Combining Symbolic Relations with Graph Theory
Eric SanJuan
LIA, University of Avignon, 339 Chemin des Meinajaries, Avignon, France
Keywords: Terminology, Multi word terms, Graph decomposition, Maximal clique separators, Formal concept analysis.
Abstract: We present a symbolic and graph-based approach for mapping knowledge domains. The symbolic
component relies on shallow linguistic processing of texts to extract multi-word terms and cluster them
based on lexico-syntactic relations. The clusters are subjected to graph decomposition basing on inherent
graph theoretic properties of association graphs of items (authors-terms, documents-authors, etc). These
include the search for complete minimal separators that can decompose the graphs into central (core topics)
and peripheral atoms. The methodology is implemented in the TermWatch system and can be used for
several text mining tasks. We also mined for frequent itemsets as a means of revealing dependencies
between formal concepts in the corpus. A comparison of the frequent itemsets extracted on each dataset and
the structure of the central atom shows an interesting overlap. The interesting features of our approach lie in
the combination of state-of-the-art techniques from Natural Language Processing (NLP), Clustering and
Graph Theory to develop a system and methodology adapted to uncovering hidden sub-structures from
A timely awareness of recent trends in scientific
domains is necessary to support several information
intensive activities such as innovation, science and
technology watch, business intelligence to name
only a few. Such studies are usually conducted by
analyzing the electronic literature available on line
based on different approaches such as citation
analysis, text and document clustering, pattern
mining, novelty detection. Bibliometrics aims to
elaborate indicators of the evolution of scientific
activities using statistical and mathematical models.
The two major bibliometric methods are co-citation
and co-word analyses. Co-citation analysis has
proved useful in highlighting major actors in a field
(the "who's who" of a field). Although some
attempts have been made to work directly at the text
level in bibliometrics, natural language processing
(NLP) resources and capabilities have barely been
tapped by this community. The most common NLP
processing is limited to stemming prior to clustering
(Prize and Thelwal, 2005). Text units have mainly
been considered either as a bag-of-words or as a
sequence of n-grams in the vast majority of topic
mapping systems.
We take a different approach to text clustering
and consider that a multi-disciplinary effort
integrating surface linguistic techniques is necessary
to elaborate indicators of topics trends at the level of
texts. For this, we require a more fine-grained
analysis, involving prior linguistic processing of the
scientific literatures before applying statistical and
mathematical models. The interesting features of our
approach lie in the combination of state-of-the-art
techniques from three disciplines: Natural Language
Processing (NLP), Clustering and Graph Theory.
NLP enables us to extract meaningful textual units
and identify relevant information between them,
here multi-word terminological units. These text
chunks correspond to domain concepts and the
linguistic relations are lexical, syntactic and
semantic variations. These variations are used in
later stages of processing (clustering) to form topics
through relations of synonymy and
hyponymy/hypernymy and semantic relatedness.
Prior grouping of term variants ensures that
semantically close terms which reflect different
aspects of the same topic are certain to end up in the
same cluster at the end of the process. The linguistic
theory behind the grouping of terms either by shared
modifiers or by shared head is known as
SanJuan E..
MAPPING KNOWLEDGE DOMAINS - Combining Symbolic Relations with Graph Theory.
DOI: 10.5220/0003721105190528
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (SSTM-2011), pages 519-528
ISBN: 978-989-8425-79-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
distributional analysis and was introduced by Harris
(1966). It was later taken up by various studies in
automatic thesaurus construction (Grefenstette,
1997); (Wacholder, 2001). We extended the
definition of the types of relations identified and
added additional constraints like the position of
added words and their number to avoid generating
spurious variants (Ibekwe-SanJuan, 1998). Co-
occurrence (numerical) is optionally added during
clustering as a means to capture the supplementary
dimension of interactions between domain concepts.
The end results are clusters of high semantic
homogeneity which also capture the most salient
association links. This way of building clusters by
first grouping semantic variants of the same terms,
then by gradually incorporating significant
associated concepts based on co-occurrence
constitutes is unique to the best of our knowledge.
We designed a hierarchical clustering algorithm
to suit the characteristics of our input units (multi-
word terms). This algorithm clusters the multi-word
terms grouped into close semantic classes called
components using optionally co-occurrence
information. The clusters are represented as an
undirected graph. This graph is further subjected to a
graph decomposition algorithm which splits
complex terminological networks of topics based on
their graph theoretic properties in order to identify
sub-structures that represent highly connected sets of
topics called central atom and distinct sets topics
called peripheral atoms).
Our system, TermWatch is adapted to mapping
knowledge domains at the micro level. Different
stages of the overall methodology have been
described in previous publications (SanJuan and
Ibekwe-SanJuan, 2006). The system has been
applied successfully to text corpora from different
domains and on several knowledge intensive tasks
such as knowledge domain mapping in information
retrieval ontology population in the biomedical
domain (SanJuan et al. 2005), opinion categorization
of literature reviews (Chen et al. 2006). The recent
enhancement to the system is the graph
decomposition algorithm which enables the system
to decompose complex graphs into more legible
subgraphs representing coherent networks of
research topics.
This paper is divided into three main sections.
First a general description of TermWatch section 1,
followed in section 2 by the terminological graph
extraction process and decomposition. Finally, we
present in section 3 a short summary of one case
TermWatch ( is designed to map
research topics from unstructured texts and track
their evolution in time. The system combines
linguistic relations with co-occurrence information
in order to capture all possible dimensions of the
relations between domain concepts. The processing
of texts relies on surface linguistic relations between
multi-word terms (MWTs) to build semantically
tight clusters of topics. The processes leading from
the input of a raw texts to the mapping of domain
topics can be broken down into five major stages:
multi-word term extraction, term variants
identification, term clustering, graph decomposition
and visualization. Figure 1 shows the overall
process. As some components of the system have
been described in previous publications (SanJuan
and Ibekwe-SanJuan, 2004; 2006), we will focus
particularly on the graph decomposition algorithm of
terminological graphs which aims to reveal a family
of formal concepts and their relationships. A step-
by-step procedure going from input texts to topic
mapping consists in the following:
1. Build a scientific corpus reflecting a research
question. The input corpus is composed of raw texts.
2. Terminological noun phrases (NPs) of maximal
length are extracted using TreeTagger (Schmid
1999) or any POS tagger. A selection of NPs is done
based on their syntactic structure and on our
enhanced term weighting function in order to retain
only domain terms.
3. Terms that are semantic variants of one another
are detected and clustered in a hierarchical process.
This results in a three level structuring of domain
terms. The first level are the terms. The second level
are components that group together terms
semantically close terms or synonyms. Roughly,
TermWatch's components generalize the notion of
WordNet synsets to multi-word terms. A clustering
algorithm is applied to this second level of term
grouping based on a weighted graph of term
variants. Components and clusters are labeled by
their most active term and can be used as document
4. In the fourth stage, documents are indexed by
cluster or component labels and the corresponding
association graph is generated. The strength of the
association is weighted based on different similarity
measures and only those links that are above some
threshold for all measures are considered.
5. Association graphs are decomposed into atoms.
An atom is a subgraph without clique separators.
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Each clique corresponds to a formal concept. Major
atoms are detected and visualized using force
directed placement algorithms. The periphery of big
atoms is highlighted since it can reveal new concepts
arising in a domain represented by a central more
bigger atom.
Figure 1: Overview of the mapping knowledge domains
process in TermWatch.
3.1 Term Extraction
After the corpus has been tagged using TreeTagger
(Schmid, 1999), contextual rules are used to extract
multi-word terms based on morphological and
syntactic properties of terms. One such rule is the
<mod>* <N>+ of <mod>* <N>+ <prep1> <verb>
<mod>* <N>+
then return:
1) <mod>* <N>+ of <mod>* <N>+
2) <mod>* <N>+
<mod> = a determiner and/or an adjective
<N> = any of the noun tags
<prep1> = all the prepositions excluding ‘‘of’’
* = Kleene’s operator (zero or n occurrences of an
+ = at least one occurrence
This rule favors the extraction of terminological
noun phrases in a preposition structure where the
preposition is “of”. This preposition has been found
to play an active role in the multi-word term
formation process. More details of the rules can be
found in (SanJuan and Ibekwe-SanJuan, 2006). The
extracted terms can be simplex noun phrases (NPs)
like “stress disorder” or complex ones like
“posttraumatic stress disorder” which embeds
simpler NPs. Also, terms are extracted in their two
possible syntactic structures: NPs with prepositional
attachment (execution of innocent victims) and
compounds (innocent victims execution). This
transformation operation, also known as permutation
is useful for grouping together syntactic variants of
the same concept that would otherwise be dispersed.
No limit is imposed on the length of the extracted
terms thus ensuring that new terms coined by
authors of papers are extracted 'as is' and that
existing domain concepts with multi-words are not
altered or lost. By not resorting to the usual “bag-of-
word” approach common in the IR and data mining
communities, emergent domain terms can be
identified in a timely manner because term
extraction respects the structure of the domain
terminology “in-the-making”.
3.2 Generating a Graph of Semantic
Term Variants
We studied linguistic operations between terms
which are domain independent and can be used to
build taxonomies, thesaurus or ontologies. These
operations, called terminological variations, stem
from two main linguistic operations: lexical
inclusion and lexical substitution. By lexical
inclusion, we refer to the case where a shorter term
is embedded in a longer one through three specific
operations: insertions (severe poisoning - severe
food poisoning), modifier or head word expansion
(disaster intervention - disaster intervention call). By
lexical substitution, we refer to the case where terms
of identical length share a subset of lexical items
save one in the same position (political violence
threat - political violence campaign). Lexical
inclusion often engenders hypernym/hyponym
(generic/specific) relations between terms while the
lexical substitution tend to indicate a loose kind of
semantic association between terms. Lexical
substitutions between binary terms give rise to a
highly connected graph of term variants (cliques)
which may include some amount of noise (spurious
relations). They are filtered using two criteria: we
retain only those substitutions that involve terms of
length >2, if the words in the same grammatical
position are found in the same WordNet synset.
Although there are many more types of linguistic
relations, we restricted our choice to those that did
MAPPING KNOWLEDGE DOMAINS - Combining Symbolic Relations with Graph Theory
not require heavy use of external semantic resources
and were domain-independent, thus found in any
well written text revolving around the same broad
We also acquired explicit synonymy links
between multi-word terms using WordNet. To do
this, we extended the single word-word relations in
WordNet to multi-word terms by adding these
restrictions: two multi-word terms are considered to
be in a synonymy relation if two of their words are
in the same WordNet synset, occupy the same
grammatical role in the terms (both head words or
modifier words) and are found in the same position.
The table below shows some of the synonyms
identified in this way. The italicized words were in
the same WordNet synset.
Table 1 shows that the quality of the synonyms
acquired through WordNet is indeed good. Table 2
gives examples of the different relations identified
and the number of terms involved in a corpus
dealing with terrorism. This corpus was built
following a search on the WoS using the word
“terrorism”. 3,366 bibliographic records were
collected on what researchers have been writing
about terrorism. Previous studies have sought to map
the terrorism domain either from this same
perspective (Chen, 2006) or from that of groups
actively involved in plotting and carrying out
terrorist acts (Chen et al., 2008). Of particular
relevance to our study is the one done by Chen
(2006). This author used the same database and the
same query but on an earlier and shorter period
Table 1: Some synonyms acquired from the terrorism
corpus using WordNet synsets.
Term Synonym identified using
WordNet synsets
september 11 wake september 11 aftermath
united states federal
united states federal bureau
risk society conception risk society concept
Trauma type injury type
Life-threatening problem Serious problem
Cyber-terrorist attack hacker attack
Any relation between a set of documents and a
set of features naturally induces a network of
associations. Two features are associated if they
index a substantial set of common documents. The
association can therefore be weighted by a measure
on the set of shared documents. The network of
associations gives rise to a ' feature x feature'
symmetric matrix that can be analyzed using
standard data mining approaches like clustering,
factor analysis or latent semantic analysis. The
output of these methods heavily depends on the
choice of the association index. However, before
applying any data mining process, the structure of
the association network should be studied
independently from the measure of associations.
Table 2: Terminological variations identified between
terms in the terrorism corpus.
Operation type Term1 Variant Terms Links
Spelling trauma center trauma
93 138
Modif food
pet food
1799 2709
Insert severe OF-
severe OF-
41 60
Head disaster
2884 4326
Modif acute stress
ic stress
95 651
Head political
Modif Trauma
185 99
Head terrorist
396 217
The study of this structure becomes
indispensable when features result from a complex
text analysis process like multi-word terms (MWTs)
extracted from abstracts in an automated procedure.
Since these terms result from an unsupervised
process, some amount of noise can be expected. The
idea is then to use standard association measures to
remove the most improbable associations. So,
instead of working on a numeric matrix, we consider
the binary matrix that indicates if an association
between two multi-word terms is possible or not,
without prejudice on its strength since it could result
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
from some bias in the term selection procedure.
Moreover, low frequency terms are essential when
seeking for rare information like emerging new
concepts and/or new relationships between concepts.
This symmetric binary matrix gives rise to a non
directed graph between multi-word terms. In the
case of a corpus of documents constituted randomly,
the structure of this graph corresponds to the usual
small world frequently observed on co-word graphs
(Ferrer and Solé, 2001). In some cases, the extracted
terminological network of possible associations
shows an unexpected structure. TermWatch aims to
extract terminological graphs and to reveal this
structure if it exists, based on advanced graph
algorithm theory.
3.3 Term Clustering
The linguistic significance of each relation can be
translated in terms of one of two possible roles:
COMP and CLAS. Ideally, COMP relations are
variations that induce near-semantic equivalence or
synonymy links such as spelling variants,
permutations, WordNet synonyms, one-word
modifier expansions and insertions. COMP relations
are used to form a prior category of tight semantic
clusters which serve as a first level of
agglomeration. There is an edge between two nodes
if one is a COMP variant of the other. By forming
connected components, we group terms for which
there is a sequence of variations in COMP. Since
variations in COMP link only close semantically
related terms, resulting connected components
portray terms from the same concept family.
Components are labeled by its most central term and
can be used as document descriptors. CLAS
relations are those that involve a topical shift
between two terms, i.e., where the head word is
different like head expansion and head substitution.
For instance, the shift of focus from “criminal
assault” to the victim in “criminal assault victim”.
This category of relations is used to aggregate the
components formed by COMP relations in an
agglomerative hierarchical process.
The strength of these links between components
can be measured by the number of variations across
them. In other to favor rare relations and eliminate
noise, each variation is weighted by the inverse of its
frequency in the corpus. Then the strength of the
link between two components is computed as
d(I,J) =
where N(I,J) is the number of variations in a subset
of relations called CLAS that relate terms in I to
terms in J.
CLAS clusters can be then formed using any
graph clustering algorithm based on this valued
graph of components. TermWatch implements a
variant of Single Link Clustering called CPCL
(Classification by Preferential Clustered Link). The
principle is to select at each iteration edges that are
local maximums and merge iteratively together all
nodes related by such edges. The advantage of this
principle is that two nodes are merged not only
based on the strength of their relation but also by
considering all the relations in their neighborhood.
The system then merges the components with the
strongest relation at iteration t. We have shown in
(SanJuan and Ibekwe-SanJuan, 2006) that CPCL has
a unique possible output and avoids part of the chain
effect common to hierarchical clustering methods.
CPCL is also different from the variants of
hierarchical clustering (single, average, complete
link) because it considers the association between
components as an unordered set and at a given
iteration, more than one group of components can be
clustered at different similarity values. In the other
variants of hierarchical clustering, the similarity
values between pairs of items is an ordered set. We
refer the reader to this publication for a more formal
description as well as for a comparison with a larger
family of clustering algorithms (variants of single-
link, average link and variants of k-means).
3.4 Generating Association Graphs and
Formal Concepts
Clustering a large corpus of terms can lead to several
hundreds even if coherent clusters which are
difficult to visualize (cluttered image). We also need
to study the way in which these clusters are
associated to documents. Association mining task,
introduced by (Agrawal et al., 1993) will be used for
this purpose. In our context, it can be formulated
thus: each document is related to the clusters that
contain at least one term in the document. Clusters
are then considered as items and each document
defines an itemset. We shall call them document
itemsets. The set of items can be extended to other
fields (features) like authors. Given an integer
threshold S, a frequent itemset is a set of items that
are included in at least S document itemsets. There
is no fixed size for frequent itemsets. Frequent
itemset discovery in a data base allows us to reveal
hidden dependences in general. Frequent itemsets of
size one are just frequent terms or authors. Frequent
MAPPING KNOWLEDGE DOMAINS - Combining Symbolic Relations with Graph Theory
itemsets of size 2 induce an association graph where
nodes are items and there is a link between two
nodes i and j if the pair {i,j} is a frequent itemset.
The resulting association graph being generally
too dense to be visualized, it is usual to perform
feature selection based on some measures like
mutual information or log likelihood, to select most
relevant edges. This approach has two drawbacks.
First, the resulting graph structure depends on the
selected measure. Second, it is not adapted to
highlight larger itemsets (triplets or more). Indeed,
any frequent itemset defines a clique in the original
association graph. Clearly, if I={i1,...,in} is a
frequent itemset, then any pair ik, ip of elements in I
is a frequent itemset of size two and defines an edge
in the association graph but not necessarily on the
graph of selected edges using a relevance measure.
Thus all nodes i1,...,in are related in the original
association graph. It results that to visualize large
frequent itemsets on the association graph, we need
a decomposition graph approach that preserves
cliques induced by frequent itemsets.
The theoretical framework of association
discovery is Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) (Wille,
1982), (Priss, 2006) based on Galois lattice theory.
FCA offers a pragmatic way of formalizing the
notion of concepts. It posits that to every real
concept in a domain corresponds a formal concept in
some database of specialized documents. In the
present context, a formal concept consists of an
extension made of a set D of documents, and an
intension made of a set of items I such that a
document d is related to all items in I if and only if d
is in D. Thus a formal concept establishes an exact
correspondence between a set of documents and a
set of items. Frequent itemsets that are the intensions
of some formal concept are called closed itemsets.
We shall focus on graph decomposition methods that
preserve the cliques induced by closed frequent
3.5 Graph Decomposition
Not every clique in a graph induces a frequent
itemset, much less a closed frequent itemset.
Algorithms to enumerate all closed frequent itemsets
are exponential because the number of these
frequent itemsets can be exponential. Moreover they
are highly redundant. Thus, available packages to
mine them like state of the art arules from the R
project1 require the analyst to fix a maximal size for
mined itemsets. Interestingness measures are then
applied to rank them. However, the list of top ranked
frequent itemsets heavily depends on the choice of
this measure.
Our idea is to apply the results from recent
research on graph theory (Berry A. 2004) to extract
sub-graphs that preserve special cliques that have a
high probability to be closed frequent itemsets. We
focus on minimal clique separators, i.e. cliques
whose removal from the original graph will result in
several disjoint subgraphs. This leads to extracting
maximal sub-graphs without minimal clique
separators. These maximal sub-graphs are called
central atoms. By revealing the atomic structure of a
graph we also reveal: (i) special concepts that are
interfaces between sub-domains or between domain
kernels and external related objects; and (ii)
aggregates of intrinsically related concepts at the
heart of the domain. A key point of atom
decomposition is that it is unique. It is an intrinsic
graph property. It follows that the number of atoms
and their size distribution can be considered as good
indicators of their structure complexity. Moreover
the atomic structure can be computed in quadratic
time on the number of nodes: O(#vertex.#edges).
In the case of mapping the structure of a domain
based on a corpus of abstracts resulting from a
multi-word query, it can be expected to find the
concept corresponding to the query at the heart of
the association graph in a central atom. This central
atom should contain all concepts directly related to
the domain as sub-cliques. Some of them should
connect the domain with external concepts and thus
should be at the intersection of the central atom with
peripheral ones. The atom decomposition algorithm
is implemented in C++ program (Biha 2007). It
computes the atomic graph structure and generates
two images:
the sub-graph that constitutes the central atom if
it exists.
the network of atoms to visualize those at the
periphery and the way they are connected to the
central atom.
We have experimentally checked that atoms do not
break closed frequent itemsets at 98%. In the result
section, we shall focus on the central atom because
we found out that in the corpora analyzed here
(terrorism), they have a surprisingly clear structure.
Graph Visualization. The atom graphs are generated
in GDL format (Sander, 1995) for AiSee
( GDL allows to define sub-
graphs objects that can be displayed folded or
wrapped in a colored background. We use this
functionality to fold clique sub-graphs of nodes such
that the probabilities P(i/j) of finding one related to a
document knowing that the other is related are equal
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
for all pair of nodes in the clique. These cliques are
then represented by a generic node to simplify the
display of the graph without altering its structure.
We use AiSee because this software implements
optimized force direct graph display algorithms. To
analyze a complex graph structure. AiSee runs with
maximal non crossing heuristics and a great number
of iterations to approximate as far as possible a
planar graph without crossing edges and separating
non connected nodes clearly. The resulting images
allow experts to quickly identify the main structural
properties of the graph: maximal cycle length,
connectivity, sub-cliques etc. Moreover, since nodes
are labeled, domain specialists can also easily read
these graphs using the browsing function of AiSee.
We present in this appendix results on mapping the
dynamics of research in terrorism research between
1990-2006. Table 4 gives the parameters set for
clustering terms and some general statistics.
Table 3: Clustering parameters set for the two corpora:
Terrorism and SDSS.
Nb of input records 3 366
Similarity threshold 0
Nb of iterations 4
Nb of clusters 1 676
Nb of components 2 547
Nb of terms in clusters 4 816
Size biggest component 35
Size biggest cluster 79
Our earlier experimentations on different corpora
have shown that variations in the two clustering
parameters, threshold and iterations do not alter
much the clustering results. In the current
experiment, we tried several similarity thresholds (0,
0.01, 0.001) for both corpora and found no
significant variation. Most graphs converged at the
4th iteration. This tended to show that the method is
stable vis-à-vis corpora from different domains.
Indeed, the linguistic variations used as clustering
relations are generic and tend to be present in similar
proportions across different scientific domains. We
are currently working on setting default parameters
in TermWatch so as to enable the user to concentrate
more on results exploration.
4.1 Structure of the Central Atom
Colours are used to code the clusters according to a
time-slicing of the corpus. The colour of a node
indicates two types of temporal information. The
center of a cluster (depicted by a circle) or a
component (box) shows the start peak period in
which most of the constituent terms appeared. The
colour of the ring around a cluster depicts the end of
the peak period. For instance, a cluster with a pink
center and a bright green ring indicates that most of
its terms occurred in the period 1997-1999 (pink
center) until 2002 (light green ring). The ring shows
the last peak period before decline.
The use of colour codes gives a temporal
dimension for tracking research topics evolution.
Clusters are automatically labeled by the system as
the term with the highest number of semantic
Figure 2: Time slice and colour code of clusters for
terrorism corpus.
Figure 3: Internal structure of the central atom on
“biological terrorism”.
TermWatch identified a central atom labelled
biological terrorism. This graph can be unfolded to
show its internal structure (figure 3). We can clearly
perceive three sub-graphs of clusters with some
connections between them.
The topmost sub-graph reflects research on the
psychological aftermath of september 11, 2001
attacks, namely posttraumatic stress disorders
(PTSD). The lower part of the graph reflects
research on potential terrorists attacks using
biological and nuclear weapons. The structure of
MAPPING KNOWLEDGE DOMAINS - Combining Symbolic Relations with Graph Theory
these three sub-graphs echoes the network found in
Chen (2006) for the period 1990-2003.
Figure 4 displays top-most subgraph. The first
noticeable thing in this sub-group is the domination
of red colour, indicating that the majority of terms in
these clusters appeared in the last period (2006).
This sub-graph (see figure 4) corresponds roughly to
the most prominent thread found in Chen (2006) on
“September 11” and “posttraumatic stress-disorder”
(PTSD). This last term is still very much present
three years later years as shown by terminological
variations found around this term, both in its
developed form (posttraumatic stress disorder
symptom) and in abbreviated forms (probable PTSD
frequency, PTSD symptom severity, SCW-PTSD
prevalence (SCW = symptoms consistent with).
Figure 4: Upper subgraph from Figure 3.
At the center of this sub-graph is the author node
“Boscarino_JA” (arrow origin in Figure 4). To
understand the central position of the author
“Boscarino_JA”, we queried the MySQL database to
access the bibliographic records of publications of
this author. Dr Joseph A. Boscarino co-authored 22
papers in the period covered by our corpus, all
published between 2004-2006, the last period of the
corpus, hence the red colour of the cluster. His
papers focused on psychological effects and PTSD
caused by the 9/11, 2001 event. Among the pre-
occupying health issues brought to light by this
research thread is the increased use of drugs, alcohol
and the increase in mental disorder among the
population in the area surrounding the World Trade
Center. This is evident in the surrounding cluster
labels: physical health, psychological health (double
arrow edge in Figure 4), binge drinking, alcohol use,
increased substance use, african-american,
posttraumatic stress disorder symptom, psychotropic
medication (simple arrow edge in Figure 4).
The system also computes statistical indicators
from the Social Network Analysis (Freeman, 1977)
in order to characterize the relative position of nodes
and their importance in the network. We show below
the first 20 nodes ranked by betweenness centrality.
Table 4: First 20 clusters ranked by betweenness
centrality. Terrorism corpus.
centrl. dens. betw. degree freq. mean node
0.0 0.0 214336 162.0 3.2 4.2 posttraumatic stress disorder
0.1 0.0 91637 81.0 1.8 4.2 same traumatic event
0.1 0.0 76126 68.0 1.7 4.1 world health
0.1 0.0 67951 54.0 1.8 4.2 suicidal terrorist bombing
0.0 0.0 65879 53.0 0.9 4.6 world trade center
0.3 0.1 62483 83.0 4.1 4.1 biological terrorism
0.1 0.1 62296 43.0 1.5 3.7 mass destruction
0.2 0.1 60768 48.0 3.1 4.3 specific injury type
0.1 0.0 59095 70.0 1.6 4.5 new york city
0.3 0.2 51682 38.0 1.5 4.6 domestic law enforcement
0.2 0.1 50271 49.0 1.5 4.2 potential biological weapon
0.1 0.0 48571 42.0 1.0 4.2 unmet mental health
0.5 0.4 44095 30.0 1.0 5.5 national security
0.2 0.1 41590 34.0 1.1 4.3 recent natural disaster
0.6 0.5 41019 25.0 3.5 5.7 domestic air travel
0.1 0.1 39136 42.0 1.6 4.1 mass destruction weapon
0.1 0.0 37480 31.0 0.7 4.0 biological agent
0.1 0.0 37184 38.0 1.9 4.7 primary blast injury
0.4 0.2 36744 61.0 5.4 4.1 premeditated biologic attack
0.4 0.2 36167 48.0 2.1 4.0 recent bioterrorist attack
Nodes with high betweenness centrality values
are possible transitions points from one research
thread to another. 1st column, 'centrality' is
calculated as a normalized number of edges in the
neighbourhood. 2nd column, 'density' is computed as
a valued version of centrality. The 3rd column is the
betweenness centrality which is the number of
geodesics crossing the node. 4th column, 'degree' is
the number of adjacent edges. The 5th column
'frequency' is a valued version of degree. 6th column
'mean' is the average of the distance between the
node and the others.
We observe that some of the prominent themes
present in the central atom, in the three sub-graphs
are ranked in the topmost positions: posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) is also the first node by
betweenness centrality. The other topmost nodes all
recall major terrorist threats (same traumatic event,
world health, suicidal terrorist bombing, biological
terrorism, mass destruction). The three research
threads portrayed by the three sub-graphs in the
central atom are present in the first 20 nodes by
betweenness centrality: posttraumatic stress
disorder (1st), specific injury type (8th), primary
injury blast (18th), biological terrorism (6th).
KDIR 2011 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
4.2 Mining Closed Frequent Itemsets
on Terrorism Research
For complexity reasons, it is not possible to extract
frequent itemsets whose extension has fewer than
three documents, meanwhile we shall see that the
atom graph allows us to identify interesting closed
itemsets whose extension has only two documents.
Using the apriori algorithm in R package, we found
1926 closed itemsets with a support of at least three
documents of which 285 have more than three
elements (three items). The largest closed frequent
itemset without author names is: {new york city,
posttraumatic stress disorder, potential terrorist
attack, same traumatic event, world trade center}.
The largest overall has 12 items: {Parker_G,
Perl_TM, Russell_PK}, biological terrorism,
biological warfare, consensus-based
recommendation, emergency management
institution, MEDLINE database, nation civilian
population, potential biological weapon, working
group, world health}. Despite differences in length,
these two itemsets both have the same support: their
extension has three documents.
We have presented a platform for mapping the
dynamics of research in specialty fields. The
distinctive features of this methodology resides in its
clustering algorithm which is based primarily on
linguistic (symbolic) relations and on its graph
decomposition algorithm which renders complex
terminological graph for comprehensible for domain
analysts. The method has been able to identify the
most salient topics in two different research domains
and uncover the sub-structures formed by persistent
and evolving research threads. More importantly, we
have shown that it is possible, with limited linguistic
resources, to perform a surface analysis of texts and
use linguistic relation for clustering. To the best of
our knowledge, this represents a unique and
innovative approach to text clustering.
The graph decomposition algorithm offers a way
of visualizing complex terminological graphs and
revealing particular sub-structures contained therein.
Mining frequent itemsets, in combination with
evaluation by human experts, offer a joint and strong
evidence of the significance of the maps produced
for the domain.
This work was supported in part by the the French
National Research Agency CAAS project (ANR
2010 CORD 001 02).
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