Giuliano Armano, Alessandro Giuliani and Eloisa Vargiu
Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
Contextual advertising, Recommender systems, Information filtering.
This paper focuses on Contextual Advertising, which is devoted to display commercial ads within the content
of third-party Web pages. In the literature, several approaches estimate the relevance of an ad based only on
syntactic approaches. However, these approaches may lead to the choice of a remarkable number of irrelevant
ads. In order to solve these drawbacks, solutions that combine a semantic phase with a syntactic phase have
been proposed. Framed within this approach, we propose an approach that uses to a semantic network able
to supply commonsense knowledge. To this end, we developed and implemented a system that uses the Con-
ceptNet 3 database. To our best knowledge this is the first attempt to use information provided by ConceptNet
in the field of Contextual Advertising. Several experiments have been performed aimed at comparing the
proposed system with a state-of-the-art system. Preliminary results show that the proposed system performs
Nowadays, Web advertising is one of the major
sources of income for a large number of websites. Its
main goal is to suggest products and services to the
ever growing population of Internet users. A signif-
icant part of Web advertising consists of textual ads,
the ubiquitous short text messages usually marked as
sponsored links. There are two primary channels for
distributing ads: Sponsored Search (or Paid Search
Advertising) and Contextual Advertising (or Content
Match). Sponsored Search advertising displays ads
on the page returned from a Web search engine fol-
lowing a query; whereas Contextual Advertising (CA)
displays ads within the content of a generic, third
party, Web page. A commercial intermediary, namely
ad network, is usually in charge of optimizing the se-
lection of ads with the twofold goal of increasing rev-
enue and improving user experience. The ads are se-
lected and served by automated systems based on the
content displayed to the user.
In the literature, several approaches to CA esti-
mate the ad relevance based on co-occurrences of the
same words or phrases within the ad and within the
page. However, it is easy to note that targeting mech-
anisms based solely on phrases found within the text
of the page can lead to problems. In order to solve
them, matching mechanisms that combine a semantic
phase with the traditional syntactic phase have been
proposed (Broder et al., 2007).
In this paper, we propose a further semantic en-
richment that exploits ConceptNet (Liu and Singh,
2004). To this end, we devised and implemented a
system called ConCA (Concepts in Contextual Ad-
vertising). Experiments have been performed on the
BankSearch Dataset (Sinka and Corne, 2002) and the
baseline is the system proposed in (Armano et al.,
2011b). Preliminary results show that the proposed
system performs slightly better in terms of precision,
while preserving the real-time constraint.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 recalls the CA problem. Section 3 presents a
typical solution adopted in practice that is based on
both a syntactic and a semantic approach. After re-
calling ConceptNet, Section 4 presents the proposed
approach. In Section 5, we present our experimen-
tal results. In Section 6, we survey the most relevant
work on CA and we compare them with the proposed
solution. Section 7 ends the paper with conclusions
and an overview of future work.
CA is an interplay of four players (Broder et al.,
2007): (i) the advertiser, who provides the supply of
Armano G., Giuliani A. and Vargiu E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003657502240229
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2011), pages 224-229
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ads and organizes her/his activity around campaigns
which are defined by a set of ads with a particular
temporal and thematic goal (e.g., sale of digital cam-
eras during the holiday season); (ii) the publisher, i.e.
the owner of the Web pages on which the advertising
is displayed, who is aimed at maximizing advertising
revenue while providing a good user experience; (iii)
the ad network, which, as a mediator between the ad-
vertiser and the publisher, selects the ads to display on
the Web pages; and (iv) the users, who visit the Web
pages of the publisher and interact with the ads.
Upon a request initiated by the user through an
HTTP get request, the Web server returns the re-
quested page. As the page is being displayed, a
JavaScript code embedded into the page (or loaded
from a server) sends to the ad network a request for
ads that contains the page URL and some additional
data. The ad network model aligns the interests of
publishers, advertisers and the network itself. In gen-
eral, user’s clicks bring benefits to the publisher and
the ad network by providing revenue, and to the ad-
vertiser by bringing traffic to the target web site.
Another perspective consists on addressing a CA
problem as a recommendation task. In fact, the task
of suggesting an ad to a Web page can be also viewed
as the task of recommending an item (the ad) to a user
(the Web page) (Armano and Vargiu, 2010).
Our view of a generic solution to CA encompasses
four main tasks: (i) pre-processing; (ii) text summa-
rization; (iii) classification; and (iv) matching. No-
tably, most of the state-of-the-art solutions are com-
pliant with this view.
Pre-processing is mainly aimed at transforming an
HTML document (a Web page or an ad) into an easy-
to-process document in plain-text format, while main-
taining important information.
Text summarization is aimed at generating a short
representation of the Web page with a negligible loss
of information.
To alleviate possible harmful effects of summa-
rization, both page excerpts and ads are classified ac-
cording to a given set of categories (Broder et al.,
2007). The corresponding Classification-based Fea-
tures (CF) are then used in conjunction with the orig-
inal Bag of Words (BoW) provided by the text sum-
marization phase (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2007).
Matching is devoted to suggest ads (a) to the Web
page (p) according to a similarity score based on both
BoW and CF. In formula:
σ(p, a) = α ·sim
(p, a)+(1α)·sim
(p, a) (1)
in which, α is a global parameter that permits to
control the impact of the syntactic component with re-
spect to the semantic one, whereas sim
(p, a) and
(p, a) are cosine similarity scores between p
and a using BoW and CF, respectively.
As shown by Broder et al. (Broder et al., 2007), CA
systems can be improved using semantic information.
In particular, as recalled in the previous section, they
consider CF in conjunction with the BoW. Focusing
on the importance of semantics, we studied a further
semantic enrichment that uses concepts in conjunc-
tion with CF. To this end, we exploited the semantic
information provided by ConceptNet 3 (Havasi et al.,
2007). The proposed system, called ConCA (Con-
cepts in Contextual Advertising), integrates the Con-
ceptNet 3 database in the generic solution summa-
rized in Section 3.
4.1 ConceptNet
The Open Mind Common Sense (OMCS) project is a
distributed solution to the problem of commonsense
acquisition by enabling users to enter commonsense
into the system with no special training or knowledge
of computer science. In 2000, the OMCS project be-
gan to collect statements from untrained volunteers on
the Internet. These data have been used to automat-
ically build a semantic network, called ConceptNet
(Liu and Singh, 2004).
In ConceptNet, nodes are concepts and edges are
predicates. Concepts are aspects of the world that
people would talk about in natural language. They
correspond to selected constituents of the common-
sense statements that users have entered, and can rep-
resent noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases,
or prepositional phrases. Predicates express relation-
ships between two concepts. They are extracted from
natural language statements enter by contributors, and
express relationships such as IsA, PartOf, LocationOf,
and UserFor. In addition, there are also some under-
specified relation types such as ConceptuallyRelat-
edTo, which means that a relationship exists between
two concepts without any other semantic explanation.
Predicates in ConceptNet are created by a pattern-
matching process. Each sentence is compared with an
ordered list of patterns, which are regular expressions
that can also include additional constraints on phrase
types based on the output of a natural language tag-
ger and chunker. These patterns represent sentence
structures that are commonly used to express differ-
ent relationships. The phrases that fill the slots in a
pattern will be turned into concepts. When a sentence
is matched against a pattern, the result is a “raw pred-
icate” that relates two strings of text. A normalization
process determines which two concepts these strings
correspond to, turning the raw predicate into an edge
of ConceptNet.
ConceptNet has been adopted in several applica-
tion fields. To our best knowledge this is the first at-
tempt to use ConceptNet in CA.
Figure 1: ConCA architecture.
4.2 ConCA
The system has been implemented in Java and, as
shown in Figure 1, it encompasses ve main modules:
(i) Pre-processor; (ii) Text Summarizer; (iii) Classi-
fier; (iv) Concept Extractor; (v) Matcher.
Pre-processor. To transform an HTML document
into an easy-to-process document in plain-text for-
mat, the pre-processor removes HTML tags and stop-
. First, any given HTML page is parsed to
To this end, the Jericho API for Java
has been adopted, described at the Web page:
identify and remove noisy elements, such as tags,
comments and other non-textual items. Then, stop-
words are removed from each textual excerpt. Fi-
nally, the document is typically tokenized and each
term stemmed.
Text Summarizer. It outputs a vector representa-
tion of the original HTML document as BoW, each
word being weighted by TF-IDF. According to our
previous comparative results (Armano et al., 2011b),
we implemented the text summarization technique
that has shown the best results, i.e., TFLP (Armano
et al., 2011a). This technique takes into account infor-
mation belonging to the Title, the First, and the Last
Paragraph of the Web document (the page or the ad).
Classifier. To infer the topics of each page or ad,
they are classified according to a given taxonomy.
Each node of the taxonomy is first represented with
its centroid. Each centroid component is defined as a
sum of TF-IDF values of each component, normalized
by the number of documents in the class. Then each
document is classified by adopting the Rocchio classi-
fier (Rocchio, 1971) with only positive examples and
no relevance feedback.
Concept Extractor. It takes the BoW representa-
tion as input and, for each term, queries the Concept-
Net 3 database to find the related meaningful con-
cepts. Each element of the database is called asser-
tion, and is uniquely defined by several attributes, for
a pair of concepts, i.e., two linked nodes of Con-
the language of the concepts, e.g., English, Italian,
or French;
the type of relation that connects the two concepts,
e.g., “IsA” or “PartOf”;
the score, i.e., a value given by the users that rep-
resents the reliability of the assertion;
the frequency, i.e., a textual value (ranging from
“never” to “always”) that expresses how often a
relation connects a given pair of concepts.
Conversely, each concept is also represented with
several attributes, e.g., words, language, and number
of assertions.
For each term, the Concept Extractor queries the
ConceptNet 3 database in order to obtain the set of
assertions that include the term, each being one of the
two concepts in the assertion. The resulting assertion
set is then filtered in order to reduce noise. In partic-
ular, we consider only the assertions that satisfy the
following constraints:
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
the language of the concepts is English;
the type of the relation is “IsA” or “HasA”;
the score given by users is greater than 1;
the frequency is “positive”, e.g., assertions with
“never” are not considered.
As for concepts, only those with a number of asser-
tions greater than 3 are selected.
The output is a set of concepts with their occur-
rences, called Bag of Concepts (BoC). The BoC is
represented in a vector space, in which each feature is
weighted by TF-IDF.
Matcher. It is devoted to choose the relevant ads ac-
cording to a score based on the similarity between the
target page and each ad. Let us recall that in this work
we are interested in semantically enriching informa-
tion belonging to both pages and ads. To this end, we
calculate the score similarity taking into account CF
and BoC, without considering BoW. In formula:
σ(p, a) = α · sim
(p, a)+(1α)·sim
(p, a) (2)
in which α is a global parameter that permits to con-
trol the impact of BoC with respect to CF, whereas
(p, a) and sim
(p, a) are cosine similarity
scores between p and a using BoC and CF, respec-
To perform experiments we used the BankSearch
Dataset (Sinka and Corne, 2002), built using the Open
Directory Project and Yahoo! categories
, consisting
of about 11000 Web pages classified by hand accord-
ing to 11 different classes that belong to a given taxon-
omy. In (Sinka and Corne, 2002), the authors shown
that this structure provides a good benchmark not only
for generic classification/clustering methods, but also
for hierarchical techniques.
To perform experiments, we also built a repository
of ads, composed of 5 relevant company Web pages
for each class of the adopted taxonomy. In so doing,
there are 55 different ads in the repository.
To evaluate the performances of ConCA, our base-
line is the system adopted in (Armano et al., 2011b).
Let us note that this baseline system is an implemen-
tation of the model described in Section 3, in which
TFLP (Title, First and Last Paragraph summariza-
tion), is adopted as text summarization technique.
2 and, re-
Five different experiments have been performed
for each system augmenting the suggested ads from 1
to 5. Results are then calculated in terms of the preci-
sion p@k, with k [1, 5]. For each experiment, Table
1 reports the results obtained by varying α. Accord-
ing to equation (2) a value of 0.0 means that only CF
are considered, whereas a value of 1.0 considers only
BoC in ConCA and BoW in the baseline system.
Results show that ConCA performs slightly bet-
ter than the baseline system. In particular, for both
systems, the best performance is obtained with a low
value of α (i.e., 0.1 for ConCA). It means that CF
have more impact than BoC in ConCA. Similarly, CF
have more impact than BoW in the baseline system.
Nevertheless, concepts positively affect results when
suggesting 1 or 5 ads. Since these preliminary results
are encouraging, we are currently performing exper-
iments that consider BoW, BoC, and CF in conjunc-
tion. In this way, we adopt both the syntactic and the
semantic contributions.
As a final remark, running times for ConCA and
the baseline system are comparable, so that the real-
time constraint is preserved.
CA is the economic engine behind a large number of
non-transactional sites on the Web. A main factor for
the success in CA is the relevance to the surrounding
scenario. Each solution for CA evolved from search
advertising, where a search query matches with a bid
phrase of the ad. A natural extension of search adver-
tising is extracting phrases from the target page and
matching them with the bid phrases of ads. Yih et al.
(Yih et al., 2006) proposed a system for phrase ex-
traction, which uses a variety of features to determine
the importance of page phrases for advertising pur-
poses. To this end, the authors proposed a supervised
approach that relies on a training set built using a cor-
pus of pages in which relevant phrases have been an-
notated by hand. Since the repository of ads adopted
in our work is composed by Web pages of companies,
we do not take into account the phrase extraction but
resort only on extraction-based text summarization.
Ribeiro-Neto et al. (Ribeiro-Neto et al., 2005) ex-
amined a number of strategies to match pages and ads
based on extracted keywords. They represented both
pages and ads in a vector space and proposed sev-
eral strategies to improve the matching process. The
authors explored the use of different sections of ads
as a basis for the vector, mapping both page and ads
in the same space. Since there is a discrepancy be-
tween the vocabulary used in the pages and in the
Table 1: Results of CA systems comparison.
Baseline System ConCA
α p@1 p@2 p@3 p@4 p@5 p@1 p@2 p@3 p@4 p@5
0.0 0.765 0.746 0.719 0.696 0.663 0.765 0.746 0.719 0.696 0.663
0.1 0.767 0.749 0.724 0.698 0.663 0.773 0.752 0.728 0.701 0.668
0.2 0.768 0.750 0.729 0.699 0.662 0.761 0.747 0.724 0.696 0.662
0.3 0.766 0.749 0.729 0.701 0.661 0.736 0.730 0.709 0.685 0.650
0.4 0.756 0.747 0.728 0.698 0.658 0.701 0.704 0.686 0.668 0.636
0.5 0.744 0.734 0.720 0.692 0.651 0.661 0.664 0.660 0.643 0.614
0.6 0.722 0.717 0.703 0.681 0.640 0.609 0.624 0.623 0.614 0.588
0.7 0.684 0.687 0.680 0.658 0.625 0.561 0.573 0.578 0.568 0.551
0.8 0.632 0.637 0.635 0.614 0.586 0.512 0.518 0.517 0.513 0.501
0.9 0.557 0.552 0.548 0.534 0.512 0.481 0.471 0.462 0.455 0.440
1.0 0.439 0.421 0.408 0.388 0.372 0.427 0.407 0.394 0.379 0.360
ads (the so called impedance mismatch), the authors
improved the matching precision by expanding the
page vocabulary with terms from similar pages. Ac-
cording to their work, we represent both pages and
ads in a vector space. Nevertheless, since our ads
are actually Web pages, we do not take into account
the impedance mismatch and we measure the direct
match of the page p and the ad a by calculating the
corresponding cosine similarity.
Broder et al. (Broder et al., 2007) classified both
pages and ads according to a given taxonomy and
matched ads to the page falling into the same node of
the taxonomy. Each node of the taxonomy is built as
a set of bid phrases or queries corresponding to a cer-
tain topic. This was the first attempt to semantically
enrich CA by introducing the contribution given by
CF. Results shown a better accuracy than those per-
formed by systems based only on syntactic matching.
According to their results and taking into account the
effectiveness of adopting CF, ConCA implements the
same classifier.
Nowadays, ad networks need to deal in real time
with a large amount of data, involving billions of
pages and ads. Therefore, several constraints must
be taken into account for building CA systems. In
particular, efficiency and computational costs are cru-
cial factors in the choice of methods and algorithms.
Anagnostopoulos et al. (Anagnostopoulos et al.,
2007) presented a methodology for Web advertising
in real time, focusing on the contributions of different
fragments of a Web page. This methodology allows
to identify short but informative excerpts of the Web
page by using several text summarization techniques,
in conjunction with the model developed in (Broder
et al., 2007). According to their work, in order to an-
alyze the entire body of Web pages on-the-fly, also
ConCA performs a text summarization task.
In a previous work (Armano et al., 2011b), we
studied the impact of text summarization on CA and
proved that the best performances in terms of preci-
sion are obtained by using the TFLP technique (i.e., a
simple but effective extraction technique that consid-
ers the title, the first and the last paragraph of a Web
page). In accordance with these results, the text sum-
marization module implemented in ConCA adopts the
TFLP technique.
Since bid phrases are basically search queries, an-
other relevant approach is to view CA as a prob-
lem of query expansion and rewriting. Murdock et
al. (Murdock et al., 2007) considered a statistical
machine translation model to overcome the problem
of the impedance mismatch between page and ads.
To this end, they proposed and developed a system
able to re-rank the ad candidates based on a noisy-
channel model. In a subsequent work, Ciaramita et
al. (Ciaramita et al., 2008) used a machine learning
approach, based on the model described in (Murdock
et al., 2007), to define an innovative set of features
able to extract the semantic correlations between the
page and ad vocabularies. According on this view,
we calculate the performance of ConCA resorting to
p@k, a classical measure adopted in query search,
which in this case represents the capability of the sys-
tem to suggest k relevant ads to a Web page.
In this paper, we proposed a semantic enrichment of
Contextual Advertising, taking into account the con-
cepts extracted by ConceptNet 3. To this end, we de-
vised a system called ConCA. The system has been
evaluated in terms of precision by performing com-
parative experiments with a state-of-the-art system.
Results shown that the adoption of concepts positively
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
affects the choice of ads.
As for future work, we are studying the impact
of different combinations of features (BoW, BoC, and
CF) on the precision of ConCA. Furthermore, we
are investigating further semantic solutions aimed at
improving ConCA. In particular, we are investigat-
ing novel solutions to extract concepts, by adopting
WordNet (Miller, 1995) and/or Yago (Suchanek et al.,
2007). Moreover, we are planning to modify the clas-
sifier adopting the hierarchical text categorization so-
lution proposed in (Addis et al., 2010), instead of the
Rocchio classifier. We deem that taking into account
the taxonomic relationship among classes would im-
prove the overall performance of the classifier. We are
also about to calculate its performances with further
datasets, such as a larger dataset extracted by DMOZ.
This work has been partially supported by Hoplo srl.
We wish to thank, in particular, Ferdinando Licheri
and Roberto Murgia for their help and useful sugges-
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