Preliminary Results from a National Survey
Celeste Marques Oliveira
and Pedro Pereira Rodrigues
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Al. Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
Department of Radiotherapy, Portuguese Oncology Institute Francisco Gentil
Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal
LIAAD - INESC TEC & CINTESIS - Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
words: DICOM-RT, Radiotherapy, Information system, Interoperability.
Abstract: Currently, in radiotherapy (RT) departments, there are different manufacturers and stand-alone information
systems (IS) for single-purpose applications. These systems have most of the data distributed through
different IS. The DICOM-RT extension has six objects that provide a standardized way of transferring the
information circulating in the external beam RT. The aim of this study is to assess expert’s opinion about
DICOM-RT and IS interoperability in the RT context, through the characterization of Portuguese RT
facilities, in terms of equipment and IS with the identification of existing interoperability problems. This
study is cross-sectional, and the preliminary results presented in this paper are relative to the period May-
July 2011. All Portuguese RT departments (i.e. 20) were invited to cooperate in the survey; the response
rate was 40% (n=8), while 10% (n=2) of the institutions did not authorize the RT departments to participate.
The preliminary results show that the RT departments have some equipment and IS from different vendors
contributing for heterogeneity of RT workflows. The experts somehow attribute importance to
interoperability, but have low knowledge about their own IS integrations, and DICOM-RT. Compliance
with DICOM-RT is recommended when acquiring new RT IS to optimise the interoperability.
In modern medicine, one of the most technologically
advanced fields is radiotherapy (RT), which is, after
surgery, the most successfully treatment modality
used for cancer (Schlegel et al., 2006). About 60%
of patients with cancer, will require RT during the
course of their illness and those who are cured, 80-
90% of the patients underwent RT (Perez and Brady,
RT is probably the earliest example of computer
programming application to the solution of clinical
treatment decision problems (Kalet, 2008). It is an
interdisciplinary field, based on physics, radiation
biology, mathematics, computer science, electrical
and mechanical engineering. Increasing
sophistication in computer-assisted treatment
planning and delivery has improved the accuracy
and distribution of radiation dose in patient leading
to a significant increase of tumor control and the
consequent probability of cure (Schlegel et al.,
2006); (Levitt et al., 2008).
1.1 Problem Setting
Currently, in RT departments, where the treatments
are based in the most technological advancements in
diagnostic imaging, image processing and high
computerization technology, such as the treatment
planning systems (TPS), there is an increase of the
complexity of storage and availability of RT data.
Often there are different manufacturers and stand-
alone information systems (IS) for single-purpose
applications (Liu et al., 2007); (Law et al., 2009).
These multiple IS, focused on the system instead of
being patient-centered, acquire the necessary
information during the RT treatment course, being
Marques Oliveira C. and Pereira Rodrigues P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003711201310136
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2012), pages 131-136
ISBN: 978-989-8425-88-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
most of the data distributed through each IS. This
data isn’t immediately available due to
incompatibles formats between the equipment
workstations and the IS. This lack of interoperability
between the IS causes discontinuity in health care,
leading to redundant clinical evaluations and clinical
decisions based on incomplete information limiting
clinical trials and scientific investigations (Law,
Some attempts by collaborative groups to
improve workflow and integrate IS through the
standardization of data exchange formats, resulted in
two relevant formats in RT. The standard used by
North American Radiation Therapy Oncology Group
(RTOG) - format RTOG based on report nr. 10 of
the American Association of Physicists in Medicine
(AAPM), which was designed for the purpose of
transferring RT data to the Radiotherapy and
Oncology Group data centre so that quality
assurance of clinical trials could be performed. And
the standard digital imaging and communications in
medicine version 3.0 (DICOM v3.0) with the RT
extensions designated DICOM-RT resulted from the
working group 7 of the committee formed from
members of American College of Radiology (ACR)
and the National Electrical Manufactures
Association (NEMA) (Schlegel et al., 2006);
(Huang, 2010).
