Sakkayaphop Pravesjit and Arit Thammano
Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Faculty of Information Technology, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology
Ladkrabang, 10520, Bangkok, Thailand
Keywords: Character segmentation, Touching character, Dissection method.
Abstract: Character segmentation is an important preprocessing step for character recognition. Incorrectly segmented
characters are not likely to be correctly recognized. Touching characters is one of the most difficult
segmentation cases which arise when handwritten characters are being segmented. Therefore, this paper
emphasizes the interest to the segmentation of touching and overlapping characters. In the proposed
character segmentation process, the bounding box analysis is initially employed to segment the document
image into images of isolated characters and images of touching characters. The thinning algorithm is
applied to extract the skeleton of the touching characters. Next, the skeleton of the touching characters is
separated into several pieces. Finally, the separated pieces of the touching characters are put back to
reconstruct two isolated characters. The proposed algorithm achieves an accuracy of 75.3%.
Lanna language was used in the 13
to 18
in the Kingdom of Lanna. However, after the
kingdom had been annexed by Siam (as Thailand
was called until 1939) in 1774, Lanna script became
obsolete and was replaced with Thai script. Few
people nowadays know how to read or write this
language. Lanna manuscripts were typically written
about the people’s ways of life, believes, laws,
folklore, herbal medicine ingredients, history,
astrological knowledge, and other general
knowledge. Lanna manuscripts were generally
inscribed on palm leaves (Figure 1), or on the
surface of stones. As time goes by, these ancient
documents have been decayed, damaged, destroyed,
or lost. Termites, insects, and general decay have left
these old manuscripts in poor condition (Figure 2).
In order to preserve valuable historical information
inscribed on these documents, computerized systems
must be put to use in order to translate the inscribed
script into the current Thai script.
Touching and overlapping of characters is the
first problem encountered when attempting to
recognize the handwritten Lanna characters.
Touching of characters can emerge when two or
more adjacent characters are written too close;
therefore, some parts of characters are connected
(Saba, Sulong, and Rehman, 2010).
Figure 1: Palm leaf manuscripts.
Figure 2: Example of Lanna script.
There are many kinds of touching characters
commonly found in the written documents (Figure
3). This is because characters of each language have
Pravesjit S. and Thammano A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003511300470051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2011), pages 47-51
ISBN: 978-989-8425-72-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
different styles and characteristics. Therefore, the
types of touching characters vary from language to
language, which in turn require different methods
for segmenting the touching characters in each
language. For example, the handwritten cursive
characters shown in Figure 3(a) are a type of
touching characters typically found in English
handwritten manuscripts but not in Lanna
manuscripts. Only the types shown in Figures 3(b),
3(c), and 3(d) can be found in Lanna manuscripts.
The purpose of this research is to separate the
touching or overlapping Lanna characters, which
have not been effectively solved using any other
character segmentation methods.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3: Four types of touching characters.
Character segmentation is a process that seeks to
decompose a sequence of characters into individual
symbols. There have been substantial researches
undertaken to solve character segmentation problem,
mostly for numerals, English script, Chinese script,
Arabic script, and Bangla script. Segmentation
strategies can be divided into three main categories
(Casey and Lecolinet, 1996; Marinai, Gori, and
Soda, 2005): dissection methods, recognition-based
methods, and holistic methods. Dissection methods
decompose the image into a sequence of sub-images
using general features, e.g., character height and
width (Hoang, Tabbone, and Pham, 2009).
Recognition-based methods search the image for
components that match classes in its alphabet.
Holistic methods seek to recognize entire words as a
whole, thus avoiding the need to segment the image
into characters. Among the methods proposed for
character segmentation, Tseng and Chen (1998)
proposed a three-stage Chinese character
segmentation algorithm. Firstly, a bounding box is
created around each stroke of a Chinese character.
Secondly, the knowledge-based merging operations
are used to merge the stroke bounding boxes
together. Finally, a dynamic programming is used to
find the optimal segmentation boundaries. The
experimental results show that the proposed
algorithm is a very effective segmentation algorithm.
It works well even with touching and/or overlapping
characters. Xiao and Leedham (2000) proposed a
novel approach to English cursive script
segmentation. In the proposed approach, connected
components are split into sub-components based on
their face-up or face-down background regions.
Then the over-segmented sub-components are
merged into characters according to the knowledge
of character structures are their joining
characteristics. Bhowmik, Roy, and Roy (2005)
proposed a segmentation scheme for handwritten
Bangla words. The authors use the analysis of
directional chaincode and the positional information
to extract the features from the image, then employ
multilayer perceptron neural network to determine
the segmentation points. The authors also point out
that their segmentation result can be significantly
improved if their proposed technique is combined
with the recognition process in a holistic system.
This study focuses mainly on the dissection
methods. Projection analysis, connected component
processing, and bounding box analysis are three
widely used dissection methods (Chen, Wu, and
Lee, 1998). While projection analysis is very
effective for segmenting good quality machine
printed manuscripts (Casey and Lecolinet, 1996), it
has limited success when segmenting handwritten
manuscripts. Connected component processing and
bounding box analysis usually offer an efficient way
to segment handwritten manuscripts. However, they
might lead to incorrect segmentation when dealing
with touching characters as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Segmentation results by bounding box analysis.
In this paper, the new dissection algorithm is
proposed to segment touching Lanna characters. The
performance of the proposed algorithm is measured
by the ability of the proposed algorithm to correctly
segment 6 different handwritten Lanna manuscripts.
Following this introduction, section 2 briefly
describes the general process of the proposed
character segmentation process. Section 3 explains
Bounding Box Analysis
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
the proposed character segmentation algorithm. In
section 4, the experimental results are presented and
discussed. Finally, section 5 is the conclusion.
The process of this Lanna character segmentation
has been divided into five steps:
(1) Scan a manuscript and convert it into a binary
(2) Use the bounding box analysis to segment the
entire manuscript image into subimages. Since
the bounding box analysis is only effective in
segmenting nontouching characters, the
obtained subimages therefore consist of both
images of isolated characters and images of
touching characters.
(3) Detect touching characters by looking at the
aspect ratio (width/height) of each subimage.
From the facts that (1) touching characters
commonly have an aspect ratio larger than
single isolated characters and (2) the aspect ratio
of Lanna isolated characters is typically smaller
than 3/2, therefore, if the aspect ratio of the
subimage is larger than 3/2, it will be identified
as the touching characters.
(4) Use the thinning algorithm to reduce the
thickness of the character image to its skeleton,
which is then sent to the segmentation engine.
(5) Employ the proposed character segmentation
algorithm to decompose the touching characters
into individual characters.
A description of the proposed segmentation
algorithm is given below.
A. Search the touching characters image for end
points and junction points. Then, adopting the
junction points as the partition points, break up
the touching characters into several pieces. From
each end point, start tracing the contour of
touching characters until the nearest junction
point is reached. Then, extract such contour from
the touching characters. For example, in Figure
5, four end points and two junction points are
found. By using the above mentioned technique,
the touching characters are broken into 5
contours as shown in Figure 6. Out of the five
contours, four contains both a junction point and
an end point while one contains two junction
points (with no end point on the contour). The
contour which contains no end point is a part of
the touching characters where two characters
touch each other.
B. For each extracted contour, translate the contour
so that the junction point coincides with the
origin (where x and y axes intersect).
where T is the translation operator.
and C
are x and y coordinate of the i
and J
are the x and y coordinate of the
junction point of the i
Figure 5: Example of touching characters.
Figure 6: Five contours of the example touching
C. At the origin, create the reference unit vectors
along the x axis ((1, 0) and (-1, 0)) and along the
y axis ((0, 1) and (0, -1)).
D. For each translated contour, create a vector V
that starts at the origin and ends one pixel away
from the starting point. Then, determine an angle
between the vector V
and the x axis in a
clockwise direction by using the following
end poin
where U is a unit vector along the x axis. V
the n
vector along the translated contour i.
Next, sequentially create the vectors V
, V
…, V
, …, V
. However this time instead of
starting the vector at the origin, start the vector
at the point where the vector V
ends. For
example, the starting point of the vector V
is the
ending point of the vector V
. After each vector
is created, determine the clockwise angle of
the vector V
relative to the x axis. If the angle of
three consecutive vectors is the same, stop the
creation of further vectors.
Figure 7: Illustration of step D.
E. Use the linear regression method to calculate the
equation of the best-fit line for a series of points,
starting at the origin and ending at the ending
point of the third consecutive vector. Calculate
the angle of the line from the overlapping
contour line and assign it to represent the angle
of the whole contour.
bxay +=
bxya =
F. After obtaining the angles of all contours,
compare the angle of each contour to that of
other contours. According to the characteristic of
Lanna characters whose trajectories typically do
not abruptly change the direction, group the
closest match, angle wise, together. Finally, the
contours within the same group are combined to
form each isolated character.
In this study, the images of Lanna characters used in
testing the performance of the proposed algorithm
were obtained from 6 manuscripts. Samples of the
tested manuscripts are shown in Figure 8. Each
manuscript is written by a different handwriting
script. Four pages from each manuscript were
scanned and processed using steps 1 through 5
outlined in section 2. In the scanned pages, a total of
85 touching characters were found. All of them only
consist of two characters. Similar to other languages,
touching characters of three or more components are
very uncommon in Lanna manuscripts.
Of the 85 touching character images, 75.3%
were correctly segmented with the proposed
algorithm. Figure 9 shows some of correctly and
incorrectly segmented Lanna characters.
Manuscript 1
Manuscript 2
Manuscript 3
Manuscript 4
Manuscript 5
Manuscript 6
Figure 8: Samples of the tested manuscripts.
A new segmentation algorithm for the off-line
handwritten Lanna characters is proposed in this
paper. To segment real world documents,
segmentation of touching characters is a major
problem we have to deal with. With the use of the
characteristic of Lanna characters, the touching
characters is separated into several pieces, then the
separated pieces of the touching characters are put
back to reconstruct two isolated characters. From the
experimental results, it is clear that the proposed
algorithm is quite capable of segmenting touching
Lanna characters.
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Touching Characters Correctly Segmented by the Proposed Algorithm
Touching Characters Incorrectly Segmented by the Proposed Algorithm Expected Segmentation Results
Figure 9: Some segmentation results, where (a) is correctly segmented and (b) is incorrectly segmented.
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