Aleš Pražák, Zdeněk Loose, Josef Psutka, Vlasta Radová
Department of Cybernetics, University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic
Luděk Müller
SpeechTech s.r.o., Plzeň, Czech Republic
Keywords: Speech recognition, LVCSR, Online captioning, Re-speaker training, Application.
Abstract: Since the re-speaker approach to the automatic captioning of TV broadcastings using large vocabulary
continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) is on the increase, there is also a growing demand for training
systems that would allow new speakers to learn the procedure. This paper describes a specially designed re-
speaker training system that provides gradual four-phase tutoring process with quantitative indicators of a
trainee progress to enable faster (and thus cheaper) training of the re-speakers. The performance evaluation
of three re-speakers who were trained on the proposed system is also reported.
With the rise of computer technology and the
progress in the probabilistic approach to the large
vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR),
this technology suggests itself to be used for
automatic or semi-automatic captioning of live TV
broadcasting. There are in general two ways how to
use the speech recognition for live TV captioning.
The first one is a direct recognition of the audio
stream of a TV program. This approach is usable
only for very specific TV programs with defined
acoustic characteristics, minimum non-speech
sounds, limited domain of the discourse and a
specific manner of speech. A typical task for this
approach is fully automatic captioning of parliament
meetings or broadcast news. The parliament meeting
procedures as well as broadcast news design in
almost all countries ensure stable acoustic
environment and cultivated speech of only one
person at a time, so the recognition accuracy can be
high enough for trouble-free reading and
understanding of the captions (Neto et al. 2008). We
operate such a system together with the Czech
Television, the public service broadcaster in the
Czech Republic, for almost four years (Pražák et al.
The second approach for semi-automatic
captioning of live TV broadcasting uses so-called
"re-speaker" (or shadow-speaker) technology. The
re-speaker is a skilled and specifically trained
speaker, who listens to and re-speaks the original
dialogues of a TV program, alternatively using
his/her own words. This approach is suitable for
arbitrary TV programs, especially for programs with
more speakers speaking simultaneously or with a
noisy acoustic environment, such as TV debates or
sport programs. It also simplifies the task of LVCSR
significantly – the re-speaker works in a quiet
environment, uses a well-defined acoustic channel
and produces a refined speech. Moreover, the
acoustic model in the LVCSR can be personalized
specifically for the given speaker. Alternatively, the
re-speaker is allowed to use his/her own words, so
the final captions can be shorter (easily readable)
and more comprehensible for hearing-impaired. This
in fact represents the translation from one language
to the same one.
Probably the first broadcasting company that
introduced LVCSR technology in the real caption
generation process was BBC in 2003 (Evans 2003).
Since then, similar systems have been developed and
employed in production use in several countries all
around the world (Boulianne et al. 2006), (Homma
et al. 2008).
It is impractical to bring a re-speaker to the real
Pražák A., Loose Z., Psutka J., Radová V. and Müller L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003604502170220
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP-2011), pages 217-220
ISBN: 978-989-8425-72-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
captioning system and let him/her do the real job of
a skilled re-speaker throwing away the resulting
captions for a few months. More effective is to
develop a training system that shortens (and thus
cheapens) the training process. We have developed a
special training system for re-speakers that provides
gradual training process under surveillance of a
skilled supervisor and with quantitative indicators of
their progress to enable easier and more objective
decision about their suitability for re-speaking.
2.1 Overview
The proposed training system is a multi-user system
that uses real-time LVCSR system to create captions
upon the re-speaker's dictation and keyboard
commands. We use in-house LVCSR system that is
based on Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), lexical
(phonetic prefix) trees and a trigram language
model. The implementation is focused on low-
latency real-time operation with very large
vocabularies on multi-core systems. Due to high
efficient decoder parallelization and a graphic
processor unit (GPU) utilization, we can recognize
more than 500 000 words in real-time on four-core
notebooks. This is very important to allow intensive
re-speaker training in all conditions with demanded
recognition accuracy. The system supports also word
graph generation for confidence measure
After the system start, the re-speaker chooses
his/her profile and automatically sets the
microphone volume. This is accomplished in two
steps - in the first step, the volume on silence is set
(to filter the background noise), in the second step
the optimal volume of speech is set. The soundtrack
of a TV program is played during the whole process
to simulate real training conditions that influence the
re-speaker's utterance.
Now, the re-speaker chooses one of four training
phases based on his/her training progress. The first
training phase enables training of a re-speaker’s skill
to listen and speak simultaneously. The second
phase assists in optimizing the re-speaker’s utterance
to the LVCSR system demands. The third training
phase enables free re-speaking with a support of
some keyboard commands and finally, the fourth
phase simulates the real captioning system with all
the features such as manual punctuation.
2.2 Training Phases
The first training phase is intended to train re-
speaker’s skill to listen and speak simultaneously.
The re-speaker opens prepared video file and
practices speaking while playing any part of the
video. The aim is not to re-speak word by word, but
become accustomed to speaking meaningfully while
listening to and perceiving the original soundtrack.
This phase does not employ LVCSR system, but all
utterances are recorded for later playback by the re-
speaker. Each time the re-speaker starts playing
video, new record is created and metadata, such as
timestamp, position in video and repetition count of
each segment, are logged. This allows the supervisor
to trace re-speaker’s training process. Recorded
utterances are played back simultaneously with the
video as they were recorded, but the sound volume
balance between recorded utterances and the original
soundtrack can be set at will.
The second phase of the training system assists
in optimizing the re-speaker’s utterance to the
LVCSR system demands, so this phase integrates
the LVCSR system and displays its output to the re-
speaker. The main objective of the re-speaker is to
re-speak utterances in the original soundtrack word
by word so that the recognition accuracy is as high
as possible. The re-speaker just mechanically re-
speaks what he/she listens to, so he/she can focus on
altering the utterance (mainly the pronunciation) and
its influence on the recognition results. This implies
that the video files for the second phase should
contain neither overlapping speakers nor slips of the
tongue nor out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words.
Anyway, the speech rate of some speakers can be
too high for some re-speakers at the beginning of the
training. That is why there is an option to slow down
the playback rate of the video file in real-time. The
WSOLA algorithm ensures that the pitch remains
the same even for high changes of the playback rate
(Verhelst 2000).
We have implemented two quantitative
indicators that indicate the training progress of the
re-speaker. The first one is common recognition
accuracy, but supplemented with highlighting of
misrecognitions in the recognized text. A
Levenshtein alignment is carried out just during
recognition in real-time, so that the recognition
substitutions (underlining), insertions (strikeout) and
deletions (omission triangle) may be highlighted
(see Figure 1). By definition, the video file
transcription has to be available for the second
SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 1: Phase two of the training system.
The second indicator of the training system is a
so-called "suitability measure" with the meaning of
suitability of the re-speaker’s utterance to the
LVCSR acoustic model. The suitability measure is
computed only from correctly recognized words and
the language model is omitted, so it expresses the re-
speaker’s ability to comply with the LVCSR system
almost independently from the particular recognized
text. In the same way as in the case of
misrecognitions, the words with low suitability
measure are highlighted (different word color) in the
recognized text (see Figure 1). During the playback
of the recorded utterances, the words just being
played are highlighted (different background color),
so the relationship between played sound and
misrecognitions and suitability measure of words
can be tracked. This indicator should have
increasing tendency during the whole training
process of the re-speaker.
The next important task of the second phase of
the training system is the acoustic data gathering and
acoustic model adaptation to the speaker’s voice
characteristics. The acoustic model adaptation is
applied in two stages. The first adaptation stage is
applied iteratively just during the recognition in real-
time, so the recognized text can be improved
immediately. An unsupervised incremental fMLLR
adaptation is carried out in the background, so the
re-speaker’s effort is not influenced (Pražák et al.
2009). In the second adaptation stage, all the data
gathered during the whole re-speaker’s training are
used for MAP adaptation enhanced with the SAT
approach. The acoustic model adapted in that
manner is then used in the real captioning system.
The third phase of the training system is very
close to the real captioning system, in order to make
the re-speaker ready to the real captioning. The re-
speaker re-speaks video files with his/her own words
and learns to use some of the features that improve
the final captions. The recognition accuracy
indicator is not available, since the re-speaker‘s
utterance transcriptions cannot be known in advance,
whereas the suitability measure is still displayed to
check the re-speaker’s training progress. As the
suitability measure should be computed only from
the correctly recognized words, the confidence
measure estimated from the LVCSR system result is
used to guess the correctly recognized words instead
of exact transcription.
It comes from the principle of the LVCSR
system, that last few words of the recognized text
change as new acoustic signal is received and the
best hypothesis based on acoustic and language
model is recomputed. Since only static closed
captions are still required in the TV broadcasting,
these last so-called "pending" words (four at
maximum) are ignored during the caption
generation, but they can be displayed to the re-
speaker highlighted (different word color), so he/she
knows, which words can be eventually corrected
(see Figure 1). To be able to quickly correct any of
the pending words (not only the last one), the best
method is to erase them all and re-speak
consequently. The best way is to use idle re-
speaker‘s hands and keyboard commands, so the re-
speaker presses optional key and re-speaks erased
words fluently (Wald et al. 2007). This feature
should not be ignored, because it can dramatically
decrease the error rate of the final captions.
The next feature that allows generation of high-
quality captions during the real captioning session is
the possibility to dispatch the pending words to the
captioner to be broadcasted immediately. This is
very important when the re-speaker does not speak
for a longer time (because of TV jingle or he/she is
listening ahead) and the pending words remain
unsent. It can significantly reduce the delay between
the words uttered in the original soundtrack and
corresponding words in the captions.
The fourth phase of the training system simulates
the real captioning with all the features needed. In
addition to the erasing or dispatching of the pending
words a re-speaker should use his/her hands to make
punctuation and for other special functions. The
system for punctuation indication is closely
connected with the LVCSR system. The key pressed
during the inter-word pause is processed by the
system that presents the punctuation symbol directly
in its result. This approach allows the LVCSR
system to benefit from extra information using
language model considering punctuation symbols as
words. Similar method is used for speaker change
marking too. Other keys are reserved for special
announcements and situations.
The re-speaker is trained on the real video files
containing OOV words (mainly named entities) that
should be added to the LVCSR system just during
the captioning. This is a crucial procedure that
should not take much time. We have implemented a
method for word additions in real-time during the
recognition of LVCSR system. The simplest way is
to type a word (or multi-word) and confirm it. The
system searches for the word in the special large lists
of named entities and if succeeds, it adds the word
with correct phonetic transcription(s) to the LVCSR
system. In the case of unknown word, automatic
phonetic transcription is proposed and optionally
modified by the re-speaker. This approach
minimizes the time for word addition in most cases.
To assess the training possibilities of the described
system, we have evaluated three re-speakers who got
through all the training phases. The re-speakers
produced the captions for the same real TV debate
(61 minutes) and the final captions were evaluated.
The recognition accuracy (including the pending
words corrections) and some statistics collected
during the captioning are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Evaluation of re-speakers on the TV debate.
Training time
138 hours 98 hours 78 hours
Recognition accuracy
97,37 % 97,34 % 94,32 %
Suitability measure
85,66 % 84,41 % 82,38 %
4294 2960 4217
Word additions
8 12 12
Word corrections
83 66 73
Word dispatches
60 136 100
319 170 287
Full stops
341 248 335
Question marks
49 48 57
New speakers
109 103 120
The proposed system facilitates the re-speaker
training by decomposing the education process into
four gradual phases, making the training easier and
thus faster. The overall training time is highly
individual, but according to our expertise, we expect
the time of intensive training plan to be set from 2 to
3 months (100 training hours at minimum).
As the development of our training system
continues, we want to allow synchronous training of
caption correctors that are indispensable for error-
free captioning of some critical TV broadcastings.
This work was supported by the Ministry of
Education of the Czech Republic under the projects
MŠMT 2C06020 and MŠMT LC536 and by the
grant of The University of West Bohemia, project
No. SGS-2010-054.
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SIGMAP 2011 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications