Soon Jae Kwon
, Jin Sung Kim
and Emy Elyanee Mustapha
Department of Business Administration, Daegu University, 712-714, Daegu, South Korea
School of Business Administration, Jeonju University, 303 Cheonjam-Ro
Wansan-Gu, Jeonju, 560-759, Jeonbuk, South Korea
Keywords: Semantic web, Business application, Decision support, Knowledge management.
Abstract: The successful expansion of web services made it more complex and required more interventions from
users. Many researchers have tried to improve the comprehension ability of computers in supporting an
intelligent web service. One approach is by enriching the information with machine understandable
semantics. They applied ontology design, intelligent reasoning and other logical representation schemes to
design an infrastructure of the semantic web. Semantic web is considered as an intelligent access to
understanding, transforming, storing, retrieving, and processing the information gathered from
heterogeneous, distributed web resources. The purpose of this study is to investigate the research trends on
semantic web applications.
Business transactions over the web are increasing
rapidly, and are allowing the users to reach the
information of product/service across a global
market (Trastour, Bartolini, and Preist, 2003).
However with more information available, more
human interventions are needed to find, access, and
understand. Therefore as the web grows in both size
and diversity, there is an increased need to automate
the web services (García-Sánchez, Valencia-García,
Martínez-Béjar, and Fernández-Breis, 2009). This is
because most of contents presented on the web are
primarily shown in a natural language form and
machine could not understand it. Therefore, a wide
gap has emerged between information machine
executable and information human readable (Ding,
Fensel, Klein, and Omelayenko, 2002). In order to
narrow the gap, semantic web was proposed and it
enabled the users to access the web resources
through semantic contents rather than the keywords
(Berners-Lee, Handler, and Lassila, 2001). The goal
of this study is firstly to explore the problems that
restrict the applications of web services and the
basic concepts, languages, and tools of the semantic
web. Then we highlight some of the researches,
solutions, and projects that have attempted to
combine the semantic web and business support, and
find out the pros and cons of the approaches.
2.1 Web Services Technologies
Web service is a phrase used to describe the way
and/or architecture in which assembled services can
be presented and used on a network. On the World
Wide Web, the web services can communicate with
other services (Muschamp, 2004), (Turban, King,
Mckay, Lee, and Viehland, 2008). The major
technologies supporting the current web services
include eXtensible Markup Language (XML),
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Universal
Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI), and
Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
(Turban, King, Mckay, Lee, and Viehland, 2008).
Davies et al. (Davies, Fensel, and Richardson, 2004)
classified these technologies into three principal
building blocks which are XML Messaging
Capability, Service Description Capability and
Service Registration Capability. However, in spite of
the capabilities of the major web technologies
Kwon S., Kim J. and Mustapha E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003583402750279
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 275-279
ISBN: 978-989-8425-76-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
proposed by Davies et al. (Davies, Fensel, and
Richardson, 2004), there were limitations. For
example, UDDI does not provide a rich enough
description of a web service. In addition, even
though WSDL could describe the input/output
format of a web service, it has no crucial effects on
the web services execution and business process. In
response to these limitations, Tim Berners-Lee
referred to the future of the web as the ‘semantic
web’ – a second generation of the web (Berners-Lee,
Handler, and Lassila, 2001).
2.2 Semantic Web and Ontology
The semantic web documents are annotated with
meta-information along with human-readable
information, so that computers are able to cooperate
with the data in a similar process humans do
(García-Sánchez, Valencia-García, Martínez-Béjar,
and Fernández-Breis, 2009), (Davies, Fensel, and
Richardson, 2004). For this, ontology is the
backbone technology in producing semantic web
information (García-Sánchez, Valencia-García,
Martínez-Béjar, and Fernández-Breis, 2009).
2.2.1 Ontology
The widely used definition of ontology identifies the
concept of ontology as “a formal, explicit
specification of a shared conceptualization (Gruber,
1995)” (Ding, Fensel, Klein, and Omelayenko,
2002). Ontology is composed of five main
components which are Concepts, Relations,
Functions, Axioms and Instances (Gruber, 1995). A
Concept means a set of entities within a specific
domain. Then the Relations represent the interaction
between concepts of the domain. Functions mean
and/or formalize specific relations in which the nth
element of the relationship is unique for the n-1
preceding elements. Axioms are declarations that
allow defining constraints among concepts and
relations. Instances represent specific elements of
concepts (Gruber, 1995).
