A Design Research Approach
Fredrik Bengtsson
, Amadeus Hein
and Carl Magnus Olsson
Software Engineering and Management, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Acando, Gothenburg, Sweden
Diadrom, Gothenburg, Sweden
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Neural Networks, Criminology, Design Research.
Abstract: Storing digital data is increasingly affordable and attractive for many organizations, thus allowing
longitudinal postum analysis of events and for identifying trends that may hold interest for predicting future
scenarios. Results of manual data analysis suffer from high time consumption and human error due to the
complexity or volume of data. Responding to this, our study explores advances in artificial intelligence
techniques by presenting experiences from the iterative development of a prototype that assists intelligence
officers in identifying trends in serial crimes. This study contributes by illustrating the first steps that may
be taken towards diffusing advances in artificial intelligence into a practice area serving the general public.
Storing large sets of data is no longer a problem for
organizations due to the increasing affordability of
digital storage solutions, as well as technical
advancements in computing power, bandwidth for
data retrieval. The problem instead lies in how we
may leverage advantages from the data we collect
(Shaon & Woolf 2008). Analyzing the data to gain
benefits requires more time to complete than before,
as the data volume grows exponentially over time
(Chen et al. 2004; Liang & Austin 2005;
Rajagopalan & Isken 2001). Furthermore, another
challenge in performing longitudinal analysis lies in
interpreting the raw data (Nath 2006). Data mining
is one field linked with artificial intelligence (AI)
that strives to address these challenges (Williams
1983; Liang & Austin 2005) that holds the potential
for saving time for the analyst (Charles 1998; Chen
et al. 2004). However, mining complex data is
difficult and often requires a skilled data miner and
an analyst with good domain knowledge (Nath
2006) to ensure a low rate of human errors (Chen et
al. 2004; Charles 1998).
This highlights an opportunity for software
systems to reduce the data volume to only include
data sets that are most likely relevant to the analysis.
Completing the analysis manually therefore becomes
less time consuming when the raw data has been
pre-processed. Additionally, software may be used
to replicate repetitive existing human analysis steps
to provide human analysts with higher quality data
to work with, e.g. showing data trends, narrowing
the frame of analysis, and making decisions easier
through suggesting likely beneficial answers. The
potential for practical application of this in software
systems to complement and assist analysis has been
established (cf. Chen et al. 2004; Liang & Austin
2005; Charles 1998). It remains unclear, however, as
to how an effective interplay between AI systems
and human actors may be found for these
organizations, as well as how such balance may be
struck as adapted system designs based on AI
techniques are introduced.
In response to this, the research question for this
paper is: how can AI techniques be used and adapted
to assist in identifying data trends that are likely to
be of relevance for further investigation by human
agents? To answer this, we use the increasingly
recognized design research approach (cf. Hevner et
al. 2004; Hevner & Chatterjee 2010). The main
contribution of this paper subsequently lies in
Bengtsson F., Hein A. and Magnus Olsson C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003710802130218
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 213-218
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
illustrating how advances in AI may be approached
to diffuse and adapt these into practice.
Two attributes for data analysis are of particular
interest: volume and complexity. We refer to volume
as the amount of data being analyzed, and
complexity as the challenge in interpreting data.
Using these, we develop a matrix model which
illustrates how they relate and roles that different
actors are likely to play in negotiating them.
2.1 Data Volume
Over the past decades, the world has fully entered
into the information age, resulting in exponential
increases in computing power and communication
bandwidth (Shaon & Woolf 2008). In turn, this has
resulted in a rise of the amount of data that can be
accessed (Rajagopalan & Isken 2001), and therefore
also increasing the time it takes to perform data
analysis. Organizations involved in data analysis
have to face the challenge of accurately and
efficiently analyzing the growing data volume (Chen
et al. 2004; Liang & Austin 2005). One reason for
the challenges is that the relevant data is often
hidden in a larger set of irrelevant data, making it
difficult to find for human actors. Data mining is one
field that strives to address these challenges by
efficiently extracting information from large data
sets (Liang & Austin 2005).
2.2 Data Complexity
Complex data may be differently expressed and
structured in different data sets, changed
periodically, be generally diffuse, and/or span long
periods of time (Tanasescu et al. 2005; Chen et al.
2004). Furthermore, volume also brings complexity
as the permutations of possible interpretations
increases (Nath 2006). Humans are inherently good
at recognizing complex patterns in data sets due to
our brain being perceptive of patterns (Kingston
1992). However, the more complex data, the more
time the analysis will take while the risk of human
error increases (Chen et al. 2004; Charles 1998).
2.3 Illustrating the Relationship
between Complexity and Volume
The relation between data volume and complexity
can be shown in what we refer to as a Complexity-
Volume matrix (CVmatrix). A CVmatrix consists of
the four permutations of volume and complexity that
a data set may exist in. The suitability for an agent
(human or AI) to analyze a data set depends on the
configuration of the attributes in the specific
permutation. Human actors are good at analyzing
complex data in smaller volumes, while an AI is
more efficient with large volumes of less complex
data (Charles 1998). In the case when the data set is
both complex and contains a large volume of data
the risk of errors are highest (Chen et al. 2004).
Thus, finding a method for reducing either (or both)
of the attributes is desirable to make the analysis of
large data sets more efficient and correct.
The CVmatrix presents two plausible paths from
the full set of raw data towards a more manageable
subset: (1) having human actors focus only on a
small subset of the complex data for in-depth
analysis, or (2) using computer based algorithms for
precise but more basic and repeated analysis of the
full data set. For the purposes of this paper, and as
shown in our CVmatrix (Figure 1), our interest lies
in exploring the first option where the role that the
software-based system assist human actors in the
selection process of data subsets, and defer
interpretation of this data set to human actors based
on AI-informed suggested links.
Figure 1: A CVmatrix showing the approach taken for
reducing volume and complexity in this paper.
3.1 Research Setting
This study is done in collaboration with the police
intelligence unit in Gothenburg, Sweden. As the
Swedish police are under government directive to
work against ‘crimes of quantity’ such as burglary,
physical abuse, and vandalism, the challenge in
effectively analyzing the growing number of police
reports is of particular interest to address. In
addition, the Gothenburg police have lately noted
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
increasing problems with ‘roaming burglaries’.
Roaming burglaries are crimes where the criminals
travel quickly around the country while committing
burglaries which makes it particularly difficult for
the police districts to apprehend the criminals and
notice patterns in these crime tours. Statistics show
that only 4% of burglaries were resolved in 2009
(BRÅ 2009), meaning the risk for being
apprehended is currently very low and is a growing
problem from a societal perspective.
This paper reports from the first stage of the
collaboration and focuses on exploring the impact of
a software prototype (Sherlock) using advances in
AI to assist in negotiating the large volume of crimes
and identify patterns in police reports that are of
particular interest for analysts to assess.
3.2 Research Approach
This research combines qualitative interpretation
(Creswell 2003) with an iterative design research
approach (Hevner et al. 2004). Design research is
characterized by the focus on improving current
practices through design of artifacts based on best
practices identified in research (Hevner et al. 2004).
Through the design artifact, practice needs and
research findings are provided with a vessel for
contributing to both practitioners and researchers.
The approach taken holds benefits given that our
experience as researchers with criminology is low
compared to our collaborating partner, and the
iterative nature of design research (Kuechler &
Vaishnavi 2007) affords opportunities for learning-
by-doing (Jeffries et al. 1981) and reflection-in-
action (Schön 1983). These practices are inherently
qualitative acts of testing hypotheses that are guided
by interpretation based on the active collaborative
participation and prototype driven approach.
3.3 Data Collection
Data collection during the iterative development of
Sherlock has been a combination of informal
discussions on a daily basis and open-ended
interviews (Creswell 2003; Wolcott 1994). The
open-ended interviews were further semi-structured,
holding some general questions prepared in advance
to stimulate interviewees to freely share reflections,
experiences, local knowledge and practices (Myers
& Newman 2007). This allows the interviews to be
guided by both research interest and practitioner
experiences, in the same way as intended by design
research. The interview results are presented in this
paper as an integrated part of the three design
iterations, and are discussed in section 4.
Our design process is based on three iterations (I1
through I3) and the following subsections discuss
the research outcomes of each such iteration,
followed by a summary of the outcomes as a whole.
4.1 I1: Data Preparation
Through interviews with our intelligence analysts,
we identified that the modus operandi (crime scene
behavior) has a major impact on the potential for
recognizing crimes that are part of a larger series.
We therefore opted for using neural networks in our
prototype, as extant research outlined this AI
technique as promising for crime analysis (cf.
Charles 1998; Chau et al. 2002; Chen et al. 2004).
Specifically, we decided to rely on a neural network
architecture called Self-Organizing Map (SOM). It is
based on unsupervised training and is commonly
used for classifying patterns (Heaton 2008).
Before relying on this approach, the data from
the police reports had to be pre-processed and
filtered (as suggested by Goodwill & Alison 2006).
As also noted by Helberg (2002), the preparation
process plays an extensive role in the analysis
procedure, and the initial development of our study
was thus focused on preparing the data for neural
network analysis.
To achieve this, we designed and implemented a
way of normalizing all crime data to be better suited
as input for the neural network. The normalizing
process’ primarily objective is to translate the
relevant data from police reports to be used as input
for the neural network. We started by assigning each
attribute a predefined numerical value with a unique
meaning. For example, the gender attribute was
awarded three numerical values: ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘2’,
which represents ‘unknown’, ‘man’ and ‘woman’.
This was then repeated for all attributes, forming
a complex matrix of numerical values with unique
meaning associated with each crime. Normalizing
the data thus provided a chance to discuss and define
ways in which crime types could be characterized
based on the existing practice of our analysts, and
was the foundation for input to be used by the neural
The SOM network was evaluated together with
the developed input structure. The input structure
consisted of two normalized crimes that the network
compared. However, when testing the network with
two normalized crimes we experienced a redundant
and unmanageable number of different patterns
ANALYSIS - A Design Research Approach
suggested. Furthermore, the network had too little
information to base its analysis on, meaning
extracting more data from the police reports and
revising the input structure was necessary.
4.2 I2: Main Development Phase
To revise the input structure, additional interviews
were held to understand which data needed to be
retrieved from the police reports and why. Based on
this, we turned to the suggestions by Chau et al.
(2002), Nath (2006) and Bache et al. (2007) who
emphasize that the free text open-entry field of
police reports contain much valuable.
The open-entry information may be difficult to
interpret, however, as the data is expressed and
structured depending on who writes the report. Such
differences are part of what defines data sets as
complex (Tanasescu et al. 2005). Interpretation of
the open-entry field was thus decided on as a focal
point for the software prototype as advances in
pattern recognition in such fields are likely to
provide particular value to the analysis. The second
iteration thus emphasized a broadened use of data
mining through exploring an efficient way for
retrieving relevant data from a complex data set.
To address the challenge of interpreting open-
entry fields and reducing the volume of data to
review for the human analysts, we implemented an
open-entry interpreter based on a lexical-lookup
(Chau et al. 2002) extraction approach which we
adapted to establish a modus operandi. The lexical
lookup details were defined in collaboration with the
intelligence analysts, and we implemented the open-
entry interpreter to softly match keywords using an
algorithm called Q-gram (Younghoon et al. 2010) to
recognize different tense of words and misspelled
words as part of the match.
As a result of the evaluation performed in the
first iteration, in which the SOM network was
unable to produce the expected output, we realized
that there was a need of modifying the input
structure in order for the neural network to find
crime patterns. The proposal was to create an
algorithm that merged all attributes of two
normalized crimes to generate an input pattern for
the neural network that would indicate the
similarities and differences between the crimes. The
neural network then interprets high peaks of the
pattern as differences and low peaks as similarities
to decide whether crimes are related or not.
The advantage of using neural networks for
recognizing and classifying complex patterns is that
the network can be taught over time. This means that
the neural network’s ability to analyze effectively
increases over time, similar to how human actor
experience works and may positively influence
results. Training a neural network involves gathering
both training and evaluation data (Heaton 2008).
Sherlock’s neural network is trained and evaluated
through data retrieved by the intelligence analysts
for previous crime series where the manual work has
already been done to be able to interpret the success
of the Sherlock implementation in relation to the
known manual analysis results. Throughout the
development of Sherlock it was important that the
intelligence analysts contributed with their
perspective of how to analyze and classify crimes.
We evaluated the implementation of the SOM
neural network with predefined input based on the
new structure and discovered that the SOM network
did not function as well as needed. This was similar
to our initial evaluation, and the reason for why the
structure of the neural network input was
emphasized and why the merge algorithm and the
open-entry interpreter were developed. At this stage
it was evident that the network still had difficulty
mapping crimes itself, due to the input structure
required, resulting in output that was very hard to
perceive any patterns of value in. After evaluating
the open-entry interpreter by running it on 60
manually pre-analyzed police reports, the results
showed that all modus operandi of these reports
could be correctly structured by the open-entry
4.3 I3: A New Neural Network Model
We were now at a point where we required more
control over the learning step of the neural network
and thus started the search for a new neural network
model. This led us to the feedforward
backpropagation network (FB). Feedforward is a
method for recalling patterns and backpropagation is
a supervised training method (Heaton 2008). By
using a supervised training method, rather than
automated as described in iteration two, we could
now manipulate the neural network more actively
during the training session to assist in rejecting or
accepting suggested patterns.
