Boutaina Chakir and Mounia Fredj
ENSIAS, Mohammed V Souissi University, Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: MDD, MDA, SOA, SOC, Services modeling, Separation of concerns, Variability.
Abstract: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural paradigm for defining how people, organizations
and systems provide and use services to achieve their business goals. Moreover, the growing of information
systems increases the need of agility which implies the ability of a system to be adaptable to the changes in
requirements and context of use. Managing variabily is considered as new leading edge concept for
improving interoperability and reuse. Indeed, variability refers to the characteristic of a system to adapt,
specialize and configure itself with the context of use. Several proposals have been proposed in this sense,
but they are still immature and incomplete. Consequently, in this paper we propose a model driven method
for managing variability in SOA based on MDA (Model Driven Architecture). In fact, through MD, the
method enables the automation of service’s realization regardless of supporting platforms. Our
representation of variability is based on the extension of SOAML which is the future standard for modeling
services. In addition, we adopt the separation of concerns theory by integrating modeling views, to better
organize the various modeling artifacts.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is considered
as another concept of maximizing agility and
interoperability between different organizations. It is
based on the description of services and their
Moreover, while technology and standards are
important to support SOA, they are not sufficient on
their own. Indeed, with the growing of SOA and the
multiplicity of implementation platforms, the
emphasis is more and more on the services modeling
techniques. In fact, service’s modeling aims to
define the formalisms and notations needed to
describe SOA solutions regardless of the
technologies and standards. Numerous preliminary
methodologies for service’s modeling have been
proposed. However, they are still immature and
many issues haven’t been deeply addressed in these
approaches. In fact, with the continuing evolution of
information systems, the demanding customer
requirements increase the cost involved in designing
and generating variants of a service in an ad-hoc
manner. Hence, the need of mechanisms that support
changes and encourage reuse in SOA systems is
unavoidable. Techniques supporting reuse and
adaptability rely on identifying and managing
service’s variability. Indeed, the aim of service’s
variability is to provide one central technique for
better supporting the reusability of services in
different application scenarios and to simplify the
service consumption by consumers (Narendra,
Ponnalagu, Srivastava. And Banavar, 2008).
In this paper, we present our model driven
service modeling method. This method allows the
management of variability, by dividing modeling
process into two sub process. The first one is for
commonalties and the second is for the variability
aspects of a system. The proposed modeling method
is based on the model driven architecture (MDA),
witch enables the automation and the formalization
of the method. To model variability, we propose to
extend the SOAML profile (SOAML, 2009) by
variability’s stereotypes. Finally, in order to
facilitate and organize our modeling artifacts, we
divide the PIM layer of our method into multiple
modeling views for better separation of concerns.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 provides an overview of related
works. In Section 3, we present the modeling
approach and the different views integrated into our
method. A case study is presented in Section 4 to
illustrate our approach. The conclusion is reported in
Section 5.
Chakir B. and Fredj M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003495502470252
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 247-252
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In Service Oriented Computing (SOC) (Papazoglou,
2007), services modeling and designing approaches
are an active area of research that aims to specify
systems in a high level of abstraction regardless of
implementation technologies. Among the studied
approaches, we distinguish between those that use
existing development processes (like XP and RUP)
and those that propose their own processes. In the
first category, we include the SOUP method (Mittal,
2006), which proposes two slightly different
variations: one adopting RUP for initial SOA
projects and the other adopting a mix of RUP and
XP for the maintenance of existing SOA projects. In
the second category, we mention the following
methods: Thomas Erl’s (ERL, 2005), IBM Service-
Oriented Analysis and Design (SOAD)
(Zimmermann, 2004), IBM Service Oriented
Modeling and Architecture (SOMA) (Arsanjani,
2004), which act at provider side and support the
services analysis and design.
To provide agility and reuse in response to the
requirements and context changes in SOA solution,
the variability management in SOA is an important
issue. Some works are beginning to address this
aspect under two perspectives: i) the variability for
reuse, where we try to make explicit the variability
in design artifacts, to reuse the service at provider
level, ii) variability for adaptation, which focuses on
the resolution mechanisms of variability according
to the context of use. In this paper we were
interested by the representation of variability in the
purpose of improvement of services reuse. Among
the works reviewed, we cite Robak and
(2003), which introduce the concept of modeling the
variability of Web services using feature diagrams.
Also, the work of (Segura, Benavides, Ruiz-Cort´es
and Trinidad, 2008) focuses on the classification of
variation points for Web Service Flows as a starting
point for handling variability through services.
Besides, Chang and Kim (2007) give a general
classification of variation point in SOA solution:
Workflow, Composition, Interface and Logic
according to SOAD architecture’s layers. Narendra
and Ponnalagu (2007) propose an approach called
Variation-Oriented Requirements Analysis based on
a traceability model. All these approaches are
focused on the representation of variability at just
Figure 1: The proposed modeling method.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
one level: requirement or analysis and not at all
stages of services development lifecycle. To address
this issue, Narendra et al. (2008) propose an end-to-
end approach for variability modeling called (VOE),
which consists of three steps: Variation-Oriented
Analysis (VOA), which is concerned with analyzing
the solution with respect to its static and changing
parts; Variation-Oriented Design (VOD), where a
variation model for the solution design is
instantiated based on the results of VOA; and
Variation-Oriented Implementation (VOI), which is
responsible for producing an implementation based
on the results of VOD. But this approach is
orthogonal to service design, and also it is still not
detailed and immature.
By reviewing these works, we found the absence
of a comprehensive approach for modeling services,
supporting the variability in different stages of
lifecycle development process. Also, with the
increasing number of platforms supporting SOA, it
is interesting to use MDA in the development
approaches. This justifies our approach, that
consists of proposing a services modeling method,
managing variability and following the MDA
3.1 Overview of the Method
The main steps of the method are the following (see
figure 1):
Requirements specification: it consists of
the identification of requirements sources,
the elicitation and analysis of requirements.
Also, it allows the identification of business
process. Finally, it allows the development
of the features model that contains common
features and variable ones. The fixed
elements trigger the base process of the
method and the variable elements are
subject of the variability process;
Base process: the main activities are:
services analysis and design, services
realization and services implementation;
Variability process: the main activities of
the process are: variability analysis and
design, variability realization and
variability implementation.
3.2 Extension of SOAML for
Variability Modelling
For services modeling, we adopt the SOAML
language, because it is the first standard language
proposed by the OMG (OMG, 2011)for modeling
SOA solutions. However, in order to model
variability, it is important to provide mechanisms
that permit the representation of variation point and
variant which are important for the variability
identification (Jacobson, Griss and Jonsson, 1997).
Hence, we propose to enhance the SOAML profile
by stereotypes that represent variability in SOAML
models. For this purpose we use the UML package
merge relationship to create our profile called
So, our profile is a package merging SOAML
(SOAML, 2009) with extensions defined in the
variability package (see Figure 2).
VarSOAML VariabilityModel
Figure 2: Variability profile.
The VariabilityModel package is composed of the
following stereotypes (see Figure 3):
variableOperation: expresses a variant for
the variation point representing a service
VariableMessage: used at the SOAML
messageType level;
ComplexVariableType: used at the
DataType level, that contains attributes;
SimpleVariableType: applied at the
DataType level that does not contains
The application of these stereotypes is explained
in (Chakir and Fredj, 2011).
Moreover, nowadays, design approaches
increasingly use the software engineering theory
known as the separation of concerns. This theory
asserts that a major problem is best solved when
decomposed into a series of small problems or
concerns. Thus, to facilitate the modeling of
services, we adopt the separation of concerns in our
method. In this perspective, we divide our PIM
Figure 3: Variability stereotypes.
Figure 4: Multi views modeling integration.
(Platform Independent Model) layer into several
modeling views.
3.3 Integration of Multi View Modeling
in Our Approach
In order to adopt the separation of the concerns in
our method, we divide our model PIM layer into two
sub layers, which are in turn divided into several
modeling views (see Figure 4):
Business architecture layer: it captures the
business requirements as well as it allows
the identification of services from business
processes. The models produced in this
layer can be divided into two modeling
o Business view: contains the various
business processes models of the
system, and the entities diagrams that
capture the semantics of the solution;
o Service View: allows the identification
of services. It contains the architecture,
contract diagrams and capability
System architecture layer: develops
business architecture layer models. It is
composed of the following views:
o Functional view: contains services interface
diagrams and messages exchanged between
o Interaction view: allows the representation
of services compositions. among the
diagrams used in this view, we mention the
service choreography diagram that models
the interactions between services;
o No functional view: represents the non-
functional properties applied to services.
To validate our approach, we use the application
proposed by (WS-I, 2007), describing "Supply
Chain Management System” (SCMS). SCMS
denotes the process of planning, implementing, and
controlling the operations of the supply chain with
the purpose to satisfy efficiently the customer
requirements. In the requirements specification
stage, we identify the following participants: Client,
Retailer, Warehouse, Shipper and Manufacturer. To
illustrate the functional variability of the SCSM
services, we consider that in the case of a foreigner
client, some retailers may offer the possibility of
checking whether the customer is eligible or not. By
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Shopping Serv ic es Archite cture
Ship Statut:Ship Statut
ship se rv ic e :S hip se rv ice
m a nif a c t urin g s e rv ic e :m a nuf a ct u ring se rv ice
good requesting:Requesting goods service
purchasing service:Purchasing service
ship Info
buyer seller
Clie nt :
r4: Manufacturer:
r2:W arehouse:
Figure 5: Service view-architecture diagram of SCMS.
Figure 6: Functional view-interface diagram of SCMS.
applying our method, the analysis of the SCMS
system produce a set of models related to each
modeling view:
Business view: in this view, we represent
all the business processes of the system by
the UML activity diagram. These processes
are used in the identification of services;
Service view: the Figure 5 illustrates a
simplified architecture diagram of our
system. The SCMS system architecture
binds the roles of participants: Client,
Retailer, Shipper, Warehouse and
Manufacturer. Also, the participants
participate to the following services:
“purchasing service”, “ship service”, “ship
status”, “requesting goods service” and
“manufacturing service”. To specify each
service we use the contract diagrams. For
example the service “Purchasing service”
links two roles “buyer” who is the
consumer and “seller” who is the supplier;
Functional view: in this view, we construct
the interface diagrams and messages
diagrams of the system, but because of the
pages limitation, we just present a sample
of the interface diagram in Figure 6. The
SOAML stereotype «ServiceInterface»
defines the interface and the responsibilities
of a participant to produce and consume a
service. The interface with a name
beginning with ~ indicate the conjugate
interface (consumer level), using the
operations offered by the interface of the
service producer;
Interaction view: for a better explanation of
the interactions between the various
participants of our system, it is interesting
to enrich the model with the interaction
diagrams which is represented by the
service choreography diagram.
Nowadays, services modeling approaches become
very important. In order to improve services
modeling, it is interesting to use MDA, which brings
automation ability, increasing reuse and productivity
and reducing cost. Among the important issues that
should be considered in modeling approach, we
mention the variability management, which permits
service reuse and service adaptability. In this regard,
we have presented in this paper a model driven
services modeling method that allows the variability
management. The design artifacts of the method are
organized into multiple modeling views for better
separation of concerns.
Since our work is still ongoing, future work
would involve detailing non functional view,
presenting method’s iterations, detailing the process
of variability resolution and defining transformation
rules in order to allow automatic generation of
services. We will then be using this to provide tool
support for our approach.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems