Mr. Warnanggal
Manolya Kavakli, Tarashankar Rudra and Manning Li
Department of Computing, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Agent based modelling, Virtual sociologist, Expert system, Natural language processing.
Abstract: Aboriginal people are the most neglected community in Australia. Although the trauma induced through
oppression and genocide by the settlers is long gone, the deep scar still manifests through the consequences
that are painfully apparent in their community. One of the consequences of past neglect and torture is the
excessive consumption of alcohol and use of illegal substances. This has compounded the agony of
aboriginal people to incomprehensible proportions and forced a sizable population into a grinding cycle of
poverty and disease. Our paper proposes a novel approach to provide personalized counselling services to
the aboriginal people by developing an interactive virtual sociologist as an embodied conversational agent.
The system will simulate the role of a real sociologist in advising on strategies to overcome their addiction
to alcohol and substance use and hence enjoy the fruits of prosperity with the rest of the Australian
Australoids (Elkin, 1979) or Australian aborigines
were food originally gatherers and hunters and are
the original inhabitants of Australia who migrated to
the mainland about 40,000 years ago (Elkin, 1979).
Prior to colonization, the Aboriginals enjoyed an
ideal lifestyle with roles of individual members set
according to their position in the tribe; families
would live in a communal environment with
responsibilities being shared throughout the family
(Walker, 1993). The men were usually hunters while
women gathered nuts, berries and roots for the
family (Sam, 1992)
Today, Aboriginals are the most socially and
economically backward group in the Australian
society and are vulnerable to substance (alcohol,
tobacco, illicit drug and volatile substance) (AI
HealtInfoNet) abuse. According to the Australian
Bureau of Statistics (ABS), there are around 517,200
indigenous people in Australia (see ABS).
Government report on drug abuse in Australia shows
52% of aborigines have consumed substance in one
form or the other (Editor, 2007). The fact sheet from
the office of aboriginal and Torres Strait islander
affairs quotes the life expectancy of indigenous
Australians is 20 years less than other Australians
(Editor, 2003). One of the four primary factors
attributed to this incongruity is alcohol and tobacco
misuse; the other three being lower socio-economic
status, location and environmental factors and
historical factors (Healey, 2004).
Post colonization, aboriginal people were
subjected to oppression and genocide that left the
society in tatters. Racial discrimination over the
years have caused great disadvantage in their
employment, housing, health, education and training
thus resulting in stress and anger within the family
(Walker, 1993). According to Walker (Walker,
1993), the present addiction to alcohol and substance
misuse which were apparently introduced in the
Aboriginal society by the colonists, is a consequence
of guilt and anger of past removal policies of the
government of Aboriginal children from their
This project models and develops a virtual
sociologist, Mr Warnanggal to counsel aborigines
and deter them from substance abuse for their social,
economic, health and emotional wellbeing thus
encouraging them to join the main stream Australian
community. Warnanggal is a term in Wagiman
aboriginal language, meaning doctor (Harvey &
Kavakli M., Rudra T. and Li M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003496103710376
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 371-376
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Wilson, 1999). The system will be personalized to
individual needs and will also guide the user on
various educational and professional pathways to
motivate them to lead a better quality of life.
The paper is organized as follows, in section 2
we explain the motivation for developing Mr.
Warnanggal, in section 3 we describe the intricate
implementation details of the proposed system and
finally we present the conclusion.
The primary motivation for developing the project is
to endeavor to integrate the aboriginal community
with the rest of the Australian society in enjoying the
fruits of prosperity. Our research will also attempt to
bridge the socio-economic gap created in the past by
providing social support through counselling in
resurrecting the Aboriginal community so that they
can enjoy equal status in the modern Australian
multi-cultural society. Aboriginal people have the
concerns while accessing disability and social
services from support services (DSA, 2006). Our
research aims to address the above issues by
providing counselling service through a virtual
counsellor that can be installed and customized in a
home or community computer; the services of which
can then be used at the convenience of the user.
The popularity of computer games justifies that
in highly immersive environments people tend to
interact with virtual avatars as if with real human
beings. Slater and colleagues redesigned a famous
yet controversial 1960 experiment (Milgram, 1963)
in a virtual environment. They found that although
all participants knew that they were interacting with
virtual characters and environment, the participants’
intend to respond to the situation at the subjective,
behavioural and physiological levels as if they were
real (Slater, 2006). This is demonstratedvia concrete
metrics such as increases in the participant’s heart
rate. This finding in literature justifies our strategy
towards aborigines substance abuse using a virtual
sociologist, Mr Warnanggal. Further, there are
supporting studies suggesting that people feel more
comfortable when interviewed by media-mediated
electronic doctors and are more likely to release
their flinched mind during the consultation process
in contrast to human doctors (Yoshida et al., 2002).
In this study, in order for Mr Warnanggal to
effectively conveya feeling of social presence for its
user, we focus on two aspects, namely “behavioural
realism” and “conversational realism”. To enhance
behavioural realism, scientists in the University of
Southern California’s Institute for Creative
Technologies managed to create virtual humans that
can exhibit non-verbal human behaviours such as
emotions and gestures (Rickel et al., 2002).
Advancements in “Chatbot” technology, which can
simulate conversations of an intelligent human
being, complements the above features of virtual
human to make this idea of a high-realism virtual
adviser possible. For example, a virtual advisor
called “Franco”, developed by Defence Science and
Technology Organisation (DSTO) at Edinburgh,
South Australia, would answer questions related to
military aircraft, ships and geographic information
(Broughton et al., 2002). Our research aims at
incorporating both of these advancements into the
design of Mr Warnanggal.
Figure 1 illustrates the interactions between the
various components of Mr Warnanggal expert
System. The interface between the user and the
system is through an avatar of Mr. Warnanggal
which is personified using an artificial embodied
conversational agent. To overcome the impediments
of automatic speech recognition, we will simplify
the language of communication by limiting the
grammar and vocabulary from English and focus on
providing a high-quality counselling service with
sophisticated animation.
The user module stores the personal data of the
user for more personalized diagnosis and immersive
experience during the counselling session. The
emotion unit captures the emotion of the user for
fine tuning the inference process of the expert
system and giving a human touch to the avatar of
Mr. Warnanggal by facilitating the generation of an
appropriate non-verbal expression (both facial and
gesture). The diagnosis history stores the diagnosis
and interactions of the current and previous
counselling (if any) sessions of the user with Mr.
Warnanggal. It is updated by the experience unit of
the learning module of the system. The information
from the diagnosis history may serve as an aid to
Mr. Warnanggal and begin the process of initial
dialog with reference to earlier counselling sessions.
The user profile stores the data about individual
characteristics for better understanding of socio-
economic and cultural background of the user to
assist in diagnosis.
The intelligence and behavior of the avatar
comes from the context and behavioral modules of
the interactive drama engine. The context
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 1: Model of Mr. Warnanggal.
module implements the advice for the coping
process outlined in our research model and consists
of an expert system for Mr Warnanggal. The
decisions made by the expert system during the
course of the conversation is drawn from the
application of inference rules on the knowledgebase
developed by consulting existing literature, clinical
documents and experts in aboriginal counselling.
The ontology provides a persona to the avatar of Mr.
Warnanggal and guides in the reasoning process by
cross checking the diagnosis history, experience
from the current session and emotion state of the
user. It governs the behavior of the avatar of Mr.
Warnanggal during its conversation with the user.
The experience unit in the learning module stores
vital conversation details between the user and Mr.
Warnanggal for reference in current session and
future consultations. Post diagnosis, data from the
experience unit is documented in the diagnosis
history database for future consultation with the
same user. Pragmatics governs how the avatar of the
virtual sociologist comprehends a situation and
produce conversation with the user. Any new
experience of the agent is stored as knowledge for
updating the expert system knowledge base after
consultation with a sociologist. The context module
sends diagnosis related questions and decisions to
the behavioral module which codes the speech and
gesture (action) mark-up files for emoting the avatar
of Mr. Warnanggal. The behavioral module is core
to the realization of one of our research goals -
believability of the user on the system.
3.1 Language and Grammar of the
There were approximately 200 aboriginal languages
(AL) in Australia, out of which nearly 20 are in use
(Nathan, 2002). The characteristics of Aboriginal
languages are defined by Horton (1994). English
Grammar has primarily four types of sentences they
are simple, compound, complex and compound
complex; falling into the categories of declarative,
interrogative, imperative and exclaimative
(Williams, 1999). In our proposed system, dialogue
between the user and Mr. Warnanggal will be
through the use of simple sentences adhering to the
categories of declarative, interrogative and
imperative. There are distinctive features in
aboriginal English in grammar, words and meanings
as well as language usage that shows continuities
with the traditional aboriginal languages (Eades,
2011). To overcome the impediments of speech
recognition systems, incorporate the first five
characteristics of aboriginal languages, address the
complexity of English grammar and enhance the
perpetuity in conversation with our system, we have
developed a Computer Pidgin Language (CPL) [20]
with a limited set of grammatical rules. The rules for
interacting with Mr Warnanggal consists of 10
grammatical constraints adapted from Rudra (2008).
3.2 Database of the System
One of our design objectives is to isolate the
knowledgebase from the code in the inference
module and the conversation processor. The
knowledgebase of the expert system is derived from
this database along with user characteristics and
vocabulary (for speech recognition during
conversation). To realize our goal, we have
identified 32 tables to implement the expert system
knowledgebase. The tables along with their
attributes are grouped under two broad categories:
User Module and AI Module. We adopted the
relational model from (Silberschatz, 2010) for the
3.3 Expert System for the Project
The system involves complex level of interactions
with the user to advice on techniques to assist in
their rehabilitation process. Our expert system
implements a clinical decision support system
(CDSS) (Berner, 2007) that incorporates the
characteristics associated with CDSS as suggested
by (Kawamato et al., 2005).
To implement Mr. Warnanggal, we have designed
an expert system (Weiss and Kulikowski, 1984) that
will simulate the reasoning and diagnosis strategy of
a human sociologist. The knowledgebase of the
system is derived from the database described in
section 3.2. The input to the system is affective
speech and the output is an emoted embodied
conversational agent of Mr. Warnanggal. The model
for our decision support system is shown in Fig. 2.
Speech Action
Figure 2: Expert system model for Mr. Warnanggal.
The expert system consists of inference engine
that applies the rules of diagnosis on the
knowledgebase based on the spoken input from the
user to produce a verbal output that animates Mr.
Warnanggal. The knowledgebase has two parts; the
first stores the characteristics of the user and the
second stores the knowledge of an expert
sociologist. The user knowledgebase helps in
creating a mind map (Buzan, 2010) of the user
which supports the expert system knowledgebase in
diagnosing affective symptoms. We develop our
inference engine based on chained rules, adapted
from causal network model by Lauritzen, 1988).
The steps from symptoms to advice are recursive
and are repeated until the counselling session is
complete. The issues (identified as either mental or
physical) being spoken by the user determines
his/her symptoms of stress and are based on the
questions being asked by the system. If the issue
under investigation is physical, the system generates
and empathetic advice for relaxation, exercise, food
etc. If the issue is social, the system generates
empathetic advice on social activities, education and
work. If the issue pertains to mental stress, the
system attempts to diagnose the problem by
applying probabilistic rules. The probabilities for
diagnosis of different mental stress symptoms are
developed by consulting expert aboriginal
psychologists. Based on the certainty factor (CF) of
diagnosis of the stress symptoms, an appropriate
statement of advice and empathy (if any) is
generated. The CF is calculated using the formulae
by Castillo & Alvarez (1991).
The reliability of our expert system is totally
based on the effective implementation of the
inference engine. Although research suggests that
transcribing medical knowledge with inference
engines underpinned by probabilities may be
affected with variations in clinical judgment of
experts (Bar-hillel, 1980); we will ensure that this
uncertainty does not influence the final outcome of
the diagnosis. We intend to customize the system to
individual user requirement by segregating the
inference mechanism on user’s demographic
attributes by consulting expert psychologists
specializing in counselling respective communities.
We will also consider personality attributes of users
for personalization of the system to cater for
individual user category and needs.
3.4 Behavioral Modeling and
We will rely on behavioral protocols in the
development of the behavioral module. Behavioral
protocols require the presentation and recognition of
cues that express social relations between humans.
Although behavioral protocols are defined in
guidelines for human ethics applications, as well as
social policies associated with emergency situations,
these are not integrated with the physical simulation
of human behavior; physical simulations (e.g.,
(Gavrila and Davis, 1996), (Kavakli, 2005);
(Newby, 1994); (Roy et al., 1994); (Semwal, 1996))
(Gavrila and Davis, 1996) treat the problem in
isolation from the social studies. We believe that any
intelligent agent must be able to detect and process
the social cues to be able to operate in a social
context in a virtual environment. While presentation
of physical and social cues is a topic of animation,
their recognition is an active research area in
cognitive science. In modeling Mr. Warnanggal,
first, we investigate social cues and produce realistic
representations of avatars simulating natural motions
based on behavioral protocols, and then, develop
personality and emotion models in order to use them
in user-adviser interaction.
In this project we will use a hierarchical model of
body actions based on fine-grained action primitives
(Emering et al., 1997), Video analysis (Sandrine et
al., 2004), motion capture, and qualitative and
quantitative analysis. The capture of the participants’
motion is normally limited to a small body part, as
one hand (Kavakli, 2005), (Newby, 1994), or one
arm Roy (Roy et al., 1994). (Gavrila and Davis,
1996) attempted to identify the full body posture by
analyzing multiple view frames. (Semwal, 1996)
used a motion capture approach based on magnetic
sensors that allows the identification of full body
movement. We take advantage of the motion capture
technology to provide the joint value input required
for our approach to behavioral modeling that
integrates social and physiological characteristics of
animations. We have explored ways, to interactively,
realistically, and efficiently create and animate
virtual humans (Kavakli & Kartiko, 2007). We have
collected face and body motion capture data to
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
develop face and body models to make use of in the
project. We have produced animations using a
motion capture suit, face trackers, Motion Builder,
Softimage, Vizard, etc., at the VR Lab (see Fig. 3).
Figure 3: Inference engine of the system.
This study is a critical and first stage of an on-going
long-term project carried out in a well-established
Virtual Reality Centre by a group of
interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners. We
reviewed the aboriginal, social, psychological, and
computer graphics literature underpinning the design
of this intelligent virtual advisor and suggested an
optimal system framework.
In the next stage of the project we will proceed to
enhancing our initial prototype of Mr. Warnanggal
and then move on to full-scale development of the
system. We plan to use Greta (Mancini &
Pelachaud, 2009, Pelachaud, 2010) a multi-lingual
embodied conversational agent as a visual interface
with the user to test our prototype. The narrative
engine of the interactive drama engine (Szilas et al.,
2007) developed by our team will be used to control
the dialog between the user and the system. A
critical part of our system development involves the
creation of a comprehensive knowledgebase for the
expert system through existing literature, clinical
documents and interviewing aboriginal
psychologists. Next, we will be able to develop and
implement a speech based interactive narrative
engine. Finally, we will develop an emotive talking
head that will interface the patient and the expert
system. However, it is also important to note that the
knowledge base for the virtual sociologist needs to
be verified by experts to ensure not to have any
negative impacts on aborigines.
In this paper, we examine how to utilize the
strengths of virtual interfaces to effectively mimic
the knowledge, diagnosis and behavior of
psychologists through an intelligent agent
personified as an avatar – Mr. Warnanggal, to help
aborigines to better cope with substance addiction.
Besides, the self-learning expert system for
counselling aborigines will have significant
contribution in the area of social science and
psychology. Further, the agent-based behavioral
modeling of the avatar of Mr. Warnanggal will have
implications in the field of machine learning for
human computer interaction.
The current scope of the research is limited to
aborigine psychology but it can be further extended
to the application areas of stress diagnosis and
management for people who are going through post-
traumatic stress disorders,domestic violence, ,
breakups and depression. Our research model and
design can be applied in the above application areas
with modifications to the expert system database and
behavioral modeling of the virtual avatar.
This project is sponsored by the Australian Research
Council Discovery Grant (DP0988088) titled “A
Gesture-Based Interface for Designing in Virtual
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ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies