A Validation Study
Ioannis Paraskevopoulos and Emmanuel Tsekleves
School of Engineering and Design, Brunel University, Uxbridge, London, U.K.
Keywords: 3D simulation platform, Virtual reality, Photovoltaic, Solar energy harvesting planning tool, Computer
simulation tool, Validation study.
Abstract: The use of photovoltaic (PV) technology for the harvesting of renewable energy is a reality and is widely
employed today. However this is mainly focused towards house and industry energy harvesting. Recent
development in thin and flexible materials mean that photovoltaic technology can be integrated into
wearable computing and expanded to other commercial as well as defence applications. This paper presents
work under the Solar Soldier project that is developing a new photovoltaic simulation platform, based on
flexible/wearable PVs and by extending commercial 3D design, animation and light analysis software,
namely 3DS Max Design. The platform currently under development will allow the semi-automatic
simulation of different scenarios and will also enable the unique feature of lighting analysis and data export
of animated objects, which currently do not exist in other systems. This paper also presents a validation
study of the light analysis simulation platform against actual light measurements in an outdoor scenario.
This is one of the first systematic and thorough validation studies of 3DS Max Design focusing exclusively
in outdoor conditions as all previous studies have focused mainly in indoor settings scenarios. The study
results are extremely encouraging showing that the actual measurements and those simulated in 3DS Max
Design are very similar.
Renewable energy technology such as photovoltaics
(PV) has become an important energy generation
solution that is friendly to the environment.
Nowadays there is a dramatic increase in the use of
PV for commercial applications outdoors, ranging
from powering street lights to house-energy
generation. Although most PV efforts are currently
focused on the commercial market there are
opportunities for extending this even further with the
use of PVs for a wider range of commercial
applications (i.e. mobile phone, as well as indoors
use) as well as defence applications. This is further
facilitated by the recent development of thin,
flexible and wearable PVs that allow them to be
integrated onto of textile material such as clothing.
One of the key issues though for the adoption of
such technology is the correct placement (this
depends on factors such as location, weather, etc) of
PVs on buildings, other infrastructure as well as
humans in order to maximize energy generation.
This paper presents work funded under the
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
Council and Defence Science and Technology
Laboratory (EPSRC/DSTL) funded Solar Soldier
project that aims at developing an integrated
wearable Photovoltaic – Thermoelectric (PV-TE) for
defence applications.
The paper presents a brief overview of the design
and development of a PV planning and simulation
platform that employs and extends commercial 3D
tools such as 3D Studio Max Design (3DSMD). It
also presents a validation study that compares actual
outdoor light intensity data against those of the
3DSMD light analysis system to investigate its
effectiveness and efficiency. Lastly it offers a
discussion on the proposed future work.
Paraskevopoulos I. and Tsekleves E..
- A Validation Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0003607203660373
In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-78-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Project Background
The Solar Soldier is an EPSRC/DSTL jointly funded
project and is comprised of a consortium of UK
. The type of warfare as well as the
humanitarian campaigns we are engaged in
nowadays uses foot soldiers a lot more, resulting in
soldiers having to carry equipment that often reach
and sometimes exceed fifty kilos with several of
these including bulky and heavy batteries to power
several of the electronic equipment soldiers use. The
challenge here is to reduce this physical burden on
the modern infantry soldier moving towards a
battery-free solution. The project received a lot of
media attention recently with an article notably by
the Daily Mail
and Discovery News
as well as
being translated in several languages.
The aim of the Solar Soldier project is to design
and develop a system that integrate photovoltaic
(PV) and thermoelectric (TE) energy to power
several of these electronic equipment reducing
therefore the need to carry batteries. Both PV and
TE will be integrated onto the infantry soldier using
advanced and novel flexible and nanostructures of
the required materials. The idea is that during the
day the system will collect light energy using the
PV, then during the night we can use the heat from
the soldier, and the outside temperature which is
much lower, to generate power. Due to the novelty
of the project and the brief time duration of two
years, the system to be developed at the end of the
project will be a small-scale prototype.
2.2 Our Motivation and Aims
This project raises a number of challenges which
lead to the design and development of a 3D
simulation platform that is presented in this paper:
a) how to integrate best this technology into the
infantry soldier since the final outcome of the
project will develop a small scale prototype.
Jointly funded by EPSRC/DSTL. The consortium includes
Glasgow University (PI), Loughborough University, Strathclyde
University, Leeds University, University of Reading and Brunel
b) how to access the incorporation of the PV/TE
technology on the infantry soldier.
c) how to simulate the use of the PV/TE technology
based on soldier’s different fields and types of
operations (e.g. movement, environment, and under
different light conditions).
Therefore our key aim is to investigate the most
efficient and effective placement of the PV/TE on
the soldier’s uniform and kit to generate the highest
amount of energy, without detracting the soldier
from his main job and taking into account the very
specialized and demanding requirements of the
infantry soldier. Furthermore, the required
simulation platform has to be capable of performing
analysis of a scene with objects (human avatar) in
motion. This is a feature that is not available in any
of the current commercial lighting or thermal
analysis simulation software packages.
2.3 The 3D Simulation Platform
Following the aforementioned aims and
requirements we are in the process of designing and
developing a 3D simulation platform. We have also
liaised with DSTL and have received valuable
information and user requirements as possible
scenarios for the placements of the PV-TE on the
soldiers. We intend to simulate these scenarios
within the platform and compare the output data for
each one of these.
More precisely the platform consists of easy-to-
use and step-by-step panels on each of which the
user can adjust the landscape, human avatar (i.e.
soldier, civilian), type of movement and light
condition combination. Thus, semi-automatically the
user can create a virtual environment/scenario
comprising of an animated virtual human where
light sensors can be placed upon him/her to be
analyzed in terms of lighting conditions. The first
step of the wizard (illustrated in figure 1) allows the
user to select the landscape among a range of
available models, as well as import his/her own. It
also provides the ability of slight adjustments of
those landscapes (e.g. the density of vegetation on
the forest scene). Next, the human avatar (virtual
soldier in the case of our project) is adjusted in terms
of equipment it carries and the range of movements
again selected from the available library of animated
movements. The range of animated movements
matches the range of movements that the soldier
performs during several military operations (e.g.
march, guard, patrol, etc). Lastly, the lighting
conditions have to be modified as explained in the
Methodology section of the Platform Validation
section of the paper. The user defines the date, the
time of day, the light intensity of the source (mr
Sun) and the geographical location in order to
reconstruct the actual conditions under investigation.
Figure 1: The first step of the 3D Simulation platform.
The end product of this procedure would be a
virtual scene with equal daylight and same
architectural characteristics as a corresponding real
place and an animated human avatar with virtual
light sensors attached ready to be analyzed in terms
of light levels. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate two
examples of the aforementioned rendered outcome.
The analysis of a scene containing virtual sensor in
movement is a unique feature, which none of
commercially available software intended to perform
such kind of simulations include it in their list of
features. That is the main reason we chose 3DSMD,
since with its state-of-the-art animation and lighting
analysis capabilities and its powerful integrated
Application Programming Interface (API), it
provides an unswerving foundation for developing
such a unique tool as the one proposed by this
project. The attached virtual light sensors yield light
intensity values on the uniform of the avatar. These
values are exported in a specific data format and are
stored externally from the platform for later
evaluation such as statistical analysis. The use of
3DSMD’s incorporated API named MaxScript
enables the programming of that procedure. We use
a special file inport/export element of the API in
order to collect and export the results of the
animated scene in a spreadsheet in Comma
Separated Values (CSV) format which is compatible
with Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet software
in order to enable the user to further analyse the
statistical data. In addition to this a number of
formulas can be added so that based on the gathered,
from the light sources data, one can calculate the
solar energy to be produced for the given simulated
time duration. This platform is currently under
development. For this reason we present here a
validation of a still scene since the animated scene
functionality is still under development and only
preliminary results have been recorded.
Figure 2: Rendered image of a light analysed scene.
Figure 3: Rendered image of a light animated scene.
In recent years there has been a lot of research
and publications in the area of PV effectiveness and
materials such as the work of
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
Iniyan, Ranko (2011) and the work of Chow (2010)
(as well that that of many others, which is beyond
the scope of this paper) that summarise the solar
photovoltaic technologies as a review including the
perspective of effectiveness and materials.
However there is limited work conducted and
published in the area of PV simulation tools. The list
of those publications include the work of Reinders
Reich, van Sark, Turkenburg, Sinke, (2010)
the earlier mathematical simulation approach by
Reinders, van Dijk, Wiemken and Turkenburg
(1999). There have been autonomous software
developed in the boundaries of other academic
projects like the work of Chryssoluris, Mavrikios
Fragos and Karabatsou (2000) and the work
conducted by Abdel-Malek, Yang, Kim, Marler,
Beck, Swan, Frey-Law, Mathai, Murphy
Rahmatallah and Arora (2007) and Yang,
Rahmatalla, Marler, Adbel-Malek and Harrison
(2007) for the project of SantosTM as well as the
work of Shaikh, Jarayam, Jarayam and Palmer
(2004), Honglun, Shouqian and Yumhe (2007) and
Lind, Krassi, Viitaniemi, Kiviranta, Heilala and
Berlin (2008) that demonstrate the use of virtual
avatars and environments but these studies focus
mainly on the perspective of ergonomics and human
factors and not the integration, planning and
simulation of PVs on human virtual avatars. Also
none of the above is an extension to a commercially
available software package. Our study is the first
that utilizes virtual reality in a technical manner in
order to acquire measurements of a physical quantity
such as the light intensity into a virtual environment
incorporating mobile objects (PIPVs in movement).
The validation study of 3DSMD lighting analysis
tool, especially in outdoors condition, forms an
essential and a significant task in our project, since
we wish to ascertain how close to the actual
condition our simulation platform would be. As
already mentioned we have selected to extend the
Autodesk 3DS Max and Max Design tools,
especially as the later offers a built-in light analysis
tool. The light analysis tool is based on the
ExposureTM plug-in and it has been so far mainly
employed for interior light analysis by architects and
interior designers. There is also a validation study
conducted by Reinhart and Breton (2009) at the
National Research Council of Canada (NRCC) but
this also mainly focuses on an interior scenario with
a very brief and unsystematic validation in an
external condition/scenario. Thus the utilization of
the tool for exterior use has not been widely used
and there is a lack of thorough and systematic
validation studies focusing on outdoor conditions.
3.1 Methodology
The validation study of the 3DSMD lighting analysis
tool could be satisfied only by providing two
essential requirements. These are access to light
intensity data measurements (measured in lux) of a
particular place, with long time intervals defined
(e.g. days or months) and the precise 3D CAD
model of this place. Thankfully for the purposes of
this study, Brunel University runs two, unrelated to
this, projects that fulfil the aforementioned
requirements. Light intensity data are collected on a
daily basis since October 2006 by the weather
station of the SunnyBoy project conducted by
Chowdhury, Day, Taylor, Chowdhury, Markvart and
Song (2008). The aim of this project is the data
acquisition and performance analysis of a PV array
installed within the Brunel campus as illustrated in
Figure 4.
Figure 4: Rendered image of the Brunel University 3D
Campus project.
The next element towards this study is the 3D
model of the campus. Accurate models of this are
also available by a past project of Brunel University.
Therefore, the basic toolset of the study is acquired
and the next step is the modification of the
simulation setup.
3.2 Simulation Setup
A number of scenarios have been set up for this
study. These scenarios cover all the possible
daylight conditions, which are three. Namely a
sunny, a partially cloudy and a cloudy day. For this
purpose, we chose three corresponding days to those
conditions. These days were selected based on
weather forecasts and observation and light intensity
values collected with the proper equipment (lux
meter) on site during those particular dates. The
investigated scenarios are defined in Table 1.
Table 1: Lighting Simulation Setup Scenarios.
Scenario DaylightCondition Date
Sunny day 03-June-2010
Partially cloudy day 25-October-2010
Cloudy day
3.3 Lighting Analysis Rendering Setup
The light analysis system requires a virtual sensor to
be designed in the scene in order to yield results for
this sensor. The weather station is located on the
spot indicated by the red star in Figure 4. Therefore,
a lighting analysis sensor (Light Meter) is designed
on the exact same spot with the corresponding area
that the measurements were conducted. The lighting
analysis in 3DSMD uses mental-ray to simulate
physical lighting, thus the accuracy of the results lie
beneath the precision of the rendering settings. The
lighting analysis assistant by ExposureTM plug-in
provides a Lighting Analysis Render Preset of
adjustments for the parameters of the simulation. It
utilizes the mental-ray raytracer with the method of
backward raytracing and with Raytrace and Final
Gather setting enabled as referred in the Functional
overview of mental ray v1.5 by mental-images
(2007). The only modification to that preset,
required for reasons of presentation, is the scaling of
the Analysis of Value Colour Coding. The minimum
illuminance value in lux is 0 which corresponds to
darkness and the maximum is set to 120,000 lux
which is the typical maximum illuminance value for
a clear sky day.
3.4 Lighting System Setup
The lighting system has to be setup too. Although
3DSMD as mentioned above utilizes ExposureTM
plug-in for lighting analysis, there have been some
studies such as the study of Reich, (2010) that adopt
a different approach, scaling visible light to yield
energy levels. In the case of this study, the lighting
system of Exposure is used by employing the Perez-
all Weather sky model as mentioned in both the
daylight simulation guidelines by Autodesk (1), (2)
(2009). The daylight system in our setup is the mr
Sun and mr Sky and we set the longitude and
latitude of the landscape to 51.53285º and -0.4728
respectively, which is the exact position of Brunel
3.5 Material Adjustments
Another simulation parameter that has to be
adjusted, according to the Daylight Simulation guide
provided by Autodesk (1), (2) (2009), are the
materials of the 3D objects as those define the
optical properties of the objects. The only applicable
materials for lighting analysis by default are the mr
Architectural Design materials and the
“ProMaterials”. As indicated in the study by
Reinhart (2009) these materials are complex in terms
of parameters whilst accuracy lies in the detail. In an
outdoor scenario like the one examined in this paper,
the light values are far higher than an indoor
scenario and shading is less, consequently the
accuracy of results is not highly material dependent.
Thus, materials that match the optical properties and
colour of the actual architectural structures are
utilized. These include the effects of reflectance of
solar rays on the surfaces as accurately as possible.
Furthermore, in every scene object a map is
assigned, which increases the precision of the optical
properties in complex materials like the camouflage
and vegetation. The map assigned along with the
appropriate shader will provide the object with the
optical properties required.
The results of the validation study as well as our
proposed future work are offered in this section.
4.1 Platform Validation Results
Every single value of light intensity (lux) that
corresponds to a specific time during the day has to
be simulated within 3DSMD. After that all the
resulting virtual values are plotted in graphs and
contrasted with the graph constructed by the actual
For the three different scenarios of the study there
are 6 plots compared in pairs resulting to three
graphs as illustrated in Figures 5, 6 and 7. The Y
axis represents the illuminance values measured in
lux. The higher the lux values are the higher are the
light intensity values that reach the PV panel. The X
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
axis represents the time of the specified day. One
may notice that across the three figures the overall
time duration varies by a few hours. This is due to
the specific date and season that these measurements
took place.
Figure 5: Scenario 1 – Sunny Day.
Figure 6: Scenario 2 – Partially Cloudy Day.
For instance the measurement of Figure 5 was
taken place during summer, whereas the one in
Figure 6 is in winter, where there is light for less
parts of the day. The values demonstrated in the
figures are taken on a five minute interval. The
changes seen in the lines (peaks and drops) simply
illustrate the amount of light in lux that the
measurement devices record and simulated in
3DSMD. Thus if the sun is on the middle of the sky
with no clouds obstructing it there is a peak (high
lux value). If on the other hand there is a cloud
passing between the sun and the measurement unit
the lux level drops.
Figure 7: Scenario 3 – Cloudy Day.
The results clearly demonstrate that for any
outdoor daylight condition scenario the lighting
analysis tool of the 3D software yields values of
light levels extremely close to the actual
measurements. More precisely for sunny days, as
illustrated in figure 5, the values generated by
3DSMD and those of the actual measurements are
very much the same. In the case of a partially cloudy
day, as illustrated in figure 6, 3DSMD’s values are
very close to the actual measurements for the
majority of the day’s duration. There is a very small
discrepancy during ten to one o’clock between
3DSMD and the actual measurements, but this is in
the range of 50lux at its peak and it is thus a
negligible amount to take into consideration.
For applications that require long term analysis
of light levels as for example a study of light levels
for Product Integrated PhotoVoltaics (PIPV) at a
particular place and for a given long time interval
such as a whole day, the approach adopted by this
study derives to qualitative results. In other words,
the requirements of light level analysis for PIPV
applications can be substituted by the virtual tool
offered by 3DSMD and ExposureTM. However, the
complexity of this tool added by the compound
procedures of rendering and analysis are an obstacle
to users or scientists who wish to employ a virtual
tool in their projects. That is one of the essential
aims of the project to which this study is part of.
Utilizing the design and development of a Graphical
User Interface (GUI) we are trying to solve this
aforementioned issue and semi-automating and
simplifying the procedures of virtual lighting
analysis for outdoor applications of PIPV. The GUI
will offer the end user the capability to synthesize
and modify in few simple steps their landscape and
weather conditions and furthermore to analyze and
infer safe, as proved above, results for further
statistical analysis and planning of the applications.
4.2 Future Work
The project is nearly half way through with an
additional 10 months left. Within that period we aim
to finish the design and development of the proposed
Solar Soldier light simulation platform. Once this is
completed we would be able to run several more
experiments and much more efficiently since the
simulation process will be semi-automated. We
would particularly look to simulate a virtual infantry
soldier with the light sensors placed on the most
effective (and based on scenarios given to us by
DSTL), from a light gathering perspective, parts of
his uniform and kit and generate data across
different terrains (desert, urban), environments
(winter, summer) and mission types (patrol, guard,
In addition to this we would be running more
outdoor validation studies from non-stationary
positions to see and compare the data generated
when in motion.
Finally it is within our scope to design and
employ the platform simulation tool for commercial
applications as well and we are in the process of
developing commercially-based scenarios in our
system too.
The paper has presented a brief overview of
platform that extends commercial 3D authoring and
light analysis tools to produce a 3D planning and
simulation tool mainly for defence but also for
prospective commercial applications. The unique
and novel feature of this tool is the introduction of
the analysis of technical aspects such as lighting
intensity not only for still scenes but for animated
objects as well.
The paper has focused on a validation study of
the 3DSMD with its light analysis tool for the time
being and as a proof of concept only in an outdoor
still scene scenario. A number of daylight scenarios
have been produced modelled and tested using both
3DSMD as well as actual measurements from a
weather station. This is one of the first amongst a
scarce number of studies with thorough validation
studies focusing on outdoor conditions performed on
3DSMD, producing very encouraging outcomes, as
the data from 3DSMD and the actual PV match
extremely closely under sunny, partially cloudy and
cloudy conditions. Thus, we demonstrated that tools
such as 3DSMD can be employed for simulating
outdoor daylight condition scenario which is among
the basic aims of the project. The tool however is
fairly complex requiring a number of settings to be
configured and requiring that the end-user is highly
experienced with the tool. As part of our proposed
platform we aim to semi-automated and simplify this
process rendering it more accessible as well as
suitable for a number of defence and commercial
scenario applications.
The Authors would like to thank EPSRC and DSTL
for the funding of the Solar Soldier project. We
would also like to thank all our project partners from
Glasgow University, Loughborough University,
Strathclyde University, Leeds University and
University of Reading for their valuable contribution
to our work. Also special thanks to Brunel
University and Dr Gary Taylor for kindly providing
access to the SunnyBoy weather and PV data.
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