Tomasz Boi´nski, Piotr Orłowski, Julian Szyma´nski and Henryk Krawczyk
Department of Computer Architecture, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics
Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland
Ontology design, Ontology integration, Security ontology.
There are many different levels on which we can examine security. Each one is different from others, all of
them are dependent on the context. Hence the need to bear additional knowledge enabling efficient utilization
of the knowledge by the computers. Such information can be provided by ontologies. The paper presents
gathered requirements needed to be taken into account when creating an onthology. The method of ontology
creation and the criteria for keywaords selection are presented. Ontology created in such way should provide
means for interoperability with other systems.
The Universal Polish Language Dictionary (Dubisz,
2008) defines security as “state of non-danger, tran-
quility, confidence. Experts related to international
relationships (
Zukrowska and Gra¸cik, 2006) and mil-
itary (Nowakowski, Z. and Szafran, H., 2009) all
agree with that statement. Experts from other fields,
like (Anderson, 2005) or (Borgosz-Koczwara and
Herlender, 2008) usually provide a definition that is
similar but just more detailed.
The meaning of the term security is greatly influ-
enced by the context it is used in. Security will be
understood differently when we are talking about a
personal computer, going on a vacation to some un-
stable country and when we are talking about a nu-
clear plant. There are many different layers on which
we can examine security, each differs with possible
risks and outcomes.
Zukrowska and Gra¸cik, 2006) distinguishes two
different types of security dependent on the source of
external security – security related to external fac-
internal security (safety) - security related to in-
ternal factors.
(Kim et al., 2005) marks that the creation of anno-
tations describing the security of network resources
allows better service allocation. (Herzog et al., 2009)
adds that accepting one, common set of terms and re-
lations between those terms is good for any type of or-
ganization, as any misunderstanding in terms of secu-
rity can be costly and time consuming. Unfortunately
many terms in security have vague definitions. It is
also worth mentioning that in 2003 (Donner, 2003)
raised a need of creation of single, common ontology
for network resources description. Such appeal was
later raised again by European Network and Informa-
tion Security Agency (ENISA) (ENISA, 2006).
Such common ontologies start to emerge but often
specific aspects of a given problem makes it unusable
without some changes or additions or even creation
of new ontology. It is however important to perform
such modifications or creation of a new ontology in a
way that will allow future integration with other solu-
tions. Such process will be described in further chap-
ters of this paper.
The method used for the creation of the presented on-
tology is a combination of the best practices from
the solutions proposed by researchers working in
this field. Creation of an ontology characterized by
good quality, extendability and usability in applica-
tions and research, like OCS project (Boi´nski et al.,
2009)(Boi´nski et al., 2010a), was a priority. The
method was based on works of (Noy et al., 2001),
mainly extended by aspects from NeOn (Su´arez-
Figueroa et al., 2009b)(Su´arez-Figueroaet al., 2009a)
and UPON (De Nicola et al., 2009) methodologies.
In initial phase gathering and analysis of require-
nski T., Orłowski P., Szyma
nski J. and Krawczyk H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003636003690374
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 369-374
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ments for the ontology was made. As a result On-
tology Requirement Specification Document was cre-
ated. Before implementation requirement analysis
was performed and available solutions were checked.
Ontology development started with analysis and
selection of basic concepts as it influences further in-
teroperability (Boi´nski et al., 2010b). Using selected
basic concepts a model in descriptive logic was cre-
ated. After this step further development was per-
2.1 Ontology Requirement Specification
Creation of this document was based on a template
proposed for NeOn project (Su´arez-Figueroa et al.,
2009b). Some elements were taken from (De Nicola
et al., 2009) and second edition of the book Hand-
book on Ontologies (Sure et al., 2009). The docu-
ments goals were:
describe the reason for creating the ontology,
describe its boundaries,
find its applications,
specification of requirements that need to be real-
ized by the ontology.
Additionally it contained:
list of technical requirements for the ontology,
list of quality requirements,
list of other requirements needed by the client of
the ontology,
proposition of list of knowledge sources about the
ontology domain,
list of other ontologies that can be used,
list of questions that should be answered by the
final ontology.
2.2 The Reason for Creating the
The goal for the ontology is creation of common, un-
ambiguous semantic model of terms from security do-
main, providing means for easy extension and usabil-
ity in research projects. The ontology will be devel-
oped in OCS ontology editor. Currently OCS sup-
ports all languages provided by OWL API 2.1.1 (Hor-
ridge and Bechhofer, 2009), like RDF, RDFS and
OWL 1.1. OWL 2.0 will be supported in future ver-
sions of OCS. Because of this limitation OWL 1.1 was
selected as language of the ontology in its DL dialect.
As file representation rdf/owl was selected, what en-
sures its portability. Also the ontology need to have
one namespace, as owl:imports are not yet supported
by OCS.
2.3 Boundaries of the Ontology
The created ontology in general should contain sub-
jects from the following areas:
general meaning of security and safety,
domains closely related with security but in lim-
ited scope.
In detail the ontology should contain:
basic and general terms in the field of security,
terminology from the domain of information
safety and security,
the most important terms from other fields of se-
curity, e.g.:
road traffic,
national and international,
energetic, etc.
To further limit the wide scope of the ontology it
was decided that it will contain general security and
safety terminology and detailed terminology describ-
ing security and reliability of computer systems. In-
formation security is close to other fields of security
and is generally understood by people from field of
computer science.
Following knowledge bases were selected as basic
sources of knowledge:
NIST Glossary (Kissel, 2006),
ENISA risk management glossary (Enisa, 2010),
Ian Sommerville book “Software Engineer-
ing” (Sommerville, 2006).
Such selection allows capture of different ap-
proaches to security and safety. First of them shows
American approach to security, second shows Euro-
pean aspects of the problem and the third one shows
approach represented by software engineers.
Additionally to the above sources, it was decided
to extend the ontology by the following taxonomies:
IEEE computer security taxonomy (Avizienis
et al., 2004),
Firesmith security requirements taxonomy (Fire-
smith, 2005a)(Firesmith, 2005b).
Those two publications are well formalized so
moving contained in them informationto the ontology
should be easily doable. Unfortunately there are no
publicly available ontologies based on those sources.
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
2.4 End Users
Target users of the created ontology are:
1. researchers and students interested in topics re-
garding security, safety, ontologies or just are in
need of security ontology,
2. software developersthat need security ontology to
create semantic annotations to their web services
or other applications,
3. agent systems or search systems utilizing data pre-
viously annotated by the security ontology.
2.5 Intended Usage
The ontology was created for following usages in
1. scientific targets, including testing and extension
of OCS system,
2. creation of a WWW page simplifying learning by
the students topics connected to security,
3. applications created with ubiquitous program-
ming in mind,
4. applications related with developed by Gda nsk
University of Technology system for traffic man-
5. search engines and agent systems,
6. other applications related to Semantic Web.
It is also recommended that created domain ontol-
ogy should be so called general purpose ontology so
that it will be usable in other applications.
2.6 Nonfunctional Requirements
1. The ontology should support both polish and En-
glish language.
2. Concept and properties definitions should come
from renown sources or standards.
3. Knowledge sources should be clearly provided.
4. The ontology should be expandable.
5. The ontology should be adaptable.
6. Concepts and properties should be described in a
way that should be human readable to allow their
easy understanding.
7. The ontology should be consistent.
8. The ontology should be complete.
9. The ontology should be portable.
10. The ontology should work with OCS system.
11. Classification operation should last no more than
one second.
2.7 Functional Requirements
Functional requirements, as suggested by (Su´arez-
Figueroa et al., 2009b), were presented in form of
competency questions (Table 1).
Table 1: Functional requirements.
Question Expected answer
What is a risk? Probability of a loss.
What type of attacks can
be performed against com-
puter systems?
DoS, unauthorized access,
What is an internal safety? State of internal threats.
What are attributes of exter-
nal security?
Accessibility, integrity,
What is an attack? Violent usage of force
against somebody.
2.7.1 Ontology Architecture
It was decided that the ontology should be divided
into modules according to ODP (ODP Portal, 2011).
Due to lack of owl:imports support by OCS system
target ontology must be merged into one file with
common namespace. Three modules are planned: ba-
sic core module, security and reliability module and
security requirements module.
2.7.2 Naming Convention
Naming convention proposed by (Schober et al.,
2007) was applied to the ontology. It forces usage
of context free and human readable names. It forbids
usage of names that are negations. Additionally, inde-
pendently from the naming convention, it was decided
to use camel case for multi word names. Names of
classes and individuals will start with uppercase (e.g.
SampleClassName) and names of properties will start
with lowercase (e.g. samplePropertyName).
2.7.3 Evaluation and Verification of the
To verify consistency, completeness and adaptabil-
ity of created ontology tests need to be performed.
For that reason Prot´eg´e Ontology Tests, included into
version 3.4.4 of Prot´eg´e editor (Knublauch et al.,
2004), were used. Tests should be performed for
each module separately as well as for the whole
combined ontology and they were based on ques-
tions defined in Table 1. To find answers for that
questions Prot´eg´e plugin called DL Query was used.
Achieved results were compared with the ones that
were expected. Completeness tests required involve-
ment of domain experts and was performed manually
as there are currently no means of automatic coverage
checks (Krawczyk, 2007)(Tartir, 2009).
2.8 Basic Concepts
Basic concepts are necessary for creation of ontology
core. Their selection influences further interoperabil-
ity (Boi´nski et al., 2010b) of the final ontology. To
choose proper set of basic concepts external sources
were checked for common terms and important top-
2.8.1 The Most Important Concepts in Security
When describing security (Anderson, 2005) concen-
trates on targets and attributes of security: confiden-
tiality, integrity and availability. For description of
security itself he uses the following concepts: system,
subject, participant, identity, trusted, reliable, privacy,
secrecy, anonymity, authenticity, vulnerability, threat,
security breach, security, security profile.
The terms system, subject and participant can be
connected with organization’s assets. Terms vulnera-
bility, threat and security were mentioned both in ISO
model as well as in Fenz and Herzog ontologies. Rest
of the concepts in their ontology are treated either as
security attributes (confidentiality, integrity, availabil-
ity) or as not significant.
2.8.2 Security in Software Engineering
As a main subjects connected with internal safety
Sommerville (Sommerville, 2006) states: incident,
threat, harm, level of threat, probability of risk, risk.
As main subjects connected with external security
the author states: exposure, vulnerability, threat and
surveillance. Additionally he connects security with
reliability, availability and credibility.
2.8.3 Basic Concepts in Field of International
Zukrowska (
Zukrowska and Gra¸cik, 2006) defines ba-
sic concepts in context of international relations. Pro-
posed lists differs substantially form previously pre-
sented and includes: defense (readiness to repel the
attack, and a synonym for security guarantees), neu-
trality (not to engage in situations and organizations,
which can cause conflicts), budget (military), na-
tional interest, raison d’etat, strategic sectors, strate-
gic reserves, interdependence, cooperation, globaliza-
tion. Defense and neutrality can be connected to rem-
edy measures. Military budget, strategic sectors and
strategic reserves are directly connected with national
2.8.4 Basic Concepts in Field of Energetic
Czerpak (
Zukrowska and Gra¸cik, 2006) as main con-
cepts related to energetic security states the following:
availability, threat, security policy.
All concepts from above sources were combined
with each other and as a result following basic con-
cepts were selected: security, safety, security at-
tribute, vulnerability, security policy, risk, harm, safe-
guard, threat, protected subject.
Target ontology was implemented in an iterative and
incremental manner. The design decision was that
the ontology will be implemented in three modules,
which in the final stage will be merged into one mono-
lithic ontology.
The core module was created form three small on-
tologies each counting less than 100 classes. Those
ontologies were designed during research on basic
concept selection (Boi´nski et al., 2010b). Those on-
tologies were combined into single OWL file. Secu-
rity and reliability module contains one average sized
ontology based on Aviˇzienis taxonomy (Avizienis
et al., 2004). Security requirements module also con-
tains one ontology created in respect to Firesmith tax-
onomy (Firesmith, 2005a)(Firesmith, 2005b). Each
of those ontologies was created according to proce-
dure described in previoussections of this paper using
Prot´eg´e 4.0.2 editor (Gennari et al., 2002)(Noy et al.,
(Noy et al., 2001) methodology after extension
with UPON and NeOn aspects contained the follow-
ing steps:
Lexicon Creation. This step involves selection
of concepts form chosen knowledge sources (both
glossaries and taxonomies),
Concept Selection. Each subject included into
the lexicon automatically becomes a member of
concept set. Additionally from definition of
those concepts proper names and more signifi-
cant nouns were selected. Such set of concepts
was converted into OWL classes. When available
those classes were annotated with their descrip-
tion taken form the glossary or taxonomy,
Concept Hierarchy Creation. Each occurrence
in glossary or taxonomy of statements similar to
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
“expression A is of type B” was converted into
OWL subclassOf relation. In taxonomies such re-
lations usually are presented graphically as inher-
itance which speeds up its conversion to the on-
Selection of Disjoint Concepts and Synonyms.
In case of classes which names are clearly disjoint
like AccidentalBreakdown and NonAccidental-
Breakdown disjointWith relation was introduced.
In other cases disjointness was added manually
basing on human experience and descriptions in
chosen glossaries. Same procedure applies in case
of synonyms,
Relations Identification and Selection. As base
for relations verbs were selected from concept
definitions. If such verb connects any two selected
concepts than it is transformed into a relation be-
tween those concepts. In taxonomies often aggre-
gation relations are presented graphically. Such
relations were converted into “has part” relation,
Creation of Relation Hierarchy. Relations sim-
ilar in respect of verbs in their names were
Refining of the Relations. Domains and counter
domains of all relations was added to the ontol-
ogy. Where possible relations were marked as
(non)functional, (non)transitive etc.
Ontology Integration. Ontologies were com-
bined first within modules and later into one
monolithic ontology.
Comparing the security and reliability and secu-
rity requirements modules the basic core module one
can see that to much greater extent they resemble tax-
onomies. They describe their area more strongly at
the same time. During construction process each on-
tology got it’s own namespace and URI address.
Ontology integration using PROMPT, Ontology
Module Composition orContent Map didn’t provide
satisfactory results so hybrid, partially manual ap-
proach was undertaken. Ontologies were combined in
parts of two. Given pair was compared using Falcon-
AO tool (Jian et al., 2005). Result of such comparison
was than manually implemented using Prot´eg´e editor
by means of subClassOf or subPropertyOf relations.
Following rules were applied during integration:
if concept definitions allows statement that one of
the concepts is more general than the other one
than subsumption relation is used,
if both concepts have identical definitions and
classes (properties) related to them in both ontolo-
gies does not have subclasses (subproperties) than
one of them was either removed from integrated
ontology or equivalentClass (equivalentProperty)
was used, when there were subclasses (subproper-
ties) related to them than equivalentClass (equiv-
alentProperty) was always used,
when concepts are different than they were con-
nected by closes, common super class (super
property), when necessary such generalizing con-
cept/property was created.
When applicable combined classes were sufficed
by a token identifying source of their definition as
advised by Ontology Design Patterns (ODP Portal,
2011). As a result one big ontology was created. It
contains 757 classes and properties. After merging
those ontologies the namespace and URI was uni-
fied. Such combined ontology proved to implement
all planed requirements.
According to basic definition of ontology (Gruber
et al., 1993), for a highly formalized data model has
become the ontology, it must also be shared. For this
reason the created ontology was placed into the OCS
portal. In the future the ontology can became part
of one of the services developed using that system.
Each registered user will be able to track and influ-
ence changes in the ontology. Changes will be how-
ever applied only by specified experts. OCS also sup-
ports versioning of ontologies so every change, can
always be reversed or the ontology can be developed
as many, concurrent versions of the same core idea.
Way how ontologies are created is very important.
Both the process itself and even selection of basic
concepts can influence how and even if the ontology
will be usable outside its primary application or will
it be suitable for integration with other ontologies.
In this paper we shown that an ontology can be de-
signed and created in a way that will make it suitable
for interoperability and integration. In near future we
would like to extend our works to include automatic
ad hoc ontology integration eliminating manual as-
pects form presented steps in ontology design.
This work was financed by National Science Center.
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development