Data Quality Issues in Cloud Computing
Przemyslaw Pawluk, Marin Litoiu and Nick Cercone
York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
Cloud computing, Quality of data (QoD), Quality of service (QoS), Quality of control (QoC).
The concept of Quality of Data (QoD) has so far been neglected in the context of cloud computing. It was;
however explored for the long time in the context of data exchange, data integration and information systems.
Well established approaches like Total Data Quality Management, Data Warehouse Quality or Data Quality
in Cooperative Information Systems have been proposed to calculate, store and maintain information about
QoD. On the other hand concept of Quality of Service has been investigated in the context of Internet Systems,
multimedia transmission and enterprise systems. It was also investigated in connection to cloud computing.
The main goal of this work is to show direct connection between QoD and QoS. We show that assuring high
QoD is necessary to achieve high QoS. We also identify major shortcomings of public cloud vendors in terms
of provided configuration management data.
Cloud computing refers to computation, software,
data access, and storage services that do not re-
quire end-user knowledge of the physical location
and configuration of the system that delivers the ser-
vices. Cloud computing is a natural evolution of
the widespread adoption of virtualization, service-
oriented architecture, autonomic and utility comput-
ing (Vouk, 2008; Lim et al., 2009). Details are ab-
stracted from end-users, who no longer have need for
expertise in, or control over, the technology infras-
tructure “in the Cloud” that supports them. It does
involve; however, certain level of control over virtual
instances. This control requires high quality informa-
tion about the system state. Virtual computing ser-
vices becoming attractive for several reasons includ-
ing adaptability, dynamic behavior and price. The
Cloud computing leads to several research problems
that have been of special interest. Here we will dis-
cuss provenance, which is analyzing history of data,
trusted computing and automation of the Cloud con-
The Configuration Management Database
(CMDB) provides a common trusted source for all
IT data used by the business and promises to improve
IT operational efficiency and increase alignment
between the business and IT while reducing costs
(EMA, 2008). The CMDB can be used also do
support Cloud management.
Data quality problems occur along the entire data
processing continuum. Data preparation is crucial and
consists of several necessary operations such as clean-
ing data, normalizing, handling noisy, uncertain or
untrustworthy information, handling missing values,
transforming and coding data in such a way that it
becomes suitable for the data mining process. Those
methods are based on statistics and heuristics. The
concept and importance of quality of data has been
discussed many times in the literature (Ballou and
Pazer, 1985; Batini and Scannapieco, 2006; Tupek,
2006; Wang and Strong, 1996) usually in context of
the single data source. However, some research has
been also done in the context of integrated data em-
phasizing the importance of data quality assurance
in this context (Gertz and Schmitt, 1998; Naumann,
2002; Reddy and Wang, 1995). Data quality has been
also considered in the context of data mining (Berti-
Equille, 2007; Dasu and Johnson, 2003). As pointed
by Beti-
Equille (Berti-Equille and Moussouni, 2005)
validity of results interpretation strongly relies on the
data preparation process and on the quality of data set
being analyzed. This is because methods such as data
mining assume certain properties of data e.g. “nice”
Data quality problem has so far been neglected
in the context of Cloud computing. Authors are not
aware of any extensive work on this subject; however
Pawluk P., Litoiu M. and Cercone N..
FROM QoD TO QoS - Data Quality Issues in Cloud Computing.
DOI: 10.5220/0003558606970702
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (IDQ-2011), pages 697-702
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
some discussion have been found on Internet forums
and blogs (Harzog, 2010; Vambenepe, 2010; Row,
2010). In those discussions some important aspects
of data quality have been pointed.
In this work we discuss several data quality con-
cerns and issues identified in the context of Cloud
computing and CMDB. The remaining of this work
has a following structure: Section 2 presents overview
of research on Quality of Data, Section 3 describes the
concept of Cloud Computing. In the Section 4 a link
between QoD and QoS is presented. In the Section 5
current situation in public Clouds.
There can be found many different definitions of
Quality of Data (data quality, QoD) in the literature.
Researchers do not agree on one common definition
of QoD and provide many essentially different defini-
tions. This lack of common definition leads to defin-
ing QoD by providing dimensions some better de-
fined metrics that enables us to measure and com-
pare some features of data sets. However this defi-
nition by definition failed since same dimension may
be understand in a different way or same feature may
be called differently by two researchers. This prob-
lem has been noticed by Wang and Strong (Wang and
Strong, 1996). Commonly used definition (Tayi and
Ballou, 1998; Wang and Strong, 1996; Orr, 1998) de-
fines quality as “fitness for use”. It implies the rela-
tive nature of the quality concept. As stated in (Orr,
1998) understanding of quality depends strongly on
how users actually use the data in the system, since
they are ultimate judges of the quality. There is no
common standard of QoD, however we can find an
ISO document ISO8402:1995 Quality Management
and Quality Assurance Vocabulary (ISO, 1994) or
its newer version ISO9000:2005 Quality management
systems – Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO, 2005).
It provides a formal definition of quality as: “The
totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on
its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs” (ISO,
1994). It is clear that the main authority in terms of
QoD is the user and his requirements are main guide-
lines to define and measure QoD.
2.1 Data Quality Dimensions
Data quality is defined often through quality dimen-
sions (called sometimes quality factors). We will use
words dimension and factor interchangeably in the re-
mainder of this work. There is over hundred different
dimensions identified in some publications (Wang and
Strong, 1996). We do not discuss all QoD factors in
this work. We rather concentrate on those factors that
can be applied into the context of Quality of Service.
A comprehensive discussion of different quality di-
mensions can be found in (Wang and Strong, 1996)
and (Batini and Scannapieco, 2006).
2.1.1 Data Decay – Time Related Factors
There is a subset of quality factors directly corre-
lated with time. This characteristic is intuitive and
we can easily point such factors. The only problem
is that there are different meanings of time-related
terms proposed in the literature. For example Nau-
mann (Naumann, 2002) defines timeliness as the aver-
age age of data in source. Timeliness in other sources
“refers to the length of time between the reference pe-
riod of the information and when we deliver the data
product to our customers” (Tupek, 2006).
Segev (Segev and Fang, 1990) defines currency as
the time interval between extraction and delivery. The
currency in this form has been named timeliness by
Wang (Wang and Strong, 1996). This definition in
our opinion is best fitted for the Cloud systems. It
may seen as a delay between consecutive readings of
a Cloud state.
2.1.2 Accuracy
Accuracy is included by most data quality studies as
a key factor (Parssian et al., 2002; Batini and Scan-
napieco, 2006; Wang et al., 2005; Ballou and Pazer,
1985; Gertz and Schmitt, 1998). Although the term
has an intuitive appeal, there is no commonly ac-
cepted definition of what it means exactly (Wand and
Wang, 1996). Ballou and Pazer (Ballou and Pazer,
1985) describe accuracy as “the recorded value is in
conformity with the actual value. Kriebel (Kriebel
and Moore, 1982) characterizes accuracy as “the cor-
rectness of the output information. Thus, accuracy in
this case appears as the term viewed as equivalent to
In (Batini and Scannapieco, 2006) accuracy is de-
fined as “the closeness between a value v and a value
, considered as the correct representation of the real-
life phenomenon that v aims to represent. The sim-
ple example can be the name of the city
the value v =
is incorrect (inaccurate) and
is correct (accurate).
Accuracy can be also seen as an “error bar”. In
other words an error of the measurement. In case of
Cloud computing, managing is based on aggregated
values of readings. Accuracy can be expressed in such
case as a standard deviation in the sample. It is only a
suggestion and this problem requires further investi-
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
gation. We do not discuss this issue in this paper.
2.1.3 Completeness
Term defined by Naumann (Naumann, 2002) is co-
inciding with nullability and is “the quotient of the
number of non-null values in a source and the size of
the universal relation. It means that the less null val-
ues in the relation, the higher value of completeness
is (more complete is the relation).
In (Wang and Strong, 1996) the completeness is
defined as “the extent to which data are of sufficient
breadth, depth, and scope for the task at hand. Bo-
browski (Bobrowski et al., 1998) claims that it ex-
presses that every fact of the real world is represented
in the information system.
The problem of completeness definition in the
context of Cloud system requires further investiga-
tion. We have to define, what does it mean that our
system representation (variable set) is complete.
Cloud computing refers to computation, software,
data access, and storage services that do not require
end-user knowledge of the physical location and con-
figuration of the system that delivers the services.
Cloud computing is a next step in the evolution of
the widespread adoption of virtualization, service-
oriented architecture, autonomic and utility comput-
ing (Vouk, 2008; Lim et al., 2009). Details are ab-
stracted from end-users, who no longer have need for
expertise in, or control over, the technology infras-
tructure “in the Cloud” that supports them. Virtual
computing services becoming attractive for several
reasons including adaptability, dynamic behavior and
price. The Cloud computing leads to several research
problems that have been of special interest. Here we
will discuss different dimensions of QoD.
Cloud computing uses remote virtual servers for
storage and all processing of data. Data quality, there-
fore, becomes one of primary requirements and ad-
ministrators should address this aspect before decid-
ing on a Cloud computing vendor. Lately, only Qual-
ity of Service (QoS) was considered for Clouds. QoS
refers to a broad collection of networking technolo-
gies and techniques. The goal of QoS is to provide
guarantees on the ability of a network to deliver pre-
dictable results. Elements of network performance
within the scope of QoS often include availability (up-
time), bandwidth (throughput), latency (delay), and
error rate. Clouds fall into one of following three
types of system(Vaquero et al., 2008):
Software as a Service that is defined as a provider
supplying remotely run software packages on a
utility based pricing model. (e.g. online text edi-
tors or spread sheets)
Platform as a Service that is defined as a provider
offering additional layer of abstraction above the
virtual infrastructure. PaaS offers built-in scala-
bility traded off by some restrictions of software
that can be deployed.
Infrastructure as a Service that is defined as a
provider provisioning compute and storage re-
source capacity through virtualization. IaaS al-
lows physical resources to be assigned and split
in dynamic manner.
Three types of Cloud systems form layers in a sense
that higher layer can deploy and utilize the lower level
features (Armstrong and Djemame, 2009).
Quality of data can be considered on two distinct lev-
els in Cloud computing environment. The first level,
probably most obvious, is quality of data deployed
into the Cloud (customers data). It has to be pro-
cessed in consistent way. Data quality indicates the
degree of excellence within the data, its state of com-
pleteness, validity, and accuracy that enables it to per-
form further functions. This in turn, enables the user
to obtain the necessary information required for op-
erational reasons or to assist in decision making and
planning. Data of high quality produces results that
need to be reliable and correct. In essence, if you
choose Cloud computing, data quality needs to be ac-
curate and in reliable formats. Ideally the Cloud in-
frastructure should not interfere with data on this level
and, if it is not explicitly required, leave quality assur-
ance to customers.
The other level of quality in Cloud is quality of in-
ternal data such as configuration management records
(CMR) or simply measurements of resources usage.
It is perceived as meta-data describing the Cloud sys-
tem. Working on that level, the goal is to assure high
QoS. We will see that it can be done through high
QoD. Let us consider now how QoD and QoS inter-
fere in the context of Cloud computing. To do that we
have to analyze important aspects of QoS, techniques
allowing to achieve them and identify how QoD im-
pacts those techniques.
