Salvatore F. Pileggi, Carlos Fernandez-Llatas and Vicente Traver
TSB-ITACA, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Keywords: Cognitive Networks, Semantic Technologies, Distributed Computing, Sensor Networks.
Abstract: Cognitive Networks working on large scale are object of an increasing interest by both the scientific and the
commercial point of view in the context of several environments and domains. The natural convergence
point for these heterogeneous disciplines is the need of a strong advanced technologic support that enables
the generation of distributed observations on large scale as well as the intelligent process of obtained
information. An approach based on the Semantic Sensor Web could be the key issue for enabling semantic
ecosystems among heterogeneous Cognitive Networks.
Cognitive Networks (Thomas, 2005) working on
large scale are object of an increasing interest by
both the scientific and the commercial point of view
in the context of several environments and domains.
In fact, during the last years, the research
activities about local phenomena and their
correspondent impact on global phenomena have
been object of great interest inside the scientific
community as well as in the context of public and
private research institutions. Concrete environments
could depend by the research scope and they can
significantly vary for size, amount and kind of
information, involved actors, etc. An ideal scenario
in this sense is a metropolitan area that provides a
complex heterogeneous ecosystem in which humans,
machines and the environment are constantly
Common research activities at metropolitan area
level are mainly focused on the study of climatic or
environmental (e.g. chemical or natural element
presence or concentration) phenomena and of human
behaviour (behavioural patterns, traffic, noise, etc.).
The study of these phenomena, first of all,
interests the citizens (or concrete collectives)
because it can be a complex and exhaustive
feedback in order to improve the quality of life or to
provide specific services for the interested
collectives (allergic people for example). The
evolution of these phenomena in the medium and
large period, as well as its social impact, is object of
great interest in the context of different domains and
The natural convergence point for these
heterogeneous disciplines is the need of a strong
advanced technologic support that enables the
generation of distributed observations on large scale
as well as the intelligent process of the obtained
Existent solutions at level of metropolitan area
are mainly limited by the use of obsolete/static
coverage models as well as by a fundamental lack of
flexibility respect to the dynamic features of the
most modern virtual organizations. Furthermore, the
centralized view at the systems is a strong limitation
for dynamic data processing and knowledge
building. Finally, the heterogeneous nature of data
and sources implies complex model for data
representation and the related knowledge has to be
analyzed according to several perspectives (e.g.
local knowledge, domain, cross-domain).
This paper would exhaustively discuss the
impact of the application of semantic technologies to
high scale cognitive network, enabling semantic
ecosystems among heterogeneous structures and
The paper is logically structured in two main
parts. The first part has mainly the goal to define and
characterize semantic ecosystems in relation with
real environments. It also deals the main limitations
currently existing for the massive dissemination of
cognitive networks working on metropolitan scale.
F. Pileggi S., Fernandez-Llatas C. and Traver V..
DOI: 10.5220/0003696004870492
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (SSW-2011), pages 487-492
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
A short overview about the most innovative
solutions for each one of the key technologic aspects
featuring cognitive networks will be provided as
well as a short analysis about related business
models. Finally, in the last section, the impact of the
semantic technologies application is analyzed, as
key factor for the improving of the interoperability
level among heterogeneous networks, sub-networks
and data. Furthermore, the capabilities of knowledge
building and intelligent analysis of data can be
strongly improved.
In this section, first the semantic ecosystems will be
defined and characterized both with their
relationships with real environments. Later, the
current approaches to concrete solutions and related
limitations are analyzed. Therefore, the main section
scope is the definition of a generic reference
scenario for semantic ecosystems in relation with
their technologic and economic sustainability. As it
will be discussed, there is, at the moment, a
significant gap between theoretical models and their
concrete application.
2.1 Semantic Ecosystems among
heterogeneous Cognitive Networks
In the context of this work, a metropolitan (or urban
(Wikipedia, Urban Ecosystem) ecosystem (Figure 1)
is defined as a large scale ecosystem composed of
the environment, humans and other living
organisms, and any structure/infrastructure or object
physically located in the reference area.
An exhaustive analysis of environmental and
social phenomena is out of paper scope. Just
considering that we are living in an increasingly
urbanized world. From recent studies, it appears that
this tendency will be probably followed also in the
next future. It is a commonly accepted assumption
that further increases in size and rates of growth of
cities will no doubt stress already impacted
environments as well as the social aspect of the
Considering this tendency is hard to be
controlled or modified, there are a great number of
interdisciplinary initiatives, studies and researches
aimed to understand the current impact of the
phenomena as well as to foresee the evolution of it.
These studies have, evidently, a scientific focus,
but they also could be of interest in the context of
the everyday life. In fact, modern cities change their
structure and physiology in function of human
activities that constantly act as inputs for the
feedback system. It is easy to imagine the great
number of services that could improve the quality of
life of citizens (or collectives) with a deep
knowledge of the environment.
As mentioned, the study of the human activities,
of the environmental and climatic phenomena is
object of interest in the context of several disciplines
and applications. All these studies are normally
independent initiatives, logically separated
researches and, in the majority of the cases, results
are hard to be directly related. This could appear a
paradox: interest phenomena happen in the same
physical ecosystem, involving the same actors but
the definition of the dependencies/relationships
among atomic results are omitted even if they are
probably the most relevant results.
The common point is the need of great amounts
of heterogeneous data, normally generated on large
scale (Akyildiz, 2002). They can be “simple”
measurements or complex phenomena, sometimes
hard to be detected. This overall approach according
heterogeneous model has a strong impact especially
in the representation and processing of the
Summarizing, at now urban ecosystems have a
directly equivalent logic concept by a knowledge
perspective but its realizations are mainly
knowledge environments than effective knowledge
2.2 Current Approaches and
The normal technologic support for enabling
knowledge environment is the cognitive network
(Thomas, 2005) that assumes a physical
infrastructure (sensors) able to detect interest
information or phenomena and a logic infrastructure
able to process the sensor data (knowledge building)
eventually performing actions, responses or complex
The parameters that can potentially affect the
“quality” of the applications or studies are mainly
the sensor technology (constantly increasing in
terms of reliability, precision and capabilities), the
coverage area, the amount of data and, finally, the
process capabilities.
Current solutions are hard to be proposed on
large scale due to the current limitations of the
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
massive sensors deployment on large scale (Pileggi,
2011c). Furthermore, the following limitations can
be clearly identified:
Lack of social view at the information (
2010). Applications and studies have a
fundamental lack of interaction and cooperation,
even if they are part the same logic and physical
context. A social approach could increase the
possibilities of data sharing and collaboration.
Static coverage models. High coverage areas
imply the need of sustainable infrastructures.
The common models that assume static nodes
can be a high expensive solution in a context of
high density of sensors. Mobile sensor networks
(Pileggi, 2009) could be a suitable solution for
environments, as metropolitan areas,
characterized by the presence of a great number
of mobile actors (e.g. humans, vehicles, bikes,
Obsolete view at resources. Physical and logic
networks are undistinguished with the
consequent lack of flexibility in distributed
environments. This is a strong limitation for a
great number of business scenarios as well as a
technologic restriction to the resource (physical
in this case) sharing among structured virtual
organizations (Foster, 2008) (Mell, 2009)
(Foster, 2001) (Pileggi, 2011c).
Not always effective business models. Due to
the static view at resources and applications,
innovative scenarios are hard to be realized and
common business actors are hard to be
identified in real contexts.
The impact of the proposed points can be limited
if a distributed perspective for infrastructures and
information is assumed. Due to the heterogeneous
features of the data source and information, the
interoperability plays a key role for the effective
realization of the model.
In the next section, a distributed approach for the
main infrastructure is described both with the most
advanced solutions based on semantic
interoperability that allow a social perspective for
the knowledge. Also the analysis for the knowledge
building process based on the application of the last
generation contextual semantic is proposed.
The previous section propose an abstract model for
semantic ecosystems as a possible evolution of
cognitive networks to a distributed approach that
Figure 1: Logical overview at Semantic Ecosystems.
should allow the enablement of complex logic
ecosystems in a context of flexibility and economic
This conclusion is mainly motivated by the
objective difficulty of modelling virtual
organizations using centralized models as well as by
the low level of interoperability that currently
characterizes heterogeneous systems.
Distributed solutions objectively improve the
flexibility of architecture but they require a high
level of interoperability among systems especially if
they are not part of the same social and economic
This section would discuss the benefits
introduced by semantic technologies as general
solution for improving the interoperability and as
key support for the processing of heterogeneous data
(knowledge building).
3.1 Semantic Interoperability
Considering a distributed sensor domain, the key
issue is the evolution of the Sensor Web model to
the Semantic Sensor Web that, in practice, assumes
systems interchanging semantic information on the
top of the common functional interoperable layer
(Pileggi 2010).
The current semantic model for the web is
affected by several problems. These open issues,
such as ambiguities and performances, are object of
an intense research activity that is proposing several
solutions as simplification or particularization of the
main model.
In order to enable effective working systems on
large scale, a simplified model of the semantic web
is considered (Pileggi, 2011b). It assumes semantic
reasoners operating over three interrelated semantic
structures (Figure 2):
Ontology as in common semantic environment,
it has to represent data and knowledge at
different levels.
Shared Vocabulary. It could be a contextual
structure that represents an “agreement” in order
to avoid possible ambiguities and semantic
inconsistencies inside semantic ecosystems.
Semantic Link. Additional structures that should
link concepts from different ontologies and
concepts from vocabularies. These structures
can directly relate concepts from different
ontologies and they can indirectly build
contextual semantic environments.
As showed in Figure 2, the Ontology is a
semantic structure normally associated to a local
knowledge environment. Concepts from different
ontologies can be related at domain level through
semantic links to vocabularies concepts.
In the example represented in Figure 2, the
concepts c1 and c6 are equivalent to the concept c3
at domain level and so, at this level, they are also
equivalent to each other.
This schema could be an exhaustive model for
the great part of logic environment associated to a
concrete domain. But the heterogeneous features of
semantic ecosystems force the knowledge
environment to work in a multi-domain context.
This last aspect need a further semantic layer (Figure
2): Cross-domain Vocabularies are defined in order
to relate concepts from different domains through
semantic links.
In the example of Figure 2, the concepts c3 and
c4 are equivalent to c5 at global level. This also
implies that c1 (linked to c3) and c2 (linked to c4)
are equivalent to c5 and that they are equivalent to
each other at global level.
A short analysis of the model proposed in Figure
2 first of all puts in evidence the hierarchical
structure of the semantic knowledge building
according to an increasing level of abstraction.
On the other hand, the semantic model is
completely open and assures, through semantic links
to higher concepts, a high level of expressivity and
interoperability without forcing standard data
This last aspect has a critical importance at
application level where models, rules and
relationships need integrations, particularizations
and extensions in function of concrete applications
and domains.
3.2 Knowledge Building
This second support is the natural complement to the
first one in order to provide systems with the
capability of building abstracted knowledge on the
base of basic sensor data on the model of (Pileggi,
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: Interoperability Model Schema.
The main challenge is the generalization of this
approach on large scale and considering
heterogeneous environment. As showed in Figure 3,
a local knowledge schema (Ontology) is composed
of two kinds of concepts:
Low-level Concepts: They have a mean only in
the context of their local knowledge
environment. The main consequence is the lack
of any class of semantic link. In practice, they
are low-abstracted information that normally is
“visible” only in the local system.
High-level Concepts: They are a set of concepts
that naturally complete the previous one. In fact,
they are high-abstracted concepts that have
evidently a local mean but also a domain and/or
global mean.
A deeper analysis of the structure (Figure 3 on
the right) allows the definition of semantic layers
inside the main structure:
Data Source. Set of low-level concepts that
represent the data-sources (sensors or any other
kind of physic/human data source).
Data. As the previous one but representing data.
Core. Abstracted layer composed of semantic
rules that relate low-level and high-level
concepts. Due to its critical role, this is the key
layer in the semantic structure.
Domain-specific Layers. Any set of high-level
concept required in the context of concrete
domains and applications.
The main advantage introduced by the schema is
the possibility to have a common ground for data
source and data representation, as well as a clearly
defined set of standardized high level abstracted
concepts. Also the core part of the ontology, that has
the goal of building the knowledge of basic data, is
an ad-hoc component of specific applications. In the
context of an ideal semantic ecosystem, any class of
information (basic data or abstracted knowledge)
can be correctly interpretated in the context of the
owner system as well as inside other systems
socially connected.
The power of collecting and relating heterogeneous
data from distributed source is the real engine of
high-scale cognitive networks.
The economic sustainability, as well as the social
focus on the great part of the applications,
determines the need of an innovative view at
networks and architectures on the model of most
modern virtual organizations. These solutions
require a high level of interoperability, at both
functional and semantic level. The current
Figure 3: Local Knowledge Model.
“Semantic Sensor Web” approach assures a rich and
dynamic technologic environment in which
heterogeneous data from distributed source can be
related, merged and analyzed as part of a unique
knowledge ecosystem.
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KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development