ness process modeling tool with basic workflow pat-
terns is proposed. This modeling tool provides to the
users the support to select patterns that are applica-
ble in some user-determined context. However, it is
not applied in the context of B2B collaborations and
only focuses on the basic workflow patterns for con-
trol flow. Instead, in this work we provide support for
modeling business process in a B2B context. In addi-
tion, do not only use control flow patterns but also use
activity patterns, which are suited for defining busi-
ness processes from a variety of application domains.
In this work we have proposed an MDA-based
method for the automatic generation of the integra-
tion process model of an organization from a CBP
model. This method allows organizations to gener-
ate integration processes which are interoperable as
well as consistent with the global logic agreed on the
CBPs. Consistence is guaranteed since the integration
process models of the organizations are derived from
CBP models by applying a top-down model-to-model
transformation process. In addition, interoperability
is achieved by applying activity patterns that guaran-
tee the synchronization between the generated public
activities of the integration process models.
The method enables to transform CBP models de-
fined with the UP-ColBPIP language. This language
uses interaction protocols to represent the behavior of
technology-independentCBPs. The use of interaction
protocols supports the main features of B2B collabo-
rations: global view of the B2B interactions, organi-
zation autonomy, decentralized management, peer-to-
peer interactions and representation of complex ne-
gotiations. Also, the use of speech acts in interac-
tion protocols provides semantics to business mes-
sages defined in CBP models. This semantics enables
the common understanding of the meaning of B2B in-
teractions of a CBP model. Furthermore, this seman-
tics enables the identification and application of the
activity patterns for generating the public and private
activities of integration process models.
The method allows generating integration process
models defined with the BPMN language. This pro-
vides process models defined at a high level of ab-
straction and in a platform-independent way. This
also enables the communication among stakeholders
and their implementation in different platforms. Thus,
organizations can understand and focus on the busi-
ness requirements to fulfill the role they perform in
Activitypatterns are used in the proposed transfor-
mation process to generate the public and private ac-
tivities required in the integration processes to support
cross-organizational message exchanges. The use of
activity patterns brings several benefits for designing
integration process models: automate and facilitate
the design of process models, reduce process model-
ing time and cost, improve process model quality, and
enable the reuse of the process knowledge captured
in them to generate the public and private activities.
Also, the use of activity patterns ensures the interop-
erability in the message exchange between integration
processes by providing a synchronization among the
receiving activities and the sending activities gener-
ated in the processes.
Finally, the proposed MDA-based method shows
that a direct mapping can be applied to generate a
BPMN diagram of the integration processes of an or-
ganization from a CBP model represented as interac-
tion protocol. No intervention is required by a mod-
eler. For each protocol element, a BPMN pattern is
provided to generate its behavior from the viewpoint
of the role an organization performs in the protocol.
Future work is about the identification of process
model fragments that enable the business analysts to
refine private activities in order to obtain fine-grained
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