Mohamed Ben Aouicha, Ines Kamoun, Mohamed Tmar and Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou
MIRACL, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia
XML retrieval, XML query optimization, Virtual link, INEX.
This paper presents an information retrieval model on XML documents based on tree matching. Queries and
documents are represented by extended trees. An extended tree is built starting from the original tree, with
additional weighted virtual links between each node and its indirect descendants allowing to directly reach
each descendant. Therefore only one level separates between each node and its indirect descendants. This
allows to compare the user query and the document with flexibility and with respect to the query structural
hints. The content of each node is however very important to decide whether a document element is relevant or
not, thus the content should be taken into account in the retrieval process. We separate between the structure-
based and the content-based retrieval processes. The structure notion should be taken into account during the
retrieval process as well as during automatic query reformulation. We propose an approach to automatic query
reformulation starting from the original query on one hand and the fragments judged relevant by the user on
the other. Structure hints analysis allows us to identify nodes that match the user query and to rebuild it during
the automatic query reformulation step. The main goal of this paper is to show the impact of structural hints in
XML retrieval and XML query optimization. Some experiments have been undertaken into a dataset provided
to show the effectiveness of our proposals.
INitiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval, an evaluation forum that aims at promoting retrieval capa-
bilities on XML documents.
The standardization of the Web to XML schemas
presents new problems and hence new needs for cus-
tomized access to information. Being a very powerful
and often unavoidable tool to customized access to in-
formation of all kinds, information retrieval systems
arise at the forefront of this issue.
Many traditional information retrieval systems
(IRS) have been adapted to handle XML retrieval.
While both text and structure are important, IRS usu-
ally give higher priority to text when ranking XML
elements. IRS adapt unstructured retrieval methods
to handle additional structural constraints. Such ap-
proaches are called text centric XML retrieval.
The traditional information retrieval systems han-
dle documents with different formats but do not ex-
ploit the structure of documents, including the refor-
mulation phase of the query. However, a structured
document is characterized by its content and struc-
ture. This structure, as defined by elements, possibly
completes semantics expressed by the content and be-
comes a constraint with which information retrieval
systems must comply in order to satisfy the user in-
formation needs.
Indeed, the user can express his need by a set of
keywords, as in the traditional information retrieval
systems, and can add structural constraints to better
target the sought semantics.
Thus, taking into account the structure of the doc-
uments and that of the query by the information re-
trieval systems handling structured documents is nec-
essary not only in the retrieval process but also in the
query reformulation one.
We propose in this paper to evaluate the impact
of structure handling in both the interrogation and the
query reformulation process. The structure hints in
the user query are taken into account at first (before
any content treatment) in interrogation process, and
in the query reformulation process, the query struc-
ture could be devoted to some modification based on
the structure of the relevant judged document frag-
ments. thus, we put the emphasis on the structure by
analyzing the structure features and relation that are
Ben Aouicha M., Kamoun I., Tmar M. and Ben Hamadou A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003624601230128
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 123-128
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the most significant to the interrogation and the query
reformulation process.
This paper is organized into six sections. The sec-
ond section gives a survey of related work in XML re-
trieval. The third section presents our XML retrieval
model. In the fourth section, we present an auto-
matic query reformulation approach. The fifth section
presents the experiments and the obtained results. The
sixth section concludes.
In traditional information retrieval (IR), the docu-
mentary unit from which the terms are extracted and
which will be presented to the user is the entire doc-
ument. But in the context of XML retrieval the doc-
umentary unit can have different forms. It can be the
entire document (any element of the document) or an
item or subtree of an XML document. Thus XML
retrieval systems must take into account this new di-
mension during the interrogation of any XML corpus
and during the query reformulation.
Several teams have adapted classical IR methods
to XML retrieval. The vector-space based XML re-
trieval method proposed by defines each dimension
by sub-trees that contain at least one indexing term.
Queries and documents are then represented by vec-
tors in this space and the system computes matches
between them using well-knownvector-space similar-
ity measures (Cosine, Dice, Overlap . ..). Schlieder
and Meuss (Schlieder and Meuss, 2002) describe
similar approaches. They proposed the ApproXQL
model, which integrates the document structure in the
vector space model similarity measure. The query
model is based on tree matching: it rewrites the
queries and the documents independently and then
performs XML retrieval based on the traditional vec-
tor space model properties.
Fuhr (Fuhr and Grossjohann, 2001) uses a query
language XIRQL that combines the structural and the
content based approach. It integrates features related
to data-centric by using ideas from logic-based prob-
abilistic Information retrieval models, in combination
with concepts from the database area. Balog et al.
propose a general probabilistic framework for entity
search to evaluate and provide insight in the many
ways of using these types of input for query modelling
(Balog et al., 2010). They focus on the use of cate-
gory information and demonstrates the effectiveness
of category-based expansion using example entities.
We present in this section an XML retrieval model
based on tree flexible matching. Instead of flexible
matching on the original representations of the query
and the document, we apply an exact match method
on flexible representations of them.
Formally, an XML tree is a set of node paths A
B where node A is the parent of node B. The XML
tree root is the only one that has no parent. So an
XML tree T should have the following property:
N / T} = {root} (1)
where N and N
represent XML nodes in tree T.
A fragment can be defined by the result of the in-
ner join of two paths. For example, if an XML tree
contains paths A B and B C, we can define an-
other path A B C. A path is then an ordered
list of nodes N
... N
. No cycles
have to occur in a tree path, thus if N
... N
is a path resulted from the tree T, all N
should be different. This brings to another property
which requires that each node but the root has only
one parent:
N T}| =
0 if N = root
1 otherwise
An XML tree is then a set of paths that fulfills the
properties 1 and 2.
The structure retrieval can be viewed as compar-
ing between the structures of two XML trees. Com-
paring between trees was initially introduced by the
tree to tree correction theory (Selkow, 1977). To com-
pare between two trees, we have a tendency to build
a tree starting from the second tree and then com-
pute correction costs. The correction process consid-
ers hidden relations between nodes. For example, if
node A is the parent of node B which is the parent of
node C in the tree T, and node A is the parent of node
C in the tree T
, the T to T
correction can be held
by removing node B and linking node A with node C.
Each update operation has a cost and the tree to tree
correction cost (the edit distance) is the total cumu-
lated cost of the necessary correction operations. The
total cost c of tree to tree correction can be viewed
as the inverse of the similarity between both of them.
Typically, if c = 0, this means that no correction oper-
ation is needed to build a tree starting from the other,
so they are quite similar.
This process can be applied to estimate the struc-
ture similarity between two XML documents, or an
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
XML document and an XML query. The main mo-
tivation of its application is that it allows to perform
structure comparison, which is necessary in XML re-
trieval and second, it provides a ranked list of docu-
ment trees (or document sub-trees), where the score
is the inverse of the total cumulated cost of the doc-
ument tree to the query tree correction (or the query
tree to the document tree correction). However, due to
some practice reasons, this cannot be applied to XML
retrieval. The tree to tree correction algorithms are not
scalable: they cannot be applied on XML retrieval on
very large corpuses.
The structural retrieval process should look for the
deepest and widest sub-tree shared by both represen-
tations (Selkow, 1977). Instead of applying a tree to
tree flexible correction algorithm in the original trees,
we use a dual process: an exact match algorithm in
flexible representations of each tree. A flexible repre-
sentation of an XML tree explores all hidden relations
that could exist between nodes. We call such repre-
sentation the extended tree. This operation is done
since indexing the XML corpus.
To do so, we add to each path A B a weight re-
flecting the importance of the relation between nodes
A and B. According to the parent-child relation, this
weight is equal to 1. The more A is distant from B
in the original path, the less its weight is. The weight
depends on the distance between two nodes that occur
in a path. We use the weighting function f defined by
f(A B) = exp(1 d(A,B)) where d(A,B) is the
distance that separates node A from node B. We de-
note this path by A
B where w = exp(1 d(A,B))
is the weight of the path A B.
We apply an exact match algorithm on the ex-
tended trees (Ben Aouicha et al., 2006) (Ben Aouicha
et al., 2009). As the complexity of the exact match al-
gorithms is less than the approximative matching al-
gorithm one, we use this kind of algorithms to com-
pare between two flexible representations. All the
complexity is then moved at the representation phase,
which corresponds to the indexing process. This
phase is only performed once, and the interrogation
process is in contrast performed by the application
of an exact match algorithm on the extended trees
representations which are stored in the index. Start-
ing from tree T and tree T
this algorithm looks for
the deepest and widest sub-tree shared by T and T
and computes the similarity depending on the weights
of paths appearing in each one. Relevant fragments
are those having similar structure than the user query.
This can be done by looking in the extended docu-
ment for fragments having exactly the same structure
as the extended query or a part of it. This allows flex-
ible XML retrieval (Bordogna and Pasi, 2000). The
search strategy we adopt is iterative. We start from
the extended document and query trees. We build a
returned fragment incrementally, starting from poten-
tially common roots, we build for each one its com-
mon child nodes, and then for each child node, we
build its common child nodes and so on until leaf
nodes. When building relevant candidate fragments,
we compute the structure-based score by cumulating
the product of the paths weights in the document and
their matched ones in the query tree.
