Almudena Alcaide
, Esther Palomar
, Israel Barroso-Perez
and Ali E. Abdallah
Department of Computer Science, University Carlos III, Avda. Universidad 30, 28911 Legan´es, Spain
The Faculty of Business, Department of Informatics, London South Bank University
90 London Road, SE1 6LN, London, U.K.
Privacy–Enhancing schemes, Protocols and systems, Cryptography, Privacy, Anonymity.
In this paper, we offer a comprehensible survey and classification on cryptographic schemes which serve as
the building blocks for most privacy–enhancing protocols and systems being deployed nowadays. For each
cryptography material here described we offer a brief description of its foundations, the privacy–related fea-
tures it possesses and an illustration of its application to some real life scenarios. The classification proposed
is, to the best of our knowledge, pioneer in collecting all cryptography material with regard to privacy.
Formally, different types of cryptographic material
can be viewed according to the following three-level
general model (IEEE-P1363, 2009): (1) Primitives
- Basic mathematical operations that are based on
number-theoretic hard problems. Primitives are not
meant to achieve security or privacy just by them-
selves, but they serve as building blocks for schemes.
(2) Schemes - A collection of related operations com-
bining primitives and additional methods. Schemes
can provide complexity-theoretic security which is
enhanced when they are appropriately applied in pro-
tocols. (3) Protocols - Sequences of operations to
be performed by multiple parties to achieve specific
goals. Additionally, in this work we consider Systems
as a set of protocols which are implemented and inte-
grated to achieve a common set of goals.
1.1 Overview of our Work
In this paper
we offer a brief survey and classifi-
cation of cryptographic schemes, protocols and sys-
tems which assist or enhance privacy aspects of elec-
tronic operations. Most privacy–enhancing software
and system architectures being deployed nowadays
are based on the mechanisms described in this work.
We present all cryptography material in chronologi-
cal order, offering a brief description of its founda-
tions. The privacy related issues being addressed are
The poster shows further graphs and tables which sum-
marize the scope and content of our original work.
concerned with anonymity of the sender/recipient of
some digital data, anonymity of the signer of some
digital data, unlinkability of online transactions, un-
observability of entities’ online activities and the se-
lective and minimal disclosure of information.
Blind Signature Schemes. To perform a blind sig-
nature (Chaum, 1983) over a message m, the user U
must first blind m, typically by combining it in some
way with a random blinding factor. The blinded mes-
sage is passed to a signer O, who then signs it using
a standard signing algorithm and its private key. The
resulting message can be unblinded and can be later
on verified against Os public key.
Zero–Knowledge Proofs. Zero knowledge proofs
(ZKPs) were first introduced by Feige et al. in 1987
(Fiege et al., 1987). A ZKP involves two parties who
share an input to an NP problem. One of the enti-
ties called the prover wants to convince the other en-
tity, the verifier, that he, the prover, knows a valid
solution for the problem on that input, while making
sure that no other information about such a solution
leaks. ZKPs must satisfy the properties of complete-
ness, soundness and zero–knowledge (that is, the veri-
fier must learn nothing about the content of the proof).
Group Signature Schemes. Group signature, intro-
duced by Chaum and Heyst (Chaum and van Heyst,
Alcaide A., Palomar E., Barroso-Perez I. and E. Abdallah A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003517803790382
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2011), pages 379-382
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1991), provides the authentication of a signer within
a certain group, at the same time as it protects the
anonymity of the signer. Each member in the group
can generate valid signatures on behalf of the group.
Verifiers can verify that the signature is from the given
group, but they do not know who within the group
computed the signature. When necessary, say, if an
abuse has occurred, the group manager can determine
the signer’s identity (anonymity revocation).
Dual Signature Schemes. Secure Electronic Trans-
action (SET) is designed to protect credit card trans-
actions on the Internet (SETCo., 1998). An important
innovation introduced in SET were the dual signa-
tures applied in the following scenario: A userU con-
structs an Order Information token, denoted as OI,
describing the concept of a purchase, quantity, price,
etc. User U also generates a Payment Information to-
ken denoted by PI, including the card details and the
amount to be paid. Item OI is destined to the Mer-
chant M and item PI is destined to the user’s Bank B.
Both items are linked to the same transaction, how-
ever, OI is kept secret from B and PI is kept secret
from the merchant M.
Commitment Schemes. A commitment scheme
(Brassard et al., 1988), consists of a sender and a re-
ceiver, satisfying the following constraints: at the end
of a Commit phase the sender is committed to a tuple
of secret values (a single bit, a pseudonym, random
values, etc.) which cannot be changed at a later stage.
Additionally, the commitment should not reveal any
information, to the receiver, about the content of the
committed tuple. In a Reveal phase, the sender sends
extra information to the receiver that allows him to
determine the values that were concealed by the com-
Ring Signature Schemes. Ring signatures (Rivest
et al., 2001) make it possible to specify a set of possi-
ble signers without revealing which member does ac-
tually produce a signature. Anyone can check the va-
lidity of a ring signature. A ring signature differs from
a group signature scheme in two different factors. (1)
Groups are not prearranged and, (2) Anonymity of the
signer cannot be revoked. More recently, Verifiable
ring signatures and Deniable ring signatures include
the property of anonymity revocation by a predesig-
nated verifier.
Identity–based Signature/Encryption Schemes.
Although the concept was first introduced by
Shamir in 1985 (Shamir, 1985), it was a much
later work (Boneh and Franklin, 2001) where such
a paradigm was finally efficiently realized. In a
basic identity–based encryption (IBE) scheme, a
sender Alice can use any identifier information from
the receiver Bob (such as an email address, an IP
address, etc.) to encrypt a message. In a similar way,
an identity–based signature (IBS) scheme allows
Alice to sign a message, using private information
such that certain public identifier information (such
as an email address, an IP address, etc.) serve to
verify such signature. Identity–based cryptography
eliminates the need for a public key infrastructure
(PKI), although a Trusted Third Party (the PKG,
private Key Generator), must be part of the scheme.
CL–Signature Schemes. Two new signature
schemes SRSA–CL (Strong RSA assumption–based
Camenisch–Lysyanskaya scheme (Camenisch and
Lysyanskaya, 2003)) and BL–CL (Lysyanskaya,
2004) allow proofs to be performed on the messages
being signed. They support signing several structured
blocks of a message, instead of signing a message as
an unstructured string of bits. They allow signatures
to be issued on commitments of a message and, al-
low efficient ZKP of knowledge of a signature and of
relations between signatures and commitments.
Verifiable Encryption/Decryption Schemes. In Ver-
ifiable encryption (Camenisch and Shoup, 2003), a
party T has a public/private key pair (e
, d
). Party A
encrypts, using Ts public key e
, a secret message m
that satisfies a publicly-defined property Θ, and gives
the resulting ciphertext c to another party B. The latter
party demands that A proves that c is an encryption of
a message satisfying property Θ. Verifiable encryp-
tion allows A to the proof with zero–knowledge, that
m satisfies Θ. In Verifiable decryption, another party
might obtain the ciphertext c, and may request that
T proves that c decrypts under d
to a message m sat-
isfying a publicly-defined property Θ
; in this situa-
tion T simply gives m to B
, and proves (with zero
knowledge) to B
that the decryption was performed
Anonymous Biometric Schemes. Some unique char-
acteristics of a biometric sample are extracted to form
a biometric template which is stored in a database
for subsequent comparison purposes. By providing
an authentication constant value (the biometric tem-
plate), although anonymity is preserved, the linka-
bility across many databases and the traceability of
transactions involving the same user result in a lost of
privacy. The goal of anonymousbiometric, also called
untraceable biometrics (UB) is to securely extract a
digital key from a biometrical template of a person
in such a way that, neither the key nor the biometric
template can ever be compromised or linked to any
other stored biometric template database (untraceable
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
This section outlines the main protocols and systems
which are built upon the aforementioned privacy-
enhancing schemes.
One–pass Certificates. One–show certificates
(Brands, 2000) offer privacy related features such as:
(1) The certificate owner has control over what at-
tributes from the certificates are shown to others and,
(2) It is possible for a user to give interactive or non-
interactive proofs that the attributes encoded in the
certificate enjoy a given property, as encoded by a
linear boolean formula. This is done without reveal-
ing the actual attribute value. The main drawback
of Brands certificates is that using the same certifi-
cate twice makes the two transactions linkable even
though the attributes are still hidden. It is applica-
ble, for example, in anonymous electronic ticketing
for access control purposes.
Multi–show Certificates. Multi–show digital certifi-
cates (Verheul, 2001) can be used several times and
still guarantee unlinkability. The owner of a multi–
show certificate can himself construct another ad-hoc
certificates, with one or more of the same attributes
from the original certificate such that they are unlink-
able. However, Verheul’s certificates do not allow the
user to prove, in a zero–knowledgefashion, properties
of the attributes of his certificate. In 2003, Persiano et
al. introduced the concept of a chameleon certificate
(Persiano and Visconti, 2003a). Chameleon certifi-
cates offer two important properties: (1) The owner of
the certificate has complete control over the amount of
information about its attributes that it is released, and
(2) Different uses of the same certificate are unlink-
able (multi–show property).
Anonymous Credentials. Globally, in an anony-
mous credential system users are allowed to (1)
anonymously obtain credentials from authorities, (2)
anonymously prove possession of those credentials
and, (3) make different uses of the same credential
unlinkable such that, verifier entities, not even if they
joined forces, will be able to distinguish one user from
another. Furthermore, in some cases, these creden-
tials allow users to obtain other types of credentials.
However, in anonymous credential systems, there is
an inherent danger that dishonest users may transfer
their credentials to other illegitimate parties.
Non–transferable Anonymous Credentials. In
1986, Chaum and Evertse presented the first non–
transferable anonymous credential system (Chaum
and Evertse, 1986). The system was based on the
use of pseudonyms. More recently, in 2001, a more
efficient and practical anonymous credential system
was proposed by Camenisch and Lysyanskaya in (Ca-
menisch and Lysyanskaya, 2001). Most anonymous
credential systems rely on deterrents to credential del-
egation by tying the credential to any set of user’s
valuable secrets. However, some applications require
a stronger guarantee of non–transferability, for exam-
ple, anonymous credentials for country’s citizenship.
Anonymous biometric authentication is one way to
confirm an individual’s identity with a strong non
transferability guarantee.
Delegable Anonymous Credentials. Often in prac-
tice, a user is authenticated using some credential
chain. i.e.: a root organization gives a credential to
an intermediate party who can in turn use this to issue
credentials to other users. A user can prove posses-
sion of a valid chain of credentials of a given length
without revealing any other identifying information or
attributes. In (Belenkiy et al., 2009), authors extended
the Camenisch and Lysyanskaya anonymous creden-
tial system previously described, to allow credential
Privacy–enhanced PKI. Privacy–enhanced PKI
(pPKI) can attain user authentication and yet protect
user privacy. pPKI was first conceived by Jan Ca-
menisch et al. (Camenisch et al., 2006). In their
framework, authors propose to modify the standard
X.509 certificates, to allow the implementation of a
series of protocols based on ZKP of possession of
such new X.509 certificates, using the same paradigm
as in anonymous credential systems aforementioned.
Other pPKI implementations are based on group sig-
natures (Calandriello et al., 2007; Ren et al., 2008).
Finally, a privacy-aware PKI is also obtained by the
use of above mentioned chameleon certificates (Per-
siano and Visconti, 2003b).
Anonymous Routing. The Onion Router Protocol
consists of a fixed infrastructure of onion routers.
During a Setup phase, the initiator application, opens
a socket connection with an onion router and estab-
lishes a path to the destination in the onion routing
infrastructure, then sends an onion to the first router
of the path. The onion is a layered data structure such
that it is necessary to decrypt all outer layers of the
onion in order to reach an inner layer. Since each
router peels off a layer, the messages are unlinkable
and untraceable.
Finally, Figure 1 summarizes the privacy proper-
ties considered by the described schemes, protocols
and systems according to whether they are assured
(X), or deficient (). The work has focused on giv-
ing an overview on the foundations of these materi-
Table 1: Summary of the privacy properties according to
whether they are assured (X), or deficient ().
Anonymity Unlinkabilt. Observabilt. Control. Info.
Blind Sig. X X X
Group Sig. X X X
Dual Sig. X
Ring Sig. X X X
IBE of recipient X X
IBS of signer X X
Credentials X X
Credentials X X X X
Credentials X X X X
Rand. ZKPs X X X X
Anonym. Bio. X X X
Tor Routing X X X
als, escaping from the technical details of the actual
implementations. The accompanied poster shows fur-
ther illustrations summarizing the scope and content
of our work.
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SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography