J. J. S´anchez-Hern´andez
, J. P. Garc´ıa-Ortiz
, V. Gonz´alez-Ruiz
, I. Garc´ıa
and D. M¨uller
University of Almer´ıa, Comp. Architecture and Electronics Dept., Almer´ıa, Spain
European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands
JPEG 2000, Conditional replenishment, Video transmission.
This work proposes a strategy for browsing interactively sequences of high resolution JPEG 2000 remote im-
ages. These sequences can be displayed in any order (forward and backward) and following any play/timing
pattern. In order to increase the quality of the reconstructions where the retrieved images are only known at the
moment of the visualization, this work has proposed and evaluated a novel technique based on conditional re-
plenishment. This solution profits from the SNR/Spatial scalability of JPEG 2000 to determine which regions
of the next image should be transmitted and what regions should be reused from the previously reconstructed
image. Experimental results demonstrate that, even without motion compensation and with a transmission
exclusively controlled by the client, the reconstructions are consistently better, both visually and from a rate-
distortion point of view, than those that only remove the spatial redundancy (such as Motion JPEG 2000).
Other advantages of our approach are that no data overhead is generated, the computational complexity is very
small compared to similar techniques, and the fact that it can be used with any JPIP server.
Some of the powerful features of the new JPEG
2000 multi-part standard (International Organization
for Standardization, 2004) are very efficient loss-
less/lossy compression, random access to the com-
pressed data streams, incremental decoding and high
scalability. These characteristics make JPEG 2000 a
state-of-the-art solution for remote browsing of high-
resolution images. Using the JPIP protocol, defined
in Part 9 (International Organization for Standardiza-
tion, 2005) of the JPEG 2000 standard, clients can
interactively explore remote image data by specifying
a window of interest (WOI). This data exchange uses
the available bandwidth efficiently and does not re-
quire any recoding or additional processes. The server
extracts only the required data from the images and
transmits it to the clients.
JPEG 2000 has already been successfully used in
many scientific areas; e.g., tele-microscopy or tele-
This work has been funded by grants from the Spanish
Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-01117) and
Junta de Andaluc´ıa (P08-TIC-3518), in part financed by the
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
medicine. A promising application in space sciences
is the JHelioviewer project (M¨uller et al., 2009), de-
veloped by the European Space Agency (ESA) in col-
laboration with the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA). Its main goal is to provide
an interactive data browsing, visualization and access
platform to accommodate the staggering data volume
of 1.4 TB of images per day that are returned by the
Solar Dynamics Observatory (Pesnell, 2008). Among
other data products, SDO is providing full-disk im-
ages of the Sun taken every 12 seconds in ten dif-
ferent ultraviolet spectral bands with a resolution of
4096 × 4096 pixels. As of today, the combination of
JPIP and JPEG 2000 seems to offer the best solution
in order to efficiently browse image data sets of this
The basic functionality of JHelioviewer allows
users to explore the available data for a given point
in time. An interesting extension of this functional-
ity is that it enables users to move smoothly through
a sequence of time-coded solar images given a spe-
cific time range while displaying the changes in the
WOI. This work therefore focuses on JPIP applica-
tions, such as JHelioviewer, that are designed to in-
J. Sánchez-Hernández J., P. García-Ortiz J., González-Ruiz V., García I. and Müller D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003518600110016
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2011), pages 11-16
ISBN: 978-989-8425-72-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: An example of different time instances from a remote browsing session.
teractively explore remote image sequences. Fig. 1
shows an example of ve sequential time instances
during a remote browsing session using JHelioviewer.
Once the user has selected a time range, the server
builds a virtual JPEG 2000 file which only contains
links to those solar images whose date/time stamp
belongs to that time range. The client starts a JPIP
session for that file and requests the first image, dis-
played at time t
. The user can then watch the se-
quence of images belonging to the time range, one
by one, jumping to any image, and changing direc-
tion at any moment. In this example, at time t
user zooms in on a certain region, thus changing the
current WOI. From this new WOI, the user continues
moving forward through the sequence, to instances t
and t
. In the “video mode”, where the images are vi-
sualized without pause for a given frame-rate that the
user can control, the amount of data that it is retrieved
from the JPIP server depends on the available band-
width and the frame-rate. In any case, images are
transmitted by quality in order to increase the qual-
ity of the reconstructions as much as possible.