The final score is a linear combination of the
structure-based score r
and the content-based score
r( f
, f
) = α × r
+ (1 α) × r
where α is a parameter that emphasizes the re-
trieval process on the structure constraints or the key-
words. For our experiments, we use α = 0.6.
In our approach we focus on the structure of the orig-
inal query and that of document fragments deemed
relevant to the user structure hints. Indeed, this study
allows us to reinforce the importance of these struc-
tures in the reformulated query to better identify the
most relevant fragments to the user’s needs. The anal-
ysis of structures allows us to identify the most rele-
vant nodes and the involved relationships.
4.1 Line of Descent Matrix
According to most approaches to automatic query re-
formulation, the query construction is done by build-
ing a representative structure of relevant objects and
another structure for irrelevant ones, and then build a
representation close to the first and farther from the
For example, the Rocchio’s method (Rocchio,
1971) considers a representative structure of a doc-
ument set by their centroid. A linear combination of
the original query and the centroids of the relevant
documents and irrelevant ones can be assumed as a
potentially suitable user need.
We propose to traduce the documents and the
query in a matrix format instead of a wighted term
vector like in Rocchios method which is more suit-
able for flat document. We build for each document
a matrix called line of descent matrix (LDM), which
must show all existing ties of kindship between differ-
ent nodes. This representation should also reflect the
positions of the various nodes in the fragments as they
are also important in the query reformulation. For an
XML tree (or subtree) A, we associate the matrix de-
fined by M
] =
P if n n
A(n is the parent of n’)
0 otherwise
Where P is a constant value which represents the
weight of the descent relationship.
As for us, we represent each of the relevant frag-
ments and the initial query in the LDM form. The
value of the constant P for the query LDM construc-
tion is greater than that used for the construction of
other LDMs (which represent the relevant fragments)
to strengthen the weight of the initial query edges fol-
lowing the principle used in the Rocchio’s method
which uses reformulation parameters having different
effects (1 for the initial query, α for the relevant doc-
uments centroid and β for the non relevant documents
centroid where 0 α 1 and 1 β 0). Note that
no complexity analysis is here needed because of the
low number of relevant judged documents comparing
to the corpus size. In our experiments, we undertake
the query reformulation in a pseudo-feedback way on
the top 20 ranked documents resulting from the first
round retrieval. In the other hand, the total number of
tags is over 160 in all the collection and about 5 in a
single fragment, so the matrix size can not exceed 25.
In a fragment can be returned even if the structural
conditions of the query are not entirely fulfilled. This
means that if a fragment of an XML document is sim-
ilar but not identical to the query, it can be returned.
The information retrieval systems now has to query
with tolerated differences (a few missing elements or
more additional ones) between the query structure and
the document. Consequently, we believe that the most
effective way to bring this tolerance is to assure that
one element is not only connected to its child nodes,
but to all of its direct and indirect descendants. A re-
lationship between nodes in the same line of descent
is weighted by their distance in the XML tree.
We propose the TC function which is a transitive
closure on the weights of the nodes edges with a com-
mon ancestor. The resulted value will be added to the
weight of the edge itself in the LDM as follows:
) N
] M
TC(x,y) =
x× y
+ y
As for us, this transitive closure will be applied to
each LDM of each fragment judjed as relevant and
also to the LDM of the query.
The the reformulated query structure is built start-
ing from the obtained LDMs. Let us consider F =
{ f
, f
.. . f
} where f
are the relevant judged frag-
ments and Q
is the initial query, the query structure
is built starting from the cumulated LDM S:
] =
] + M
4.2 Building the New Query Structure
The query reformulation starts by identifying its root.
The root is characterized by a high number of child
nodes and a negligible number of parents. For exam-
ple, to find the root we simply return the element R,
which has the greatest weight in the rows of the ma-
trix S and the lowest weight in its columns. The root
R is then such that:
R = argmax
S[n, n
+ 1
The argument to maximize reflects that the can-
didate nodes to represent the root should have as
maximal low values as possible in the relative row
S[n, n
]) and as minimal low values as possible in
the column (
,n]) relatively to the total sum of
the matrix values (
Once the root has been established, we proceed to
the recursive development phase of the tree represent-
ing the structure of the new query. The development
of the tree starts by the root R, and then by determin-
ing all the child nodes of R, the same operation is
performed recursively for the child nodes of R until
reaching the leaves elements.
Experiments have been undertaken into a dataset pro-
vided by INEX. The INEX metric for evaluation is
based on the exhaustivity and specificity measures
which are analogous to the traditional recall and pre-
cision measures (Piwowarski and Dupret, 2006). The
specificity is an extent to which a document compo-
nent is focused on the information need, while being
an informativeunit. The exhaustivenessis an extent to
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
which the information contained in a document com-
ponent satisfies the information need. Each document
component has one of the following values of exhaus-
tivity (non exhaustive, slightly exhaustive, exhaustive
very exhaustive) and specificity (between 0 and 1).
These measures are quantized onto a single relevance
First experiments were undertaken to show the ef-
fectiveness of our XML retrieval approach. Figures
1, 2 and 3 show our results (bold curves) compared to
official INEX obtained results by all participants on
the MAep (mean average effort precision) quantiza-
tion measure.
We experimented different values of α used in equa-
tion 3, the value that provides the best results is 0.6
which shows that the strcture-based retrieval contri-
bution is over 40% of the whole XML retrieval pro-
0 0.5 1
Figure 1: Comparative results with INEX official partici-
pants, generalized quantization function.
0 0.5 1
Figure 2: Comparative results with INEX official partici-
pants, generalized lifted quantization function.
It can be seen through figure 3 that we obtain
better MAep results than all the INEX’2005 partic-
ipants in the strict quantization functions. Figure 1
and 2 show that our system is very competitive to the
0 0.5 1
Figure 3: Comparative results with INEX official partici-
pants, strict quantization function.
INEX’2005 outsiders according to the other quantiza-
tion functions.
At the other measures, the results are much closed
to the best INEX’2005 official results.
The obtained results on the strict quantization
function over all measures show that our approach
is able to return high specific elements to the INEX
topics, which is structure oriented. Note that we ob-
tain 0.502 for the most structured topic (for MAep
and f
) over INEX 2005 topics, which confirms
the effectiveness of our approach in highly structured
queries context on one hand, and the impact of struc-
ture on XML retrieval on the other.
Additional experiments have been undertaken to
show the effectiveness of our query reformulation
approach. Since INEX does not provide a training
dataset, we built it manually by dividing the INEX
corpus into a training dataset containing 450 docu-
ments and the 16369 remaining documents are used
as a test corpus. To evaluate the impact of the query
reformulation, we use the same XML retrieval pro-
cess as described below.
In Table 1 we present a comparison between the
values obtained before reformulation (BR), after re-
formulation (AR) and the mean average of the official
results of all INEX participants (AVR). The parame-
ters δ and γ are respectively 0.70 and 8.50.
We can see through our experiments that our
query reformulation approach significantly improves
the results on the f
quantization function
(until 0.38 %) which considers one element to be rel-
evant provided that it is both exhaustive and specific.
This function is an excellent illustration of structured
information retrieval. We note that during these ex-
periments we reformulate only the queries structures
without changing their original content, and therefore
we believe that this reformulation has brought an evo-
lution that could be accentuated by the reformulation
of the content.
Table 1: Comparative results before and after automatic
query reformulation.
Quantization Run MAep
BR 0.099
AR 0.10076
AVG 0.0286
BR 0.0794
AR 0.0832
AVG 0.0526
BR 0.0275
AR 0.0279
AVG 0.0197
We have presented in this paper an XML retrieval ap-
proach based on tree matching. The approach con-
sists of comparing document and query representa-
tions, computing a structure and a content score to
each document node and then combine them into a
final score.
Each score is computed independently of the
other, and the final score depends on both of them.
Undertaking content and structure scores computa-
tion independently leads to the independencebetween
content and structure scores distributions. This as-
sumption is needed to estimate the score of each doc-
ument node by its probability of relevance.
We also proposed a representation of the original
query and relevant fragments under a form of a ma-
trix. After some processing and calculations on the
obtained matrix and after some analysis we have been
able to identify the most relevant nodes and their re-
lationships that connect them. The obtained results
show that the automatic reformulation of the query
structure contributes to the improvement of XML re-
trieval. The strategy of the reformulation is based on
a matrix representation of the XML trees deemed rel-
evant to the fragments and the original query.
We experimented our approach into a dataset pro-
vided by INEX. We have placed the emphasis on the
CAS tasks, which represent an excellent illustration
of flexible XML retrieval. This task is the most ap-
propriate for our retrieval model. The system was de-
signed especially for such tasks.
Additional experiments have been undertaken to
show the effectiveness of using an automatic query
reformulation model. Through our experiments, we
show that the structure hints are very important not
only for XML retrieval but also for XML query refor-
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KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing