Towards a Pattern-Based Security Methodology to Build
Secure Information Systems
Roberto Ortiz
, Santiago Moral-Rubio
, Javier Garzás
2, 3
and Eduardo Fernández-Medina
Dep. Information Security. BBVA Group, Madrid, Spain
Kybele Group. Dep. of Computer Languages and Systems II
University Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Kybele Consulting, Madrid, Spain
GSyA Research Group. Dep. of Information Technologies and Systems
University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Abstract. Methodologies for the construction of secure systems provide a
controlled, planned development process, with verifications in all stages, thus
avoiding unexpected errors and leading to an improvement in the quality and
security of the system produced. These methodologies can be enriched from the
use of security patterns, since these tools are widely accepted by both the
scientific community and industry for the construction of secure information
systems owing to the fact that they accumulate security experts’ knowledge in a
documented and structured manner, thus providing a systematic means to solve
recurrent problems. In this paper we present a first approximation of a pattern-
based security methodology to support both the construction of secure
information systems and maintenance of the level of security attained. This
proposal is based on real case studies, and is now in the first stages of
application in real settings. Interesting results are already appearing that will
allow us to refine and validate the proposal.
1 Introduction
The importance of the design of secure systems has increased because the majority of
attacks on Information Systems (IS) are based on vulnerabilities caused by
deficiencies in their design and in the development functionalities with which these
systems are equipped [4].
The use of methodologies for the construction of this type of systems plays an
important role in obtaining a secure IS, since they provide a systematic, planned,
controlled, verifiable and thorough development process, thus avoiding the existence
of risks which go unnoticed, are omitted, or are badly communicated to the rest of the
system [16]. The use of methodologies in this field will therefore have a bearing on an
improvement in the security of the system produced. This benefit is obtained owing to
the fact that, among other things, the process used to add security to an IS is
Ortiz R., Moral-Rubio S., Garzás J. and Fernández-Medina E..
Towards a Pattern-Based Security Methodology to Build Secure Information Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0003579300590069
In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems (WOSIS-2011), pages 59-69
ISBN: 978-989-8425-61-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
decomposed to the level of elementary activities, in which each activity is identified
by a procedure that defines the means to carry it out, the most appropriate actors for
its implementation, and the tools and techniques needed [17].
The objective of security methodologies is to provide solutions to problems related
to security vulnerabilities and thus minimize the impact of attacks on IS. Since the
majority of problems occur in the similar way in different contexts, generic solutions
to these problems can be expressed as patterns [3].
When constructing secure IS, a methodology might therefore be more complete if
it takes advantage of security patterns [1], since these are useful tools with which to
systemize the process in order to solve recurrent security problems owing to their
provision of guidelines for the construction and evaluation of secure systems [15].
This proposal presents a first approximation of a pattern-supported methodology
to build secure IS. We are conscious of the fact that more factors than just security
patterns are involved in a methodology, such as heuristics, good practices, rules, etc.,
but in this first proposal we shall focus exclusively on the use of security patterns.
Our principal objective is to offer security engineers another systematic process,
which is additional to the existing traditional Software (SW) development
methodologies that it allows: building secure IS or maintaining the level of security
attained in an organisation’s systems.
The methodology that we propose is divided into stages. Each stage is, in turn,
divided into activities. We shall also show the input artifacts, the output artifacts, and
the technique, practice and reference guides used, along with the ideal principal roles
to carry out each stage. Another of the main contributions of this methodology is that
it revolves around a central axis, which is the criticality of the assets to be protected.
The fundamental contribution of security patterns in this methodology is that they
provide structured, validated and reusable security knowledge, both for experts and
non-experts in security alike. Finally, we should stress that this methodology is based
on real case studies, and is now in the first stages of use in a financial entity in which
interesting results are already being obtained which will allow us to refine, test and
validate it.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we show the
background of current security patterns, works and methodologies based on patterns.
Section 3 describes the methodology itself, and the paper concludes with some
conclusions in Section 4.
2 Security Patterns Background and Related Works
In the last year, a multitude of authors have researched about security patterns. Some
of the most representative examples of the state of the art in this field are the works
exposed in [21], [19], or [8]. Moreover, the use of security patterns as a guideline with
which to design a secure IS is a fairly extended practise in industry, e.g., Microsoft
and IBM use them [6, 12].
