Saïd Assar
Institut Telecom, Telecom Business School, 9, rue C. Fourier 91011, Evry, France
Sana Damak Mallouli, Carine Souveyet
Université Paris 1 La Sorbonne, Centre de Recherche en Informatique
90, Rue de Tolbiac, 75013, Paris, France
Keywords: Meta-modeling, Method engineering, Model executability, Behavioral perspective in meta-modeling, Event-
based meta-modeling, Meta-CASE tool, CAME tool.
Abstract: Meta-models are essential artifacts for specifying and reasoning on models and on methods. Traditionally,
meta-modeling follows the “data” perspective and only the structural part of a model is represented. The
“process” and “behavior” perspectives are neglected or partly represented, and for a process meta-model,
such specifications express its enactment and execution semantics. From a Computer Aided Method
Engineering (CAME) point of view, such specifications are necessary for enacting the process part of a
method when specified. In this paper, we defend the position that in process meta-modeling, it is essential to
include the behavior perspective, and that event-based meta-modeling can help in expressing, graphically
and at high level of abstraction, the executable semantics of a process modeling notation. We illustrate this
approach through the construction of event-based meta-models for the intention oriented Map notation.
A meta-model is a formal specification of a model
that helps in understanding it and in reasoning on its
structure, its semantics and its usage. Meta-
modeling, which is the activity of constructing meta-
models, is widely used in Information Systems (IS)
engineering and especially in model design and
method engineering (Brinkkemper et al., 1996),
(Rolland, 2007b). It is a powerful conceptual tool to
analyze product and process models, and to design
corresponding CASE tools.
In the literature, meta-modeling is generally used
to specify meta-models that reflect the static
structure of models, i.e. concepts and links between
these concepts (Jeusfeld et al., 2009), (Sprinkle et
al., 2011). For instance, if we consider the meta-
model shown in figure 1, which is an extract of the
SPEM meta-model represented in UML, we notice
that this specification describes the structural
dimension of this process model. It represents SPEM
concepts and how they are inter-linked. How these
elements interact during the execution is not
explicitly expressed in the meta-model.
Figure 1: A fragment of the SPEM Meta-Model, extracted
from (OMG, 2008), p.54.
While the "process" and the "behavior"
perspectives are well-known in IS modeling (Olle et
al., 1991), they are generally missing in meta-
models specified in the software engineering field.
Depending on the nature of the studied model, the
lack of these perspectives deprives tools designers
and method engineers of an important knowledge
about the models they are manipulating. In the case
of a process meta-model, the "process" and
"behavior" perspectives inquire in fact on the
executable semantics of the underlying model.
The goal of this paper is to present and discuss
Assar S., Damak Mallouli S. and Souveyet C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003612402380243
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software and Database Technologies (ICSOFT-2011), pages 238-243
ISBN: 978-989-8425-77-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
how to take into account the "process" and
"behavior" perspectives when specifying at the
meta-level a process model. We are particularly
interested in process models with interactive
behavior. Indeed, these models (such as BPMN,
Workflow, etc.) were designed to represent
organizational systems involving external agents to
the system. To express these interactions and the
underlying semantics, corresponding meta-models
must take into account not only the structural
perspective (concepts and relationships), but also
dynamic and behavioral perspectives.
This paper is organized into 5 sections. Section 2
presents related works in specifying models
executability. Section 3 briefly provides the basics
of the meta-modeling notation which will be used.
Section 4 is an illustration of our approach applied
on the intentional Map model. Section 5 discusses
the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed
approach, and proceeds with the conclusion.
In software engineering, expressing model
executability in meta-models has been studied
extensively, particularly since MDA (Model Driven
Architecture) and MDE (Model Driven Engineering)
approaches to software development have been
introduced. Indeed, given that the MDE approach is
fundamentally based on the extensive use of models
at all phases of software development, the question
of how to execute a model and how to express its
executable semantics quickly arose. A first study on
the relationship between a meta-model and the
problem of expressing the executability of the
underlying model was made on Petri nets in one of
Bézivin works (Breton et al., 2001). The authors
complement the static meta-model describing the
structure of the model (arcs and transitions in a Petri
net) by a dynamic meta-model which introduces data
structures necessary for the execution of an instance
of this model (tags and movement of token).
However, the authors acknowledge that this is not
sufficient to express the model full executability as
the used formalism (UML class diagram) has no
executable semantics, and the authors call for the
creation of an executable UML. And it is probably
the result of these preliminary thoughts on the
problem of expressing model executability in meta-
models that the Kermeta language was proposed and
developed (Muller et al., 2005). Kermeta is an
object-oriented meta-programming language with a
software environment designed for meta-model
engineering. It provides a way to add meta-
specification to an UML meta-diagram. The
Kermeta meta-programming language has been used
to build a comprehensive and executable
specification for simple models like Finite State
Machine (Kermeta, 2011).
Further works in the software engineering and
the MDE communities focused on studying
engineering processes models, because of the
importance of describing, controlling, and
automating procedures by which software systems
are constructed. UML4SPM is an important work in
this register (Bendraou et al., 2005). It defines a
modeling language for representing and enacting
engineering process models. It is based on UML,
and is similar to the OMG's SPEM standard. Several
experiments were made to specify the semantics and
express the executability of UML4SPM using the
BPEL processes execution language and the meta-
specification language Kermeta (Bendraou et al.,
2007). For both approaches, the problem of
interacting with the system environment (the user or
other systems) is highlighted.
In IS engineering domain and especially in
method engineering field, few studies to our
knowledge have addressed the question of the
explicit expression of executability in process meta-
model. As a method definition is a combination of
product and process meta-models, product meta-
model specifications are historically the oldest
(Harmsen et al., 1996). In (Brinkkemper et al.,
2001), the MEL language, which is a formal
language for specifying methods, is proposed. Apart
the structural specification of components, the
process aspect is described in MEL using formal
operators whose semantics is guaranteed by the
underlying mathematical notation. This approach by
assembling components methodology is currently
predominant (Henderson-Sellers et al., 2010);
however, there are still no models to formalize the
approach, neither to specify the methodological
component, nor to formally express the assembly
process (Seidita et al., 2007).
To conclude this overview, we have to mention
meta-modeling formalisms and languages proposed
by CAME and meta-CASE environment. MetaEdit
is a well known tool which allows specifying a
meta-model using the data-oriented static notation
GOPRR (Kelly et al., 1996), and generating a
graphical editor for the specified model (Kelly et al.,
2008), (MetaCASE, 2011). The "process" and the
"behavior" perspectives are relegated to the phase of
code generation where instances of the model can be
manipulated and corresponding instructions can be
generated in any target language (i.e. XML, C++,
Java) using the MERL scripting language. Whereas
the meta-model definition is declarative using a
graphic interface, executability is expressed in an
operational way with a standard programming
interface. This is the main drawback of MetaEdit.
ConceptBase is another meta-modeling
formalism supported by a meta-CASE environment.
which is based on the Telos model (Mylopoulos et
al., 1990), and is implemented using the Datalog
logic based language. ConceptBase is a powerful
graphical meta-modeling environment allowing to
specify any number of abstraction levels, and to
express constraints and queries on several of these
levels. Regarding “process” and “behavior”
perspectives, ConceptBase introduced Event-
Condition-Action (ECA) rules to express the
dynamics of a meta-model. An illustration is given
in (Jarke et al., 2010) with the rules of execution of a
Petri net.
The aim of this paper is to show the importance of
the behavioral perspective by applying it in
specifying a process meta-model. We argue that
such a description can improve model specification
and consequently facilitate the implementation of a
corresponding CASE tool. For this purpose, we will
first use the UML class diagram to specify the data
perspective of the meta-model. This model can be
complemented with the UML sequence diagram to
express the process perspective. For sake of space,
this step will not be shown here. Finally, for
specifying the behavior of the model, we introduce
an event-based notation directly inspired from the
Information System Development Framework (Olle
et al., 1991). The behavior perspective is built upon
the concepts of event, trigger and operation (figure
2). An event is characterized by its name, its type
(internal or external), and a predicate expressing the
condition of its occurrence. An external event
corresponds to the arrival of a message, while an
internal event is related to a state change in an
object. A message is issued by an agent, which can
be a human actor or an application system. It is a set
of structured data which is relevant and significant
for the system. An Agent is described by its name,
its type (human or system), a set of incoming
messages and a set of out coming messages.
The ascertain relationship is defined either
between an event and a message for an external
Figure 2: Graphical notation for representing the behavior
perspective in meta-models.
event, or between an event and an object in case of
an internal event. The trigger relationship relates an
event to one or several operations. A trigger body is
composed of a flow of unsorted atomic operations to
be executed when the event occurs. This execution
can be conditional; in this case, a specific condition
is associated to the triggering of the operation.
The main advantages of this notation are its
simplicity and the availability of a graphical
representation. An important feature is the emphasis
on the interaction between the system application
tool and the external environment.
A map is a labeled directed graph with intentions as
nodes and strategies as edges (Rolland, 2007a). An
edge enters a node if its strategy can be used to
achieve the intention of the node. Since there can be
multiple edges entering a node, the map is capable
of representing many strategies that can be used for
achieving an intention. A map is a non deterministic
representation of a process. We call “Section” a
triplet composed of a source intention, a target
intention and strategy. The Map formalism do not
constrain the user in a sequential process consisting
of successive steps, but allows instead a large degree
of freedom in the scheduling of intentions and in the
choice of the strategy to be applied at each step in
the process. The UML class diagram in figure 3
depicts the static structure of the Map meta-model.
The meta-model contains on one hand
representations for the Map concepts (“Map”,
“Intention”, “Strategy”, “Section”, “Constraint”,
“Situation”), and on the other hand, additional
structures necessary for handling the enactment of a
map (“Intention_Realisation”, “Section_Execution”,
“Trace”, “Map_application”, “Map_User”).
A map is enacted one section at a time. At each
step of the enactment process, a new set of candidate
sections (sections that can be executed in the next
ICSOFT 2011 - 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 3: Static representation of the Map meta-model.
step) is computed. This is done by checking those
sections that respect the scheduling constraints, and
that match with the given current situation of the
working products (“Situation”), and that match with
the given history of the process execution (“Trace”).
From this set of candidate section, a section with the
corresponding product fragment (i.e. the situation) is
interactively selected by the user (Assar et al., 2000).
We have defined in the meta-model additional
attributes such as the “state” attribute in several
classes to track the current state of an object and its
evolution during the enactment process. For
example, the attribute ‘State_Section’ in the class
“Section” takes the values (‘Selected’, ‘Executed’,
‘Candidate’, ‘Prohibited’, ‘Running’). This
information indicates the changing status of the class
“Section” during the execution of a map, and thus
plays an important role in reasoning about the
progress of the enactment process. Finally, the
classes “Map_User” and “Map_Application”
represent external agents that interact during the
enactment of a map. They contain necessary data
about human and software users of the system.
Without these elements of information, it is
impossible to know when and why an operation will
be executed.
The class diagram in figure 3 is a partial
representation of a procedural vision of the
enactment process. It is insufficient for designing a
meta-model-driven Map enactment tool because the
way interactions are handled, is not explicitly
represented. That’s why we propose to use the
behavior perspective to describe the causal
relationship between the Map enactment tool and
environment, together with the inside event driven
logic of the enactment process. Figure 4 corresponds
to the dynamic schema of the Map meta-model. This
graphic representation reflects the systemic view of
the Map execution. For the sake of place, only some
events will be briefly detailed in this paper (table 1).
Table 1: Specifications for the behavioural meta-model.
EV1 - arrival of an “Execute map” message
- triggers the “Execute_Map” operation of the
class “Map”
- sets the value to
Selected in the attribute
EV2 - the value of “State_Map” changes from
Selectedto Running
- triggers the computation of candidate sections
EV3 - the value of attribute “State_Section” changes
from Prohibited to Candidate
- triggers the display of all candidate sections
EV4 - the user selects an item among the list of
candidate sections
- modifies the “State_Section” attribute value
Candidate to Selected
EV5 - attribute “State_Section” change its value
Candidate to Running
- triggers the execution of the selected section
and invokes an external application to perform
the task associated with a strategy
EV6 - the execution of a section is finished,
“State_Section” changes from
- triggers the update of the trace, insert a new
realized intention, updates the situation of the
product and notifies the user of the end of
execution of the selected section
Figure 4: Representation of the dynamic perspective for the Map meta-model.
We have addressed in this position paper the
problem of specifying the enactment semantics of a
process meta-model. By analyzing the state of the
art, we find that the software engineering
community has begun addressing this problem.
Proposed solutions are based on UML and on the
generic MOF meta-model, and they are inspired by
the work around the implementation of the SPEM
process meta-model. In the method engineering
field, approaches are different and the assembly of
components is the privileged approach to define new
methods. However, we note that the issue of
executability is common to both domains of
research, in the sense that to be implemented, a
methodological component must be specified in
detail and its executable semantics have then to be
clearly expressed.
By using an adequate modeling notation which
combines rigorous behavioral semantics and a clear
graphical representation, we showed the contribution
of this approach in the expression of process model
executability. Our proposal is to be considered as a
hybrid approach that combines the advantages of
declarative and imperative paradigms for process
modeling languages. It allows the construction of
dynamic meta-models which have well defined
semantics, and which are able to take into account
the non-deterministic executable nature of a process
model such as the Map. We have to notice here that
some of the concepts of the meta-model are
considered as object classes in the data perspective,
but also as agents in the behavior perspective. This
is an important aspect of the behavior perspective
since it captures the semantic of the interaction, not
only from the information or data point of view but
also from the agent point of view. Compared with a
meta-programming approach (e.i. Kermeta) or a
purely declarative approach (e.i. ConceptBase), our
approach highlights graphically the points of
interaction between the running process and its
This paper is part of an ongoing research work
for the design and the specification of CASE-like
software tools to support the Map intentional model.
We are convinced that meta-models should deal with
concepts of the behavior perspective and not only
concepts of data and process perspectives, especially
if a model-driven execution tool is to be derived
from it. We are currently studying, testing and
comparing various meta-modeling environments
(Kermeta, MetaEdit, ConceptBase) to assess the
relevance of such meta-CASE approaches for
building a software support tool. The work presented
here suggests that the meta-modeling approaches are
multiple and complementary, but suggest also that
they are unable to take into account all the
requirements of the designer in terms of graphical
representation, in terms of expressing correctly the
interactive semantics of process models, and in
terms of formal and detailed expression of
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