Risc and Value of Applications to Organizations
Jorge Pereira, José Martins, Vítor Santos and Ramiro Gonçalves
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
Keywords: e-Business, Management, Decision support, Business intelligence, Information systems.
Abstract: We aim to analyze the current problems and the main difficulties encountered by information systems and
information technologies managers, featuring different actors and how they relate. This work introduces a
design pattern, a fact table, for management and decision support, named CRUDI Table. The CRUDI Table
is an abstraction idealized from the CRUD Matrix concept extended by an extra dimension: the importance
Today, the information systems (IS) and information
technologies (IT) managers have major challenges in
characterizing the risk and the relative importance of
each information system and each application to
support the business processes of enterprises.
The global economic difficulties have led
companies and their managers to scenarios of major
challenges, in need of constant change and evolution
that require the continued investment, but with less
budget and less time to implement them.
Quite often, business managers in organizations
have an opinion contrary to their information
systems manager, regarding the importance of an
information system and the priority of necessary
investments in information systems to better support
the business. It is also difficult to estimate the risk
assigned to each information system and to define its
need for complete replacement on certain types of
disasters (natural or others) with larger impact.
Henderson & Venkatraman (1993) defined two main
characteristics in this process:
A direct relation between financial results and
the ability of managers to create a strategic
adjustment of the management team and
support services;
A dynamic strategic adjustment, aligning
business objectives with information systems
We consider extremely important the creation of
new methods and new tools to aid in the demanding
job of information systems managers because
technological development has introduced electronic
components and software in the normal day-to-day
of people and companies, even in those that
traditionally haven’t had the need for it before. The
rapid evolution of Internet and the emergence of
Web 2.0 have also created new problems, new
opportunities and new business models that imply
new management models.
The traditional models for information systems
analysis and management already consider, for
example, the use of CRUD tables for modeling
business processes and their respective information
entities. However, these same tables do not indicate
which processes and which entities are most
important to the company's business. They also
don’t indicate what system or subsystem must be
implemented first in order to have the greatest
impact on business and in the organization's future.
We intend to create new tools and analysis
models to better support the decision (making it
faster), helping the information systems managers in
their daily activity and in their strategic planning.
This paper also presents an approach and a new
method to better define business processes
importance and their related support applications,
based in a conventional CRUD matrix. We introduce
a design pattern and a fact table for management and
decision support, named CRUDI Table. The CRUDI
Table is an abstraction idealized from the CRUD
Matrix concept extended by an extra dimension: the
importance dimension.
Pereira J., Martins J., Santos V. and Gonçalves R..
INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND E-BUSINESS - Risc and Value of Applications to Organizations.
DOI: 10.5220/0003513100650068
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2011), pages 65-68
ISBN: 978-989-8425-70-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In the last two decades of the twentieth century,
Information and Communication Technologies –
ICT – have contributed in a significant way to a
profound change in economic and social activities.
These changes include increases in quality of life, as
well as in the competitiveness and productivity of
enterprises (Sócrates, J., 2007).
It is important to align the business needs with
the business processes of an enterprise, even if they
are in continuous improvement. There should be a
good fit between the tasks of business processes and
information systems (Trkman, P., 2010).
According to other studies (Ramirez, R., et al,
2010), in the past years information technology has
been promoted as a central tenet of process redesign
that scopes the evolution of processes. This fact is
enhancing the continuous call for IT investment in
business process management.
According to Lunsford (Lunsford, D., Collins,
M., 2008), organizations need to ensure that each
employee has the appropriate access to information,
but does not have excessively powerful access
rights. This author also describes the challenges
faced by auditors and organizations when a company
hires, fires, loses, or moves employees. At the same
time, new laws such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act
place greater importance on this.
Business management involves monitoring and
controlling all forms of commercial transactions
over the Internet and extranets, related technologies
and communications services (Ray, P., Lewis, L.,
2009). Some of the good business practices are
based in a good definition of processes, both for
management and for business delivery (products or
services), so they can be enforced and monitored by
Key Process Indicators (KPIs). Those indicators are
collected automatically and presented to
management in a graphical way called Score Cards
(Business or others like IT). They allow a permanent
follow up of evolution (good or bad), allowing
management to take updated decisions to change
what is bad and enforce what is good. Usually the
KPIs are presented together as Business Score Cards
(BSC), to allow a permanent follow-up. This
management process is also called business
intelligence (BI), because it’s based in real business
According to Barroero (Barroero, T., et al.
2010), business managers specify the business
processes for delivering the business services and
the related business performance relevant to each
business services stakeholder. Additionally, they
argue that in order to partnering IT service
management and business service management, it is
necessary that IT management decisions and actions
consider business customer’s priorities and impacts.
Thus, they foster the need of models and methods
able to correlate business customer performances
with IT services performances and management.
Business processes should be aligned with delivery
and management processes in order to optimize
business performance. The key achievement of the
analysis model is the link between business and IT
performances, and a systematic approach that
enables to step from business value down to IT
resources and IT management processes. This
alignment could actually enable the continuous
improvement cycle that is in the final stage of
Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI).
With this, management can take good decisions that
have direct impact in processes improvement and in
business results.
According to Ramirez (Ramirez, R., et al, 2010),
process redesign is one of many activities that can
produce positive organizational change. Other
programs utilized by firms include employee
involvement, total quality management (TQM), lean
manufacturing, six sigma, and business process
An important consideration in investment
decisions is on the potential value of using a global
Information Technology (IT) in order to solve a
business need (Scheepers, H., Scheepers, R., 2008).
There are several difficulties to define and to
decide which the priority investments are. Usually
business managers have a different opinion from
CIO’s in what concerns information systems
investments and value. Some business managers
claim that technologies should be seen as a cost and
that its usage should be as insignificant as possible.
Others say that technologies are strategic to business
development, to optimize delivery costs and creating
new opportunities.
Nevertheless, there’s a large consensus in the
importance of technologies and information systems
to present business models (Ramirez, R., et al.,
2010). Additionally, managers should consider
investment in IT and process redesign as a means for
improving firm performance.
According to Moura & Bartolini (Moura, A.,
Sauvé, J., Bartolini, C., 2007), the contribution of IT
to business value creation is currently a hotly
debated topic. IT is expected to bring value to the
business, as is attested to by the introduction of
Control Objectives for Information and Related
Technologies (COBIT, 2007) and SOX Act
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
compliance requirements. To meet such expectation,
IT management methodologies, tools and processes
have had to evolve in maturity. Evolution has been
made possible with the IT Service Management
(ITSM) practices recommended by the process-
oriented Information Technology Infrastructure
Library (ITIL) framework (ITIL, 2007). Other IT
management frameworks have been developed on
the basis of ITIL by HP, IBM and Microsoft, among
others, traditionally related to innovation.
2.1 Information Systems Risc
and Value
To measure the importance of a particular
application or information system for the different
business units of the company is, normally a very
difficult task. It obligates to answer some others
questions as:
What is the relative importance of each system
or application for company business?
Which system or application should have the
biggest budget?
Which projects should be executed given the
available budget?
These are the frequent questions that CIO’s have
to answer and which promote big and frequent
discussions with the business managers. The chain
value that is perceived by each department is
different and is based in different indicators.
Nowadays, the aimed alignment between business
and information systems is not a reality. It’s frequent
to assist a business manager that refuses to talk to an
information systems manager.
The ITIL and COBIT management are good
practices and methods but they don’t solve these
typical problems. According to the ITIL, COBIT and
ISO 27002 alignment for business benefit (ITIL
alignment, 2008) and Malta & Sousa (Malta, P.,
Sousa, R., 2009), the development of architectures
has been a major issue for IS managers, both from a
technological point of view and from an
organizational way. It’s even more complex when it
comes to Enterprise architecture (EA) that includes
business strategies and processes, besides IS models
that support them.
This way, the CRUD matrix (Lunsford, D.,
Collins, M., 2008) is an excellent technique to model
processes and data and how they interact with
respect to creation, reading, updating, and deleting
of data. In this paper, we extend the CRUD matrix to
a CRUDI matrix, where we propose to incorporate a
third dimension on the matrix, in order to include the
relative importance of each node (pair process/data).
The need for new tools and methods implies the
search for new approaches. This way, we intend to
define a new method supported in new tools like the
CRUDI matrix, to help information systems
managers to better decide the investments and their
related priorities, aligned with the business needs.
The first difficulty will be to define the CRUDI
matrix to the first level of abstraction, with a CEO of
a company, thus adding the relative importance of
each business process with each information entity.
The second problem, certainly more complex
than its predecessor, will repeat the previous
procedure, iteratively, obtaining the same
information but now with a greater level of detail
going into each sub-process.
Achieved the previous two objectives, then we
can obtain the clusters of entities-processes,
necessary for the characterization of information
systems and enterprise applications.
At this point, it will be possible to assess the
indicators achieved and we can correlate the relative
importance of each information system and each
sub-system. With this new information, and the
creation of new indicators for decision support,
managers of information systems and business
managers now have a consistent and coherent view
on the relative importance of each investment in
information systems to achieve the business
Definition and specification for a process change:
a) Definition of the CRUD matrix for the
processes and systems that support the
b) Add the relative importance of each node in the
CRUD Matrix (New Dimension), of each
feature and each process, in a relative scale,
creating a CRUDI matrix; you can get an
array with nodes with information about the
alignment and the importance for business,
for each node of the array, for Level 1 –
Business Process and Entities.
c) Add the relative importance of each link
between nodes in the CRUDI matrix,
reflecting a relative scale and thus the value
of integration between IS for business;
d) Determine the relative importance of each
application subsystem based on information
gathered in the CRUDI matrix, with a simple
scoring calculation, defining their distinct
position rank;
e) Implementation of a New Information System
and Technology (IST) Management Process
INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND E-BUSINESS - Risc and Value of Applications to Organizations
for determining and simulating the relative
importance of each system and application to
business, in a simple and intuitive way;
i. Introduce procedures to specify and update
the CRUDI matrix, for processes and
features associated with its importance;
ii. Determination and simulation of the
relative importance of each system and
application based on CRUDI Matrix;
iii. Create Indicators (KPI's) based on the new
CRUDI matrix for measuring progress;
iv. Analysis and Strategic Decision-making
based on the CRUDI matrix and new
KPIs; it also allows an assessment on the
business impact (financial and strategic).
Figure 1: Relation between business processes and support
3.1 Challenges and Conclusions
With the presented example we aim to demonstrate
that the use of a CRUDI matrix can be a viable
approach and that CIO’s and business managers can
have new information to better decide new
investments. This new approach has, in our opinion,
a big potential to define investment priorities in
information systems, which are perfectly aligned to
business needs. This way we can reduce the abysm
between business and technology, steel present in
several business sectors. This method also allows a
better alignment between business and information
The present work is a starting point to a more
detailed evaluation of possible scenarios, to assure
the complete assessment of a company need, starting
with an insurance company or a bank. We will
continue this task, trying to work closely with real
entities in the future year, to define and describe the
new method and to create real CRUDI matrix
samples, which describe the real problems and
business needs. We will present those CRUDI
matrix samples to CIO’s and to business managers
in the way they can evaluate the information and
comment if it’s useful or not and if there is any gap
we must still solve. Then we intend to provide new
articles with a more detailed work and the achieved
results (case studies).
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ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business