C. Maroto
, M. Segura
, C. Ginestar
, J. Uriol
and B. Segura
Department of Applied Statistics, Operations Research and Quality, Universitat Politècnica de València,
Camino de Vera s/n, 46021-Valencia, Spain
Department of Rural and Agrifood Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València,
Camino de Vera s/n, 46021-Valencia, Spain
Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Universitat Politècnica de València,
Camino de Vera s/n, 46021-Valencia, Spain
Keywords: Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis, Group Decision Making, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Sustainable
Forest Management.
Abstract: The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is the most often applied approach to modelling strategic forest
management problems. When dealing with Multiple Criteria Decision Making, AHP allows one to take
social, economic and environmental criteria of sustainability concept, as well as public participation, into
account. We carried out a workshop to validate a decision hierarchy for Sustainable Management in
Mediterranean forests, as well as two surveys to elicit social priorities. Stakeholder and expert judgments
were integrated using the geometric mean to obtain group preferences. We applied this method to develop
empirical research into sustainable forest management in a Mediterranean region, where the environmental
and social services of the forest are more important than the economic ones. We quantified weights of
criteria, objectives and management strategy priorities and discuss the obtained results.
The environmental problems and decision making in
this area are issues that governments, companies and
citizens are more aware of each day. Over the last
decade, Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) has
emerged as a dominant forest management paradigm
(Ananda, 2007). An accepted definition of SFM is
the following: The management and use of forests
and forest lands in such a manner and at such a rate
that they can maintain their biodiversity,
productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality and the
potential to fulfill, now and in the future, important
ecological, economic and social functions at local,
national and global levels without causing damage to
other ecosystems (Ministerial Conference on the
Protection of Forests in Europe, 1993). This
definition implies the inclusion of environmental,
economic and social criteria in the decision making
at every level, whether strategic, tactical or
operative. This is the reason for using Multiple
Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) tools.
Nowadays public participation is also, in general,
an essential part of sustainable forest management
particularly in Europe. Public participation means
that citizens are involved in decision-making that
has an effect on natural resources. In addition, the
legitimacy of the final decision may be better, when
the different stakeholders are involved in the
decision making (FORSYS, 2011). For this reason,
Group Decision Making (GDM) is also necessary.
However, from the Operations Research field, we
know that the inclusion of the preferences of the
stakeholders in public decision making is not an
easy problem to solve, given the conflict of interests
that usually appears between the stakeholders. The
application of GDM methods in forestry from a
multicriteria perspective is a relatively new area of
research (Diaz-Balteiro and Romero, 2008).
In past decades forest management has been the
source of many problems in decision making,
mainly related to the wood industry (Martell, Gunn
and Weintraub, 1998). For that reason, publications
refer to the principal productive zones: North
America, Latin America, Scandinavia, Australia and
New Zealand. We can state that the situation is still
Maroto C., Segura M., Ginestar C., Uriol J. and Segura B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003697401000107
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2012), pages 100-107
ISBN: 978-989-8425-97-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the same, as demonstrated by Ananda and Herath
(2009). In addition, these authors show that
theoretical developments have moved faster than
empirical applications of MCDM.
The Mediterranean forest is one of the more
vulnerable ecosystems (IPCC, 2007) and is one
which plays an essential role as a regulating element
of water resources and climate change, as well as
minimizing advancing of erosion and biodiversity
loss. Nevertheless, we do not see, in the scientific
literature, studies which deal with decision making
at a regional level, the inclusion of public
participation and the concept of sustainability in
forest management. In regional planning, the works
of Ananda (2007) and Ananda and Herath (2008)
presented a real application integrating MCDM and
GDM approaches in the North East Victoria region
(Australia). In Europe, studies concentrate on
specific, limited, areas (Diaz-Balteiro, González-
Pachón, J. and Romero, C., 2009; Nordström, E.M.,
Romero, C., Eriksson, L.O. and Öhman, K., 2009;
Nordström, E.M.; Eriksson, L.O. and Öhman, K.,
The objective of this study is to develop a model
for the sustainable forest management at a regional
level for the Mediterranean forest that takes public
participation into account as well as the relevant
objectives, integrating both aspects to inform public
policies, using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
We have organized the paper as follows: In
section 2 we present the most relevant data of the
Valencian Community forest, the decision making
hierarchy that we have developed, as well as the
process for validating it with the stakeholders and
elicit their preferences. In section 3 we explain how
we aggregate the preferences and expert knowledge
through geometric mean. Following that, we present
the results about criteria, objectives and strategies of
management. Finally we highlight the conclusions
and the future lines of research.
2.1 Mediterranean Forests in
Valencian Community and Forest
The Valencian Community is located on the
Mediterranean coast of Spain. It is an Autonomous
Region of the Spanish State with its own authority
for strategic forest management. Nowadays, the
relevance of the Mediterranean forest is mainly due
to the services that it provides and not to the
traditional production of wood and cattle where its
productivity is very low compared when to the
Atlantic forest, characteristic of the North of Spain
and Europe. The Valencian forest surface, covers
almost 60% of the territory, but contributes barely
0.03% of the GNP. The Valencian Community has a
total forest area of 1,323,465 hectares (PATFOR,
2011) and 4.5 million people, a population density
higher than the European Union average.
The regional government annually distributes an
important quantity of money amongst different lines
of action, dedicating as much to private as to public
forest. In 2010, the budget was more than 147
million Euros of which more than 70% was spent on
fire prevention and extinction, mostly the latter. The
public forest is approximately one third of the total
and is mainly managed by the forestry
Several authors consider that MCDM must adopt
a more participatory posture at all levels of the
modeling process. Stakeholders must be able to
participate and contribute actively to modeling
(Mendoza and Martins, 2006). The main role of
stakeholders in sustainable forest management has
also been highlighted in other recent studies which
focused on regional forest programs in Finland
(Kangas et al, 2010).
In our case, we have identified the following
stakeholder groups in the Valencian Community:
Administration, Professional Engineering
Associations, people involved in Forest Research
and Education, Hunting and Fishing Federations,
Forest Owners (private owners and municipalities),
Companies and Land Stewardship, Environmentalist
and Conservationist Groups. Representatives of
these groups are the ones previously invited by the
Regional Government to collaborate in developing
new forest programmes in the Valencian
2.2 Decision Hierarchy and Workshop
In developing our value tree or decision hierarchy
we tried to construct the simplest possible model,
while taking into account several other important
considerations. We tried to balance completeness
(wherein all important aspects of the problem are
captured) with conciseness (keeping the level of
detail to a minimum), two conflicting requirements
in defining criteria and objectives for our problem.
Another important characteristic of the work as an
operational model is to take into account that the
volume of information and the demands on the
people involved should not be excessive (Belton and
Stewart, 2003).
We organized an all day workshop (April 2010)
with representatives of all stakeholder groups to test
the criteria, objectives and management strategies
we had proposed and previously discussed with
several experts. In this workshop, with almost 200
participants, we carried out a round table with
stakeholder’s representatives, followed by a
colloquium and general debate between all
participants. We had previously presented principal
statistical data on Valencian forests and maps with
public and private forest areas, as well as the
decision hierarchy. Figure 1 synthesizes the goal, the
criteria, the objectives and the management
strategies, finally adopted after this workshop.
Group participation with knowledgeable people is a
good way to ensure that the decision hierarchy is a
logical and complete structure (Saaty and Shih,
Figure 1: Decision hierarchy for Sustainable Management
of Mediterranean Forests.
The lowest level of the decision hierarchy is for
management strategies at regional level:
1. Fire prevention and extinction. Pest prevention.
2. Reforestation and forestry.
3. Hunting and fishing species management.
4. Management of flora and fauna.
5. Trails and others recreational and tourism
6. Forest research, inventory and planning.
The model represented in Figure 1 intends to be
a strategic model for the public administration to
inform sustainable forest management, both public
and private, at a regional level. For this reason it has
been structured with the same objectives for all
stakeholders. We consider that this is the proper
structure for a regional model which can be used as
a general framework for small scale planning, such
as, demarcation, regional, municipal or areas such as
protected natural parks, etc. This differentiates the
model from those which focus on a specific piece of
forest, such as the one developed for an urban forest
in Nordström et al. (2009), in which each group of
stakeholders has different interests and it is not
possible to define a structure that everybody accepts.
2.3 Surveys, Questionnaires and
Matrix Consistency
In the three first levels of figure 1, the stakeholders
might have a different opinion, for example, in the
importance that the social criteria might have in the
sustainable forest management. Thus, some might
assign greater importance to social criteria, other
might emphasize the environment and the owners
would probably be more interested in economic
objectives. We can see that whether we consider that
job creation or the landscape is the attribute which
contributes more to the social criteria is a subjective
question. After accepting the hierarchical structure
of the model, the participation of the stakeholders
consists in defining their preferences for the first
three levels. With this objective we made a first
survey of the representatives of all the 7 groups of
stakeholders considered.
In the workshop we explained Saaty´s basic scale
of comparisons between pairs of criteria with the
objective that stakeholders could respond to a
questionnaire. We carried out a first survey to elicit
the preferences of stakeholder groups for criteria and
objectives. 46 stakeholders generated 5 pairwise
comparison matrices each, where each element in an
upper level is used to compare the elements in the
level immediately below with respect to it (Saaty,
2006). We obtained 2 matrices that contain the
preferences of each person surveyed on the
contribution of the social, economic and
environmental criteria to the sustainable
management of the Mediterranean forest. One
matrix refers to all forests of the region and another
specifically for public forest. The other 3 matrices
refer to the contribution of the third level objectives
to the criteria of the second level (social, economic
and environmental). We asked the stakeholders to
complete the top half of the comparison matrix and
we assumed a reciprocal matrix.
The contribution of the strategies from the lowest
level of the hierarchy to the objectives from the third
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
level is not a subjective question of stakeholder
preferences rather it is a technical matter. The lack
of data about the contribution of each strategy to
each objective lead us to propose a second survey
using the same methodology as in the first one, but
this time consulting only the experts who
participated in the first survey. We have grouped the
alternatives in six categories, due to the
methodology of pairwise comparison. A greater
number of strategies would imply a greater number
of questions and thus less consistency in the
resulting matrices. In this second phase we obtained
17 completed questionnaires, with 11 matrices in
each one, and their distribution amongst the groups
of forestry experts is as shown in table 1. As the
mining activity does not receive public money from
the forest administration it is not necessary to obtain
a matrix for this objective. Nevertheless, we have
considered it necessary to include it explicitly in the
model given that it economically benefits the
We have analyzed the consistency of the answers
to both surveys with SuperDecisions Software
(2010) and we have only taken into consideration
those that have an Inconsistency Index less than or
equal to 0.1, which is considered acceptable when
using AHP (Saaty, 2006). The percentage of
matrices with an Inconsistency Index less than or
equal to 0.1 in the first survey is 67% when
stakeholders compare 3 criteria and 50% when 6
criteria were involved in pair comparisons.
Inconsistencies are not unexpected, as making value
judgments is difficult (Keeney, 2002).
Table 1: Distribution of questionnaires among stakeholder
groups (first survey) and expert group (second survey).
Stakeholder Groups
Number of questionnaires
First survey Second survey
Administration 17 9
Professional Engineering
5 3
Forest research and education 8 3
Hunting and fishing
3 -
Forest owners 4 -
Forestry companies 6 2
Land stewardship,
environmentalist and
conservationist groups
3 -
TOTAL 46 17
The second questionnaire was conducted
amongst the experts that had answered the first
survey consistently. The consistency of these
matrices is greater than in the first questionnaire and
does not depend so much on the number of strategies
to be compared. The percentage of consistent
matrices has been between 71 and 82% with 3, 4, 5
and 6 strategies to compare. Only in climate change
(65%) and renewable energies (53%) did the
percentage decrease, which would seem to be related
to the newness of these criteria.
The weighted geometric mean is the most common
group preference aggregation method in the AHP
literature. If judgment matrices M
, M
,..., M
by stakeholders or experts are of perfect consistency,
then their group consensus matrix is of perfect
consistency. In addition, the consensus matrix is of
acceptable consistency (Inconsistency Index 0.1)
on the condition that each individual matrix is of
acceptable consistency (Xu, 2000).
Figure 2: Aggregation of individual preferences to obtain
group consensus matrix and weight vector.
In Figure 2 we can see the procedure for
integrating the values R
of the individual
stakeholder matrices into the values R
of the
consensus matrix for each group. As we only use
matrices of an acceptable consistency in the AHP
method, the consensus matrices that represent the
preferences of the group have been obtained by the
geometric mean and also have an acceptable
consistency. We consider that all people are equally
important. The priorities that reflect those
preferences are the values of the eigenvector,
obtained using SuperDecisions software (Saaty and
Peniwati, 2008). We have used this procedure to
obtain the priorities that each group of stakeholders
gives to the criteria and objectives considered in the
model, as well as to synthesize the knowledge of the
experts in the second survey. In this last case the
synthesis of the opinions of all the experts allow us
to estimate how much each management strategy
contributes to each of the considered objectives. We
should emphasize that in the survey we highlighted
that the comparison between each pair of strategies
supposes that we spend the same amount of money
on each of them.
4.1 Preferences of Stakeholder about
Criteria and Objectives
All the experts have traditionally assigned great
importance to the multiple functionality of the
forest. Nevertheless, the best way of integrating this
characteristic into strategic management at a
regional level, taking into account the preferences of
the stakeholders, is a complex decision making
problem. Nowadays, we should also add that the
concept and measurement of forest sustainability is
still an open problem (Diaz-Balteiro and Romero,
2008). We have to start by quantifying the weight
that society wishes to assign to the three basic
criteria of the SFM and the attributes from the ones
we measure. In this section we present the main
results obtained in our first survey to learn the
preferences of all of the groups of stakeholders and
of society as a whole.
Figure 3 shows that, in general, the most
important criteria is the environmental one except
for some of the groups that represent economic
interests, such as land owners and forestry
companies, for whom the economical criteria are the
most relevant. The associations of forest engineers
give the greatest weight to social criteria, as do as
the Land Stewardship, Environmentalist and
Conservationist Group (LSEC group), even though
we will later see that this is due to different
objectives. We also want to highlight the low weight
of economic criteria for all of the groups in general
and for forestry administration in particular.
In Figure 4 we can observe the relative weights
of the different criteria, referred only in this case to
public forest. The public forest represents one third
of the forestry surface and the majority of it is
managed by the forestry administration. The relative
weights are very similar to those obtained for all of
the forests in general. Nevertheless, the importance
of environmental criteria rises slightly in the public
forest for the priorities of the administration, the
land owners, the companies and the LSEC group.
Something similar occurs with social criteria, while
the economic criteria have even less importance.
Figure 3: Priorities of social, economic and environmental
criteria in sustainable management of Valencian Forest by
stakeholder groups.
Figure 4: Priorities of social, economic and environmental
criteria in sustainable management of Valencian Public
Forest by stakeholder groups.
The distribution of the preferences of the social
criteria between the three considered attributes can
be observed in Figure 5. Globally as well as
individually, the groups give more weight to
employment, with the exception of the LSEC group.
In this case, recreational and educational activities
are the objectives with greatest priority. Even though
at a regional level there are landscape regulations
and programs, these are the objectives with less
weight, except for the group of forest research and
education, which gives greater importance to the
landscape than to educational and recreational
Even though economic criteria are not very
relevant in the Mediterranean forest, some activities
and services have more importance than the rest.
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Figure 5: Priorities of Social Objectives of Valencian
Forest by stakeholder groups.
Figure 6: Priorities of Economic Objectives of Valencian
Forest by stakeholder groups.
Rural tourism, hunting and fishing and the income
from renewable energies (biomass and wind energy)
are the greatest ones as we can see in Figure 6. This
figure also shows the not at all negligible economic
interest of the quarries (clay, gravel, sand…), that
nowadays overtakes the productivity of more
traditional activities of wood and livestock
Figure 7: Priorities of Environmental Objectives of
Valencian Forest by stakeholder groups.
Figure 7 represents the weights obtained for the
environmental attributes. Hydrological regulation
and erosion control stand out above the others.
Climate change mitigation and the minimization of
biodiversity loss have similar weights individually
and globally for all of the considered groups. In this
case we do not have consistent surveys from the
LSEC group, which is the reason why this group
does not appear in Figure 7.
4.2 Global Priorities of Management
As the contribution of management strategies to the
objectives of the third level of the decision hierarchy
(Figure 1) is not a matter of preference, but of
technique, our second survey was conducted only
among experts in forest management; from the
administration services, people who are dedicated to
research and university teaching and people in
positions of responsibility in forest enterprises.
Experts who participated in this second survey
also responded consistently to the first survey. In
this case they made judgments comparing pairs of
management strategies (the fourth level of the
hierarchy, Figure 1) establishing their relative
contribution to the corresponding objective of the
third level, on the assumption that the same amount
of money is spent on both. We assumed that the
matrix was reciprocal and only used the consistent
First, we calculated the local priorities of the
strategies for each of the objectives, except for
mining as this is an industrial activity which is not
funded by the forestry administration. We then
obtained the overall priorities of the strategies in a
distributive mode weighting the local priorities with
the weights obtained in the first survey to the criteria
and objectives of the second and third levels of the
hierarchy. The sum of all global priorities of
strategies is, therefore, equal to 1 (Saaty, 2006).
In Figure 8 we can see the results of the overall
priorities of management strategies for each
stakeholder group. Reforestation and forestry are the
most important lines of action, followed closely by
fire prevention and extinction and pest control. In all
groups both of these lines of action account for over
50% of the global priority. The third is Forest
research, inventory and planning, their weight
varying amongst the groups, between 15 and 20%
approximately. The overall weight of the other three
strategies varies from one group to another. In the
global ranking the first strategy is the management
of hunting and fishing, followed by the flora and
fauna and finally the lowest priority is trails and
other recreational facilities with a weight below
Huntingand Fishing
HydrologicalRegulation and
ClimateChange Mitigation
Figure 8: Global priorities of strategies by stakeholder
10%. Global priorities, referring only to public
forests, are similar, given the small difference
between the weights of the social, economic and
environmental criteria for public and for all forests.
In 2010 over 147 million Euros were spent in the
forest management of public and private forests.
Preventing and extinguishing fires, pest prevention
amounted to 76% of the total. Excluding funding for
forest fire fighting, if we have into account the
budget distribution between different forest
management strategies, we find a distribution closer
to the reflecting the priorities of the social groups
considered. However, we can observe the following
considerations. About 43% of the budget is
dedicated to the prevention of fires and pests,
occupying the first place, while the money for
reforestation and forestry is 24% of the total. In
priorities, the order in the ranking is reversed and
slightly more for reforestation and forestry. The
priority of forest research, inventory and planning is
18%, while receiving only 3.5% of the budget.
However, the situation in trails and other
recreational and tourism infrastructure is the reverse,
receives 17% of the overall budget and give
stakeholders a priority only 9% obtained with AHP
method. The management of hunting and fishing
also receives less funding (3%) than would result
from taking into account the priority of the
stakeholders (11%). Finally, management of flora
and fauna receives a percentage of funds (9.4%)
very similar to the value of priority obtained for all
groups together (10%).
We have used the Analytic Hierarchy Process to
develop a sustainable forest management model that
will allow us to adequately inform public policies in
a region with an important part of the territory of
which is formed of Mediterranean forest. This
ecosystem is one of the most vulnerable and its
current importance lies in the environmental services
provided, along with the social and economic ones
other than the traditional wood and livestock
services. AHP is a powerful and useful method that
easily allows the integration of the concept of SFM
and public participation through the preferences of
stakeholders and also allows the quantification of the
priorities that characterize the various stakeholders.
The empirical model that we have developed has
allowed us to quantify the increased importance of
environmental and social criteria compared with the
economic criteria in the Mediterranean forest. We
have also highlighted that stakeholder groups show
very few differences between the strategic
management of public forests and that of forest land
management in total. This is a very interesting
result, given that two thirds of the forest are
privately owned and currently give little or no
economic return to most of the owners.
Job creation is the most important social goal for
most stakeholders, with a total contribution close to
50%. However, there are differences between
groups; the other half is divided between recreation
activities and landscape. We have quantified a
greater contribution of hunting and fishing to the
economic criteria than the traditional activities of
timber production and livestock. Quarries are also of
greater importance than timber and livestock. Rural
tourism and renewable energies such as biomass and
wind energy are the most important objectives along
with hunting and fishing. The stakeholders have
shown that the role of forests in water regulation and
prevention of desertification has a higher priority
than its role in mitigating climate change and loss of
biodiversity. With regard to the priorities for the
action plans, we can say that society places a higher
priority on reforestation and forestry than the
prevention and extinction of fires, which is where
the forest administration spends the greater part of
its budget. Forest administration also spends
proportionally more on promoting recreational
activities than is suggested by the priorities obtained
using AHP. On the other hand, the stakeholders
place greater importance on furthering investigation,
carrying out forest inventories and supporting
adequate planning than is indicated by the funds
actually invested in these activities.
Finally, we wish to say that it would be very
interesting to compare the results of this research
with the analysis of the data using other multiple
criteria techniques, such as goal programming and
outranking methods. An analysis that studied the
subject using various different approaches would
help to give greater credibility to, and help promote
FirePreventionandExtinction. Pest
Huntingand FishingSpeciesManagement
ManagementofFloraand Fauna
Tourisminfrastr ucture
ForestResearch,Inve ntoryand Planning
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
the acceptance of, the conclusion which we have
The authors acknowledge the support received from
the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the
research project Modelling and Optimisation
Techniques for a Sustainable Development, Ref.
EC02008-05895-C02-01/ECON, as well as the time
and expert judgments from all the stakeholders
involved in workshop and surveys we have carried
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