Ding Dan and Li Xiaoran
Institute of Mangament Information System, Beijing JiaoTong University, ShangYuanCun No.3, Beijing, China
Keywords: Emergency management, 'Scenario - response ' model.
Abstract: This article on plans to improve the design of library-type research, based on the existing research of
"scenario" theory, focusing on finding how "Scene" elements change with the sudden through the
corresponding mathematical model, and forming the corresponding model (that is the "scenario" network).
Through sorting the analyzing the events that have occurred, extract "Scene" elements, Enrich library plans,
so that enhance security management system for real emergency warning capacity.
1.1 Realistic Background
In recent years, with rapid developing of the era,
unexpected events frequent happened home and
abroad. How to better respond to emergencies and to
manage emergencies has become a major issue.
When provides for the convenience of living, there
are a variety of their potential for unexpected
security problem, such as earthquakes, floods, fires,
stampede, locomotive equipment failure, terrorist
attacks, traffic accident, car accidents etc. possible
incidents. Emergency management system can be
seen as a very complex system, contains the current
rail transit subsystems of the business, Such as
SCADA, BAS, FAS, ATC and AFC system etc. (Liu
Guangwu, 2009) So, this will use the Beijing urban
rail transit vehicle safety emergency management as
a platform, giving improve design to emergency
management of the present security emergency plans
for intelligent subsystem model library, based on the
rising 'scenario - response' model.
Currently, Beijing urban rail transit system has
built a comprehensive platform for rail
transportation of emergency relief, but mainly based
on "Forecast - response" model. For unexpected
events, especially non-routine incidents without aura
and are complex, always harm seriously. (Li
Shiming, 2009) However, using 'scenario - response'
model can make it more flexible to deal with
1.2 Theoretical Background
For the 'scenario' concept, is still in the stage of
extensive debate having no specific conclusion,
different researchers have different interpretations.
In this regard they have relatively leading research,
and applied to many important areas in foreign.
Candolin design a context aware framework, which
can be performed in the mobile military networks
for the pre-task, and get access to a particular
situation, provides a solution for the war
communication system of the future. (Candolin C,
Kari, HH 2003); Grossmann establish an
infrastructure for large-scale scenes, classifying and
characterizing the data of scenes, as well supporting
multiple types of scenarios aware applications, then
improve the ability to reuse and share data.
(Grossmann M, 2008)
At the same time, some scholars in China also
went to study in this area. 'Scenario - response' is
corresponding measure forming and developing
based on the past events and understanding of the
law and convergence. Another statement is it is the
process of building a vision by using of scattered
blocks and puzzles (the elements of preparedness of
the emergency).(Liu Tiemin, 2009) Whereas
Professor Wang Yuefei who is Deputy Director of
Dan D. and Xiaoran L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003546202100212
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 210-212
ISBN: 978-989-8425-54-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Automation Departments of Chinese Academy of
Sciences said that 'Scenario - response' is a process
of conscious change which are Scenario elements to
solving Predictable and unpredictable, Known and
unknown, Simulation and Can not be simulated
situations, for it analysis is more important than the
process. Meanwhile, Scenario should also be a
collection containing many important parameters.
1.3 Literature Review
Now, in China research for this problem is still
relatively empty stage, however, study abroad is
relatively mature. Research institutions in developed
countries, Such as the U.S. NSF, UK e-Science etc.
had many years of research in emergency response
mechanism and also established emergency
management system which are more influential, as
U.S. 'national emergency response system',
European EUREKA program in the "major
emergency intelligent management system" (MEM
brain), Japanese 'Disaster Response System' (DRS)
Professor Huang Jun of Graduate School of
Chinese Academy of Sciences state from demand
aspect that we need the 'Scenario' method to deal
with emergency management of unexpected events
that we can not predict the circumstances. Some
studies have sucked context concept into the
traditional public emergencies to integrated the
context and management of public emergencies,
hoping that through the process of plan formulation
and context of the calling plan to improve operation
efficiency of the emergency management system
(Xu Youzhi, 2009) Some studies also will construct
a static relationship between objects based on the
workflow process of the static model and for the
emergency control of the dynamic model of
workflow and build support for dynamic
collaboration across the emergency management
system. (Xu Ruihua, 2008)
a) Form the 'scene points' to the corresponding
'scene networks' by Neural network model,
then find the appropriate solution to the
problem from the model database and
decision support system.
b) Analysis the effect of the emergency plan
database to security management system.
c) Analysis the application of "Scenarios"
model in the library design.
d) Concluded that 'scenario - response ' model
can improve the practical application of the
security emergency management system.
3.1 Overview
In terms of model building, including rough sets and
neural network processing section.
a) Rough set processing stage: According to
rough set of simplified rules and decision
rules on the 'scenario' data reduction,
structure the initial structure of neural
network to facilitate the training of neural
b) Good neural network parallel processing,
approximation, classification capabilities to
deal with such nonlinear problems risk
warning, Processing stage through the
rough set dealt with the "scenario" data into
early warning network, The related
'scenario' data on the impact of events as
the 'neurons' and the weight of the
combination model (Wang Bo, 2010)
3.2 Model
a) Extracted the 'scene' elements from the
incident, as entry in the hidden layer neural
network to combine mapping after putting
out emergency plans. (Wang Chengliang,
Figure 1: Artificial neural network model structure.
b) Nodes of input layer, hidden layer, and
output layer are designed totally on demand,
the transfer function of neural network
using Logsig algorithm, and learning
function using Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm. For this three neural networks,
we can get formula for the number of
hidden layer units
n m
nm=•= (2)
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems