Ana B. Rios-Alvarado, Ivan Lopez-Arevalo and Victor Sosa-Sosa
Information Technology Laboratory, CINVESTAV, Cd. Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Text mining, Knowledge representation.
Finding an appropriate structure for representing the information contained in texts is not a trivial task. On-
tologies provide a structural organizational knowledge to support the exchange and sharing of information.
A crucial element within an ontology is the taxonomy. For building a taxonomy, the identification of hyper-
nymy/hyponymy relations between terms is essential. Previous work have used specific lexical patterns or
they have focused on identifying new patterns. Recently, the use of the Web as source of collective knowledge
seems a good option for finding appropriate hypernyms. This paper introduces an approach to find hypernymy
relations between terms belonging to a specific knowledge domain. This approach combines WordNet synsets
and context information for building an extended query set. This query set is sent to a web search engine in
order to retrieve the most representative hypernym for a term.
At the beginning of the 21st century the easy way to
access to digital information resources has motivated
an exponential growth in the available unstructured
information. This growth is not only present on web
resources, but it also can be seen inside organizations,
institutions, and companies. In an organization, for
example, documents represent a significant source of
collective expertise (know how). In order to store, re-
trieve, or infer knowledge from this information, it
is necessary represent it using a conceptual structure.
This can be achieved by means of taxonomies or on-
An ontology can be build in a manual manner
through the knowledge engineers and domain experts,
resulting on long and tedious development stages,
which can result in a knowledge acquisition bot-
tleneck (Maedche and Staab, 2001). As a conse-
quence, nowadays an important research area is on-
tology learning. Ontology learning is defined as a
set of methods used for building from scratch, en-
riching or adapting an existing ontology in a semi-
automatic fashion using heterogeneous information
resources (S
anchez, 2009). The ontology learning
deals with entities discovery and how such entities
can be grouped, related, and subdivided according to
their similarities and differences. In ontology learn-
ing, an unsupervised manner to build conceptual stru-
ctures is to use text (terms) clustering techniques.
Syntactic patterns or grammatical classes could, for
example, be used to provide candidates for term de-
tection. However, these approaches do not consider
that words are ambiguous and sharing a semantic con-
text. In this sense, Pantel and Lin (Pantel and Lin,
2002) provide a soft clustering algorithm called Clus-
tering by Committee (CBC) which can assign words
to different clusters using sets of representative ele-
ments (called committees) that try to discover unam-
biguous centroids for describing the members of a
possible class. This method only creates clusters of
terms, but it does not create a hierarchical structure.
Cicurel et al. (Cicurel et al., 2007) evaluated CBC
concluding that is a good technique to identify senses
of words. Its disadvantage is that it requires adjust
some parameters, for example the threshold between
the centroid and any element for grouping. However,
the use of an unsupervised learning techniques makes
possible to calculate these parameters.
According to Gruber (Gruber, 1993), “ontolo-
gies are often equated with taxonomic hierarchies of
classes”; thus, it can be said that the key component
in the ontology is the taxonomy. Such taxonomies, as
the main component for an ontology provide an orga-
nizational model for a domain (domain ontology), or
a model suitable for specific tasks or problem solving
methods (ontologies of tasks and methods) (Burgun
and Bodenreider, 2001). Nevertheless, constructing
B. Rios-Alvarado A., Lopez-Arevalo I. and Sosa-Sosa V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003665902730278
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 273-278
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
taxonomy is a very hard task.
The identification of hypernymy/hyponymy rela-
tions between terms (in this work only nouns are con-
sidered as terms) is mandatory for building a tax-
onomy. A hyponym can be defined as: a word of
more specific meaning than a general or superordi-
nate term applicable to it. By contrast, a hypernym is
a word with a broad meaning constituting a category
under which more specific words fall. For example,
Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars are hyponyms of Planet
whereas Planet is a hypernym of Mercury, Jupiter,
and Mars. Other names for the hyponym relation-
ship are is-a, parent-child, or broader-narrower rela-
tionships (Cederberg and Widdows, 2003). Caraballo
(Caraballo, 1999) claimed that according to WordNet,
“a word A is said to be a hypernym of a word B if na-
tive speakers of English accept the sentence B is a
(kind of) A.
In recent years, the Web has become a source of
collective knowledge, reason why it seems a good op-
tion for finding suitable hypernyms. In addition to
using Web and lexical patterns, some works (Snow
et al., 2005), (Ortega-Mendoza et al., 2007) identify
new lexical patterns that make possible to obtain more
specific hyponyms; but it is necessary rely on the
known hyponymy relationships for training a classi-
fier, which is not always possible. In this paper, an
approach to find hypernym relations between terms
from text belonging to domain knowledge is pre-
sented. Particularly, this approach combines WordNet
synsets and contextual information for building an ex-
tended query set. With this query set, a web search is
executed in order to retrieve the most representative
hypernym for a term.
The rest of this document is structured as follows.
In Section 2, a brief description of the related work
about automatic discover of hypernyms is given. In
Section 3 the approach and the method to find hyper-
nyms are described. Later, in the Section 4, the ex-
periments and preliminary results are presented. Fi-
nally, Section 5 gives some conclusions and the fur-
ther work.
One of the first ideas in automatic discovering hy-
pernyms from text was proposed by Hearst (Hearst,
1992). She proposed a method to identify a set of
lexico-syntactic patterns occurring frequently in the
text. Caraballo (Caraballo, 1999) proposed to auto-
matically build a noun hierarchy from text using data
on conjunctions and appositives appearing in the Wall
Street Journal corpus. Both methods are limited by
the number of patterns used. Pantel et al. (Pantel
et al., 2004) showed how to learn syntactic patterns
for identifying hypernym relations and binding them
with clusters that were built from co-occurrence infor-
mation. Blohm and Cimiano (Blohm and Cimiano,
2007) proposed a procedure to find lexico-syntactic
patterns indicating hypernym relations from the Web.
From this work, Ortega-Mendoza et al. (Ortega-
Mendoza et al., 2007) and Sang (Sang, 2007) de-
veloped a method to extract hyponyms and hyper-
nyms using lexical patterns respectively. Snow et
al. (Snow et al., 2005) generated hypernym patterns
and combined them with noun clusters to generate
high-precision suggestions for unknown noun inser-
tion into WordNet. Ritter et al. (Ritter et al., 2009)
presented a method based on lexical patterns that find
hypernyms on arbitrary noun phrases. They used a
Support Vector Machine classifier to find the correct
hypernyms from matches to the Hearst patterns. Most
of these studies are limited due to the hand selection
of pairs of terms that a hypernym relationship has,
which represents the initial seed for discovering new
patterns. In this sense, the automatic acquisition of
terms is essential. The Schutz and Buitelaar approach
(Schutz and Buitelaar, 2005) uses linguistic analysis
and a predefined ontology for relation extraction with
the purpose of extending domain ontology. Cimiano
and Staab (Cimiano and Staab, 2004) showed that
a potencial way to avoid the knowledge acquisition
bottleneck is acquiring collective knowledge from the
Web using a search engine. This idea was used by
anchez (S
anchez, 2009), using the Web for acquir-
ing taxonomic and non-taxonomic relationships.
According to the ontology learning, two of the main
components in an ontology are concepts and relation-
ships. These elements should be relevant in the do-
main of the input corpus. This section introduces a
method for extracting relevant hypernyms from the
information given by specific corpus that is also com-
plement with knowledge retrieved from the Web.
3.1 The Representation Model
Typically text is represented using the bag of words
model. This model assumes that the order of words
has no significance. However, current applications
consider that a semantic representation focused on
Natural Language Processing (NLP) has a major po-
tential for new developments. Thus, word-context
matrices and pair pattern matrices are most suitable
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
for measure the semantic similarity of word pairs and
patterns (Turney and Pantel, 2010). In the approach
presented in this paper, the proposal is to use a syn-
tactic parser to extract the grammatical context where
each word occurs. It is of special interest the fo-
cus on dependency relationships <subject, verb> and
<verb, object>. With these relationships, represen-
tative pairs of words in a context (topic) are identi-
fied. The verbs are considered because they specify
the interaction between two participants in an action
and express their relationship (Schutz and Buitelaar,
2005). A pair-term matrix is used as representation
model (see Figure 1):
Figure 1: Example of pair verb-noun matrix.
Figure 2: Example of values of pair verb-noun matrix.
By means of mutual information is possible to find
two related terms. The Pointwise Mutual Information
(PMI) is the measure used for the association strength
between two words (w
, w
). By using the Equation
1, the values of mutual information was calculated.
, w
) = log
) p(w
For each verb-noun pair (Figure 1) their PMI is cal-
culated, thus, the pair verb-noun is mapped to numer-
ical values as the Figure 2 shows. The representation
model is obtained on the overall corpus.
3.2 Querying the Web
For obtaining close results to the domain of the input
corpus, it is proposed the construction of an extended
query set that considers the more representative terms
in the input corpus and in the WordNet synsets. The
obtained results (pages) are processed to get relevant
hypernyms. In general, discovering hypernyms con-
sists of the following phases (see Figure 3).
Pre-processing: It is performed to identify depen-
dencies between nouns sharing a verb in the same
context. These dependencies are obtained using
the Minipar
parser. A pair-pattern matrix is used
Figure 3: Method for discovering hypernyms.
as representation model. In the pair pattern ma-
trix, the pairs correspond to the terms appearing in
a triple term structure <subject> verb <object>.
A noun can be a subject or an object within a sen-
tence. The representative nouns are obtained by
pairs like <subject-verb> and <verb-object>.
Topic extraction: The topics from the corpus are
inferred using an adaptation of the CBC algorithm
proposed by Pantel (Pantel, 2003).
Discovering hypernyms: For each topic, a taxon-
omy is constructed. For each noun in the topic,
a set of queries is generated. It it considered the
1. The Hearst’s patterns have shown good evi-
dence identifying that entity A (noun) is a hy-
ponym of B. However, Snow et al. (Snow
et al., 2005) also identified other possible pat-
terns as result of their method for discovering
hypernyms (see Table 1). Both set of patterns
are considered in this work.
Table 1: Lexical patterns.
Hearst’s patterns Other patterns
A, and other B B, called A
A, or other B B, particularly A
A is a B B, for example A
B, such as A B, among which A
B, including A
B, especially A
2. A general query on the Web like such as
<hyponym> is not enough to obtain interesting
and precise information. In order to get useful
information, the query needs to be more spe-
cific (Sang, 2007). This is the reason why re-
lated information is added to the query: 1) con-
textual information and 2) supervised informa-
tion. The contextual information is given to the
terms with the higher frequencies in the corpus
(without stopwords and after a lemmatization
process). The supervised information is given
to the more representative terms in the Word-
Net synset corresponding with the term. For
extracting terms from WordNet, the gloss of the
term is tagged; the words (three words) labeled
as noun are considered as supervised informa-
tion. If a term has more than one synset, the
first synset is taken.
3. Query sets are constructed using the lexical pat-
terns and the related information. Each query is
sent to a web search engine for using the Web
as a source of knowledge.
4. For each query in the hypernym query set,
the n first pages are retrieved. The text for
each n page is cleaned and parsed avoiding
non-essential information (eliminating images,
videos, banners, etc.). Each sentence is POS-
tagged using the Stanford tagger
, thus the lex-
ical pattern of the query and their candidate hy-
pernym are identified. A term is selected as hy-
pernym if it is a noun but it is not a stopword.
5. The list of candidate hypernyms is evaluated
using a new query set, where each possible hy-
pernym will be replaced in the lexical pattern.
Using its query set and the number of hits ob-
tained in the web search each candidate hyper-
nym (CH) is evaluated by means of the fol-
lowing measure to score candidate hypernym
(SCH) (Cimiano and Staab, 2004) (Equation
where the LexicalPattern(term,CH) repre-
sents a query like: <term>, + and + other
+ <CandidateHypernym>; and other corre-
sponds to some lexical pattern. The total score
for a CH is given by the sum of scores obtained
for each lexical pattern. Thus, the hypernym
with the highest total score in the result for the
query will be the hypernym associated to the
A sample of the Lonely Planet
corpus was used in the
experiments. To illustrate the experiment, the term
museum was considered. The terms with the higher
frequencies in the sample corpus were: cash, travel,
and product. The extracted words from the WordNet
synset for museum were: collection, object, and dis-
play; their lexical pattern query set is shown in Ta-
ble 2 and Table 3. Using the query set with only
lexical patterns, the list of candidate hypernyms was:
<site, place, attraction, department of history>. Us-
ing a query with added information, the new candi-
date hypernyms were: <depository, institution>. A
new lexical pattern query set was created using each
one. Then, using the number of obtained hits in the
web search, the corresponding score was computed
for each candidate hypernym. For example, for the
term attraction, the obtained hits are shown in Table
Table 2: Example of a web query set for term museum using
the higher frequency terms in the Lonely Planet Corpus.
In Table 5 can be seen that the best hypernym to
museum is attraction and into the tourist context could
be a good option, but it is important to note that the
second best candidate is institution. According to dif-
ferent authors, the definitions of museum are:
...a museum is a building or institution which houses
and cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of
scientific, artistic, or historical importance and makes them
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 3: Example of a web query set for the term museum
using WordNet synsets.
Table 4: Example of the web query set for evaluating the
term attraction.
Query Hits
museum,+and+other+attraction 12300000
museum,+or+other+attraction 12300000
museum+is+a+attraction 26900000
attraction+such+as+museum 26900000
attraction+including+museum 26900000
attraction+especially+museum 26900000
attraction+called+museum 11600000
attraction+particularly+museum 26800000
attraction+for+example+museum 3780000
attraction+among+which+museum 12500000
Table 5: Total score of candidate hypernyms for term mu-
Candidate hypernym Total score
attraction 3.74220
institution 3.65833
depository 1.50125
department of history 0.82055
place 0.21463
site 0.09794
available for public viewing through exhibits that may be
permanent or temporary...
Museums enable people to explore collections for inspi-
ration, learning and enjoyment. They are institutions that
collect, safeguard and make accessible artefacts and speci-
mens, which they hold in trust for society...
The museum is an empowering institution, mean to in-
corporate all who would become part of our shared cultural
According to the added information to queries,
Edward Porter Alexander, Mary Alexander. Museums
in motion: an introduction to the history and functions of
museums. Rowman & Littlefield, 2008 ISBN 0-7591-0509-
Mark Lilla. The Great Museum Muddle. New Repub-
lic, April 8, 1985. pp.25-29
the term institution is a good candidate hypernym to
museum. The Figure 4 shows the created taxonomy
for the group of terms <art, culture, library, science,
book, travel> related to museum. The taxonomy is
constructed following next steps: pairs of terms are
used for building a extended query set, thus it is sent
to the web search engine. The method finds that one
of two terms into the pairs is hypernym of the oth-
ers. The method is repeated without the hypermym
found previously. The group of terms is the result of
the CBC clustering algorithm.
Figure 4: Taxonomy created for the group of terms related
with museum.
Figure 5: Taxonomy created for the group of terms related
with plant.
Following the experiments, a query set was con-
structed for the term plant and their group of related
terms using the WordNet synsets terms: flora, botany,
and organism. In Table 6 can be seen the hypernyms
obtained for each term and their appropriate Word-
Net hypernym for the group of terms <plant, veg-
etation, park, garden, region, safari, environment>.
The found hierarchical structure is shown in Figure
5. Note that these taxonomies (Figure 4 and 5) cor-
responds only for the information extracted from the
input corpus (Lonely Planet), they are not from the
general domain, such taxonomies can be enhanced by
using an additional corpus.
Table 6: Hypernyms obtained and WordNet hypernym for
the group of terms related with term plant.
Term Hypernym WordNet
obtained hypernym
plant organism organism, being
park plant tract, piece of land
garden park vegetation
region park location
safari garden expedition, travel
environment garden geographical area
vegetation plant collection,aggregation
This paper describes an approach to discover hyper-
nyms. The use of the related information in web
queries seems a good approximation for narrowing
the search results. This kind of queries is the most
concrete and indicates that 1) there is a relation be-
tween terms and 2) the terms and their hypernym are
in the same context. The method can be applied to
any domain knowledge. WordNet seems to be lim-
ited because it does not nouns with more than one
term and it only includes some proper nouns. The
obtained results can be improved resolving ambigu-
ous terms. Adding new lexical patterns to queries and
extending the search to Frequently Questions Blogs
and Wikipedia are good options to explore. The cre-
ated taxonomies are consistent with the input corpus.
This makes possible that taxonomies can be used on
applications where the structure of corpus content is
crucial. Finally, in the futher work will be consid-
ered additional experimentation and comparison with
other state of art approaches.
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development