Lawrence John
, Patricia M. McCormick
, Tom McCormick
, Greg McNeill
and John Boardman
Analytic Services, Inc., 2900 South QuincyStreet STE 800, Arlington, VA., U.S.A.
Alpha Informatics, Ltd., 7900 Sudley Road STE 711, Manassas, VA, U.S.A.
ExoAnalytic Solutions, Inc, 20532 El Toro Road STE 303, Mission Viejo, CA, U.S.A.
School of Systems and Enterprises, Stevens Insitute of Technology, Castle Point on Hudson, Hoboken, NJ, U.S.A.
Keywords: System of Systems, Extended Enterprise, Game Theory, Prisoner’s Dilemma, Stag Hunt, Agent-based
Modelling, Complex Dynamical Systems, Institutional Analysis, Organizational Norms, Organizational
Behaviour, Systems Thinking.
Abstract: An extended enterprise is both a system of systems (SoS) and a complex dynamical system. We characterize
government-run joint and interagency efforts as “government extended enterprises” (GEEs) comprising sets
of effectively autonomous organizations that must cooperate voluntarily to achieve desired GEE-level
outcomes. Our research investigates the proposition that decision makers can leverage four “canonical
forces” to raise the levels of both internal GEE cooperation and SoS-level operational effectiveness,
changing the GEE's status as indicated by the "SoS differentiating characteristics" detailed by Boardman
and Sauser. Two prior papers described the concepts involved, postulated the relationships among them, and
discussed the n-player, iterated "Stag Hunt" methodology applied to execute a real proof-of-concept case
(the U.S. Counterterrorism Enterprise's response to the Christmas Day Bomber) in an agent-based model.
This paper presents preliminary conclusions from data analysis conducted as a result of ongoing testing of
the simulation.
On Christmas Day 2009, 19-year old Farouk
Abdulmutallab and a few supporters exposed
significant flaws in an extended enterprise
comprising at least “1,271 government organizations
and 1,931 private companies” and a combined
budget in excess of $75 billion (Priest and Arkin
2010). Yet, according to the findings in the
Executive Summary of the Report of the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI 2010), this
leviathan failed because the odds were stacked
against it; members chose not to share critical
information that would have foiled the plot—they
chose to not cooperate.
We believe the discipline of systems engineering
— specifically, system of systems (SoS) engineering
— has both the ability and the responsibility to help
future decision makers understand why this
happened and how to recognize and prevent similar
failures in “networks of peers.” A systems engineer
might describe such a problem:
Consider a system of systems: a
heterogeneous network of autonomous
nodes, each with its own “private” goals,
that exists to serve one or more “public
goals. The nodes must cooperate to produce
preferred SoS-level outcomes, but it
underperforms due to a lack of internal
cooperation — intentionally or not, some
nodes effectively place their goals ahead of
the network’s goals.
While examples of networks that fit this
description abound—in industry (e.g., standards
consortia, corporate alliances), the non-profit sector
(e.g., collections of community service organiza-
tions), the military (e.g., Services trying to jointly
field capabilities or conduct operations), and
government at all levels (e.g., cabinet departments or
legislative committees with overlapping
John L., M. McCormick P., McCormick T., McNeill G. and Boardman J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003655900670076
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2011), pages 67-76
ISBN: 978-989-8425-81-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
jurisdictions, collections of international, federal
and/or state organizations working in one more
domains) — decision makers appear to lack sound,
theory-based approaches and methods to generate,
promote and sustain the required level of
cooperation in enterprises like them. This may be
especially true for networks of high-level
government organizations, where market forces
cannot punish recalcitrant members.
Inspired by the works of Hume (2000 [1739-1740])
and Smith (1790), our first paper (John et al., 2011a)
details cooperation-related concepts from many
disciplines to investigate two propositions: 1. a set
of “canonical forces” (Sympathy, Trust, Fear, and
Greed) affects the dynamics of SoS operating under
conditions of need and uncertainty; and 2.
understanding these forces may enable network
leaders to address SoS performance issues caused by
lack of cooperation among the component systems.
Our unit of analysis is the “Government
Extended Enterprise” (GEE). Our definition of a
GEE extends concepts described in (Fine, 1998;
Davis and Spekman, 2004) to include “the entire set
of collaborating [entities], both upstream and
downstream, from [initial inputs] to [end-use
decisions, policies and actions], that work together
to bring value to [the nation]”. Thus, GEEs are sets
of relatively autonomous government enterprises
that must achieve enough “propensity to cooperate”
(Axelrod, 1997) to produce the voluntary
cooperation that is a prerequisite for coordinated
action; they face the “Hobbesian paradox” that lies
at the heart of social dilemmas (Van Lange et al.,
2.1 Central Concepts
“Cooperation” is “individual behaviour that incurs
personal costs in order to engage in a joint activity
that confers benefits exceeding the costs to other
members of one’s group” (Bowles and Gintis, 2003)
and “costly behaviour performed by one individual
that increases the payoff of others” (Boyd and
Richerson, 2009).
We postulate (John et al., 2011a) four “canonical
forces:” Sympathy, conceived by Hume and Smith
as the “fellow feeling,” that brings individuals
together (V. Ostrom, 2005); Trust, a three-part
relationship (a trusts b with respect to x) (Hardin,
2006) reflecting “one’s willingness to be vulnerable
to another’s actions with the belief that the other will
perform as expected” (Jarvenpaa et al., 1998;
Ridings et al., 2002), that was critical to primitive
man’s survival as a species (Bowles and Gintis,
2003, 2011); Fear, “the cognition of an expected
deprivation,” (Parsons and Shils, 2001), specifically
of being viewed as a failure, or of incurring a
business or political loss or cost, and loss of control
(Van Dijk et al., 2008), which “induces … focus on
events that are especially unfavourable” (Shefrin,
2002 citing Lopes, 1987) and erodes SoS cohesion
by causing components to act to further their private
goals in preference to the network’s public goals;
and Greed for success, power, budget or influence
Simon (1997 [1945], (Skinner, 1965) that
encourages on private goals, reducing propensity to
cooperate, and reinforcing the effects of Fear.
Because they are open systems (Von Bertalanffy,
1950; Weiner, 1948), GEEs are subject to Need,
primarily for resources through the competitive
federal budget process (Garrett, 1998), and
Uncertainty that produces both Fear and the
potential for profit, subject to risk tolerance
(Williams, 2002; Wohlstetter, 1962; Prange, 1981).
2.2 SoS Differentiating Characteristics
We leverage five characteristics by which Boardman
and Sauser (2006, 2008) differentiate systems of
systems from systems of components: Autonomy
(A), both a component system’s native ability to
make independent choices (an “internal” system-
level property conveyed by its nature as a holon),
and more importantly, the fact that other members of
the system of systems “respect” this ability by
permitting the component to exercise it; Belonging
(B), a direct reflection of the components’
recognition of a shared mission or shared (but not
merely coincident) interests; Connectivity (C), “the
agility of structure for essential connectivity in the
face of a dynamic problematique that defies
prescience” (Boardman and Sauser, 2008, 158-159);
Diversity (D), “noticeable heterogeneity; having
distinct or unlike elements or qualities in a group,”
(Boardman and Sauser (2008, 157) that reflects the
impact of the law of requisite variety (Ashby, 1956)
on systems of systems; and Emergence (E): the
ability to “match the agility of the problematique”
by adding new responses based on “auxiliary
mechanisms for anticipation” (Boardman and
Sauser, 2008, 160-161).
Our prior paper (John et al., 2011a) discusses the
postulated relationships between the forces and these
characteristics in detail, summarizing them in a table
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
that uses a five-point nominal scale to indicate both
how strongly “positive,” “neutral,” or “negative” a
force is with respect to a characteristic, and whether
the characteristic requires or is inimical to the force.
These values drive the cooperative model selected
by the agents in the simulation described in Section
6, below, and support tracking the resulting chain of
causality. Table II in the same paper describes the
relationships between the levels of the Boardman-
Sauser characteristics and a component’s
“Cooperation Model” — cooperate or “co-opetate”
(attributed to Novell founder Ray Noorda).
John et al. (2001a, Table III) uses a five-point
nominal scale to indicate the postulated impact of
changes in the Boardman-Sauser characteristics
levels on the “cooperation model” each agent uses in
the game, expressed as the force “favouring” or
“disfavouring” a choice. Our work captures and
measures these changes and the resulting SoS-level
behaviour. The same paper discusses the impact of
two other potentially important factors: History of
Behaviour and Leadership.
Recent research (Boardman and Sauser, 2006; 2008;
DiMario et al., 2009; Gorod et al., 2008; Baldwin
and Sauser, 2009; Epelbaum et al., 2011) has posited
and attempted to quantify how collections of
systems that should work together become more
manifestly SoS as their levels of the characteristics
rise. We theorize that in action situations that
demand cooperation, assuming increasing the level
of cooperation improves the operational
performance of the SoS, each organization’s
Probability of Cooperation with an emerging
coalition is the result of the interaction of the
proposed forces, each organization’s principles-
based strategy and a set of behavioural factors.
Informed by noted cooperation scholars
(Axelrod, 1997; E. Ostrom, 2005; 2007; Pacheco et
al., 2009; Poteete et al., 2010; Gintis, 2009a; Bowels
and Gintis, 2011) our methodology applies game
theory in an agent-based simulation of a complex
adaptive system and a real-world case (see John et
al., 2011b for a detailed description). Our approach
centres on a “Stag Hunt” game (Shor, 2010a;
Skyrms, 2004) that treats information in the GEE as
a “common-pool resource” (Poteete et al., 2010) and
establishes payoff-driven (Hicks) and risk-dominant
equilibria (Nash) that correspond with the GEE’s
public and private goals. The GEE cannot succeed if
key nodes fail to cooperate by sharing information in
ways that meet the requirements in the unclassified
Executive Summary of the SSCI report (SSCI,
3.1 Hypotheses and Assumptions
Testing has led us to refine the previously declared
set of hypotheses (John et al., 2011b). Given a SoS
(“S”) — the GEE — comprising Executive Agent
” and autonomous components “a
” though “a
operating under conditions of uncertainty and with
knowledge of each others’ history of behavior with
respect to themselves:
Hypothesis 1. a
’s levels of Probability of
Cooperation with a
, will be:
1a. positively correlated with a
’s level of
Risk Tolerance,
1b. positively correlated with a
’s level of
Sympathy and Trust with respect to a
1c. positively correlated with a
’s History of
1d. negatively correlated with a
’s level of
1e. negatively correlated with a
’s level of
Hypothesis 2. S’s level of Belonging will be:
2a. positively correlated with S’s level of
Sympathy (where the value of Sympathy is the
median of the values for S’s members)
2b. positively correlated with S’s level of
Trust, (where the value of Trust is the median of
the values for S’s members)
2c. negatively correlated with S’s levels of
Greed (where the value of Greed is the median of
the values for S’s members)
2d. negatively correlated with S’s level of
Fear (where the values of Fear is the median of
the values for S’s members).
Hypothesis 3. S’s level of EE Belonging, will be
positively correlated with key components
aggregate Probability of Cooperation.
Hypothesis 4. S’s level of EE Connectivity, will
be positively correlated with key components’
aggregate Probability of Cooperation.
Hypothesis 5. S’s level of EE Diversity will be
positively correlated with key components
aggregate Probability of Cooperation.
Hypothesis 6. S’s level of EE Emergence will be
positively correlated with key components
aggregate Probability of Cooperation.
Continuing research has led us to add an eighth
assumption — that all of the player’s
cooperate/defect decisions must comply with the
letter and intent of U.S. law and policy — to our
prior list (John et al., 2011b, Section III.B. The new
assumption enables us to explicitly incorporate the
deontic component of social decision making
rules about what one must, may not and should do
(Stamper et al., 2000; E. Ostrom, 2005; Filipe and
Fred, 2008).
3.2 Validation and Data Analysis
A Review Panel — a multi-disciplinary set of
experts with long experience as both operators and
executives in the organizations and domains — will
set the model’s initial conditions to account for the
fact that agent-based models are sensitive to initial
conditions (Windrom et al., 2007; Miller and Page,
Data analysis centres on the use of non-
parametric statistical processes. These are
appropriate for data generated by the agent-based
model because one cannot make useful assumptions
a priori about the distribution of the data.
3.3 Sample Case
Our second paper (John et al., 2011b provides a
detailed explanation of the sample case, which
covers an 18-month period comprising five discrete
decision points where the SSCI Report found that
components of the GEE could have foiled the attack
by sharing information they already possessed.
Figure 1 illustrates the core operational issue
reported by the SSCI (example, at Event #1), in
which solid blue arrows represent expected
information flows with full information sharing, and
dashed blue arrows represent desirable flows that did
not occur.
Figure 1: Desired and actual Information Flows for
Decision Point #1.
3.4 Agent-based Simulation
Our second paper (John et al., 2011b) provides a
detailed description of the computational agent
based simulation used in our research, a process
used in a wide variety of domains in the physical
and social sciences, including studies of cooperation
(Gintis, 2009a; Metrikopoulos and Moustakas,
2010) and complex adaptive systems (Gintis, 2009a;
Miller and Page, 2007). Of note, we eliminate the
potential impact of signalling issues (Gintis, 2009a)
by assuming that all choices are made
simultaneously, an assumption that approximates the
impact of effective administrative information
security procedures.
We chose the Stag Hunt over the more widely
used iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma (Axelrod, 1997; E.
Ostrom, 2005; Mertikopoulos and Moustakas, 2010;
Shor, 2010b) because the former provides two
equilibria that can be viewed as “satisfactory” —
one risk-dominant (the Nash equilibrium) that
satisfies private goals, and one payoff-dominant (the
Pareto-optimal Hicks equilibrium) that satisfies
public goals — in a non-zero sum game (Pacheco et
al., 2009; Poteet et al., 2010; Shor, 2010a; b).
Similar decision making challenges exist in artificial
intelligence and network switching (Wolpert, 2003).
3.5 Factors Governing Behaviour
Behaviour within and among organizations is
governed by “institutional statements”—rules,
norms and shared strategies (E. Ostrom, 2005, 2007;
Gintis, 2009a, Bowles and Gintis, 2011), informed
by knowledge — the deontic, axiological and
epistemological components of social decision
making (Stamper et al., 2000, Filipe and Fred,
2008). At a practical level they are embodied in a set
of behavioural factors that represent key inputs to
decision making, and can be described
algorithmically. Our second paper (John et al.,
2011b) presents our core algorithm (Equation 1),
defines the eight factors that affect an agent’s
Propensity to Cooperate (P
) and details the
processes by which the model leverages them. The
characteristics are: F1 Level of Risk, F2 Payoff to
the Sharing Agent, F3 Payoff to the Receiving
Agent, F4 History of Behaviour, F5 Risk Tolerance,
F6 Perceived Level of Need, F7 Perceived Level of
Damage Due to Disclosure (a powerful analogue to
“Subtractability of Flow” in common-pool resource
problems (E. Ostrom, 2010)), and F8 Sharing
Agent’s Perceived Level of Confidence in the
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
= (F4*F6) ((F1+F2+F3+F5)/4) ((F7+F8)/2) +3 (1)
3.6 Principle-driven Strategies
Principles — the sum of an organization’s values,
standards, ideals, precepts, beliefs, morals and ethics
— drive the strategy that drives decisions by helping
decision makers “to establish whether a decision is
right or wrong” (Miner, 2006, 109-126); they are the
axiological component of social decision making.
Our second paper (John et al., 2011b) describes the
process by which we leveraged aspects of Vroom’s
image theory (based on Maslow and Herzberg)
(Miner, 2005, 94-113) to derive and leverage the six
alternative (self-regarding, neutral or and self-
regarding) principles that underlie the information
sharing decision making strategies of US CT
Enterprise components, thereby enabling us to create
a game strategy profile (Gintis, 2009a;
Mertikopoulos and Moustakas, 2010) consisting of
11 strategies and to establishing weighting
coefficients for the behavioural factors used by
Equation 1 to calculate P
for each situation.
3.7 Simulation Toolset
This effort uses Systems Effectiveness Analysis
Simulation (SEAS), an agent-based, complex
adaptive systems simulation that is part of the Air
Force Standard Analysis Tool Kit (SEAS, 2010).
SEAS agents incorporate the components of social
decision making by functioning at the physical,
information, and cognitive levels to maintain
awareness of their situations, and by leveraging a set
of simple, principle-based behaviour rules that
incorporate the impact of norms to make decisions
“on the fly.”
SEAS data will enable us to infer the impact of
the forces on the Boardman-Sauser characteristics
and set the stage for root cause analyses.
4.1 Boundary Conditions
Exploring boundary conditions (i.e., the outcomes
produced by agents adopting extreme strategies) is a
key step in the use of agent-based models (Miller
and Page, 2007). Our initial exploration of the game
matrices for agents employing a “pure” strategy
(e.g., always share if it favors the GEE, or always
favor their own organization), verifies that the “Stag
Hunt” game is a good simulation for this problem.
Extremely cooperation-friendly strategies produced
payoff-dominant results, and cooperation-
antagonistic produced risk-dominant results. We
used the results of these initial analyses to select the
applicable ranges and effects of the Decision
Making Freedom Factors. Based on tests to date, a
normalized P
of 0.8 appears to represent a “ceiling”
below which agents will always refuse to cooperate,
while values above 1.225 represent a “floor” above
which agents will always cooperate. Approximately
20% of calculated values fall in one of these two
areas. In general, test data indicates that these values
manifest at higher force levels.
4.2 Data Analysis Process
The team first conducted exploratory data analysis
and a series of statistical tests to establish the
presence of significant patterns within the data. The
objective of the tests is to determine whether the
observed outcomes vary as expected (i.e., directly
with the changes in the levels of impact of the
canonical forces) and reliably refute the null
hypotheses. Because we expected the data generated
by our experiment to take the form of nonparametric
statistics (e.g., non-normal or multi-modal
distributions), tests include the Mann-Whitney U
test, used to determine if a difference exists between
two groups, and the Kruskal-Wallis test, which,
because it does not require an assumption of
normality, is the non-parametric analog to a one-way
analysis of variance. We are prepared to run other
parametric and nonparametric tests as the data and
emerging research questions require.
We began testing a limited version of the SEAS
simulation in early March 2010. These tests focused
on verifying that the simulation manipulates data
and computes results in accordance with our design,
and that the design itself contains no egregious
errors. To this end, we chose a subset (43 cases) of
the possible combinations (256 cases) of integer-
value force levels, designed to support linear
regression analysis of simulator results. The testing
regime runs the entire five-event scenario for each
strategy in 200 blocks, with each block including
112 opportunities for cooperation.
Table 1 is a small sample of the simulator output.
A “1” in the “Share Sender?” and or “Share
Receiver?” column indicates that the computed
probability of cooperation resulted in that agent
deciding to share (“cooperate”). The Score is the
payoff the sharing agent earned from each decision.
Table 1: Simulator Output (Unprocessed).
Sharer Receiver
DHS_CBP 1 0 0
NCTC 1 1 10
A macro cleans and orders the data, computes
summary statistics (the number of “share” decisions;
and minimum, maximum, mean and median values
for probability of cooperation and payoff by block),
then transfers the ordered data to another workbook
with one tab per strategy (Table 2).
Table 2: Partial Simulator Output (Unprocessed).
Trust = 1
all others = 0
1 0.678571 0.660714 139 0.696429
2 0.625 0.758929 180 0.642857
3 0.723214 0.741071 179 0.767857
The macro computes additional summary
statistics (minimum, 25th percentile, average, 75th
percentile, and maximum Prob
values) for each case
and plots them vs. force configuration using a “box
and whiskers” format. It also counts the frequency of
values in a series of ranges for plotting by
force configuration and strategy in a three-
dimensional “ribbon chart” format. We also use the
“box and whiskers” format to plot linear regressions
for the impact of forces on Prob
and line charts to
plot the impact of strategies or forces on payoff.
We will follow a recommended best practice for
computational simulations (Miller and Page, 2007)
by running all 256 cases against the set of
“practical” strategies chosen by the Review Panel to
ensure we understand how the simulation behaves in
all of the combinations the actual case study may
present, and the root causes for these behaviors. We
will also analyze comparative plots of the manually
computed values of P
versus the simulator-
computed values of Probability of Cooperation
based on integer values assigned to each of the force
configurations to begin to illuminate the space
between the data points to support interpolation in
future versions of the simulation. Interpolation
across strategies may be problematic.
4.3 Addressing Threats to Validity
Executing 200 Monte Carlo trials of each of force
configuration (a “case”) produces a statistical
confidence above .95 for each set of results. John et
al. (2011b, Section IV) discusses our approach to
addressing internal and external validity, face and
construct validity, criterion validity, and construct
The following are preliminary conclusions, some of
which may have significant implications for GEE
We are demonstrating the ability to encapsulate
agents’ belief systems in key model elements and
leverage that encapsulation to produce internally
self-consistent results. This means the experiment
may offer a useful evaluation of the postulated
relationship between the forces and the SoS
The neutral strategies are, by their nature as firm,
all-purpose decision making heuristics, essentially
insensitive to the forces. While preliminary results
demonstrate that the forces are capable of impacting
decision making, the effect appears to be significant
only when the decision makers’s principles evidence
some level of preference for public or private goals.
In general when considering the force individually,
Sympathy tends to have the greatest impact,
followed in descending order by Greed, Trust and
then Fear.
The neutral strategies produce results that are
predictable, but uninteresting. Moreover, Kruskal-
Wallis testing indicates that some strategies produce
sufficiently similar results that we can eliminate
some and reduce the mass of data to be analyzed.
The combination of Trust and Sympathy at Level 3
(with other forces = 0) has produced anomalous
results with two strategies; further investigation is
required. We have yet to evaluate the interaction
effects among the forces in complicated force
configurations (for example, each force at a different
level), but must do so, as we expect these conditions
to be firmly in play in the case study.
We see preliminary indications of an
unexpectedly dynamic relationship between the
forces and strategies. Strategies tend to dominate
Level 1 forces, but Level 3 forces (and, presumably,
their interaction effects) dominate most strategies.
Fear appears to play a major role only when added
to other forces — it appears to dampen the impact of
KMIS 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
many strategies.
Figure 2: Median Payoff at Probability of Cooperation.
Figure 2 plots median gross payoff as a function
of probability of cooperation by strategy (10 of 11
strategies). We believe it clearly indicates that
agents engaged in repeated interactions within a Stag
Hunt situation will generally earn higher cumulative
payoffs if they choose to cooperate. One could also
infer from this that (assuming no externalities to the
contrary) the same is true of one-shot Stag Hunt
situations, but further research is required. It must be
noted, however, that the current version of the
simulation does not feature live play of situational
(Need and Uncertainty) and behavioral factors
(detailed in Section VI.C.) that could have a
profound impact on decision making. If the plotted
results persist, however, they should lead GEE
members who are uncertain of whether they should
choose to cooperate to do so. Because the only
strategies that produce better-than-minimum payoffs
from defecting are those held by agents whose
principles motivate strongly against cooperation,
these results also indicate that GEEs seeking new
members may be able to safely incorporate agents
with principles that are uncertain or neutral.
We recognize this effort is essentially a proof-of-
concept, based on a single case. The case may not
generalize as fully as we hope; other cases may lack
a convenient set of findings to use as a measuring
stick for evaluating the relationship of the forces to
the characteristics, or the SSCI’s root cause analysis
may be flawed. It is also possible that the
assumptions and abstractions we have used to
simplify the problem may contain important
complexities or factors our work fails to recognize.
For example, this effort assumes that agents do not
learn — they will not change decision making
strategies in the course of a case. We also eliminate
the effects of information transfer time, and
differences in individual capabilities and authorities
by assuming that when any member of an
organizational element gains access to a piece of
information, the entire element gains access and
understanding immediately, and is authorized to act
on that understanding. Moreover, the process used in
our tests to date lacks explicit recognition of the
individual fitness costs that qualify an act as one of
altruistic cooperation (Bowles and Gintis, 2011).
The choice of game is not without some
controversy. On 12 December 2009, Gintis posted a
review (Gintis, 2009b) of Skyrms’ (2004) view that
“Many modern thinkers have focused on the
prisoner’s dilemma [as a simple exemplar of the
central problem of the social contract], but I believe
that this emphasis is misplaced. The most
appropriate choice is not the prisoner’s dilemma, but
rather the stag hunt.” Gintis’ objection hinges on his
view that Skyrms has fallen prey to the “Folk
Theorem of Repeated Games” whose “central
weakness is that it is only an existence theorem with
no consideration of how the Nash equilibrium can
actually be instantiated as a social process….Rather,
… strategic interaction must be socially structured
by a choreographer—a social norm with the status of
common knowledge ….” Following Simon’s (1997
[1945]) view of the behaviour of individuals within
an organization and leveraging a mechanism
articulated in Bowles and Gintis (2011), we believe
there is reason to view cultural transmission of
norms within an agency as powerful enough to
establish the Nash equilibrium.
Gintis’ (2009a) discussion of “Epistemic Game
Theory and Social Norms” summarizes what he
views as a long-standing schism within the
behavioral sciences and further emphasizes the
importance of the socially-developed norm as the
“choreographer” of individual and group behaviors.
Earlier in the same book, Gintis also questions the
need for those applying game theory to social
dilemmas to eschew the “rational actor” model in
favor of bounded rationality. He contends that
explicitly accounting for each agent’s beliefs,
preferences and constraints allows for rational, self-
regarding agents that operate with defined limits
with respect to their knowledge and their own
perspective (their utility function). Our model
addresses this by explicitly including the impact of
decision maker principles in the strategy formulation
Nevertheless, we remain convinced that this area
presents fertile ground for important research,
including the creation of a tool set and analysis
process that can be useful in the continuing
development of cooperation theory for systems of
systems. Additional research into the sensitivity of
, Prob
, and Payoff to the level of decision maker
bias embodied in the strategies (self-regarding or
other-regarding) may be very illuminating. For
example, do one or more of these outputs vary in a
linear fashion, a step function or some other way?
We are working to identify other suitable cases
involving both public and private extended
enterprises so we can validate and expand our
analytic capabilities.
This effort is only one step on a much longer
journey toward what we call “The Science of
Belonging.” We believe the understanding that can
be derived from such a science will be crucial in a
world full of autonomous software systems. Future
work must establish how decision makers can
change the levels of the forces in their extended
enterprises — the specific “levers” decision makers
can pull — as well as how they can accurately
measure the resulting amount of change in the
Boardman-Sauser characteristics. We must also
ascertain the existence and impacts of other useful
forces and characteristics.
The authors wish to thank two anonymous reviewers
for comments that inspired improvements in this
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