It is currently possible to find diverse proposals in which security is integrated into
the construction of systems through the use of patterns. UMLsec [7], for example,
extends UML to model security properties in informatics systems. This proposal has
recently been extended in order to use patterns to support the modelling and
verification of formal aspects of security. In [5] the authors present a security
engineering process based on Security Problem Frames and Concretized Security
Problem Frames. These two types of frames constitute patterns with which to analyse
security problems and associated solution approaches in SW developments. The
above proposals are focused on the application of patterns in security systems, but
centre solely on specific aspects such as the modelling of activities or security
requirements, and not on the complete lifecycle of IS. Other proposals use patterns to
deal with all the stages in the construction of secure IS. In [1, 2] the authors apply
security patterns through the use of a secure system development method based on
hierarchical architectures whose levels define the scope of each security mechanism.
The main advantage of these works, which are an evolution of the same approach, is:
the guidelines offered in each stage to assist the user in where to apply and how to
select the security pattern which is most appropriate to satisfy the functional
requirements or, to mitigate vulnerabilities in each stage. According to the authors of
the aforementioned papers, one of their future works will be to implement this
proposal in real environments. This aspect would greatly enrich the methodology,
since it would permit the detection of underlying activities in the stages proposed and
of the roles that intervene in each of them. It would also assist the authors to explore
in greater depth a specification of security techniques which are more appropriate to
carry out each of the activities in the stages.
In [18] the authors propose a method with which to integrate security patterns into
a software engineering process. This proposal assists experts to close the gap between
the abstract solution described in the pattern and the implementation proposed in the
application. The cataloguing of different roles and the use of tools that support the
systematic process is a valuable approach for real and complex organisations, but the
complexity and dynamism of this type of entities makes it necessary to study the
definition of additional specific security tasks in greater depth, in parallel to the SW
development, in order to obtain secure systems.
3 Proposal for Security Methodology
The objective of our proposal is to offer security engineers a systematic process with
which to construct secure IS and to maintain the level of security attained. This
systematic process is enriched with the Know How of a team of security experts with
wide experience in the application of security solutions in real complex systems.
The aforementioned systematic process is based on methodologies such as the
Unified Process [11], in which a development and implementation process is carried
out in an iterative and incremental manner. The advantages of this type of processes is
that successive refinements can be carried out to identify critical risks and errors
during the early stages by using testing mechanisms (which in our case are those of
security) on the system in each of the stages to obtain a final effective solution.
The methodology that we propose is in parallel and additional to the traditional
SW development process, and is divided into similar stages. At each stage, the
mandatory input and output artifacts are specified. Fig. 1 shows the definition of this
systematic process with the aforementioned characteristics through the use of SPEM
(Software & Systems Process Engineering Metamodel) version 2.0 [14]. Each of
these stages is also composed of activities, and technique, practice and reference
guides used in these activities, along with the ideal principal roles to carry out each
stage. The main characteristic of the methodology is that its implementation revolves
around the criticality of the assets to be protected, and that each of the stages is
supported through the use of patterns which provide structured, documented,
validated and reusable solutions to common security problems.
Fig. 1. Development Methodology for Secure Systems with SPEM 2.0.
The stages of the methodology are shown as follows:
Analysis Stage. The principal objective of this stage is to analyse the viability of the
business model or project proposed. This is done by carrying out an iterative and
incremental analysis to detect those risks that might affect the organization if the
project is implemented, along with an in-depth analysis of the impact that this will
have on the organisation’s IS. Misuse cases, security use cases, attack trees, etc.
which may affect the final solution are also detected.
Activities: This stage is composed of the following activities:
A1: Initial Analysis: the project is analysed to identify the needs of the business
model proposed. The objective, reach, the scope that will be affected by the
proposal, current situation, future situation and expected benefits are identified.
A2: Identification of needs. Identification of the actors involved, the systems that
will be used, the processes derived, and, the needs to be covered.
A3: Detection of assets to be protected. Here, we analyse those of the
organisation’s assets that will be involved in the business model proposed. A
classification of these assets is carried out on the basis of their criticality in order to
be able to establish the ideal means of protection to mitigate possible attacks.
A4: Risk Analysis. This task is carried out to determine which risks might affect
the project on the basis of the assets involved in relation to the following plans:
Preventative (Fraud). An analysis of whether the implantation of the business
model will have any consequences as regards known fraud models in the sector in
which the organization operates.
Legislative/Regulatory/Normative. This involves an evaluation of possible non-
compliance with the existing legislation of the country where the organisation’s IS
are localized, of the regulations associated with the sector to which the
organization belongs, or of the existing rules in the organization. For example, in a
corporation dedicated to banking activities in Spain, the following would be
a. Legislative plan: Communications Secret, Banking Secret, LOPD, etc.
b. Regulatory Plan: MIFIT, SOX, BASILEA, PCI, MAREA, etc.
c. Normative Plan: the organisation’s security policy.
