Aristomenis S. Lampropoulos, Paraskevi S. Lampropoulou and George A. Tsihrintzis
Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus, 80 Karaoli and Dimitriou St, 18534 Piraeus, Greece
Transductive SVM, Recommender system, Ensemble of classifiers.
In this paper, we address the recommendation process as a classification problem based on content features and
a bank of Transductive SVM classifiers that capture user preferences. Specifically, we develop an ensemble of
Transductive SVM(TSVM) classifiers, each of which utilizes a different feature vector extracted from different
semantic meta-data such as actors, directors, writers, editors and genres. The ensemble classifier allows our
system to utilize feature vectors of meta-data from a database and to make personalized recommendations
to users. This is achieved through the property of TSVM classifiers to utilize a large amount of available
unlabeled data together with a small amount of labeled data that constitute the rated movies of a user. The
proposed method is compared to a TSVM classifier which utilizes a feature vector extracted from only ratings
of users. The experimental results based on the MovieLens data set indicated that our classifier based on an
ensemble of TSVM with content meta-data yield higher accuracy recommendations when compared to the
TSVM classifier that utilized only user ratings.
The huge quantities of information that are available
online to broad classes of computer users often result
in the users facing difficulties or lacking the knowl-
edge to make efficient use of the information. In turn,
this has led to the need for systems that have the abil-
ity to identify user needs automatically and help users
to choose appropriate sets of files from those available
to them. Such systems are known as recommender
systems and, somehow, represent a process similar to
the social process of recommendation. Recommender
systems help relieve some of the pressure of informa-
tion overload by taking into account personal needs
and interests of users and by providing information in
the most appropriate and valuable way.
During the recent years, recommender systems
have received a lot of attention from several research
groups worldwide and have distinguished themselves
from simple search engines and retrieval systems.
The main difference between a recommender system
and a search engine or a retrieval system is that a rec-
ommender system not only returns results, but also
selects objects (items) that satisfy the specific query-
ing user’s needs. Thus, recommender systems must
be equipped with an individualization/personalization
process of the results they return to their user. Ul-
timately, recommender systems attempt to predict
items that a user might be interested in.
In work of ours, we present a movie recommender
system which is trained with a small number of exam-
ples of user-preferred movies. The system computes
features that are automatically extracted from seman-
tic content about actors, directors, genres etc. which
are provided by the IMDB database (IMDB, 2010).
Therefore, our system makes recommendations on a
personalized basis, i.e., without having to match the
user’s interests to some other user’s interests. In this
way, our system overcomes well-known problems as-
sociated with Collaborative Filtering, such as non-
association or user bias
More specifically, the paper is organized as fol-
lows: in Section 2, we present an overview of re-
lated work on movie recommendation systems. In
Section 3, we present briefly the Transductive Infer-
ence Paradigm. In Section 4, we formulate the rec-
ommendation problem as an ensemble of Transduc-
The problem of non-association arises when two simi-
lar items have never been wanted by the same user, their re-
lationship is not known explicitly or, in item based Collab-
oration Filtering, those two items cannot be classified into
the same group. On the other hand, the problem of user bias
may be present in past ratings.
S. Lampropoulos A., S. Lampropoulou P. and A. Tsihrintzis G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003682802420247
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications (NCTA-2011), pages 242-247
ISBN: 978-989-8425-84-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tive SVM classifiers. We evaluate recommendation
methods and present experimental results. Finally, in
Section 5, we draw conclusions and point to future
related work.
In general, the recommendation problem refers to
methods for selecting and suggesting items to a user.
These methods attempt to enhance ratings given by
users to items and information that describes or char-
acterizes users or items. There are three main ap-
proaches to recommender systems:
Collaborative filtering, and
Modern information systems embed the ability to
monitor and analyze users’ actions to determine the
best way to interact with them. Ideally, each user’s ac-
tions are logged separately and analyzed to generate
an individual user profile. All the information about
a user, extracted either by monitoring user actions
or by examining the objects the user has evaluated
(Burke, 2002), is stored or utilized to customize ser-
vices offered. This user modeling approach is known
as content-based learning. The main assumption be-
hind it is that a user’s behavior remains unchanged
through time; therefore, the content of past user ac-
tions may be used to predict the desired content of
their future actions (Mooney and Roy, 2000). There-
fore, in content-based recommendation methods, the
rating R(u, i) of the item i by the user u is typically
estimated based on ratings assigned by user u to the
items in a subset I
of the full set of items I that are
“similar” to item i in terms of their content as defined
by their associated features.
To be able to search through a collection of items
and make observations about the similarity between
objects that are not directly comparable, we must first
transform raw data at a certain level of information
granularity. Information granules refer to a collec-
tion of data that contain only information essential
to the recommendation process. Such granulation al-
lows more efficient processing for extracting features
and computing numerical representations that charac-
terize an item. As a result, the large amount of de-
tailed information of one item is reduced to a limited
set of features. Each feature captures some aspects of
the item that are essential and sufficient to determine
item similarity.
Collaborative filtering is based on collecting rat-
ings for items, comparing commonalities between
users (or items) on the basis of their ratings, and
finally producing recommended items according to
inter-user (or inter-item) comparisons. The problem
space of collaborative filtering can be formulated as
a matrix of users versus items, with each cell repre-
senting a user’s rating on specific item (Schafer et al.,
2007; Herlocker et al., 2000). In (Sarwar et al., 2001),
an automated collaborative filtering algorithm is pre-
sented to generate movie recommendations. An com-
parative evaluation of collaborative filtering methods
are presented in (Herlocker et al., 2004).
Hybrid methods combine two or more recom-
mendation techniques to achieve better performance
and to address drawbacks of each non-hybrid tech-
niques. Usually, collaborative filtering methods are
combined with content-based methods. There are
several different ways of combining these two sep-
arate systems. Hybrid recommender systems for
movies are presented in (Christakou and Stafylopatis,
2005), (Mukherjee et al., 2003). In (Christakou and
Stafylopatis, 2005), a hybrid approach, based on Mul-
tilayer Perceptron neural networks combined with
collaborative information, is used to construct a rec-
ommender system for movies.
More generally, there are four groups of hybrid
methods according to the combination of content-
based and collaborative methods.
In the Weighted Hybridization Method, the out-
puts (ratings) acquired by individual recommender
systems are combined together to produce a single
final recommendation using either linear combina-
tion (Claypool et al., 1999) or a voting scheme (Paz-
zani, 1999). In Switched Hybridization, the system
switches between recommendation techniques select-
ing the method that gives better recommendations for
the current situation depending on some recommen-
dation “quality” metric (Billsus and Pazzani, 2000).
Finally, the Cascade Hybridization recommendation
technique can be analyzed into two sequential stages.
The first stage (content-based method/collaborative)
selects intermediate recommendations. Then, the sec-
ond stage (collaborative/content-based method) se-
lects appropriate items from the recommendations of
the first stage. This method is more efficient than the
weighted hybridization method which applies all of
its techniques on all items. The computational bur-
den of this hybrid approach is relatively small because
recommendation candidates in the second level are
partially eliminated during the first level. Moreover,
this method is more tolerant to noise in the opera-
tion of low-priority recommendations,since ratings of
the high level recommender can only be refined, but
never over-turned (Burke, 2007; Lampropoulos et al.,
Vladimir Vapnik proposed the Transductive Inference
Paradigm (Vapnik, 1982) as the next step beyond
the previously-proposed Model Prediction Paradigm.
The key ideas behind the transductive inference
paradigm arose from the need to create efficient meth-
ods of inference from small sample sizes. Specifi-
cally, in transductive inference an effort is made to
estimate the values of an unknown predictivefunction
at a given restricted subset of its domain in which we
are interested and not in the entire domain of its defi-
nition. This led Vapnik to formulate the Main Princi-
ple (Vapnik, 1982), (Vapnik, 1998), (Cherkassky and
Mulier, 2007):
If you possess a restricted amount of information
for solving some problem, try to solve the problem
directly and never solve a more general problem as
an intermediate step. It is possible that the available
information is sufficient for a direct solution, but may
be insufficient to solve a more general intermediate
The main principle constitutes the essential dif-
ference between newer approaches and the classical
paradigm of statistical inference based on the esti-
mation of a number of free parameters. While the
classical paradigm is useful in simple problems that
can be analyzed with few variables, real world prob-
lems are much more complex and require large num-
bers of variables. Thus, the goal when dealing with
real life problems that are by nature of high dimen-
sionality is to define a less demanding problem which
admits well-posed solutions. This fact involves find-
ing values of the unknown function reasonably well
only at given points of interest, while outside of the
given points of interest that function may not be well-
The paradigm of transductive inference forms a
solution that derives results directly from particular
(training samples) to particular (testing samples).
A simple form transductive inference method
could be considered the k-nearest neighbor method
(k-NN), where a new data vector is classified into one
of the existing classes in the data samples based on the
majority of classes among k nearest to the new vector
samples. The distance is measured with the use of a
similarity measure e.g. Euclidean distance.
In many problems, we do not care about finding a
specific function with good generalization ability, but
rather are interested in classifying a given set of ex-
amples (i.e. a test set of data) with minimum possible
error. For this this reason, the inductive formulation
of the learning problem is unnecessarily complex.
Transductive inference embeds the unlabeled
(test) data in the decision making process that will be
responsible for their final classification. Transductive
inference “works because the test set can give you a
non-trivial factorization of the (discrimination) func-
tion class” (Chapelle et al., 2006). Additionally, the
unlabeled examples provide information on the prior
information of the labeled examples and “guide the
linear boundary away from the dense region of la-
beled examples” (Zhu, 2008).
For a given set of labeled data points Labeled
Set = {(x
, y
), (x
, y
), ..., (x
, y
)}, with y
{−1, 1}
and a set of test data points Unlabaled Set =
, x
, ..., x
}, where x
, transduction
seeks among the feasible corresponding labels the one
, y
, ..., y
that has the minimum number of
Also, transduction would be useful among other
ways of inference in which there are either a small
amount of labeled data points available or the cost
for annotating data points is prohibitive. Hence, the
use of the Empirical Risk Minimization(ERM) prin-
ciple helps in selections of the “best function from
the set of indicator functions defined in R
, while
transductive inference targets only the functions de-
fined on the working set Working Set = Labeled
Unlabeled Set,” which is a discrete space.
The goal of inductive learning is to generalize for
any future test set, while the goal of transductive in-
ference is to make predictions for a specific working
set. In inductive inference, the error probability is not
meaningful when the prediction rule is updated very
abruptly and the data point may be not independently
and identically distributed, as, for example, in data
streaming. On the contrary, Vapnik (Vapnik, 1998) il-
lustrated that the results from transductive inference
are accurate even when the data points of interest and
the training data are not independently and identically
distributed. Therefore, the predictive power of trans-
ductive inference can be estimated at any time in-
stance in a data stream for both future and previously
observed data points that are not independently and
identically distributed. In particular, empirical find-
ings suggest that transductive inference is more suit-
able than inductive inference for problems with small
training sets and large test sets (Zhu, 2008).
In this paper we follow the approach based
on Transductive learning and SVM presented in
(Joachims, 1999), (Joachims, 2008) where it is uti-
lized a TSVM approach for text classification.
More specifically, the TSVM can be viewed as a
standard SVM with an extra regularization term de-
fined over the set of unlabeled data. The goal of
TSVM is to construct a function f that maximizes the
NCTA 2011 - International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
separation between Labeled Set and Unlabeled
Set. The decision function has the following form:
f(x) = w· Φ(x) + b (1)
where w, b are the parameters of the model and
Φ(·) is the mapping function from the input space to
some other higher dimension space where the data are
linearly separable.
The TSVM solves the following optimization
, f(x
)) +C
(L| f(x
where L(·) is the loss function for labeled data and
C, C
are adjustable parameters.
In our proposed approach, we improve the perfor-
mance of a movie recommendation process by utiliz-
ing an ensemble of TSVM classifiers. Each of these
classifiers utilizes a feature vector from a specific kind
of meta-information such as genres, actors, writers
and directors. The architecture of our approach is pre-
sented in Fig. 1.
We treat our recommendation process as a clas-
sification problem where each movie that was rated
with a positive rating degree of 4-5 stars belongs to
the class of Labeled Set while movies that rated
in the range of 0-3 stars is considered as data from
the class of Unlabeled Set. As it is well known,
(Kuncheva, 2004) an ensemble of classifiers have
proved to improveclassification performance in many
applications. More specifically, the combination of
classifiers achieve better performance than the best
single classifier when these classifiers are diverse. As
is presented in (Kuncheva, 2004), diversity can be
achieved for example by combining classifiers that
utilized different feature spaces. Consequently, in this
paper we follow this important remark and we use a
simple majority voting rule (Kuncheva, 2004) to com-
bine a bank of TSVM classifiers each of them works
on different feature vectors extracted from different
semantic meta-data.
We compare our ensemble of TSVM classifiers
with a TSVM classifier which works on feature vec-
tors constructed by ratings of users on a movie. More
specifically, for each item (movie) we used a corre-
sponding feature vector coming from the ratings as-
signed to this by other users. In other words, each
Figure 1: Proposed Recommendation Method.
movie was represented by a feature vector of 942 fea-
tures equal in number to the number of the remaining
942 users of our dataset, in which the ratings of the
active user are not taken into account.
Finally, we examined an ensemble of TSVM clas-
sifiers, where we aggregated both classifiers based on
content-based features and classifier based on ratings
of users.
System Evaluation. In order to illustrate the per-
formance of our recommender method, we utilized
the publicly available MovieLens dataset provided by
GroupLens project. The MovieLens dataset (Movie-
Lens, 2010), consists of 100,000 ratings which were
assigned by 943 users on 1682 movies. Ratings are
values from the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, with each user hav-
ing provided ratings for at least 20 movies.
Content features were derived from IMDB
database, an off-line version of which is available at
(IMDB, 2010). We reconstructed the relational model
of IMDB database into Mysql RDBMS with the use
of the JMDB tool (JMDB, 2009). We synchronized
the MovieLens dataset with the IMDB database and
got a set of 1040 movies. For each of these 1040
movies, we extracted four different feature vectors.
feature vector of 1526 actors (size: 1 x 1526).
feature vector of 529 writers (size: 1 x 529).
feature vector of 205 directors (size: 1 x 205).
feature vector of 19 genres (size: 1 x 19).
For each of the 943 users, we trained an ensem-
ble of TSVM classifiers using semantic-content fea-
ture vectors, a TSVM classifier based on rating fea-
ture vectors and an ensemble based on a combination
of the previous classifiers. For the evaluation of the
various classifiers, we followed a 10-fold cross val-
idation on the labels of each user, where the avail-
able labels have been randomly split into a training
set (90%) and a test set (10%). The results in terms
of classification accuracy are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Classification Accuracy.
Ensemble of TSVM 67.7%
CB features
TSVM 62.5%
Rating features
Ensemble of TSVM 68.3%
CB and Rating features
As presented in Table 1, the ensemble of TSVM
classifiers based on content-based features yielded to
higher performance than the performance of classi-
fiers based on feature vectors constructed by the rat-
ings of other users. In other words, the content-
based semantic information can describe more effi-
ciently the preferences of users than the opinion of
other users for a specific item. Finally, the ensemble
of TSVM classifiers based on the aggregation of all
available features, improves slightly the accuracy of
the ensemble with only content-based feature vectors.
In this paper, we addressed the movie recommen-
dation process as a classification problem. Specifi-
cally, we followed an approach based on an ensem-
ble of classifiers, each of which was fed with differ-
ent feature vectors extracted from different sematic
information about movie. Each classifier was based
on Transductive Support Vector Machines which en-
hances their ability to embed unlabeled data in the
decision making process and results in better per-
formance when the available datasets are highly un-
balanced. Our recommendation method has been
evaluated on the MovieLens dataset. We found that
the content-based semantic information can describe
more efficiently the preferences of users rather than
the opinion of other users, represented as ratings of
Currently, we are in the process of conducting fur-
ther experiments and improvements to our system by
extending the proposed method into a hybrid cascade
recommender system (Lampropouloset al., 2011) and
by applying differenttypes of classifiers (Lampropou-
los et al., 2010). This and other related research work
is currently in progress and will be reported elsewhere
in the near future.
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