2.2.2 KIF
Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF) is one of
knowledge representation approaches designed with
the goal of graphically and/or textually representing
knowledge. These approaches include Concept Map
(CM), Semantic Networks, Conceptual Graphs
(CGs), KIF, the Common Logic (CL) Standard
Initiative, Unified Modeling Language (UML), and
Object-Process Methodology (OPM) (Dori, 2004).
KIF is a computer-oriented language designed for
the interchange of knowledge among disparate
computer application/systems. KIF has essential
features which allow users to make knowledge
representation decisions clear and allows the users to
establish new knowledge representation without
changing the language (Stanford Logic Group).
2.2.3 XML
XML is regarded as a mechanism for standardized
representation of other languages. It allows the users
to define their own (application-specific) markup
tags, attributes, data structure, and extract data from
documents (Ribiere and Charlton, 2002). Even
though XML is useful for data exchanging and
formalizing the structure of web documents, it states
nothing about semantics and its use (Davies, Fensel,
and Richardson, 2004).
2.2.4 RDF and RDF Schema
XML was designed to structure data, but the
resource description framework (RDF) was designed
to tell something about the data. The data
represented by RDF is called ‘meta data’.
Meanwhile, RDFS describes how to use RDF to
build RDF vocabularies. Therefore, RDFS is
regarded as a mechanism that helps the web service
developers to define a particular vocabulary for RDF
data and specify the kinds of objects to which there
attributes can be applied (Broekstra and Kampman,
2001). RDF helps in sharing knowledge (ontology)
through the web and reuse knowledge to define
other knowledge (Ribiere and Charlton, 2002).
2.2.5 Web Ontology Language (OWL)
If web users want to compare/match conceptual
information across the distributed knowledge-based
on the web, ontology should support the process. To
compare the information on the web, ontology has a
general mechanism to discover common meaning
(Alesso and Smith, 2005). OWL allows specifying a
terminological hierarchy using restricted set of first-
order formulas (Hsu, 2009). Therefore, OWL
facilitates greater machine readability of web
content than those supported by XML, RDF, and
RDFS (Alesso and Smith, 2005).
2.3 Semantic Web Services (SWS)
Semantic web service is regarded as a combination
of semantic web and web services. With regard to
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
web services interoperation and composition, the use
of semantic web technology in expressing web
services provide the possibility of an automated way
to achieve a specific user requirement (Davies,
Fensel, and Richardson, 2004).
3.1 Web Services Technologies
3.1.1 Ontology-based Semantic Web
García-Sánchez et al. (García-Sánchez, Valencia-
García, Martínez-Béjar, and Fernández-Breis, 2009)
proposed the foundation of ontology-centered
semantic web services (SWS) which includes the
Business Processes and interaction between Human
Users and Intelligent Agents (IA) (García-Sánchez,
Valencia-García, Martínez-Béjar, and Fernández-
Breis, 2009). Firstly, the ontology operates as the
‘glue’ that binds together the other components.
Secondly, the ontology acts as universal
vocabularies so that web services and intelligent
agents can share knowledge. Thirdly, the ontology is
useful to semantically describe web service
capabilities and processes. Lastly, the negotiation
processes between agents may take place in
accordance with protocols represented in the
ontology. García-Sánchez et al. (García-Sánchez,
Valencia-García, Martínez-Béjar, and Fernández-
Breis, 2009) also proposed a multi-tier framework
for SWS. The framework is composed of four layers
which are Business Logic Layer, Semantic Web
Service Layer, Intelligent Agents layer, and
Application Layer.
3.1.2 DAML-S
DAML-S is a RDF-based language which defines
ontology through a set of basic classes and
properties. DAML-S especially provides the
required semantics to enable Semantic Web Services
(SWS). The DAML-S ontology for web services has
a resource and three key classes which are
ServiceProfile, ServiceModel and ServiceGrounding
(Davies, Fensel, and Richardson, 2004).
ServiceProfile informs us “what the service does.”
That is, it contains information that an agent would
require in order to determine whether the service
meets its needs.
3.1.3 Web Services Modeling Framework
The recently proposed Web Services Modeling
Framework (WSMF) defines a fully developed
conceptual model for SWS. WSMF has two main
goals as follows. First, it defines description
elements for adding semantics to web services.
Second, it also defines description elements for
providing web services as a scalable infrastructure
for e-Commerce (Davies, Fensel, and Richardson,
2004). The four main elements of WSMF are
Ontologies, Capability repositories, Web services,
and Mediators.
3.1.4 Semantic Web Services and
Multi-agent System
García-Sánchez et al. (García-Sánchez, Valencia-
García, Martínez-Béjar, and Fernández-Breis, 2009)
proposed a framework for semantic web services
and multi-agent system (SEMMAS). The framework
consists of 7 agents and they are grouped in 3 main
categories. Firstly, the group consist of Service
owners/providers agents (Provider Agent and
Service Agent). Secondly, Service consumers agents
(Customer Agent, Discovery Agent and Selection
Agent). The consumers suggest their preferences and
state the goal. Discovery agent is in charge of
searching in the semantic web services repository.
Selection agent is in charge of selecting the most
relevant service from the set of services
recommended by the discovery agent. Thirdly are
the Framework management agents (Framework
Agent and Broker Agent). Framework Agent and
Broker Agent perform management tasks just like
Managers. Framework Agent is responsible for
checking and ensuring a correct role of the platform.
Broker agent has to resolve the interoperability
3.1.5 Ontology Editors and SWS Browser
Ontology editor helps web service developers to
build ontology. In details, it allows Inspecting,
Browsing, Codifying and Modifying of ontologies
and thus supports development and maintenance of
the ontologies (Grosso, Eriksson, Fergerson,
Gennari, Tu and Musen, 1999). In addition, aside
from offering editing support, semi-automated tools
in ontology development help SWS developers to
improve the overall productivity. By using the tools,
developer can discover new concepts and stipulate
relationships among concepts. Through the EU 5th
Framework Project entitled Semantic Web-enabled
Web Services (SWWS), an SWS browser was
introduced to demonstrate the possibilities of using
semantics in Defining, Searching, Combining and
Invoking web services (Ball, 2004).
3.2 Semantics in Business
3.2.1 Knowledge-based Systems (KBS)
Due to dependent on various systems in business,
information is accumulated in data warehouse which
raised many problems in managing the information.
Therefore, many approaches were proposed to solve
those problems. Biletskiy & Ranganathan (Biletskiy
and Ranganathan, 2008) proposed an Invertable
Semantic/Software Application Development
Framework (ISADF) for the KBS. The Protégé-2000
manages the background domain ontology (RDFS).
ISADF can accept the input source documents in
forms of Excel tables, Word tables, formatted text,
and XML document.
3.2.2 Query on the Semantic Web
Fikes et al. (Fikes, Hayes, and Horrocks, 2004)
presented the OWL query language (OWL-QL) as a
standard protocol for query-answering in semantic
web services. It specifies the Semantic Relationships
among Query, Query answer, and the Knowledge
Base. Through the query-answering dialogues, it
supports the answering agent to execute the
automated reasoning facility to give answers for
queries. An OWL-QL query-answering dialogue is
initiated by a client sending a query to an OWL-QL
server. An OWL-QL query is an object necessarily
containing a query pattern consisting of a collection
of OWL sentences in which some URI refers are
considered to be variables.
This study is a discussion about the research trends
on semantic web and its applications in business.
The study is focused on the characteristics of the
web services, web services technologies, semantic
web technologies, and semantic web services.
Through the study, we were able to know that
semantic web technology is trying to offer a new and
higher level of web service to the online users. The
services are overcoming the limitations of traditional
web technologies/services. Therefore, most of
information processing activities will be executed by
The main elements required to develop a
semantic web-based business support are business
logics, ontology, ontology languages, intelligent
agents, applications, and etc. In using/managing the
infrastructure of the semantic web services; software
developers, service consumers, and service providers
are the main representatives. Some researchers
integrated those technologies, languages, tools,
mechanisms, and applications into a semantic web
services framework. Therefore, future directions of
the semantic web-based business support should be
start over from the infrastructure.
Finally, to expand the semantic web-based
business support semantic web services developers
have to accomplish three main tasks before the
execution of the services. Firstly, an organization
which wants to carry out the semantic web services
has to clarify their business processes logics. Clearer
business logics will lead the developers/users to
more meaningful ontology repositories. Secondly, to
develop ontology with business processes logics,
developers have to select an appropriate ontology
representation/manipulation language. Thirdly, for
an effective semantic web services and business
support, developers need helps from the framework
management agents, service consumer agents, and
service owner agents. Therefore, before activating
the service, cooperation mechanism/module for the
agents will be needed for the developers/users.
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