Operational. An analysis is made of whether the business model proposed includes
risk of loss resulting from a lack of suitability or a fault in the processes, the
personnel or the internal systems, or as a result of external events .
A5: Risk evaluation. An evaluation of whether the risks detected are compatible
with carrying out the project is performed. The risk detected is related to the
potential impact that it will have on the organization, such as loss or degradation of
image, economic losses, consequences in the business model, etc.
A6: Identification of Security Patterns. Both the criticality of the assets to be
protected and the detected risks are contrasted with the security patterns repository
to discover whether or not known solutions to this type of problems exist. The
patterns repository, in which the risks, impact and solutions will be related, will
contain: patterns in the style of Misuse Patterns [3] which relate possible attacks or
misuses with security means that will mitigate them; Antipatterns [9, 10] and
patterns such as those shown in the template [13], which contain three solution
levels to a specific security problem. There are three possible situations when
consulting the repository: if it is a known need, then a known pattern will be
applied; if it is a new need, but a pattern already exists which has solved similar
problems, then this pattern only needs to be adapted; or if it is a new need then in-
depth work will be necessary to provide a solution that will be converted into a
new pattern by means of successive refinements. Whatever the solution is, the
patterns repository will provide feedback with a new practical case. After
consulting the repository we obtain an abstract security solution corresponding to
the independent-platform level shown in [13].
A7: Identification of technological requirements. The project’s technological needs
are detected on the basis of the abstract solution provided by the previous pattern.
In this case the availability of data such as the number of users who access the
system, these users’ roles, where they access it from (inside or outside the
organisation’s security perimeter), treatment of assets accessed, time limit
established for realization of the project, available budget, etc. is necessary.
A8: Analysis of technological requirements. The requirements obtained are used to
analyse the infrastructure and the available resources and, depending on the
solution provided by the pattern, a study of which additional elements will be
necessary is carried out. In this activity, we identify needs as being the
dimensioning of systems (CPU, Memory, Storage, etc.), product licenses, the
incorporation of new systems or personnel, software development, etc.
A9: Evaluation of Technological Requirements. An estimation is made of the
impact that the solution will have on the organisation’s IS and its compatibility
with them. The costs associated with the solution are also estimated.
A10: Security viability Report. A report is produced which reflects the possibilities
of undertaking the project from the point of view of security, and in which the
following are stated: risks detected, the impact that these risks will have on the
organization, the technological needs and their associated costs, platform-
independent solution provided by the pattern, and the technical possibilities which
can be used to tackle the project.
A11: Review. The results from the report are reviewed in case new risks or new
technological needs have appeared.
A12: Acceptance of viability report. The results obtained are evaluated and a
decision is made as to whether to scrap the project, or to undertake it assuming the
risks detected and the costs associated with implementing the solution.
Input artifacts: Need of business model, Known Fraud Models, Known
Operational Risk, Laws, Norms, Regulations, Technological needs, Security Patterns
and Reusable Patterns Repository.
Output artifacts: Feasibility Report, Analysis Model, Platform-Independent
Techniques, Practices and Reference guides. UML, UMLsec, risk analysis,
Misuse Patterns, Security Patterns, misuse cases, security use cases, threat analysis.
Main Roles: Project Manager, Risk Analyst, Security Analyst, Security
Requirements Engineer, Security Architect, Fraud Analyst, Legal Consultant.
Design Stage. The complete design of the security system revolves around the assets
to be protected. The objectives of the means of security designed will be, on the one
hand, to mitigate possible attacks that the systems may undergo, and on the other to
reduce benefits that may be gained from these attacks.
Activities The activities in this stage are:
A1: Definition and Design of Technological Architecture. The infrastructure of
which the solution to the proposed business model will be composed will be
extracted from the patterns repository and will correspond with the Platform-
specific and Product-dependent levels shown in [13], which correspond with the
security pattern selected in the Analysis Stage. This will depend on the technology
which is available and on the security needs shown in the Analysis Stage. The
security architecture defined will be used as a basis to extract the tasks to be carried
out in order to implement this architecture, and each task is assigned to the most
appropriate security expert.
A2: Definition of Deadlines. The tasks that will be carried out by the different
technical security groups will be planned to estimate the time needed to carry out
the work designed.
A3: Specification of Final Architecture (Security Report). A document is created
which shows the architecture that will eventually be introduced and which certifies
the exhaustive analysis of the proposed project carried out by the information
security department. If new risks or threats to security are detected, iterations are
carried out by returning to the previous stage until a secure design that covers these
exceptions has been obtained.
A4: Approval of Security Report. The document is analysed by the various security
groups involved in order to ratify the work that they will carry out in the specified
time limit and any new risks that may have arisen. This analysis will determine
whether or not the project will go ahead.
Input artifacts: Output artifacts of Analysis Stage, Best Practices, rules, heuristics,
etc., Security Patterns and Reusable Patterns Repository.
Output artifacts: Task and Deadlines, Necessary resources, Platform-specific
architectures, and Product-dependent architecture provided by security pattern.
Techniques, Practices and Reference guides: Good design practices, good security
practices, Security Patterns, Antipatterns, documentation.
Main Roles: Project Manager, Security Analyst, Security Experts, Security
Developer, Security Architect.
Construction Stage. The objective of this stage is to construct the system proposed in
the previous stage in a development setting. It is important to emphasize the need for
segmentation of settings, and it is therefore obligatory for the entire infrastructure to
be promoted through three clearly defined settings: development setting; unified test
setting; and production setting (ultimate setting).
Activities: This stage is composed of the following activities:
A1: Preparation of setting. The availability of all necessary resources, tools,
infrastructure modules and personnel for the construction of the proposed system
in the previous stage is checked.
A2: Implementation of Security Architecture. The identification of the elements in
the security infrastructure of which the system is composed, and the development
of the architecture proposed in the Product-dependent level of the security pattern
selected with the available mechanisms, tools and modules are carried out.
A3: Implementation of security developments. The security programmes or
cryptographic developments proposed by the pattern are developed. If these do not
exist, then they are acquired from the market if the appropriate organization's tools
or knowledge is not available.
A4: Implementation and integration of final security architecture. The system is
configured by integrating the security elements implemented and the security
modules designed. The necessary communications are also implemented so that
both the elements and the security developments are connected and thus carry out
the security tasks defined by the security pattern.
A5: Definition of Maintenance Patterns. The patterns repository is enriched to
define the maintenance tasks, in pattern form, associated with a particular security
pattern, if they have not been previously defined. The following will be defined:
how to carry out the exploitation of the elements in the infrastructure used; which
procedures are appropriate for the maintenance of the system developed; guidelines
concerning how to act in the case of system incidents or failures in the
programming code; the ideal period in which to perform reviews of the architecture
developed; and, guidelines concerning the monitoring of the systems involved.
Input artifacts: Output artifact of the Design Stage, security requirements,
Security Patterns and Reusable Patterns Repository.
Output artifacts: Developed Secure System, Maintenance Patterns, and Security
Techniques, Practices and Reference guides: Security Patterns, Software Patterns,
Antipatterns and Best Practices [20].
Main Roles: Security Engineer, Security Architects, Security Expert, Security
Developer, Integrator Engineer, and D&D Team.
Test Stage. After integrating the system’s hardware (HW) and SW components, it is
necessary to ensure that they function correctly and that they fulfil that which is
indicated in the previous stage, before being handed over to the final user.
Activities: The activities in this stage are:
A1: Design of operation tests. The guidelines concerning how to act are defined to
verify that the functioning of the system which has been developed is correct
(communication, performance, accessibility tests, etc.).
A2: Execution of operation tests. The correct functioning of the system is verified,
in addition to verifying that the pieces of HW and SW of which it is composed are
well developed and configured, and that connectivity exists between them.
A3: Design the Security Test Patterns. The reusable patterns repository is by
relating the Security Patterns to their associated Security Test Patterns, if they do
not yet exist. The following will be defined in these patterns: Test to be carried out;
Planning of Test; Personnel who will carry out the Test; And tools, resources and
mechanisms necessary to carry out the security Test in the infrastructure proposed
by the pattern. The Test will be carried out on the basis of the vulnerabilities of the
technology, the operative systems, the SW, the HW, etc. The tests will consist of
ethical hacking, intrusion tests, error and code quality tests, fault tolerance, backup
systems, verification of militarization of machines and operative systems, and
verification of activity register logs.
A4: Execution of security tests. The security tests defined in the previous stage are
carried out to certify that the system is secure. These tests are carried out in the
setting designed for this purpose – the unified test setting.
A5: Evaluation of tests. The creation of a report containing the results of the tests
that certify that the system which has been developed is secure. In the case of
discovering any faults in the configuration, or in the code or vulnerability in the
system, the infrastructure is reviewed in an iterative manner by following the
activities from the previous stage.
A6: Approval of the system developed. Once the system has been developed and
both its functioning and security have been verified, the system is certified as being
ideal to satisfy the business model proposed in the project. Later, the system will
be promoted to the production setting and will be available to the final user.
A7: Monitoring the system. The system is now monitored on the basis of the
guidelines defined by the Maintenance Pattern in order to discover any future
anomalies, faults, output problems, vulnerabilities or deficiencies occasioned by
the passage of time and the evolution of both the HW and SW systems and the
tactics and tools used by attackers.
Input artifacts: Output artifact of the Construction stage, Technical and Security
infrastructure manual, Security Patterns and Reusable Patterns Repository.
Output artifacts: Test Model, Test Patterns, User Manuals, and Test Manuals and
Tested Secure system.
Techniques, Practices and Reference guides: Monitoring, Ethical Hacking,
Hardening, Test reviews, and Misuse Patterns, Test Patterns.
Main Roles: Security Analyst, Test Engineer, Security Architects, Fraud
Prevention Team, Security Management and Operation Team, Security D&D Team.
Maintenance Stage. Once the system is functioning, tests should be carried out
periodically to guarantee that the level of security attained has not diminished as a
result of the following: New vulnerabilities; new regulatory requirements or laws; the
evolution of the competition; and deficient performance in the execution of the
processes in a system, which may be owing to the maintenance processes, the
production improvement processes, the automation of processes to reduce costs, etc.
Activities: The activities in this stage are detailed as follows:
A1: Design of security tests. Verification of the availability of mechanisms, tools
and resources necessary to carry out the security tests defined in the Test Stage as
security Test patterns.
A2: Planning of tests. The execution of the tests is planned in order to establish a
period of time in which these security tests can be developed. During this period of
time it is necessary to ensure that the integrated test setting is available and
operative so that no impact will be made on the system’s functioning.
A3: Execution of tests. The tests defined by the Security Test Pattern are carried
A4: Evaluation of results. The results obtained are analysed to detect possible
security faults. If any vulnerability is detected in the technology, code, operative
system etc., the changes which will be necessary to solve this problem are
analysed, along with the economic and time impact that will entail the solution.
A5: Evaluation of changes. The proposal for changes is analysed and its execution
is planned. The Patterns Repository, the Security Pattern which provided the
solution containing the necessary changes, and the Maintenance and Test Patterns
associated with it are also updated, and all the systems that have been implemented
by following the solution proposed by this Security Pattern are modified.
A6: Execution of changes. The necessary changes are made in order to resolve the
vulnerabilities detected.
A7: Monitoring the system. The monitoring of the system is activated in the same
manner as in Activity 7 of the Test Stage.
Input artifacts: Output artifacts of the Test Stage and Reusable Patterns
Output artifacts: Vulnerabilities and new Security Risk, and Evaluation Changes.
Techniques, Practices and Reference guides: Monitoring, Ethical Hacking,
Hardening, Test Patterns, Cost/ Time/ Personnel/ Resource analysis.
Main Roles: Project Manager, Security Analyst, Security Architects, Fraud
Prevention Team, Security Management and Operation Team, Security D&D Team.
4 Conclusions
The objective of this work is to propose a systematic process which is additional to
those that appear in traditional SW development methodologies, in order to assist
security engineers to build secure IS or maintain the level of security attained in their
organisations’ IS.
To achieve this, we propose a security methodology to build secure IS in which the
activities corresponding with the stages are supported by the use of security patterns,
which provide the knowledge accumulated from security material in a structured,
documented and reusable manner. Other advantages of this methodology in
comparison to certain others that already exist in literature are: the principal axis is
the criticality of the assets to be protected, since, depending on the level, it is more
restrictive when applying security measures; the stages are divided into clearly
differentiated activities; input artefacts, output artefacts, and Technique, Practice and
Reference guides are introduced in each stage to allow the activities to be carried out;
and the most suitable roles to carry out the tasks are specified in each stage. Finally,
we should stress that this methodology is based on practice cases and is currently in
the first stages of application in a large organization in the banking sector. This is
producing interesting results which are allowing us to refine and validate the
Another line on which we are working is the formalisation of this methodology in
the SPEM 2.0 meta-modelling language.
This research has been carried out in the framework of the following projects:
MODEL-CAOS (TIN2008-03582/TIN) financed by the Spanish Ministry of
Education and Science, SISTEMAS (PII2I09-0150-3135) and SERENIDAD (PEII11-
0327-7035) financed by the “Viceconsejería de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha” and the FEDER, and BUSINESS project
(PET2008-0136) financed by the "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación”, Spain.
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