Motivation – Concepts – Method
M. Neumann
and C. Constantinescu
Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering – GSaME, Nobelstraße 12, Stuttgart, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation – IPA, Nobelstraße 12, Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Multi-scale modelling, Factory and process planning, Production system.
Abstract: This paper presents the first research steps and required foundations for the development of a method for a
structured and multi-scale modelling of production systems. Thereby the importance to support the
modelling process is stated and the motivation for the development of such a method is pointed out. State-
of-the-art concepts in system theory as well as suitable modelling methods and their applicability on the
production system modelling are analysed. The approach and the process of modelling a multi-scale
production system are firstly introduced. The paper concludes with the selection of suitable enabling
technologies and a roadmap of future activities.
Manufacturers have to face shorter product life
cycles, increasing number of variants and efficient
integration of new technologies. These challenges
induce an increasing number of adaptations of
existing production systems and associated
processes. Therefore production systems are
characterized by evolved structures with high
complexity and diversity, caused by permanent
adaptation and integration of new technologies.
However, reliable models of production systems are
essential to understand the complex structure and are
the basis for efficient processing of further planning
and continuous adaptation as well as optimization
(Jovane et al., 2009).
Production systems are complex socio-technical
and multi-scale systems consisting of performance
units. A multi-scale model of a production system
can be developed to support a permanent “look
ahead” with e.g. simulation to optimize and adapt
existing production systems. Additionally it enables
the development of suitable workflows or best
practices. The increasing frequency of adaptation
projects, the growing variety and complexity of
production system structures and the suitable
characterization of interdependences lead to an
exponential increasing effort when developing,
adapting and maintaining corresponding models
(Brinkkemper, 1999).
This paper introduces our first research steps for
developing a method for multi-scale production
system modeling. As a first step in this research
topic the technical aspects of a production system,
consisting of machines, resources, equipment and
production processes are considered. The
organizational and social aspects are at the moment
leaned in secondary plan.
Some terms used in this paper have to be
clarified in advance. Today, a production system is
approached as a complex socio-technical system,
consisting of subsystems called performance units
(Westkämper and Zahn, 2009). A performance unit
is understood as e.g. a production cell, or a single
Thereby a performance unit can consist of
several sub-performance units. Every sub-
performance unit has different manufacturing
objects, e.g., information, resources, material, tools
or products. These objects and their related sub
performance unit as well as performance units are
related by such called interdependencies. These are
represented by e.g. material, informational, energetic
or functional properties.
After emphasizing the potential and the
requirements for such a method, an overview over
the state of the art in the fields of system theory as
well as suitable modeling methods regarding their
applicability on the production system modeling is
given. Afterwards the approach is introduced. The
Neumann M. and Constantinescu C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003649202110216
In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-78-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
paper concludes with a roadmap for future research
activities to support a multi-scale modeling of the
current state of a production system.
A model is an important instrument to manage the
complex structure of a production system and to
enable its active configuration and optimisation,
regarding its continuous planning and adaptation
(Mertins et al., 1994). It comprises the needed
performance units, objects and interdependencies in
a transparent and application-oriented way and
supports a consistent understanding of the current
state of the production system (Vernadat, 2002). A
model enables an efficient communication of all
involved planning actors about relevant information
and supports the explanation of the functionality of
processes. It allows a fast reaction to a turbulent
market through a permanent foresight and enables a
continuous adaptation and balancing of the
production system (Westkämper and Zahn, 2009).
Furthermore a model is the basis for the description
and analysis of different planning solutions (Vanja et
al., 2009).
However, before and while modelling a
production system certain issues emerge. Firstly the
purpose of the model has to be clarified. Is the
model used as a model to understand the complexity
of a system or as a basis for further planning and
adaptation processes. Regarding the last point a
possible employment for simulations has to be
considered in the modelling process. Secondly, an
important step is to define system boundaries. These
boundaries vary for every application of the model,
depending on the performance units, objects and
production processes taken into account (Mertins et
al., 1994). Thirdly, a suitable application-oriented
characterisation of the interdependencies between
the objects and the implementation of necessary data
and information, as well as knowledge is needed
(Vanja et al., 2009). Fourthly, the modelling of
complex structures has to be supported by suitable
modelling methods (Scheer, 1994). Today a huge
number of modelling methods exist and each has its
own advantages and disadvantages as well as
limitations. The selection of a suitable method to
generate a specific application-oriented model is a
difficult task, and is mostly done using common
sense and intuition (Schen et al., 2004). Fifthly, the
comprehensibility of a model and its level of detail
have to be suitable for its specific application. An
extensive model with all performance units, objects
and interdependencies is not expedient, because of
the huge modelling effort (Mertins et al., 1994). A
model with a reduced level of detail may not be able
to provide a suitable accuracy (Feig et al., 2004).
Also the development of a single and overall
production system reference model is not suitable to
represent the conditions and to consider all the needs
of different manufacturers, due to its generic
structure (Vernadat, 2002). However owing to the
high variety and complexity of production systems a
range of smaller generic reference models of
production systems are not efficient. These smaller
reference models have to be adapted for every
individual application, which generates huge effort
(Mirbel and Jolita, 2005).
Modelling of productions systems, as presented,
is a complex task which requires a huge amount of
experience, effort and implicit as well as explicit
knowledge. Based on this fact, the development of a
model is usually performed interdisciplinary
between a factory and process planner and a
modelling expert. The planner has the necessary
knowledge of the production system and its
corresponding technical processes and the modelling
expert possesses the required knowledge of the
modelling methods and languages. To develop a
model, the planner has to describe the functionalities
of production system objects and the
interdependencies in an understandable language for
the modelling expert. Different ways of thinking and
different terminologies often make this a complex,
difficult and time consuming task (Scheer, 1994).
This paper proposes a method that enables an
efficient development of a structured and
application-oriented model of the current state of a
production system. With such a method the selection
of a suitable modelling method is based on
theoretical and empirical foundations, which allows
an efficient application-oriented modelling of the
considered part of the production system (Shen et
al., 2004). Additionally, this method is able to
decrease the effort and complexity of developing a
specific production system model by structuring the
modelling process in an application-oriented way.
Through embedding knowledge of the modelling
process the planner is able to develop an application-
oriented model of a complex structure like a
production system. Furthermore the modelling of
interdependencies between performance units or
objects and their appropriate characterisation is
supported, so that they require less experience and
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
Today’s production system modelling relies on
different concepts, approaches and methods. These
provide the foundations to represent the performance
units, objects and interdependencies of a production
system in a suitable and multi-perspective way. The
first section addresses the state-of-the-art concepts in
system theory and their applicability on the
production system. The second section addresses
and examines modern modelling methods in order to
evaluate their employment for MePro. The third
section explains the foundations for developing a
modelling method as a basis for MePro.
3.1 System Theory as a Basis for
Production System Modelling
Since the beginning of the sixties the system theory
is an interdisciplinary science and is employed and
further developed in different research fields like
biology, physics or economics (Bertalanffy, 1964).
The overall goal is the representation of general
systems on an abstract level through the use of
consistent terms and tools, to be able to predict the
future behaviour and performance of a system
(Westkämper and Zahn, 2009). Thereby a system or
a production system is described as an open,
dynamic, productive and socio-technical
organisation (Hermann, 2010). A model developed
from the system theory perspective comprises an
arrangement of elements, which are defined through
specific attributes, connections and different
activities within a determined system boundary.
Today production systems are modelled through
the employment of generic system theory, due to the
fact that they are defined as complex socio-technical
and multi-scale systems (Westkämper and Zahn,
2009). Thereby a production system can be
approached using different concepts. (Ropohl, 2009)
(Figure 2).
Functional concepts are also known as black box
systems. In these concepts a system is described
through the attributes input, output and condition of
an object (Schenk et al., 2010).
Structural concepts represent objects and their
interdependencies within a system. Thereby the
behaviour and characteristic of the system is more
than the sum of its parts (Ropohl, 2009).
Hierarchical concepts represent a system with their
related sub- and supersystems. Several subsystems
represent a system. A supersystem in turn can
consist of several individual systems (Westkämper
and Zahn, 2009).
There are several approaches to represent a
production system through the employment of one,
two or all mentioned concepts (Schenk et al., 2004).
To visualise process chains the functional
concept is employed. Thereby the sequence of
processes is shown and potential for improvement,
e.g. parallelisation of processes, can be revealed.
This concept is used in the product development
process (PEP). The structural concept is employed to
model the arrangement of the production system
layout. Thereby machines, resources and
information systems and their interdependencies are
taken into account. Hernandez developed a generic
system theory model, considering all three concepts,
of an organisation to assess the flexibility and
adaptability of a factory (Hernández, 2003). Schenk,
Wirth and Müller developed a model, based on
system theory, to represent and structure existing
flows (e.g. material, information, energy, cash flow)
in a factory (Schenk et al., 2010). One of the most
advanced approaches to represent a production
system through the use of system theory is the
“Structure Model of Factory Scales” (Jovane et al.,
Figure 2: System theory concepts of production system
structure (adapted from Hermann, 2010).
Thereby the mentioned concepts are employed
and unified to one generic structure model of a
production system. These approaches provide the
foundation for the representation of a complex
system like a production system, regarding its
performance units, objects and interdependencies,
which will be analysed to be used and/or adapted for
Production System
Functional view
Hierarchical view
3.2 Modelling Methods
To model complex systems, like production systems,
with their objects and interdependencies state-of-the-
art modelling methods have to be employed. They
consist of modelling notations, -languages and
instructions to describe a system and to support the
structuring, representation and visualisation of a
specific part of a system. But even for a specific part
of a system, a great number of models and different
points of view have to be considered for an
application-oriented representation.
However, each modelling method has its specific
advantages, disadvantages and limitations regarding
the representation of a system (Shen et al., 2004). To
cluster the modelling methods, they are classified
according to their modelling paradigms. The main
modelling methods are described in the following
Object-oriented modelling methods (OOMM)
enable an integrated modelling of information and
functions of objects. These objects are defined
through attributes and linked with relations. The
object oriented modelling is employed in the
research field of production modelling in several
research works (Schady, 2007). The modelling of
non-physical objects however is insufficient
(Schady, 2007).
Process-oriented modelling methods (POMM)
enable the representation of defined sequences of
transformation processes regarding an object like
material or information. Within the production
system modelling production- and logistics
processes, like material flows or value streams are
modelled. The description of objects behind the
processes with POMM is insufficient (Scheer,
Ontology-based modelling methods (OBMM)
enable a detailed description of interdependencies
between objects of a production system model.
These modelling methods create a higher effort
while modelling, but offer great possibilities
regarding maintenance of knowledge bases and
expressiveness of knowledge representation (Hitzler
et al., 2008).
Graphic-oriented modelling methods (GOMM)
enable the representation of objects in a 2D or 3D
model. These models are used to visualize e.g. the
layout of a production system and the material flow
in a production system (Schady, 2007).
These modelling methods can provide a valuable
contribution to the approach introduced here. In this
context it has to be clarified which modelling
method or combination of modelling methods
enables an application-oriented and efficient
modelling of a production system.
To support an efficient, structured and application-
oriented production system modelling, a suitable
method has to be developed. In this case a method is
an approach to perform a model development, based
on a particular way of thinking and consists of
constructs and rules and also knowledge that allow a
structured and systematic modelling of a specific
part or perception of a production system
(Brinkkemper, 1999). On the one hand a modelling
method limits the flexibility of modelling through
the use of constructs and rules, on the other hand it
allows making models more comparable and
reusable. Within the development of a method for
production system modelling, different aspects have
to be considered (Lankhorst, 2009; Wenzel et al.,
Modelling (syntactic aspect), identifies the
concepts and modelling methods for modelling a
particular system. It deals with data integration and
data maintenance as well as exchange formats.
Working (semantic aspect), defines tasks and
subtasks and provides guidelines and workflows for
the modelling process. It includes the meaning of
used signs, elements and symbols and their
structuring concepts. This aspect ensures the correct
meaning of the modelled information.
Communicating (pragmatic aspect), defines the
representation (e.g. spatial, format, application) of a
model and puts the meaning of the used elements in
the correct context.
Using (pragmatic aspect), defines for what
situation, perception or application a model is
As a basis for such a method and to consider these
aspects a metamodel has to be employed (Mirbel,
2005). A metamodel can be seen as a conceptual
model of a development method. Considering this
metamodelling takes place at one level of abstraction
higher than standard modelling (Brinkkemper,
1999). A metamodel comprises suitable concepts for
modelling and related modelling methods for a
particular system e.g. a particular part or perception
of a production system. It defines the used exchange
formats, communication protocols and architectural
concepts. Through this, the mentioned aspect of
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
modelling (syntactic aspect) is represented in the
method to develop. Additionally, a metamodel
considers the process of modelling and provides
paradigms and guidelines in form of method
knowledge and rules to generate a model, with
respect to the objects and interdependencies in a
system (Lankhorst, 2009). It comprises conventions,
tasks and concepts to include semantic aspects.
Owing to this, the aspect of working (semantic
aspect) is considered in MePro. Every modelling
method provides a range of elements and fulfils
different purposes regarding modelling a system
(Vernadat, 2002). A metamodel can suggest suitable
modelling methods for a specific modelling
application, through the employment of comparison
and systematisation methods that characterise
modelling methods according different attributes
(Söderström et al., 2002). So, the mentioned aspects
of communication and using (pragmatic aspect) are
The analysis of existing metamodels and
workflow schemes for modelling a production
system provides a basis for the development of the
Method for Multi-Scale Production System
Modelling (MePro).
The pursued approach aims at the employment of a
method to enable a structured and multi-scale
modelling of production systems in an application-
oriented way. Here, structured means to support the
modelling process by workflows or guidelines for an
efficient development of a production system model.
A workflow, in this context, is a semi-automated
realization of a modelling process on the basis of
schemes and management systems. It defines which
element, information or document is used in which
step of the production system modelling. It also
supports the description of interdependencies
between objects and/or performance units (Wenzel
et al., 2005). Through this, necessary inter-
dependencies between performance units and its
objects to model a specific aspect of a production
system can be represented.
To structure the MePro modelling process
suitable system theory models of production systems
will be analysed, employed and refined. This enables
an efficient application-oriented development of a
model. Parts of models which can be reused or
attributes of objects and interdependencies which
can be predefined have to be identified and provided
by MePro, to enable an efficient modelling process.
Therefore a supporting resource library for objects
and interdependencies will be employed.
Additionally suitable detailed reference models for
application-oriented production system modelling
have to be identified and analysed regarding their
applicability and integration in MePro.
Multi-scale considers the possibility of different
views on a production system for different end users.
This means, that a specific model of a production
system is represented in the way of e.g. business
processes, information flow, material flow (Mertins
et al., 1994). Multi-scale also means that the model
of a production system is represented with the
appropriate level of detail along the different scales
and regarding specific aspects of a production
system. Therefore multiple modelling methods along
the production system structure, which reaches from
processes, machines and workplaces to production
systems, have to be employed. The selection of a
suitable modelling method for a specific application
and representation is supported by a selection
method. This selection method uses criteria and
suggests a suitable modelling method for a
modelling application regarding the developer, the
end user, the level of detail and the application field.
Fields of modelling of a production system, which
have to be considered, are e.g. information and
material flow modelling (Mertins et al, 1994). To
enable a structured and multi-scale modelling
process a metamodel, which conduces as a
foundation for MePro, is employed. This metamodel
supports the development of a modelling process by
providing knowledge and rules concerning the
aspects mentioned in Section 3.3.
Figure 3: Method for Multi-Scale Production System
Modelling (MePro).
MePro - Method for Multi-Scale
Production System Modelling
Supporting Resource Library
Application-oriented Models
of a Production System
Predefined and/or configurable
Existing Production System
Perfomance Unit
Media and Information
Material flow
With respect to the mentioned facts an efficient
and application-oriented modelling of the current
state of the production system with a method called
Method for Multi-Scale Production System
Modelling (MePro) is supported (Figure 3).
The development of a method for structured and
multi-scale modelling of an existing production
system is a new and complex research topic where
future steps are of huge interest. Thus, the next
research steps for building the foundations of MePro
are the analysis and evaluation of:
System theory for production system modelling;
Application fields for production system modelling
and of existing modelling methods;
Existing production system resource libraries;
Metamodels for modelling processes;
The research results will be merged in a MePro.
Different challenges have to be considered on this
Development of criteria for application-oriented
modelling method selection;
Development of workflows for an application-
oriented modelling of a production system;
Development of a supporting resource library with
predefined and/or configurable objects and
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