FROM QoD TO QoS - Data Quality Issues in Cloud Computing
4.1 Dimensions of QoS
In characterizing the QoS of activities, it is necessary
to identify dimensions along which QoS can be mea-
sured and quantified. In this work we consider QoS
from the perspective of a service provider. The mean-
ing of enlisted dimensions may change when consider
from other actors (e.g. end-user) point of view. It is
useful to group sets of QoS dimensions into QoS cate-
gories where each category contains dimensions per-
taining to some logically identifiable aspect of QoS.
Campbell (Campbell, 1996) distinguished following
system reliability contains system-related relia-
bility dimensions (e.g. MTBF, MTTR)
timeliness contains dimensions relating to the
end-to-end delay of data flow
volume contains dimensions that refer to the
throughput of data in a flow
criticality relates to the assignment of relative
priority levels between activities
quality of perception is concerned with dimen-
sions such as screen resolution or sound quality
cost understand as a fee paid by a service
provider to the Cloud vendor
Let’s now take a closer look at those categories
and see if they depend upon data quality. In some
cases such dependency seems to be obvious in other
cases it requires deeper investigation and is not visible
at first glance.
4.1.1 Timeliness
Timeliness category contains dimensions relating to
the end-to-end delay of data flow. Such delay de-
pends upon several aspects of the system deployed in
the Cloud. One of those factors is number of run-
ning instances. This number can be changed based
on information about system load and resources usage
provided by Cloud vendor. If such information is not
fresh (up-to-date) it is impossible to take just-in-time
decisions. Delayed decisions can easily lead to lower
QoS. In particular the number of active instances may
not be sufficient to meet assumed response time and
to satisfy end-users’ expectations.
4.1.2 Cost
Cost category refers to the cost of processing and us-
age. Cost in public Cloud depends, among many
other factors, directly on the number of active in-
stances. This number can be decreased as load is
lower. Clearly, freshness (currency, timeliness) of
information about load provided by Cloud vendor
strongly impacts the ability to undertake valid deci-
Checking Amazon EC2 pricing we can see there
that a price for default Windows instance is $0.12 per
hour. Default policy says also that “pricing is per
instance-hour consumed for each instance, from the
time an instance is launched until it is terminated.
Each partial instance-hour consumed will be billed
as a full hour” (Amazon, 2011a). Amazon EC2 of-
fers monitoring with a time window of 30 minutes.
How does it influence cost of computing? Let’s an-
alyze following case. An application is deployed on
Amazon EC2 public Cloud and uses up to three in-
stances. Additional instances are launched when re-
quest rate reaches following thresholds: 4,000 for the
second instance and 7,000 for the second instance. In-
stances are terminated when request rate is lower than
6,000 and 3,000 respectively for third and second in-
stance. If such situation repeats every day it means
we loose 30 $0.12 = $3.6 every month, or about
$44 each year. This calculation is done for the small-
est instance offered by Amazon EC2 and cost can be
higher depending on the configuration (for high-CPU
on-demand instances this cost can be as high as $434
per year in the same scenario).
On the other hand, there is a certain cost of each
message (measurement) sent. In case of Amazon EC2
it is $0.008 per message. It does not seem to be
much; however measuring only one variable hourly
gives us about $70 per year. Increasing the frequency
and measuring every thirty minutes gives $140 yearly.
In such case there is a trade-off that needs to be made
based on dynamism of the system.
There are of course certain methods to act proac-
tively in such situation. One can analyze trend to pre-
dict the time when certain instance should be termi-
nated, however even for those methods up-to-date in-
formation is necessary for accurate predictions. The
accuracy impacts then cost and/or performance of the
4.1.3 Other Dimension Category
System Reliability category contains system-related
reliability dimensions such that Min Time Between
Failures (MTBF) or Min Time To Recovery (MTTR).
Volume category contains dimensions that refer to the
throughput of data in a flow. Criticality category re-
lates to the assignment of relative priority levels be-
tween activities. Quality of Perception is a category
that is concerned with dimensions such as screen res-
olution or sound quality and refers to user perception.
More detailed discussion of QoS dimension can be
found in ISO/EIC “Information technology Quality
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
of service: Framework” standard (ISO/IEC, 1998).
4.2 Why it is Important?
We have shown that certain dimensions of quality of
data has significant impact over some dimensions of
quality of service. At this point we would like to sum-
marize our point of view.
We have shown examples of influence of certain
dimensions of QoD such as freshness and accuracy
on some dimensions of QoS. We claim that the inter-
connection between QoD and QoS can be utilized to
improve Quality of Control (QoC) (Marti et al., 2002).
This metric allows us to measure how good and how
fast the system can react on certain events. For exam-
ple, how fast new instance can be started to handle ex-
cessive number of request. Because of lack of space,
we do not discuss this concept in detail.
In this section we present current landscape of the
public Cloud market. Our goal is to show what is
currently provided by Cloud vendors. There are four
main commercial providers of Cloud services on the
Amazon was the first company supplying Cloud
infrastructure early in 2006. Amazon Web Service
(Amazon, 2011b) provides PaaS on pay per use ba-
sis. They provide two products the Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud (EC2) and the Amazon Simple Stor-
age Service (Amazon S3). Amazon provides also set
of API’s. In pay-per-use model Amazon is charging
per the time the instance is active. Additional cost ap-
plies for messages (state of the system), storage etc.
Another provider of Cloud services is Google.
Google provides SaaS through Google Apps (Google,
2011b) software and an PaaS via Google App En-
gine(Google, 2011a). The Google App Engine pro-
vides the architecture that Google Apps runs on. They
also use pay per use economical model charging ser-
vice provider per application and per user.
IBM provides PaaS based on API’s created by
Amazon. It is known as IBM’s Research Compute
Cloud(IBM, 2011a). IBM provides also IBM Com-
puting on Demand (IBM, 2011b) that are addressed to
supply enterprise Cloud Computing. IBM uses eco-
nomical model similar to the model used by Amazon
and charges per hour of usage. Prices varies depend-
ing on operating system and virtual server configura-
tion. Microsoft is not providing Cloud services. The
company is, however, developing the Azure Service
Platform(Azure, 2011). Azure is PaaS operating sys-
tem that incorporates many Microsoft’s packages. It
can be utilized by licensed Cloud vendors as all-in-
one Cloud software solution. In this case charges are
also calculate per hour using pay-per-use model.
In this work we pointed important data quality issues
arising in the area of Cloud computing and their ef-
fects for certain dimensions of QoS. This correlation
of QoS and QoD requires deeper investigation. It is
clear; however that data quality assurance is neces-
sary to achieve high quality of service.
We have shown here the intuitive examples of
correlation between different dimensions of QoS and
QoD such as cost (QoS) and freshness (QoD), time-
liness (QoS) and freshness (QoD). We are going to
investigate this issue in depth.
This work shows the interconnection between
QoS and QoD dimensions in informal way and does
not provide quantitative methods of assessment. Our
future work will be concentrated on formalizing this
connection and providing quantitative methods of its
assessment. We want to map data quality dimensions
into quality of service dimensions and design func-
tions modeling those mappings in mathematical way.
Our long term goal is to provide a model combin-
ing quality of data and quality of service, and improv-
ing at the same time quality of control by enabling
just-in-time decisions and reducing settling time. To
achieve this goal, we are going to develop a new,
quality-aware type of autonomic manager. This can
be achieved by development of quality-aware sensors
and effectors.
Our first step will be experimental evaluation of
sensors adjusting the measurement interval dynami-
cally depending on the change rate of the measured
value. Intuitively, rapidly changing values should re-
quires more frequent measurement. Dynamic adjust-
ment of the interval is expected to optimize certain di-
mensions of QoS and the cost (or overhead generated
by frequent measurement) at the same time.
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science