The fact that SDO takes images of the entire Sun
at high temporal resolution results in a high degree of
spatial correlation between consecutiveimages (about
33dB of PSNR on average between images that have
been taken with a cadence of 432 seconds
) and there-
fore, they show a certain degree of temporal redun-
dancy. For this reason, we focus this paper on the
removal of this redundancy by means of Conditional
Replenishment (CR).
CR has been previously used with success to encode
low-motion image sequences. In (Mounts, 1969),
Mounts proposed a method for the lossy (8:1) com-
pression of head-and-shoulder digital TV signals. In
(McCanne et al., 1997), McCanne et al. explored the
possibility of CR for the MBone (multicast backbone)
This result has been determined by computing the av-
erage PSNR of one image respect to the next (in time) one.
SDO offers the possibility of retrieve images at a higher ca-
dence, up to 12 seconds.
thanks to its reduced complexity, the option to gener-
ate scalable video and its data loss resilience. More
recently, three major solutions that offer good com-
pression results and decoding flexibility have been
studied. In (Cheung and Ortega, 2007), Cheung and
Ortega have investigated the performance of a I14P
motion-compensated predictive video codec that is
based on Distributed Source Coding and support for-
ward and backward playback. In (Devaux et al.,
2009), Devaux et al. have proposed a solution based
on CR to exploit the temporal redundancy of video
surveillance sequences that have previously been en-
coded with JPEG 2000. Although this approach
does not rely on motion compensation, the sender
(or server) has to determine, and to transmit to the
receiver, the optimal points at which it is better to
use the JPEG 2000 data than the prediction (gener-
ated with the last reconstructed frame and an estima-
tion of the background). Finally, the work of Na-
man et al. is similar in essence, but they propose the
use of CR with multiple reference frames and motion
compensation to encode those image sequences with
a large amount of movement (Naman and Taubman,
2009) and the same architecture but without motion
compensation for more static sequences (Naman and
Taubman, 2010).
After an analysis of all these approaches our work
is motivated by the following main reasons: (1) all the
proposed approaches need to process the sequence of
images on the server-side in some way and therefore
the sequence (and in some cases even the order of the
images) must be known a priori, (2) the computational
resources required by the sender to perform real-time
transmission are extremely high due to the amount of
data to be managed (4Kx4K images, and at least 20
images/second) and (3) none of them are fully JPIP
compliant because additional data has to be transmit-
ted from the sender to the receiver. Therefore, none of
the existing solutions can be easily applied to an inter-
active browsing system like JHelioviewer. Moreover,
in (Ortiz et al., 2010) a prefetching strategy has been
proposed that would further enhance the user experi-
ence and that is fully compatible with the proposal of
this paper, but would be difficult to implement with
the approaches described above.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 2: Example with the first four iterations of our algorithm.
Figure 3: A comparison between our proposal (“with CR”)
and the standard method (“without CR”). On the top for the
SDO/AIA sequence. Below, the Akiyo sequence.
lows. Section 3 introduces our client-driven retriev-
ing algorithm. Section 4 provides experimental re-
sults and comments about the visual increment of the
quality of our reconstructions. Section 5 summarizes
our work and describes the main future research lines
that could extend it.
In large-scale solar image sequences, such as in many
other videos where significant portions of the image
do not change much for a long period of time, there
is room for the use of CR, even though the predic-
tions are not motion compensated. In this case, it
is possible to perform a real-time reconstruction of a
4Kx4K-resolution video using a frame-rate of 25 im-
ages/second in machines with modest computational
resources and limited band-widths.
In our discussion it will be supposed that the
band-width of the communication channel between
the JPIP server and a client as well as the frame-rate
selected by the user remain constant over time. This
fact does not affect the description nor the efficiency
of our approach.
We denote the image sequence with I and the n-
th image of this sequence with I
, where 0 n < N.
The images that are finally displayed with CR are de-
noted as I
. Because in the context of JPEG 2000
the images can be decompressed from the same code-
stream with several spatial resolutions, we define that
= I
is the image at the highest resolution and I
is the spatially scaled version of I
, that has a reso-
lution of S/2
, where S is the size of the images and
0 r < R+1. The encoding parameters for the image
sequence are P, Q and R, where P denotes precinct
dimensions, Q the number of quality layers and R the
number of wavelet decomposition levels, or stages.
Basically, Our algorithm works as follows: the
first image of the sequence is progressively transmit-
ted for a given period of time. This is the image that is
visualized. After, a thumbnail of the second image is
transmitted with the aim of knowing which precincts
of the second image should be updated by the CR.
Notice that the JPEG 2000 packets that are necessary
to reconstruct this thumbnail are also needed to re-
construct the second image at high resolution. This
process is repeated with the following images. It
also takes care to compute the distortion between im-
ages with the last update of each precinct that are not
neccesary in the previous image. With these ideas in
mind, we propose the following client-driven trans-
mission scheme:
1. Let q 1 be the quality layer used for the current
Figure 4: Two SDO/AIA reconstructed images, left with and right without CR. The refreshed precincts have been highlighted
with a white square.
Figure 5: Two Akiyo reconstructed images, left with and right without CR. The refreshed precincts have been highlighted with
a white square.
2. Let n 1 be the index of the reconstructed image.
3. Retrieve the next quality layer of I
and initial-
ize I
with this value.
4. Retrieve only the next quality layer of I
thumbnail image).
5. Store in list L and sort in descending order, the
precincts whose MSE (Mean Square Error) be-
tween I
and I
are larger than a given
threshold λ.
6. I
(L) (I
(L)), i.e., copy from I
to I
those precincts that remain “constant” and
update from I
those precincts that are in list L
with quality q.
7. n n+ 1.
8. If n < N 1, go to step 4.
9. q q+ 1.
10. If q Q, go to step 2.
With the objective of describing the operation of
the algorithm, Figure 2 shows a schematic example
of the transmission of the first ve images of a se-
quence where the significant changes only happen in
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
the center of the pictures. The data that are finally
displayed are labeled with “Displayed with CR”. As
it can be seen, with CR only the center of the im-
ages is retrieved with a higher quality (in this case,
with 1 quality layer) and therefore, for a given bit-
rate, CR reconstructions should be better than without
CR from a SNR and from a visual point of view.
This proposal has been tested with two different low-
motion image sequences. The first one is composed
by a set of 140 4Kx4K-resolution SDO/AIA images
taken in the 17.1 nm channel (to show the finest struc-
ture and the one that is most dominated by Fe IX/X
emission from 10
K hot plasma), which has been
log10-valued-scaled and corrected for exposure time
variations. The second sequence
is composed by the
CIF (352x288 pixels) color (although only the luma
component has been used in our experiments) images
of the Akiyo sequence. This sequence includes a static
background and foreground with very little motion,
only a head-and-shoulder video of an almost static
announcer. The encoding parameters for SDO/AIA
sequence has been: P = 128, Q = 8 and R = 8; and
P = 32, Q = 8 and R = 3 for the Akiyo sequence. Ex-
perimentally, a good value for the threshold param-
eter λ was found to be 1. The reconstruction of the
SDO images has been performed with a resolution
of 1024x1024 pixels because this is the largest size
that most actual displays can show of a power-of-two-
resolution-scaled 4Kx4K image. In the case of Akiyo,
no scaling has been applied.
The transmission of the SDO/AIA sequence has
been simulated using a bit-rate of 27×10
(see the top plot of Figure 3). Although lower
band-widths have been tested, the refreshing-rate (25
frames/second) of the precincts generated by the CR
procedure is too slow to represent all the motion that
the rotation movement of the Sun generates in the im-
ages. Nevertheless, a bit-rate of 8 × 10
has been enough to generate good reconstructions for
the Akiyo sequence (see the bottom plot of Figure 3).
A visual comparison can be done using Figure 4
and 5 that shows the reconstruction of the second im-
age of the SDO/AIA sequence and the fourth image
of the Akiyo sequence, respectively. In these exper-
iments, much smaller bit-rates (1163400 bits/second
for SDO/AIA and 343800 bits/second for Akiyo)
have been used in order to generate large visual dif-
ferences between using CR and not. A frame-rate of
Downloadable from
akiyo qcif.7z.
25 images/seconds has been considered for both se-
This work shows how to improve the remote visu-
alization of JPEG 2000 image sequences by means
of client-driven conditional replenishment. The pro-
posed system is fully compatible with the JPIP stan-
dard because we only havechangedthe order in which
the packets are retrieved from the server. With the
idea of improving the quality of the reconstruction of
sequences with a higher degree of movement, motion
compensated predictions could be generated by the
clients. In any respect, this modification of the tested
algorithm does not affect the applicability of our pro-
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SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications