An Analysis using Data Collected Non Invasively
Ilenia Fronza and Jelena Vlasenko
Free University of Bolzano – Bozen, Piazza Domenicani – Domenikanerplatz, 3, I-39100 Bolzano – Bozen, Italy
Keywords: Novices integration, Tool usage, Browsing purposes, AISEMA systems.
Abstract: New developers exhibit working patterns that are different from existing and experienced software
developers. Understanding such patterns may help in determining the actual level of introduction developers
have within a company. Moreover, browsing the internet has achieved a pivotal role, as browsing people
collect valuable information about working issues and, indeed, developers spend a significant amount of
effort browsing. Models have been proposed and validated for the introduction of novices in companies.
This paper analyses one of the most promising of these models, the one proposed by (Fronza et al., 2009),
and validates it against the patterns of usage of browsing. It appears that the patters of use of the browser
confirm the proposed model and that at the end of the observation period, when according to the model, the
new developers should have been fully introduced into the working patterns of the company, there is a
substantial congruence between the working patterns of the new developers and of the existing developers.
It is widely known (Brooks, 1995) that novices may
slow down progress if not bring it to a complete stop
while they are brought up to speed. Despite of that,
important opportunities may be missed in software
industry if the team cannot increase the rate at which
novices complete functionality (Ronchetti et al.,
2006; Wei and Tai, 2010). In order to become
productive novices need to learn, just to give some
examples, programming languages, tools,
development processes, team dynamics, and coding
standards. The analysis of novices activities can
propose early insights on their integration in the
team. To date, there is a lack of evidences coming
from industrial teams, and analysed data are mostly
collected using time consuming and error prone
techniques (Sillitti et al., 2005).
In this work we address these issues by analysing
novices integration in an industrial team of
professional software developers. We use data
collected by an AISEMA system (PROM) (Coman
and Sillitti, 2007; Coman et al., 2008; Coman et al.,
2009; Scotto et al., 2006; Sillitti et al., 2003; Sillitti
et al., 2004) to:
Compare novices and experts tool usage;
Find the purpose of novices browsing activity.
We noticed that the developers, both experts and
novices, devoted a significant part of their effort to
the 3 following tools: Visual Studio, Outlook, and
Browser. There are no doubts about the purpose of
using Visual Studio. Moreover, we know that the
developers get their requirements and tasks via e-
mail what explains the effort devoted to Outlook.
Still, it is unknown what the developers do when
they browse. We assume that the developers use
Browser because of two reasons: browsing for
business purposes and browsing for private
purposes. We extracted keywords from headers of
visited web pages to assess whether the developers
were browsing for business or private purposes.
The analysis is performed for each of the four
integration phases proposed in (Fronza et al., 2009),
where developers interactions caused by Pair
Programming (PP) sessions have been analysed and
a model has been proposed for describing integration
of novices into a team. These four phases are: 1)
initiation, 2) independence, 3) maturity, and 4)
The paper is structured as follows: in Section 2,
we present some related work; in Section 3, we
introduce our approach. In Section 4, results are
presented. In Section 5 we discuss results and
limitations of this work. In Section 6, we draw
conclusions and discuss future work.
Fronza I. and Vlasenko J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003505203920395
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 392-395
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Novices Work. In the first period of work, novices
have to learn about the problem domain and
software system, and also to adapt to the new
working environment (Sim and Holt, 1998). During
their first period of work in a team, novices have
been reported to be less efficient in looking for
information and in understanding it (Zou and
Godfrey, 2008), and less accurate and slower in
performing low-level programming tasks. According
to results in (Berlin, 1993), novices do more errors
and are easily misled by unclear error messages, use
a limited set of tools, wait longer than experts before
asking for help, and make a more complex and
error-prone plan for simple tasks.
Analysis of Tool Usage. Available works on tool
usage mainly focus on examining the use of tools to
improve them. (Lethbridge and Singer, 1997)
analyses tools used by developers to find how to
increase developers productivity. Both the studies
find developers to spend most of their time
navigating through source code. Therefore, the
proposal is to develop new tools to ease the
navigation process. (Coman et al., 2009) is one of
the most recent studies. Tool usage and purposes of
use are analysed in a team of three members. Each
developer is found to use from 11 to 13 tools, with
five purposes of usage: Documents, Navigating,
Communication, Internet, and Coding.
3.1 Data Collection and Environment
Data for this study were collected non-invasively by
means of PROM (PRO Metrics) (Sillitti et al., 2003)
from a team of professional software developers
working in an IT department of a large Italian
manufacturer that prefers to remain anonymous. The
length of the study is approximately 10 months:
from October 2007 to July 2008.
The team was composed of 17 developers: 15
existing team members working for the company
more than 5 years and 2 new team members who
joined the team before we started collecting the data.
The developers all hold university degrees in
computer-related areas and have programming
experience from 10 to 15 years.
3.2 Data Analysis
In the first part of this study we identified all the
tools that were used by all the developers during the
period of study. We found that the developers were
using 26 tools. Only 9 tools were used regularly and
by all the developers during the observation period:
Browser, Messenger, Excel, Word, Windows
Explorer, Management Console, Outlook, Remote
Desktop, and Visual Studio. The effort devoted to
these tools was more than 80% of the total effort.
We introduced the following formula to compare
novices and experts tool usage:
UC =
Where U
is novices tool usage, U
is experts tool
usage, and UC (Usage Comparison) is the
comparison between these two variables. We use
radar plot to visualize how differently experts and
novices distribute their effort among tools.
We found that the developers devoted a
noticeable part of their time to browse Internet.
Thus, we decided to investigate the purposes of
using Browser. We assume that Browser can be used
because of 2 reasons:
Business Browsing – when the developers go to
Internet to search for necessary information
they need to complete their tasks
Private Browsing – when the developers go to
Internet to do their private business, i.e.,
internet shopping, reading news, youtube, etc.
Figure 1: Distribution of effort among 9 tools.
We used headers of the visited web pages to
identify a set of keywords that correspond to
Collected Non Invasively
Business Browsing. Based on these keywords we
extracted the effort devoted to Business Browsing
and Private Browsing.
Figure 1 represents distribution of effort among the
9 selected tools during a period of 10 months. We
notice that the developers, both experts and novices,
devote a significant part of their effort to the 3
following tools: Visual Studio, Outlook, and
To understand better how differently experts and
novices use tools we compute UC for the four
phases. Figure 2 visualizes these results.
Figure 2: Comparison of experts and novices tool usage in
the four phases identified in (Fronza et al., 2009).
Based on the analysis of Figure 2 we make
the following assumptions:
In the first phase, UC is higher than 0.5 in five
out of nine tools. Thus, we can assume that tool
usage is significantly different between experts
and novices;
In the second phase, UC is lower than in the
first phase in eight out of nine tools. Four tools
(Visual Studio, Remote Desktop, Microsoft
Management Console, and Microsoft
Messenger) still have an associated UC around
Starting from the third phase, novices begin to
become more similar to experts in terms of tool
usage. In particular, there is no difference in
usage of Visual Studio and Outlook;
In the final fourth phase, there is almost no
difference in usage of Visual Studio, Outlook,
and Microsoft Management Console. UC is
still higher than 0.4 only in two tools: Remote
Desktop and Microsoft Office Word;
Browser has associated UC higher than 0.6 in
the first phase; in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th phases
UC is stable and is between 0.2 and 0.4.
Considering the results from Figure 1 and Figure
2 we notice that the developers spend a
noticeable part of their time browsing Internet
and there is a difference in how experts and
novices use Browser.
Figure 3 indicates that both experts and novices
when they browse devote most of their time
browsing for business purposes. Though, it can be
noticed that in the 1
and 2
phases experts devote
significantly more time to Business Browsing than
novices. The results may indicate that when
developers go to Internet during their working time
the reason in most of the cases is a lack of necessary
Figure 3: Percentage of novices and experts business
browsing in the four phases identified in (Fronza et al.,
In this study we analysed how experts and novices
use tools during a period of 10 months.
We found that most time consuming applications
are Visual Studio, Outlook, and Browser. We
confirmed in our study the four integration phases
introduced in (Fronza et al., 2009). We found that in
the 1
phase experts and novices use tools in a very
different way and then as time passes the difference
also decreases. Moreover, we noticed that both
experts and novices spend a part of their time
browsing Internet.
We divided browsing into two categories:
Business Browsing and Private Browsing and based
on keywords extracted data to investigate how much
time the developers devote to each category of
browsing. We found that most of the browsing time
the developers visit web pages connected to their
work in order to get necessary knowledge. We
assume that in this case Browser should not be
counted as a distracting activity but as a part of
working process.
Furthermore, we studied how usage of Browser
changes throughout the four phases and noticed that
in the first two phases the developers browse more
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
for private purposes and then they start using
Browser more business purposes, meaning that they
start behaving similar to experts and are integrated
to the team.
Overall, we think that it is an interesting topic
to investigate since browsing is an activity that
consumes a lot of time and its benefit is often
questioned by managers.
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