Roman Mouček, Petr Jaroš, Petr Ježek and Václav Papež
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia
Univerzitní 8, 306 14, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Keywords: EEG, ERP, INCF, EEG/ERP Portal, JERPA, Software infrastructure, Semantic web, RDF, OWL, Signal
processing methods, Statistical methods, Data conversions.
Abstract: This paper deals with the software infrastructure for EEG/ERP (electroencephalography, event related
potentials) research. The requirements for building this infrastructure have arisen from laboratory needs,
unavailability of appropriate software tools and incompatibility of previously used commercial solutions.
The standardization of EEG/ERP data formats and construction of complex and publicly open software
infrastructure is also supported by International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) since these
efforts can significantly accelerate brain research. The presented software infrastructure includes the web
based EEG/ERP portal as the central data storage for data/metadata obtained in EEG/ERP experiments and
JERPA software as the desktop software tool for computationally demanding operations. Supporting
libraries (e.g. library of signal processing methods) developed and integrated to EEG/ERP portal and/or
JERPA software are briefly described.
Our research group at Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, University of West
Bohemia in cooperation with other partner
institutions specializes in EEG/ERP research
(electroencephalography, event related potentials).
Within our partner network we are responsible,
except performing experiments, for EEG/ERP
laboratory operation, development of advanced
software tools for EEG/ERP research, proposal and
modification of signal processing methods,
development of hardware for subjects’ stimulation
during EEG/ERP experiments and integration of
software tools and hardware devices into general
solution for EEG/ERP research.
EEG/ERP experiments take usually long time
and produce extensive data. Since we had had
difficulties with long-term storage and management
of these data and we have not found any suitable
data store for them we started to design and
implement a software tool for EEG/ERP
data/metadata storage and management. The
resulting EEG/ERP portal (Ježek, 2010) together
with necessary hardware and software laboratory
equipment became the basic building blocks for the
next development of software tools and hardware
devices for EEG/ERP research.
As the members of International
Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)
(INCF, 2011) we develop software tools for
EEG/ERP research in coordination with other
member countries. For example, EEG/ERP portal is
currently registered within Neuroscience
Information Framework (NIF) (NIF, 2011).
Moreover, we are involved in INCF program for
standards in electrophysiological data sharing.
The aim of this paper is to emphasize the
importance of data and software tools
standardization in EEG/ERP research and briefly
introduce the proposed and partly implemented
software infrastructure for EEG/ERP research.
The paper is organized as follows. At first the
existing and complex software solutions for data and
tools organization are briefly introduced by focusing
on neuroinformatics portals of INCF member
countries. Then EEG/ERP domain is shortly
described. The fourth section deals with proposal,
description and realization of software infrastructure
for EEG/ERP research. The essential parts of this
infrastructure are briefly described. The concluding
remarks include the next vision of described
infrastructure and the forthcoming tasks.
cek R., Jaroš P., Ježek P. and Papež V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003692204780481
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2011), pages 478-481
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
As INCF members we coordinate our efforts with
other INCF member countries. Their software
solutions for neuroinformatics research serve also as
an inspiration for our approaches. This section
provides basic information about activities of the
selected INCF member countries and their
neuroinformatics portal solutions.
CARMEN (CARMEN, 2011) is a virtual
laboratory for neurophysiology, which is developed
at eleven UK universities. It enables sharing and
collaborative exploitation of data, analysis code and
expertise. The complete lifecycle of
neurophysiology data is addressed. The primary data
types are neural activity recordings (signals and
image series).
The infrastructure for brain science information
and neuroinformatics within INCF Japan Node
(JNODE, 2011) includes developing and publishing
brain science databases under so-called platforms.
Each platform is being developed to organize
specific neuroinformatics databases (e.g. cerebellar
or brain machine interface platform). The research
results can be shared with the public.
German neuroinformatics node (GNODE, 2011)
focuses on the development and free distribution of
tools for handling and analysing neurophysiological
data. Especially software and hardware
infrastructure that eases the acquisition, storage and
analysis of experimental data in cellular and systems
neurophysiology is developed. Standardization of
data formats and analysis tools is encouraged.
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF)
(NIF, 2011) developed within INCF national node of
the USA is a dynamic inventory of web-based
neuroscience resources: data, materials, and tools. It
advances neuroscience research by enabling
discovery and access to public research data and
tools worldwide through an open source, networked
environment. NIF offers e.g. a search portal looking
for neuroscience information, tools, data or
materials, access to content normally not indexed by
search engines, tools for resource providers to make
resources more discoverable (e.g. ontologies),
standards for data annotation, etc.
EEG and ERP techniques are widely used in
research of brain processes. These techniques
include design and realization of EEG/ERP
experiments, recording and collection of EEG/ERP
data/metadata, long-term management and sharing
of these data, and data analysis and interpretation
(signal processing methods and statistical methods).
All these activities are currently partly covered
by commercial or open-source software tools and
hardware devices. However, especially commercial
recording tools are based on proprietary data formats
and include limited and closed-source software tools
for data processing. This situation seriously
complicates the access, storage, management,
analysis and public sharing of neuroscience data and
metadata and finally slows down brain research.
As the reaction to this situation and laboratory
needs, and in accordance with INCF efforts our
research group started to develop open source
software infrastructure and hardware devices for
electrophysiology research. The software
infrastructure is described in the following section.
The software tools for EEG/ERP data and metadata
management, EEG/ERP signal analysis and
processing, and design of EEG/ERP experiments are
developed. The simplified component model of
EEG/ERP infrastructure is given in Figure 1. Details
and dependencies of components within EEG/ERP
portal were omitted to maintain the model
4.1 EEG/ERP Portal
EEG/ERP portal is the main building block of the
presented infrastructure. It serves as a system for
storage and management of EEG/ERP resources -
data, metadata, scenarios, tools and materials related
to EEG/ERP experiments. Thus EEG/ERP portal
advances electrophysiology research by enabling
access to public data, tools and results of research
groups. The main features provided by the system
Management of EEG/ERP data/metadata
Management of EEG/ERP experimental
Management of data related to testing subjects
Sharing of knowledge and working within
Signal processing methods
Content management system
Full text search
Figure 1: Component model of EEG/ERP infrastructure.
The system is developed as a standalone
software product; the access to resources stored in
the database is available through a web interface. It
uses the layered architecture (MVC pattern)
consisting of persistent layer (relational database),
the application layer (object oriented model, ORM
provided by Hibernate) and presentation layer (JSP).
Spring security framework is used to introduce user
roles. Users’ authentication and authorized access to
data resources and signal processing tools are
ensured. Facebook can be also used as an external
authentication authority.
To register the EEG/ERP portal as
a recognizable source of neuroscientific data and
metadata the representation of portal structure in
semantic web languages and technologies is often
required. Two possible mappings from common data
structures to RDF/OWL are currently possible to
DbTransformer library (extended with its
graphical user interface) (Mouček, 2011) provides
an automatic mapping from the relational database
to RDF graph and to RDF/OWL output.
Transformational library provides a mapping from
object oriented model again to RDF/OWL output. It
processes POJO objects and serializes them into
output OWL structure. This processing includes
parsing Java classes, their methods and attributes
using Java Reflection API. The advantage of this
approach is that the internal ontology model can be
enriched by Java annotations added to classes, their
attributes and methods (Annotation library with its
graphical user interface in Figure 1).
Because of large EEG/ERP data, computationally
demanding signal processing methods and the need
to visualize and process EEG/ERP signal off line
a desktop software tool for visualization and basic
processing of EEG/ERP records was developed.
JERPA (Java Event Related Potential Analysis) as
the main component of this software was built using
the layered architecture. It includes:
GUI framework (JUIGLE) that provides
support for creating graphical components for
signal visualization and output of signal
processing methods
Plugin engine for installing new methods as
plugins into the system
Data store engine (connection to EEG/ERP
portal, data management)
4.3 Library of Signal Processing
Data from EEG/ERP experiments are processed
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
using signal processing methods. The developed
library is intended for processing of EEG/ERP
signals and includes wavelet transform, matching
pursuit algorithm, FastICA algorithm and Hilbert-
Huang transform. The wavelet transform and
matching pursuit algorithm are integrated into
EEG/ERP portal, FastICA algorithm is integrated as
plug-in into JERPA software.
4.4 Library of Statistical Methods
The library of statistical methods includes Java
implementations of the following statistical
One way and two way analysis of variance
One way and two way multivariate analysis of
variance (MANOVA)
While one way ANOVA, implemented in the
math library, was refactored, the other methods were
newly implemented. MANOVA was implemented
with all MANOVA significant statistical tests –
Pillai-Bartlett trace, Wilk’s lambda, Hotelling
Lawley trace and Roy’s greatest characteristic root.
4.5 Data Conversion Library
There exists a variety of data formats for storing
EEG/ERP data. Data conversion library provides
conversion methods between European Data Format
(EDF), Vision Data Exchange Format (VDEF) and
KIV format. The further library extension
(conversions from/to SignalML and odML data
format) is planned.
4.6 Presti
Presti is a software tool for presenting stimuli in
ERP experiments. It aims at users without
knowledge of programming. The concept of the
program is taking advantage of visual programming
methodology. The users could easily edit, create and
run test scenarios in a simple and intuitive graphical
This paper described the software infrastructure for
EEG/ERP research. The requirements for building
such infrastructure have arisen from laboratory
needs, unavailability of appropriate software tools
and incompatibility of used commercial solutions.
Moreover, the standardization of data formats and
construction of complex and publicly open software
infrastructure is supported by INCF since these
efforts can significantly accelerate brain research.
The presented software infrastructure includes
the web based EEG/ERP portal as the central data
storage for data/ metadata obtained in EEG/ERP
experiments and JERPA software as the desktop
software tool for computationally demanding
operations. Supporting libraries are developed and
integrated to EEG/ERP portal and/or JERPA
In near future we plan to perform an extensive
testing of online communication module, which will
mainly serve for brain computer interface tasks, and
continue on EEG/ERP data format standardization
The work was supported by the UWB grant SGS-
2010-038 Methods and Applications of Bio- and
Medical Informatics and by the SPAV project
CZ 1.07/2.3.00/09.0050.
CARMEN portal (CARMEN). (2011). Retrieved June 20,
2011, from
German Neuroinformatics Node (GNODE), (2011).
Retrieved June 10, 2011
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
(INCF), (2011). Retrieved May 9, 2011, from
INCF Japan Node (JNODE), (2011). Retrieved June 16,
2011, from
Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF). (2011).
Retrieved May 9, 2011, from
Ježek, P., Mouček, R., 2010. Database of EEG/ERP
experiments. In HEALTHINF 2010 - Proceedings of
the Third International Conference on Health
Informatics. Valencia, Spain (pp. 222-227).
Mouček, R., Ježek, P., Papež, V., 2011. Semantic web
technologies in EEG/ERP domain – software solution.
In HEALTHINF 2011 - Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Health Informatics.
Rome. Italy (pp. 618-621).