To evaluate the implementation of an FB based
Sherlock, the intelligence analysts provided us with
a crime series they identified in 2009 containing a
total of 58 linked crimes in the same crime series.
We evaluated the FB network analysis capabilities
by using a training set consisting of a subset of 10
crimes to train the FB network as our hypothesis was
that it should then be able to recognize most of the
remaining 48 crimes in the series when executed on
the full set of crimes. To provide realism to this
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
scenario, we included the entire 58 known and
linked crimes in the police report database of
burglaries in the Swedish region of Skaraborg 2009.
This brought the number of crime reports to a total
of 318 crimes, with the 58 linked crimes included.
Executing Sherlock on this data set based only on
the 10 linked crimes it had been trained on, the
software identified 41 out of the 58 crimes that the
human analysts had already established as linked.
Sherlock’s failure to identify 17 crimes indicates
that further training and potential tuning of the FB is
still needed, but the results are nevertheless a
substantial improvement over the SOM based
approach. Given the manipulation based training of
the FB based neural network, the human agents have
an important role to play for increasing the
reliability of Sherlock. As the intelligence analysts
train the network with more crime series, the
network should learn to better determine whether the
crimes belong to a crime series, thus reducing the
error rate in relation to manual analysis by human
4.4 Reflection on Iteration Outcomes
From the evaluation stage of the FB network in the
third iteration, this study demonstrates that it is
possible to reduce the volume of a complex data set
through combining a set of AI techniques in a
practice situation. The AI techniques that Sherlock
uses are open-entry interpretation, a crime merge
algorithm, and aided by an FB neural network, our
results indicate that it is possible to follow the path
indicated in the CVmatrix earlier (Figure 1).
As a result of the growing body of research in
neural networks, future work may both improve our
current approach and offer new alternatives
altogether. We strongly believe that assessing such
advances for extracting more of the relevant data in
practice situations is likely to play an important role
in moving them from potential options to best
practice examples in different and specific contexts.
Our study marks one such example, but as with
neural networks themselves, many more data points
are needed to capture a more complete set of linked
needs between different practices. We are, however,
in this study taking an active stance that practice
driven needs are of particular relevance for such
continued work.
The open-entry interpreter which we developed
and used in the Sherlock implementation is itself a
technique that could be used separately from the
neural network to reduce the volume of complex
data sets. As the purpose of this paper has been
towards exploring and demonstrating the potential of
applying advances in AI in practice situations, rather
than technical discussions of the design artifact, we
hold further elaboration on the open-entry interpreter
as part of future papers. When generalized for use
towards all crime types, the interpreter would allow
the human analysts to run more specific search
queries, for example matching the modus operandi
of a crime to get more precise data to analyze.
Discussing the long-term impact of the
prototype, the police analysts reflect that
exhaustively analyzing ‘crimes of quantity’ is a task
not performed at present due to the human resource
demands this holds. Subsequently, the potential of
Sherlock is perceived as very strong: “We know that
Sherlock is still in its early stage of development,
but it is still able to provide great help to us since it
is performing a task that we cannot do at present. By
introducing a software system that takes care of the
collecting and cleaning process, it is possible for us
to focus on what we were trained for – analysis.”
They further recognized how the collaborative
marriage between research and actual practices
brings visible benefits to them when adopting the
system into their daily work routines: “Another
important factor with Sherlock is that it is based on
the same coding schemes as we already use,
meaning it does not bring additional overhead work
to integrate into our current work processes.”
This study set out to explore the assisting role AI
techniques may have in identifying data trends that
are likely to be of relevance for additional
investigation by human agents. We found
practitioners who struggle with large volumes of
complex data and collaborated actively with them to
adapt the developed prototype to their needs, based
on best practices and advances in extant research.
The focus on serial crime was due to such crime
marking the majority of incidents and is of great
societal impact due to the repeated nature of them
and the difficulty in terms of resources and time
faced by manual analysis of such crime.
The contributions of this paper are linked to the
practice implications and potential of the Sherlock
implementation experiences. Not only is our
research approach one that argues for the mutual
contributions to practice and research, but we also
strongly feel that advancements in the field of
artificial intelligence stands much to gain from
studies that also expose practice needs and
challenges for diffusing theoretical advances.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence