Sven Schade, Frank Ostermann and Laura Spinsanti
European Commission – Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Ispra, Italy
Keywords: Sensor web, Semantic integration, Interoperability, Algebra, Functional programming, Forest fire.
Abstract: The integration of sensor-based information has been a research topic for many years. International
standards, such as the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) suite of specifications that will soon be released in its
second version, have been developed, and major syntactical and structural challenges have been overcome.
Solutions for addressing semantic aspects of interoperability have been suggested, but mature applications
are still missing. The advent of user generated content for the geospatial domain, Volunteered Geographic
Information (VGI), which can be considered as readings of virtual sensors, makes it even more difficult to
establish formal systems for the combination of information that is based on heterogeneous sensing
methods. This paper proposes a novel approach of integrating conventional sensor information and VGI,
which is exploited in the context of detecting forest fire events. In contrast to common logic-based semantic
descriptions, we present a formal system using algebraic specifications as a more elegant, illustrative and
straight forward solution.
The integration of sensor-based information has
been a research topic for many years (Schade, 2005;
Sheth et al., 2008; Janowicz et al., 2011). Standards,
such as the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) suite of
specifications that is currently under major revision
(Bröring et al., 2011), help to establish syntactical
and structural interoperability. This includes
possibilities for integrating information produced by
physical sensors and by environmental simulations
(Maué et al., 2011).
Several approaches for addressing semantic
interoperability have been proposed. Most notably,
the W3C recently released a sophisticated ontology
on observations and measurements (Janowicz and
Compton, 2010), and a light-weight approach for the
semantic enablement of the Sensor Web has been
proposed (Janowicz et al., 2011). Still, mature
At this stage (August 3rd, 2011), the SWE Common 2.0
data model already became a standard and the second
version of Observations and Measurement is close to its
official release, while SensorML 2.0 is still under
debate. With respect to service specifications, the SWE
common model and the Sensor Observation Service
(SOS) are available as standards, while discussions on
the Sensor Planning Service (SPS) are still ongoing.
solutions that illustrate the use of such work for
solving challenges of geospatial information
integration are missing.
During the past decade, we have witnessed a
surge of geographic information provided by the
public to the public via the internet. Resembling
virtual sensors, citizens provide this Volunteered
Geographic Information (VGI) (Goodchild, 2007)
through the web by posting images or videos (e.g. on
Flickr or YouTube), blogging or micro-blogging
(Twitter), surveying and updating geographic
information (OpenStreetMap), or playing games
(FourSquare). Considering the increase in mobile
internet access through smartphones and the number
of (geo)social media platforms, we can expect the
amount of VGI to continually grow in the near
future. This new wealth of VGI has several
advantages over the traditional, authoritative
gathering, maintaining and disseminating of
geographic information. First, it is more up-to-date,
because a larger number of ’surveyors’ reports new
information or changes to existing information in
near real-time. Second, VGI can be very rich in
content, providing already pre-processed
information instead of raw data. As information
Schade S., Ostermann F. and Spinsanti L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003698404980504
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (SSW-2011), pages 498-504
ISBN: 978-989-8425-80-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
portals such as EyeOnEarth
successfully illustrate,
the provided information often complements the
data coming from traditional sensor networks. The
EyeOnEarth portal, which is hosted by the European
Environmental Agency, provides access to
measurement stations in air and water, but also
reports on air quality and water quality that have
been generated by laymen.
However, there are clearly several problems
associated with VGI. The technology-driven
development leads to frequent changes in the data
structure, since new platforms emerge, old ones
disappear, and prevailing ones modify their user and
programming interfaces. Further, VGI frequently is
rather unstructured in nature, and quality control
proves difficult. Even comparatively well-structured
and quality-controlled platforms such as
OpenStreetMap have to deal with these issues.
Therefore, the integration of VGI with existing
sensor networks and spatial data infrastructures is a
challenging task. This increased diversity of
information channels and provided messages makes
it even more difficult to establish formal systems for
information combination. A conceptual solution of
using SWE for integrating VGI with the Sensor Web
has been suggested for creating a (more general)
Observation Web (DeLongueville et al., 2010), but
again semantic aspects have not been considered
In this paper, we propose a novel approach to
integrate conventional sensor information and VGI.
Contrary to common logic-based approaches, we
base our developments on another formalization
paradigm from software engineering: algebraic
specification (Ehrich and Mahr, 1985).
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. We briefly illustrate the proposed solution
to sensor integration in the next section, while we
argue for the use of algebraic specifications for
ontology engineering and present related work in
section 3. The formalization of our approach to
sensor integration is provided in section 4. This first
application of this approach is based on several
assumptions and simplifications, which are
discussed in section 5. We conclude the paper with a
summary of our main findings and an outline of
future work. Throughout the paper, the VGI use case
of forest fire detection serves as example.
Official Web portal available at (last accessed on August 3
We consider the application of specific, stepwise
processing of a given raw data set as a core
principle. The different layers of value-added
information can be illustrated as in Figure 1, where
the centre represents the initial content and each
additional surrounding layer represents the results of
one processing step. For example, the raw data
might be air temperature measures (for intervals of
one minute), and the first processing step might
provide daily averages, the next weekly averages,
etc. (Figure 1 a). We may also think of data coming
from different sources, for example measured by
diverse sensor networks, such as air temperature,
wind-direction, cloud-cover and humidity values. In
this case, the first processing step might be a merger
of pieces of information into a complex measure as
the fire risk index (Figure 1 b).
Figure 1: Layers of value-added information, a) averages
of air temperature; b) fire risk index.
Alternatively, contents provided by two different
sources, e.g. satellite images from the MODIS
satellite (a conventional physical sensor) and VGI
posts on Flickr (, may be provided
separately. As the information gets processed,
resulting layers might overlap. For example, first
MODIS images could be analyzed for temperature
hotspots, and some of these hotspots might be
categorized as forest fires. At the same time, VGI
might be analyzed for hotspots as well. In social
media, these hotspots could be purely thematic in
nature, such as an increase of words like ‘fire’ in
messages, but in the case of sufficiently accurate
VGI, the hotspots could correspond to spatio-
temporal clusters (Spinsanti and Ostermann, 2011)
and subsequently, some of these hotspots might also
be categorized as forest fires (Figure 2). Notably, we
can arrive at the same kind of (forest fire) event
using different information channels.
Figure 2: Detecting forest fires using MODIS and VGI.
It is worth noticing the following characteristics
of this approach:
1. We can only move from the inner layers to the
2. The information becomes more specialized with
distance to the centre, i.e. application specific
context is introduced increasingly.
3. Information can only be integrated on a shared
In section 4 we will use these characteristics,
together with an ontology for observations, to
formalize a system for information integration.
Before, i.e. in the next section, we discuss the use of
algebra as a tool for (formal) system engineering.
Ontologies have been suggested as the basis for
semantic interoperability of information systems
(Guarino, 1998). Following Guarino’s
characterization of an ontology (in the Artificial
Intelligence sense), as an “engineering artifact,
constituted by a specific vocabulary used to describe
a certain reality, plus a set of explicit assumptions
regarding the intended meaning of the vocabulary
words” (Guarino, 1998), assumptions can be stated
using any formal theory. We use algebraic
specifications of Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
(Sommerville, 2007), in which the (algebraic) theory
of an ADT describes its abstract behavior, whereas
models are given by concrete data types (Ehrich and
Mahr, 1985). In other words, we use ADTs together
with their (algebraic) specification as ontologies.
Additionally, we provide (algebraic) functions to
define transitions between ADTs. The resulting
formal system will implement the integration
approach that has been outlined above.
The decision to use an algebraic approach
compared to common approaches, which apply
Description Logics or First-Order Logic, for
ontology engineering depends on the intended goals.
In our case, we face a data integration challenge
involving classical sensors and VGI. Encapsulation,
as a main feature of ADTs (Sommerville, 2007),
provides us with the required abstraction
mechanisms. The functional equations that are used
in algebraic specification can be directly applied for
mapping from sensor- and VGI-specific models to
an integrated theory of observations. In order to
support clean ontology engineering, the observation
theory can even be aligned with an upper-level
ontology, as we will see in our examples in section
4. These two possibilities provide clear benefits
compared to logic-based approaches, which are for
example strong in instance re-classification.
The above mentioned principles relate closely to
concepts of No-SQL data bases in information
science (Agrawal et al.,2008). Moreover, the history
of using algebraic specifications and functional
programming for the geospatial sciences dates back
at least twenty years. It has been first suggested for
user interface design of Geospatial Information
Systems (GIS) (Kuhn and Frank, 1991) and soon has
been extended to conceptual modeling (Car and
Frank, 1995), including the principle of
measurement-based GIS (Goodchild, 1999). The
explicit use of this approach for (spatio-temporal)
ontology engineering dates back at least five years
(Schade et al., 2004; Frank, 2007; Kuhn,2007).
Recent works direct these ontology developments to
sensing (Kuhn, 2009) and data integration (Schade,
As indicated above, we build our formal system for
integrating sensor data using algebraic
specifications; in particular, we use the functional
programming Haskell (Peyton, 2003) for
formalization. As we present the solution directly in
an executable language, this corresponds also to the
implementation of the desired system.
4.1 Algebraic Specification of the
Observation Ontology
Before we can define the transitions between layers
(by functions) and introducing data types for
intermediate and final integration results, we have to
establish an ontology that captures the core
principles of observation, i.e. the inner layer of the
diagrams presented in the previous section. This
should not only cover physical sensing procedures
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
and environmental simulation, but also VGI.
Since a basic observation algebra is already
available (Kuhn, 2009), we can re-use ADTs, such
as a construct for measurement values, i.e. for raw
data that is the result of a measurement (in Haskell,
algebraic data types are introduced by specifying
constructor functions. The keyword ‘data’ is
followed by the type name, an equal sign and the
constructor function(s). The first element of this
function is its name. ‘
|’ is used for separating
multiple constructer functions for a single ADT):
data Value = Boolean Bool |
Count Int |
Measure Float Unit
| Category String
In addition, we induce an ADT for representing
user generated content (UGC), such as a text
message, a photo or a audio-video. For simplicity
reasons, we include photos and videos by reference,
i.e. using http URIs (Coates et al., 2001):
data UGC = Message String |
Photo URI | Audio URI
| Video URI
An observation consists of either a measurement
value or user generated content, each combined with
a position and time. We thus extend the basic
observation data type with a special construct for
data Observation = Measurement
Value Position
ClockTime |
For later implementation of our example, we add
a construct for MODIS satellite images. Again for
simplicity reasons, we define the image as a list of
observations, where each observation represents a
pixel of the image with its associated values (we use
Haskell type synonyms to give previously defined
data types a new name.):
type MODISimage = [Observation]
4.2 Generating
Value-Added Information
Now, as the foundations are available, we focus our
attention on the transitions from the raw data
(innermost layers in figure 1), to any added value,
i.e. processed information (outer layers the
diagrams). The forest fire example serves for
We introduce constructs, which represent the
results of a transition (the next outer layer in the
diagram), and functions, which represent the actual
transition between two layers, such as the creation of
hotspots. In analogy to the observations ontology
above, the former can be seen as ADTs, which
provide unique entry points to each layer, such as
hotspots and forest fires. They thereby encapsulate
the manifold possibilities in which a single instance
might have been produced.
As a first example, we create a type for capturing
hotspots as a specific kind of value-added
information. Each hotspot represents a set of
type Hotspot = [Observation]
As an additional benefit of using an executable
functional programming language for formalization,
all Haskell build-in operations are available for
manipulating hotspots (as we will see later). We
might define additional operations on hotspots at
will, but for the moment, we concentrate only on the
function for transitions, i.e. on that function, which
generates hotspots from the information that is
available on lower layers. We define a constructor
function for hotspots in a re-usable manner, i.e. in a
way that we can create hotspots out of any
observation collection, independent of the nature of
the observation. Such reusability is a benefit but is
not mandatory for each transition function.
For us, a hotspot is characterized by high spatio-
temporal density, and may optionally include a
'filter', such as a specific threshold for a measure or a
specific category. We specify the desired minimum
density in space or time, and an optional filter as
parameters of the hotspot function; we omit the
implementing algorithm here, as this is out of the
scope of this paper (Haskell functions can be
specified using signature declarations. Here, a
function name is followed by ‘::’ and a list of
parameters separated by ‘->’. The last parameter of
a signature stands for the output. Parentheses can
be used to include functions, such as a filtering
function, as parameters.):
hotspots :: Value -> Value ->
([Observation] ->
Observation ->
[Observation]) ->
We follow a similar principle for the next (the
forest fire) layer. We use the ‘data’ construct of
Haskell for introducing an ADT, because we want to
define special functions on this data type and
because we intent to use class instantiation as a tool
for ontology alignment later on (see section 4.4):
data ForestFire = ForestFire
Next, we introduce a function to describe the
transition from the lower layers, i.e. from a
collection of hotspots to a collection of forest fires.
In the example, we categorize all hotspots as forest
fires. The implementation also shows the application
of common Haskell functions on the ‘Hotspot’ ADT.
We use the ‘map’ operator, which applies a function
(here the Forest Fire constructor function) to all
elements in a list:
forestFires :: [Hotspot] ->
forestFires hs = map ForestFire
e can also use this example to show how specific
operations, so called observers can be added to a
(newly defined) ADT. The signature of a co-
occurrence function for forest fires, which returns a
list that contains all collections of forest fires, which
overlap in space and time may be defined as:
ffCoOccurrence :: [ForestFire] ->
4.3 Common Access to Value-Added
The approach outlined above provides a
straightforward solution to the integration problem.
Information from two separate sources, as for
example illustrated for MODIS and VGI in Figure 2
(above), may be merged as soon as the derived
information can be provided via a shared ADT.
Considering our example, this would be the data
type representing forest fires. Co-occurrences of
forest fires can now be calculated without required
knowledge about the sources that lead to the
information about a particular fire.
If we would for example have all MODIS and
VGI data available for the 2010 forest fire season in
France, then we could find out how many forest fire
events were detected by both sources, and how many
were detected by only one. Such additional
information, which can be derived from using the
two sensor sources, MODIS and VGI in this case,
can be used to further calibrate the involved sensors
and thus to improve measurement quality (Spinsanti,
and Ostermann, 2011).
For real-time applications this means that we
become able to process (and in particular compare)
information about events, such as forest fires,
seamlessly, i.e. without any artificial barriers that
might have been imposed by diverse use of sensors
or user generated content. In this sense, we solved a
semantic integration issue in the Observation Web.
It is worth noticing that we remain able to trace
back the generation process of a data set. Having co-
occurring forest fires identified, we can reveal if a
particular instance has been created from a MODIS
image or from VGI by uncovering the used
constructor function. Among other information, we
may get to know if statements of two separate
sources confirm or contradict each other.
4.4 Alignment with DOLCE
In order to further specify the semantics of forest
fires (as events), we consider an alignment with
Foundational Ontology. Based on previous
experience, we select Descriptive Ontology for
Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering (DOLCE)
(Masolo et al., 2003) as the best candidate. In
DOLCE, events are defined as special kinds of
perdurants, which extend in time by accumulating
different temporal parts. Each perdurant can be
associated with a duration in which it occurred.
Again following Kuhn (Kuhn, 2009), DOLCE
concepts can be formalized as follows (the ‘class’
construct in Haskell introduces type classes for a set
of (abstract data) types sharing some behavior. Type
classes are named, followed by a parameter for the
types belonging to the class. A ‘where’ clause
introduces a block of functions, which capture the
shared behaviors of the type class):
class PERDURANTS perdurant where
getDuration :: perdurant ->
class PERDURANTS event => EVENTS
The alignment of the forest fire ADT can be
achieved by instantiating the type classes introduced
above; we omit the implementation of the duration
instance PERDURANTS ForestFire
instance EVENTS ForestFire
KEOD 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
By using concatenated functions as opposed to
(description) logic constructs, the proposed
integration approach follows the idea of
algebraically specifying GIS and the principle of
measurement-based information systems
(Goodchild, 1999). The advent of No-SQL data
bases (Agrawal et al., 2008) indicates a trend of such
solutions even for mainstream IT. On top of these
known concepts, we extend the observations
ontology with user generated content (VGI in our
case) and we apply the approach to the data
integration. The encapsulation by abstract data types
and the use of functional equations as transformation
mechanisms are powerful characteristics of this
algebraic approach. It has the potential to solve
many of the semantic interoperability problems,
which continue to grow with the current trend of
user generated content and the ongoing interests for
information integration for quality improvement.
Although promising, algebraic solutions are still
rare in the Semantic Web and they miss a support in
the context of geospatial web applications. This
results in some difficulties, such as (i) missing tool
support for input and out put data management for
the web; (ii) rare examples that illustrate the
combined use of logic-based and algebraic
specifications for knowledge engineering; and (iii)
disconnectivity between the algebraic specification
and the Semantic Web community. Research in this
direction should be extended in order to avoid
focusing solely on logic-based efforts towards a
Semantic Sensor Web and running the risk of
The presented work lays the function for further
investigations. For example others already suggests
using Haskell for common error modeling and
elegant propagation (Navratil et al., 2008), but
further examinations are required in this field,
especially exploiting the interplay between the
‘quality’ of VGI and of classical measurements.
Another open issue is the investigation of place.
Our approach currently assumes that geospatial
components are introduced in form of geographic
locations, with precise geometric attributes. VGI
however, might merely include vague place names
instead of precise locations, introducing uncertainty
on the geographical side. The interplay between
place and location should be considered as a major
aspect to improve the suggested integration
The presented algebra does also not explicitly
account for (spatio-temporal) level of detail, i.e.
scale. Here lies a major area for improvement,
because different information sources are often
captured on diverse scales. A functional approach
eases scale changes, but still more practical
examples, have to be explored.
We have established a formal system of the semantic
integration of observation-based information and
showed a successful approach to the challenge of
integrating them in a forest fire scenario. This
illustrates the functionality that we envision for a
future Observation Web. The proposed approach
still requires maturity. Therefore, we plan to
experiment with a more detailed workflow for
processing forest fire information, as for example
presented in (Ostermann and Spinsanti, 2011). In
addition, more cases will be investigated in order to
show that our general assumptions hold.
As the current implementation used only parts of
a previously developed ontology for observations in
Haskell, we are still investigating complete re-use.
This should be established next and is a short term
Our intermediate goals are (i) the examination
regarding an integrative quality model (including
propagation) for classical sensor based information,
results of environmental simulations and VGI; and
(ii) experimentations on scale transitions.
This work was partially funded by the exploratory
research project "Next Generation Digital Earth:
Engaging the citizens in forest fire risk and impact
assessment" from the Institute for Environment and
Sustainability of the European Commission – Joint
Research Centre and under the European
Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013), Grant Agreement No. 284898
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