Designing Anonymous Authentication for Everyday Use
Jan Hajny, Lukas Malina and Vaclav Zeman
Department of Telecommunications, Brno University of Technology, Purkynova 118, Brno, Czech Republic
Anonymity, Privacy, Authentication, Efficiency, Responsibility, Smart-cards.
We use authentication services many times a day. Without user authentication, it would be impossible to use e-
mail accounts, discussion boards, e-banking or even electronic communication. On the other hand, we release
a lot of personal information during every authentication process. Our login can be linked to used services and
assets by service providers. The frequency of usage and therefore the map of our behaviour on the Internet
can be created to make more focused advertisement, to track us or even to steal our electronic identity. The
goal of this paper is to state the requirements and provide the initial design for an anonymous authentication
scheme which prevents the leakage of private information. The new scheme, to be widely acceptable, must
be beneficial for both users and service providers, who implement the authentication systems. Therefore we
claim that the new authentication system must provide a feature for revealing dishonest users. These users can
be eventually deanonymized and charged for damages. We provide such a responsibility-protecting feature in
our scheme. We also compare our scheme design with current anonymous authentication schemes and provide
initial performance results from our smart-card implementation.
By providing a scheme introduced in this paper, we
would like to encourage Internet service providers to
implement anonymous authentication protocols be-
cause it is no more inconvenient for them. By us-
ing our scheme, they do not loose their ability to
identify attackers and dishonest users. On the other
side, their honest users can be now anonymously ver-
ified as members of the group of valid clients (e.g.,
clients who paid for the service). This can be done
efficiently and with the use of hardware available to-
day. To prove this, we provide results from the imple-
mentation on off-the-shelve .NET smart-cards, which
are widely available for purchase. We would like to
stress that we used the smart-cards and the framework
without any modification, thus without need for any
changes in standards.
1.1 Related Work
We find anonymous authentication systems, e.g., the
scheme by Schaffer and Schartner (Schaffer and
Schartner, 2006), to be the most related systems.
These schemes allow anonymous authentication but
often rely on trusted third parties. The mentioned
scheme is based on a device which must be trusted
not to reveal private information. We would like to
avoid such design. The second common problem is
repeated authentication. Using existing schemes, the
user cannot be authenticated infinitely many times
without re-initialization. Our scheme provides un-
limited number of authentication sessions without the
need to repeatedly connect the smart-card to user’s
The credential systems, represented by (Lysyan-
skaya, 2001; Camenisch and Lysyanskaya, 2003; Ca-
menisch and Van Herreweghen, 2002; Bichsel et al.,
2009), are also usable for anonymous authentication.
Although these systems can be used in many scenar-
ios for privacy protection, only some of them provide
real identity revelation of dishonest users. Such fea-
ture is provided in theory (Camenisch and Lysyan-
skaya, 2003) but the implementation would be very
inefficient or even impossible on current smart-cards.
1.2 Our Contribution
Our goal is to provide a universal system which will
be convenient for both users and service providers.
As existing work is focused on either users or service
providers, their schemes are often hard to implement
Hajny J., Malina L. and Zeman V..
PRACTICAL ANONYMOUS AUTHENTICATION - Designing Anonymous Authentication for Everyday Use.
DOI: 10.5220/0003576404050408
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2011), pages 405-408
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
since they are not acceptable by both groups. In con-
trast to these existing schemes, we provide a scheme
where honest users can anonymouslyaccess restricted
services of service providers while providers can still
de-anonymize dishonest users and make them respon-
sible for their acts. This solution comes at no extra
performance cost in comparison to existing schemes.
In fact, our scheme is more efficient than most com-
mon anonymous authentication solutions and is prac-
tical even on slow devices like smart-cards.
We also focus on the security of the scheme. The
building blocks are based on provable cryptography,
so the scheme can be analysed from the security point
of view and the proofs of security can be given.
In this paper, we propose the initial design of the
scheme and give our preliminary performance results
with the comparison to related work. We also provide
a proof of concept by creating an implementation on
a .NET smart-card. The results of first tests are in-
cluded. In this position paper, we do not provide full
cryptographical analysis of the scheme and all proofs,
since these details can be found in the full paper.
This section is divided into three parts: the statement
of requirements, the description of the communica-
tion pattern and the cryptographic primitives used.
2.1 Requirements
The anonymous authentication scheme, to be accept-
able and implementable in practice, must provide fol-
lowing features.
Completeness: valid users must be always ac-
Soundness: invalid users must be always rejected.
Anonymity: honest users cannot be identified dur-
ing authentication.
Unlinkability: verification sessions must be un-
Responsibility: dishonest users must be identifi-
Efficiency: the scheme must be efficiently imple-
mentable even on weak devices like smart-cards.
Manageability: users can be easily added or re-
moved from the group of valid users.
Security: the scheme must be provably secure,
based on strong primitives.
(Comm, ZK)
(ZK, VE)
(VE, ZK)
(Comm, ZK)
Figure 1: Communication Pattern of the Proposed Scheme.
Our system gathers all these requirements in one
scheme, thus provides a universal solution for anony-
mous user authentication.
2.2 Communication Pattern
The scheme we propose in this paper is based on three
players. They are the user, Authentication Server
(AS) and Public Authority (PA). The roles of these
players and their description is following:
User: the user wants to be anonymously verified
as a valid user of a service. The example is the
anonymous access to a discussion board, where
only registered users can enter, but where the con-
tent which is read by a particular user cannot be
tracked. The user wants to stay anonymous and
can use a smart-card for authentication.
AS: the Authentication Server wants to verify
users before it allows them to use its services. The
role of AS is to decide, whether the user is valid
(e.g., registered or paying some fees). AS should
not be able to learn the concrete identity of a user,
only the information whether he is allowed to use
a service.
PA: the Public Authority is a player who is used
in the case of dispute. Without PA, the AS is un-
able to learn the identity of a user. PA can be dis-
tributed to more entities to lower the trust to a sin-
gle point of failure.
The scheme consists of three protocols. The first
protocol is user registration, the second is the authen-
tication protocol and the last one is the revelation pro-
tocol. The purpose of the registration protocol is to
establish an authentication token, which will be stored
on user’s smart-card and later used for authentica-
tion. The registration is done over a computer net-
work (likely Internet) using anonymous routing pro-
tocols like TOR (Dingledine et al., 2004). All three
entities are involved during this phase.
The second protocol is the authentication proto-
col. It runs between the user’s smart-card and AS.
The protocol allows user to provide a proof, that the
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
token is valid, anonymously, without leaking informa-
tion about his identity or previous uses of the token.
That is why the authentication phase is anonymous
and unlinkable to previous authentication phases. The
provided proof is always randomized, thus the single
token can be used many times without the concern
about its tracing.
The last protocol is the revelation protocol. This
protocol is executed between AS and PA when some
disputes occur in the system. In that case, AS can con-
tact PA and give proofs about disputes, rule breaking
or e.g. some thefts in his systems. The PA then de-
cides, whether proofs are strong enough, and if yes, it
continues in user revelation. The user can be anony-
mously removed from the system, traced in the sys-
tem (but not identified) or completely identified. The
level of revelation depends on PA, therefore AS can-
not break users’ privacy without proofs of strong pol-
icy violation.
All described protocols are efficient, their com-
plexity does not depend on the number of users. The
authentication protocol, which will be the most used
protocol, is practical for smart-card implementation.
The whole communication pattern is depicted in Fig-
ure 1. The figure also includes cryptographic primi-
tives placement, described in Section 2.3.
2.3 Used Primitives
In this section we provide information on our choice
of used cryptographic primitives together with their
placement in the scheme. In the registration protocol,
the discrete logarithm (DL) commitments and proofs
of representation (Camenisch and Stadler, 1997) are
used during the communication with AS. During the
communication with PA, we use proofs of represen-
tation and Bao’s verifiable encryption (Bao, 2000).
We also assume the existence of a secure signature
scheme, like RSA.
The registration protocol starts with the user
choosing a random number and creating a DL com-
mitment to it. The knowledge of the secret number
is then proven to AS by running the proof of repre-
sentation on the commitment. AS can therefore link
user identity with the commitment, while user’s secret
number remains hidden. AS stores the commitment
in its database and provides the user with the signa-
ture on the commitment. The user then anonymously
contacts PA and anonymously provides the commit-
ment and AS’s signature. He also has to provide the
proof of knowledge of the secret number in the com-
mitment using (Schnorr, 1991). Based on this infor-
mation, PA creates the token with user’s commitment
inside. The token is unlinkable to user’s secret num-
ber and to his commitment for anyone except PA. The
user then transfers the token to his smart-card.
The authentication phase is a proof of represen-
tation (Camenisch and Stadler, 1997; Schnorr, 1991)
of the token, thus a proof of knowledge of a secret
number chosen by the user and a second secret num-
ber given by PA during the registration. Based on
the proof of representation, AS can be efficiently con-
vinced about the right token construction.
The revelation protocol is based on the DL verifi-
able encryption (Bao, 2000). The secret user number
is hidden in a verifiable encryption and given to AS
during the authentication protocol. AS can verify the
construction of the encryption, but is unable to de-
crypt. The only entity able to decrypt is PA, therefore
AS can resend the verifiable encryption to PA, which
is able to decrypt and either remove the user from the
system or release the real identity of the user to PA.
The removal of the user is done by publishing the DL
commitment of users secret value. Such published
values create a ”blacklist” of removed users, who are
no more able to be successfully authenticated.
The described primitives (the verifiable encryp-
tion (VE), commitments (comm) and proofs of rep-
resentation (ZK)) are placed in the scheme as visible
in Figure 1. The detailed description of primitives and
all supporting mechanisms is out of the scope of this
short paper and will be published in the full paper.
One of our main goals is to provide a scheme effi-
cient enough for a smart-card implementation. The
implementation of modular addition, subtraction or
exponentiation is easy due to low complexity and the
ability to delegate some computations to RSA crypto
co-processor. Multiplication is more difficult to im-
plement since no direct function is available in the
framework. We compared more approaches to mod-
ular multiplication, from paper-and-pencil method,
Comba’s method, Montgomery multiplication to the
trick provided in (Bichsel et al., 2009). From the re-
sults it is obvious that the most efficient method is
the so called RSA tunnel method from (Bichsel et al.,
2009), where multiplication is converted to exponen-
tiation using the binomial formula and then acceler-
ated using the RSA function. This method is intro-
duced for Java smart-cards in (Bichsel et al., 2009).
3.1 Performance Analysis
Based on modular multiplication and exponentiation
PRACTICAL ANONYMOUS AUTHENTICATION - Designing Anonymous Authentication for Everyday Use
implemented by us on a .NET smart.card, we cre-
ated a testing implementation of our scheme. We used
the .NET smart-card V2+ platform with no additional
modification. The authentication phase, with all fea-
tures presented in this paper, was implemented on the
smart-card. Since the scheme works with modular
arithmetic, we tried several moduli sizes to analyse
the effects on the performance of the system. The de-
pendency of the verification time on the size of the
modulus can be seen in Figure 2. The optimal size of
the modulus is 1024 b. The performance loss above
1408 b is given by the implementation of RSA on the
smart-card and the improvement of the performance
for higher moduli is one of our future concerns. The
most related system is the Idemix credential system
(Camenisch and Lysyanskaya, 2003) implemented on
a Java smart-cards (Bichsel et al., 2009).
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Length of Modulo |n| [bit]
The Time of Verification t
Including the Communication with a Smart−card
Figure 2: The Dependency of the Verification Time on the
Modulus Size.
Current implementation provides reasonable ver-
ification times around 8 s, in comparison to related
implementations on Java smart-card (Bichsel et al.,
2009), which need around 10 s.
The paper introduced a new scheme for anonymous
authentication. Unlike related work, our scheme com-
bines features required by both users and service
providers. Using our scheme, the user can be au-
thenticated without real identity revelation and the
service provider can be sure about the control over
his assets. We provided the communication pattern
of the scheme and identified cryptographic primitives
used. The scheme is very efficient and implementable
on weak devices like smart-cards. Nevertheless, the
works are still in progress and we expect a signifi-
cant performance improvement. Our goal is to reach
30 % performance advantage over related schemes,
an increase which is achievable based on the theoret-
ical construction of the scheme. Moreover, we are
working on the support of attribute authentication”,
where users can prove not only the group membership
but any attribute ownership (e.g., driving licence, age,
Sponsored under the National Program of Research
II by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of
the Czech Republic in 2C08002 Project - KAAPS Re-
search of Universal and Complex Authentication and
Authorization for Permanent and Mobile Computer
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SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography