Validating Search Processes in Systematic Literature
Barbara Kitchenham
, Zhi Li
and Andrew Burn
School of Computer Science and Mathematics, Keele University, Staffs, ST5 5BG, U.K.
College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Guangxi Normal University
No.15 Yu Cai Road, Guilin, Guangxi 541004, P.R. China
Key Laboratory of High Confidence Software Technologies (Peking University)
Ministry of Education, Beijing, 100871, China
School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE,
Abstract. Context: Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) need to employ a
search process that is as complete as possible. It has been suggested that an
existing set of known papers can be used to help develop an appropriate
strategy. However, it is still not clear how to evaluate the completeness of the
resulting search process. Aim: We suggest a means of assessing the
completeness of a search process by evaluating the search results on an
independent set of known papers. Method: We assess the results of a search
process developed using a known set of papers by seeing whether it was able to
identify papers from a different set of known papers. Results: Using a second
set of known papers, we were able to show that a search process, which was
based on a first set of known papers, was unlikely to be complete, even though
the search process found all the papers in the first known set. Conclusions:
When using a set of known papers to develop a search process, keep a “hold-
out” sample to evaluate probable completeness.
1 Introduction
Systematic literature reviews (SLRs) aim to find all relevant research papers on a
specific topic or research question. In order to refine a search process, [6] recommend
comparing the papers found by the search process with a set of known papers, and we
adopted the method in a recent SLR [7]. In this paper, we suggest a means of
assessing the probable completeness of such a strategy by using an independent set of
known papers to provide an estimate of the precision of the search strategy.
We discuss related studies in Section 2 and explain our methods in Section 3 We
report our results in Section 4 and discuss them in Section 5. We present our
conclusions in Section 6.
Kitchenham B., Li Z. and Burn A..
Validating Search Processes in Systematic Literature Reviews.
DOI: 10.5220/0003557000030009
In Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Evidential Assessment of Software Technologies (EAST-2011), pages 3-9
ISBN: 978-989-8425-58-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2 Related Research
Dieste and Padua [1] reported 24 search strings suitable for identifying software
engineering empirical studies. They devised their strategies empirically using as a
gold standard the 103 human-centric experiments and quasi-experiments found by
Sjøberg et al. (2005). The best search string found 93.3% of the 103 papers, although
there was a false positive rate of 82.9%. However, their results apply to searching for
empirical studies, in general, rather than searching for empirical studies on a specific
topic. Furthermore, as already mentioned, their gold standard took a rather restricted
view of empirical studies. In this paper we look at topic related search strings and
show that the use of a specific set of papers as a gold standard may lead to over-
estimates of the precision of the search process.
Skoglund and Runeson [11] took a different approach and investigated a search
process based on identifying a “take-off” paper that becomes the starting point of a
search and following the references from that paper. They also considered using
cardinal papers (i.e. papers that are frequently referenced) and identifying papers that
referenced those cardinal papers. Our paper takes a similar approach to this paper but
is based on using a set of known papers to develop search strings and investigates
how to assess the effectiveness of the resulting search process.
3 Method
We developed a search process to detect empirical papers on unit testing and
regression testing based on developing search strings that found as many as possible
of the papers used by Juristo et al. [5] in their literature review. The search process
involved an automated search of four digital libraries, identification of known papers
found by the automated search, followed by checking the references of known papers
found by the search (i.e. snowballing). This search process found all the papers used
by Juristo et al. [5].
We then compared the set of all the papers found by the automated search process
with the set of papers used in a regression testing SLR [3]. Papers found by our search
process and selected by Engström et al. [3] were also snowballed to look for known
papers missed by the automated search. Although the Engström et al. [3] study
included a different set of regression papers to those included by Juristo et al. [5]
study, we thought that a search process that found all of the regression testing papers
included by Juristo and that used fairly generic search strings ought to find most of
the papers included by Engström et al.[3] and would therefore provide us with an
independent assessment of the effectiveness of our search.
Thus, the study procedure was as follows:
1. We developed, iteratively, search strings that found the maximum number of
papers identified by Juristo et al. [5] using the ACM, IEEE and CiteSeer digital
libraries. The search strings were restricted to the time period 1987 to 2005 which
covered the time period of the Juristo review. Our search strings were unable to find
all the papers found by Juristo et al. [5], so we extended our search process as
explained below.
2. The search strings were applied to the SCOPUS digital library (the only changes
to the search strings were those necessary to permit the search to be performed using
the SCOPUS interface). Since SCOPUS is a general indexing system, that indexes
ACM and IEEE we should not have found more of the papers found by Juristo et al.
[5] but we wanted to check since it was possible that the SCOPUS searching process
was more efficient than the IEEE or ACM searches.
3. The references of known papers found by the automated searches were scanned
for otherwise missed papers.
4. The papers found by stages 1 and 2 were searched again looking for papers
selected by Engström et al. [3] for their SLR of regression testing.
5. The known Engström et al. [3] papers found in Stage 4 were then snowballed to
look for otherwise missed Engström et al. papers
We used measures of sensitivity and precision to assess the quality of the search
process. In particular, sensitivity can be regarded as a measure of the probable
completeness of the search process. Sensitivity and precision are defined as follows:
Sensitivity = (KPF)/(KP) (1)
Precision= (KPF)/(TPS) (2)
KP = The number of known papers
KPF=The number of known papers found by the search process
TPS=The total number of papers found by the search process.
4 Results
As shown in Table 1, our search process identified all of the papers used by Juristo et
al [5].
Table 1. Success finding papers selected by Juristo et al [5].
Source of papers Known Papers
Total papers
found by search
Sensitivity (%) Precision (%)
Included by Juristo et al. 2006 24
Indexed by IEEE/ACM digital
Known papers found by searching
IEEE, ACM, CiteSeer digital
17 1480 70.8 1.1
Known papers found by searching
the SCOPUS digital library
15 1278 62.5 1.2
Known papers found both searches 22 3758 91.7 0.6
Extra Known Papers Found by
2 8.3
Total found by process 24 100
However, it should be noted that:
The search strings only found 17 (70.8%) of the known papers when applied to the
ACM, IEEE and CiteSeer digital libraries.
The SCOPUS search found an additional five papers as well as ten papers found
by the first search. These results deomstrate that the search mechanisms used by
different digital libraries are not equivalent.
It required snowballing the references of the remaining papers found by the
automated searches to find the final two papers.
Table 2 shows the number of regression testing papers used by Engström et al. (2010)
that were also found by our search process (excluding two papers published in 2006
which was outside the time limit of our search). The two automated search stages
found a total of 22 (80%) of the papers. Snowballing found another two papers
bringing the total to 24 (88%).
Table 2. Success finding Regression Testing Papers.
Source of papers Known Papers
Total papers found by
Sensitivity (%) Precision (%)
Included by Engstöm et al. 2010
(excluding two papers published in
Indexed by IEEE/ACM digital
Known papers found searching
IEEE, ACM, CiteSeer digital
15 1480 60 1.0
Known papers found by searching
the SCOPUS digital library
14 1278 56 1.1
Known papers found by both
20 3758 80 0.5
Extra Known papers found by
2 8
Total found by process 22 88
5 Discussion
Although it found all the primary studies used by Juristo et al. [5] which included 10
regression testing studies, the search process did not find all the regression test studies
found by [3]. Based on the sensitivity of the search process calculated for the [3]
papers, the probable completeness of the search process is 88%.
The results indicate that the search process is unlikely to be complete and, if
completeness is essential, additional searching is necessary. In this, case, a more
intensive search might be based on searching using the names of specific unit testing
methods, and/or contacting well-known researchers to ask if we had missed any of
their papers.
Although the papers for which we searched were all indexed by ACM or IEEE,
we found different papers when searching the ACM and IEEE digital libraries than
we did when using the equivalent search strings on the SCOPUS indexing system.
This emphasises that search algorithms differ among different digital libraries and that
apparently redundant searches may be necessary to increases completeness.
5.1 Estimating the Number of Missing Papers
If sets of primary studies are obtained by independent search processes, it is also
possible to estimate the likely number of missing papers using the capture-recapture
approach (Spoor et al., 1996). They identify the maximum likelihood estimator of the
total population size (N) to be:
N=[(M+1)(n+1)/(m+1)] -1 (3)
M=number of publications found by one search
n= number of publications found by the other search
m=number of publications identified by both searchers
The variance of N (Var) is calculated as follows:
Var=[(M+1)(n+1)(M-m)(n-m)/[2(m+1)(m+2)] (4)
The standard deviation is calculated as the square root of Var and the 95% confidence
limits of N will be approximately plus or minus twice the standard deviation of N.
If the set of regression testing papers found by Engström et al. [3] was
independent of the set of regression testing papers found by Juristo et al [5], we might
be able to estimate the likely number of missing regression testing papers. However,
since Engström et al. [3] reference Juristo et al. [5], it is clear that the authors knew
about Juristo’s study and the two sets of studies are not independent, so a capture-
recapture estimate would be biased.
5.2 Limitations of the Study
The fact that our search missed relevant papers might be explained by the fact that the
sources we searched differed. Engström et al. [3] used ACM, IEEE, ScienceDirect,
Springer LNCS and Web of Science, whereas we applied our search process to the
IEEE, ACM, CiteSeer and SCOPUS digital libraries. However, all the papers except
three were indexed by the IEEEXplore digital library, and we found those three
Another issue is that the Engström et al. [3] paper only considered regression test
selection methods, so we cannot be sure that the completeness estimate based on
regression test studies would apply equally to conventional unit testing methods.
However, in an extremely rigorous mapping study of mutation testing, Jia and
Harmon [4] (In press) identified 10 papers relating to seven unique empirical studies.
Three of the papers were technical reports and one paper was published in 2006,
leaving six papers which were within the scope of our automated searches. We found
five of the six, achieving a sensitivity of 83% (admittedly on a very small number of
papers) which is comparable to the 88% sensitivity we achieved for the Engström
6 Conclusions
The technique of using a separate set of papers to validate a search process allows us
to assess the probable completeness of the search process. In this case, we used one
set of papers to help derive the search process (i.e. the specific search strings for
automated searches of digital libraries) and a separate set of papers to assess the
completeness of the search process. This is similar to using separate model building
and validation datasets in data mining studies.
In most cases, researchers performing SLRs will not have access to two
independent reviews addressing the same topic. However, in order to both improve
their search process and to provide a quantitative assessment of completeness of the
process, we suggest researchers obtain an initial set of relevant papers (based on
expertise, a manual search of relevant sources, or a published literature review) and
split the set of papers, at random, into a set of papers to be used to refine/improve the
search process and a separate hold-out sample to provide an independent estimate of
the completeness of the search. The independent estimate of completeness can be
used to assess whether additional search effort is required. In some cases, particularly
mapping studies, further searching might be unnecessary. However, if the
completeness value is reported when a systematic literature review is documented, it
would provide a useful quality indicator for readers. This is similar to reporting the
Kappa agreement value of the inclusion/exclusion process.
In terms of future work, we have already identified eight additional unit testing
papers and two additional regression testing papers from an initial search process
performed by novice researchers searching only the ACM and IEEE digital libraries
without the aid of the list of known papers [8]. Using Spoor et al.’s method and
comparing Juristo et al.’s selection of 21 papers with the joint set of 13 relevant
papers found by the novice researchers (with three overlapping papers) suggests that
the total population of empirical unit and regression testing papers might be N=76
leaving a total of 45 more empirical testing papers to find. However, the standard
deviation of N is rather large (i.e. 37) due to the small overlap between the sets of
studies (only three papers in all) giving a lower 95% confidence limit on N of about 2
and an upper 95% confidence limit of about 150. Nonetheless, we intend to review all
the papers found by our automated search process to see whether we can identify
further unit testing and/or regression testing studies with the aim of extending the
published reviews.
The work described in this paper was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical
Sciences Research Council project EPIC/E046983/1.
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