Artificial Immune System in the Area of Assisted Living
Sebastian D. Bersch, Djamel Azzi
and Rinat Khusainov
School of Engineering, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K.
Keywords: Artificial Immune System, AIS, Fall Detection, Health Monitoring, Wellbeing, Accelerometer.
Abstract: This position paper supports the use of Artificial Immune System (AIS) in the area of Ambient Assisted
Living (AAL). While AIS has been used for anomaly detection and classification in a wide range of
applications, little work has been done on using AIS for detecting abnormal behaviour in health monitoring
applications. In this paper, we propose to use AIS for fall detection, since falls can be seen as deviations
from the normal behaviour. We justify our proposal by analysing research that has been carried out in the
past using AIS in different fields and emphasising on the similarities to the area of AAL. The paper also
describes the experimental setup that is currently being used for our current and future work.
Due to the advances in medicine over the last half
century, humans are able to live longer than ever
before. Concurrently the birth rate is slowing down.
These trends invert the aging pyramid (Figure 1),
meaning that soon there will be more people over
the age of 65 than under (Commission et al. , 2009).
In economical terms: fewer caretakers will have to
look after more elderly people. The field of Ambient
Assisted Living (AAL) aims to find solutions for
this problem.
Figure 1: Aging pyramid inversion.
The research directions in AAL are widely varied,
but the main aim is common - to support and help
the elderly to stay longer safe and healthy in their
home in a cost effective manner. The work ranges
from sensor development for better vital sign
monitoring (Boylan, 2011) and position information
to recognition of Activities of the Daily Living
(ADL) (Sim et al., 2010) over to health monitoring
(Monekosso and Remagnino, 2010) (see Figure 2).
Each monitoring system will learn at one stage what
“normal” health means. The problem is that the
definition of “normal” is slightly different for each
person and therefore introduces uncertainty in the
results of each system monitoring the behaviour of
an elderly person. So far researchers have
concentrated on short term behaviour monitoring.
These research projects included the use of Hidden
Markov Model (HMM) (Monekosso and
Remagnino, 2010) and Rule Based Activity
Recognition (Storf, Becker, & Riedl, 2009). A new
direction is to move away from the short term
monitoring and consider the long term monitoring of
a person (Elbert et al., 2011).
Figure 2: Range of monitoring.
This long term monitoring cannot only be used
for behaviour analysis but also to improve fall
detection. Previously, we investigated intelligent fall
detection for elderly people (ADL in Figure 2) using
Fast Fourier-Transformation (Bersch et al., 2011)
and neural networks to successfully detect falls. This
D. Bersch S., Azzi D. and Khusainov R..
FALL DETECTION USING BIOLOGIALLY INSPIRED MONITORING - Artificial Immune System in the Area of Assisted Living.
DOI: 10.5220/0003674803200323
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications (ECTA-2011), pages 320-323
ISBN: 978-989-8425-83-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
position paper makes a case to use Artificial
Immune System as a new way for adaptive long
term monitoring.
Artificial Immune Systems – AIS is a fairly new
approach in Artificial Intelligence and is based on
modelling the human immune system. The technique
is very similar to genetic algorithms (GA) in terms
of binary detectors used to match data strings with
the main difference that it is better suited to detect
system anomalies and abnormal behaviour patters
(Jui-Yu Wu;, 2010).
For a better understanding of the AIS function,
the human immune system needs to be briefly
described. The general function of the immune
system (IS) is to detect cells in the human body and
class them using the chemical surface structure
(matching) into a “non-self” and a “self” set. While
the “self” set is harmless to the body and is a
repetitive pattern in the body, the “non-self” set is
harmful and only a sporadic pattern in the body,
besides a chronic illness. This is in technical terms a
system anomaly and called a pathogen in IS terms.
When the human IS detects a pathogen, it has to be
attacked and destroyed. This can be illustrated by
looking at the different illness symptoms people
have with different infections. (Timmis, 2007)
(Hofmeyr, 2000).
Case for AIS in Assisted Living
– In the work of
(Hofmeyr, 2000), the authors point out that for AIS
to be effective, an application should have the
following features:
Require pattern classification and response
Require a distributed architecture scalable to
environments with arbitrary numbers of nodes
Address problems for which there is some
commonality of patterns across the nodes, i.e.,
multiple nodes see the same or similar patterns
within some limited time period
Require the detection of novel anomalous
Change behaviour slowly over time
Have storage capacities on any single node that
are small compared to the amount of
information required to represent all possible
normal patterns
These application requirements need to be compared
to the future research areas listed in the Ambient
Assisted Living Roadmap of the AALIANCE
(Broek et al., 2009) to evaluate the opportunities of
AIS in AAL. The key research areas are:
Detection of emergency situations
Activity recognition
Handling imperfect information
Fusing sensor data
Analysing the AAL research areas, the main
qualities that are needed are data fusion and pattern
recognition, which matches the ones for an effective
AIS implementation.
Previous Work – AIS has been used in a wide range
of research areas including fault detection and
monitoring systems. The past research in AIS has
mostly looked into detection of deviations from
normal behaviour.
In the research work of Cai et al. (Yixin Cai et
al., 2010) the authors are comparing Artificial
Immune Recognition Systems (AIRS) versus
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Logistic
Regression (LR), Support Vector Machines (SVM)
and K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) for their ability for
fault detection. The authors used different machine
learning algorithms (including AIRS) to classify real
power distribution fault data from three regions in
North Carolina. AIRS outperformed the other
algorithm most of the time.
Polat et al. (Polat, Expert Systems with
Applications, 2008) used a combination of principle
component analysis (PCA) and AIRS to classify the
UCI lung cancer data set. The authors were able to
achieve 100% accuracy on the data set and pointed
out that this accuracy is the highest among the
classifier reports in the literature. The same authors
also used a similar combination of AIRS with PCA
in (Polat, Expert Systems with Applications, 2008)
to classify EEG signals. Nearly the same accuracy
was achieved. The authors point out that the most
important feature of AIRS is the ability of its self-
learning and therefore enable a fully automated
Another application of AIS is the area of
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). The authors of
(Golovko et al., 2010) proposed to use AIS in IDS to
detect unknown intrusion attacks. Furthermore,
Hofmeyr et al (Hofmeyr, 2000) designed an
architecture for an AIS and developed a network
IDS called LISYS as a proof of concept. LISYS
used the simulated data as a “self” set and was then
confronted with seven different unknown attacks to
the system. The outcome of the test was that all
seven intrusive activities were detected. A low false
positive rate was achieved without compromising
the ability to detect intrusions.
Assisted Living
In the field of monitoring systems Lehmann et.al
(Bersini and Carneiro, 2006, pp. 335-348) used AIS
to control the heating system of an intelligent home.
The aim was to learn the inhabitants’ behaviour and
adjust the heating pattern for the house accordingly.
AIS was used to act quickly on the users’ special
heating demands without forgetting its normal
behaviour. The AIS was able to adapt and could still
react to changes in the users behaviour.
Considering the long term monitoring of the
wellbeing of elderly people, several comparisons can
be drawn to past work in AIS. Using the circadian
activity rhythms (CAR), proposed in (Virone, 2008),
as the foundation of the rhythm of an elderly person
it is possible to speak of a normal repetitive pattern
in living conditions, which is a necessity for AIS.
The probability of a health related problem with the
monitored person increases, if a deviation of its
“normal” pattern occurs (Monekosso and
Remagnino, 2010) (Storf et al., 2009).
In the work of Franco et al. (Franco et al., 2010),
the nycthemeral shift (change in daily routines) is
used to detect dementia related diseases. This shift
represents an abnormality in a recurring pattern.
Parallels can be drawn to IDS. Intrusion Detection
Systems based on AIS use frequent events to build a
“self” set and identify attacks through the deviation
from “normal” traffic pattern (compare (Golovko et
al., 2010) and (Hofmeyr, 2000)).
The research described above supports the
believe of the authors that AIS will also achieve
good results in the area of fall detection and in
particular the feature of self-determination of AIS
which should help improve the accuracy of fall
detection and reduce false alarms in ubiquitous fall
Equipment and Data Collection – The accelerometer
data that will be used for the proposed research was
collected in an earlier experiment. The hardware
used to collect the data was an inexpensive off-the-
shelf development kit. Two Texas Instruments
eZ430-Chronos 868 MHz sports watches were used
with an optimised firmware (customised to achieve
equal time spacing between the accelerometer
samples). One watch was attached to the subject’s
waist, the other to its wrist. The watch samples the
X, Y and Z axes each 1/10
of a second, and sends
the data to a PC. Compared to other research
experiments, which use higher sampling rates (up to
160 Hz) (Cagnoni et al., 2009), a sampling rate of 10
Hz can be considered as quite low. The use of a
lower sampling rate has three main benefits:
1. Lower data generation
2. Longer battery life of the wearable sensor
3. Short peak accelerations are ignored
The Data Set – The pre-recorded data collection
included three different activities, walking, sitting
and falling. The records of each activity were 2
minutes long and up to 10 repetitions were available.
As a consequence of the research looking into long
term health monitoring, this data needed to be
enlarged. The different data snippets of each activity
were randomly linked together to render a simulated
month worth of data. The requirements on the newly
created data sets were:
Sitting had to be a continuous activity
(occurring every 4 hours)
Falling had to be a sporadic event (once
every 10 days).
The longer time frame of the data set allows the
AIS to be trained with different walking and sitting
behaviours of one test person. This will help to build
a “normal” behaviour pattern and a fall should be
detected more easily because of the deviation from
normal activity.
Preparation of Data and Implementation of AIS
The first implementation of the monitoring system is
designed to validate the use of AIS in the field of
AAL applications. The first stage should
demonstrate that the particular used data set contains
a normal as well as an abnormal self set. A data
instance presented to the AIS contains four
1. X-Acceleration
2. Y-Acceleration
3. Z-Acceleration
4. Acceleration Average (calculated using
equation (1)
 =
In this phase, only the data set of the arm is used and
no pre-processing takes place, besides a simple
averaging over the last 5 data samples. Each data
instances can be presented as a 32 Bit variable.
Detectors are matched with the data instances using
the Hamming Distance to calculate the bit difference
between both instances (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Presentation of a data instance and matching.
ECTA 2011 - International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
The next stage is the implementation of a monitoring
system based on the described AIS method. The
direct outcomes are to achieve a proof of a “non-
self” and “self” set in the used acceleration data set
and a dynamic adaptation in immature and mature
detectors. A dynamic variation in the monitoring can
be achieved by mutating detectors at specific time
intervals (lifespan). The mutation process can be
based on different method like random generation or
more advanced clonal algorithms. Therefore further
research will look into the following areas:
Possible use of data pre-processing
Generation of detector
Lifespan of detector
Matching of detector and data instance
Uncertainty after a mature detector is
The authors believe that research in these areas will
lead to an improved recognition in fall detection.
The research outcome will be compared against the
earlier results using FFT and neural networks.
This work is supported by the University of
Portsmouth under the Higher Education Innovation
Fund (HEIF 4) and performed by the Digital
Wellbeing Research Group at the same University.
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