1.2 DICOM-RT Description
The DICOM-RT extension consists of six objects for
the external beam RT, which provide a standardized
way of transferring much of the information
circulating in the RT workflow. The six DICOM-RT
objects are (Dicom Standards Committee, 1997);
(Dicom Standards Committee, 1999):
RT Structure Set-
defines a set of structures of
significance in RT related to patient anatomy,
markers and isocenters;
RT Plan-
contains geometric and dosimetric data
specifying a course of treatment, including treatment
beam parameters (e.g field sizes, beam orientations
and modifiers), patient setup, fractionation
RT Dose-
includes the dose data generated by
TPS in various formats (e.g. 3-D distribution of
radiation dose, isodose curves, dose points);
RT Image-
specifies the attributes of RT images
that are “acquired or calculated on a conical imaging
geometry” giving additional information.
RT Beams Treatment Record-
session records during a RT treatment course.
RT Treatment Summary Record -
summaries indicating the cumulative state of a
treatment course.
1.3 DICOM-RT Benefits
The benefits of using DICOM-RT can be (Law and
Huang, 2003); (Law and Liu, 2009):
Transmission of the textual information and
images between IS of different vendors with
minimal effort from users providing communication
between isolated IS.
Full integration of IS with technologies from
different vendors helping save time and effort spent
in searching and minimize the loss of records and
Monitoring and analysis of the RT workflow.
Integration of the treatment process into an
electronic patient record (ePR).
Platform for information sharing with hospital
information systems (HIS) and other IS allowing
cross-center clinical research and expert
Development of decision support tools and a
knowledge base in the medical imaging informatics
research through the patient outcomes.
1.4 Aim
The purpose of this study is to know the RT expert’s
opinion about the DICOM compliance, the DICOM-
RT objects utilization and the interoperability
existing in the IS of Portuguese RT departments,
with the collection of data about treatment
equipment, imaging modalities and IS.
A cross-sectional approach was used to achieve the
proposed target.
2.1 Study Participants
The target population of this study are all RT
departments in Portugal (i.e. 20). About 60% of
institutions are private hospitals and 30% of
departments belong to university hospitals or cancer
centers. In the scope of this study it was just
considered the facilities of external beam RT. All
RT departments which have agreed to participate
have been included in the present study.
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
2.2 Design Study
This is a cross-sectional survey representing the
reality found in these RT departments, and the
preliminary results presented in this paper are
relative to the period May-July 2011.
2.3 Questionnaire
A structured questionnaire with five groups,
identified in Table 1, was created using expert
Table 1: Structure of the questionnaire “DICOM-RT in the
radiotherapy information systems”.
Group Title
I Profile of the respondents
II Characterization of the RT department
- Survey of technological resources
- Survey of imaging modalities
- Survey of IS
III Characterization of picture archiving and
communication system (PACS)
IV Characterization of IS and the DICOM utilization
V Opinion about interoperability
The construction of questions of group II relative
to the survey of technological resources was based
on results from the Portuguese governmental
document “Development strategy for the
development of radiotherapy in Portugal for the next
decade” (Pereira et al., 2008), where it is described a
national survey of equipments and staff in all RT
facilities, and in some articles of national surveys
from other countries (Owen et al., 1997); (Wigg and
Morgan, 2001); (Teshima et al., 2008); (Jefferies et
al., 2009). The other groups were based on the
books: “PACS and imaging informatics: basic
principles and applications” (Huang, 2010) and
“Handbook of radiotherapy physics: theory and
practice” (Mayles et al., 2007). The questions of
group V, concerning the opinion about
interoperability, were constructed with positive
sentences using Likert scales (Mcdowell, 2006).
The questionnaire was constructed aiming to be
adapted to the Portuguese reality and was reviewed
by three experts (one medical physicist, one
radiation therapist, and one professor of
radiotherapy) that suggested some changes that were
made. The questionnaire was created with the web
technologie MedQuest (Gomes, 2009).
2.4 Data Collection
All the chiefs of RT departments were informed
about the survey and cooperation was asked to send
the questionnaire to the chief information officer or
the head of medical physics or the manager of
radiation therapist. For some institutions, a
requirement for authorization to conduct the survey
was requested and sent to the administrative councils
or ethics committee or research office. After their
support and multiple telephone calls with the
participants, an e-mail was sent to each department
with the URL of the questionnaire addressed to the
2.5 Variables Description
The main variables of the questionnaire can be
grouped into the reality existing inside the RT
departments and expert’s opinions.
2.5.1 Variables about RT National Survey
Which existing techniques of external beam RT;
Quantification of the staff;
Which existing equipment of RT (commercial
designation, manufacturer, installation year):
Treatment machines;
Simulation equipments;
Imaging equipments.
Which IS exist RT (commercial designation,
manufacturer, version):
Imaging systems;
Record and Verify (R&V) systems;
Which interfaces;
Which functions;
Compliance with DICOM v3.0.
2.5.2 Variables about DICOM-RT Expert’s
Profile of the respondent:
Age group, sex;
Academic qualification, professional
experience and position;
If know DICOM standard (level of
If know DICOM-RT extension (level of
Characterization of IS:
Compliance with DICOM v3.0;
Compliance with DICOM-RT;
Which DICOM-RT objects are in use;
National Survey
Utilization of other communication standards.
How to describe utilization of DICOM-RT in the
workflow of RT;
How to describe the IS behaviour;
When purchasing a new IS for the department, if
the interoperability issue is addressed:
Which factors are more important;
Who defines the integration of IS.
For a good policy is it better one single vendor or
multiple vendors;
Which procedures are more important, to achieve
IS interoperability with the DICOM-RT;
Which factors are more important, for the
immaturity of the DICOM-RT implementation;
Which benefits of DICOM-RT are more
If there are any interoperability problems
between the IS:
If yes, identify the existing interoperability
problems, specifying the IS participants.
The data obtained from the questionnaires was
exported by MedQuest to the IBM® SPSS®
software version 19 for statistical analysis.
Until July 20 the response rate was 40% (n=8),
while 10% (n=2) of the institutions did not authorize
the RT departments to cooperate in the survey. The
institutions that answered the questionnaire are
widely separated geographically and of varying
departmental size (facilities with only 1 treatment
unit to 8 treatment units). The number of RT
professionals per institution varies between 9 and
68, with a median of 14.5. Per RT department, the
radiation oncologists with a median of 3.5, the
medical physicists with a median of 3, and the
radiation therapists with a median of 9. The nursing
staff, the assistants and the clerks were not
3.1 RT National Survey
All of the RT departments have 3-D conformal RT,
and 37% have intensity modulated RT. In terms of
treatment machines, all of the facilities have
exclusively linear accelerators with the median
installation year 1997, rather than cobalt units and
orthovoltage. 50% of the departments are multiple-
treatment units, and of these, only one department
has machines from different manufacturers.
Relatively to simulation, 50% have this equipment
and the other 50% have virtual simulation. The
simulators come from two vendors and the virtual
simulation comes from other three vendors.
Concerning imaging, the vast majority of the centers
(75%) have computed tomography (CT) department,
and only one department has a dedicated magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) for RT planning purposes.
All this imaging equipment comes from three
vendors. All the departments use digital image,
including image registration carried out between
planning CT and MRI or positron emission
tomography. For the image guidance, all of the
institutions have portal images with megavoltage
and 37% with kilovoltage.
Regarding IS, all the departments have at least
one TPS and one institution has three systems from
different vendors. Imaging systems are from three
different vendors. About R&V systems, in
departments with single-treatment unit, this system
is from the same vendor of treatment machine. In
departments with multiple-treatment units, the R&V
system is from the same vendor of one of treatment
machine. Several departments (37%) have PACS,
which have interface with TC workstation, TPS,
simulator workstation and R&V systems, having as
mainly functions: storage, image reception, and
database update.
In terms of distribution of suppliers by country of
origin, Germany is the country with the highest
expression (43%), followed by United States of
America (29%), Sweden (14%) and Netherlands
3.2 DICOM-RT Expert’s Opinion
The respondents were mainly medical physicists,
with a mean experience of 10,5 years, being 63%
Head of Medical Physics. All the participants knew
the DICOM standard and the RT extensions, and
63% of those consider their level of knowledge as
According to 63% of participants, RT IS are
DICOM-RT compliant. Although the RT plan and
RT structure set are implemented in all departments,
the RT dose is only in seven departments, and the
RT image and RT beam treatment record are only in
six departments. According the same 63% of
respondents, the imaging systems are in
conformance with DICOM v3.0 too. The use of
other communication standards is referred by 37%
of participants, but the only standard identified was
health level 7 (HL7).
Respecting expert opinion, 50% of respondents
HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics
consider that the utilization of RT objects in the RT
workflow is very good, and the remaining thinks that
is good or reasonable. The behaviour of the IS,
according to most of the participants, is
interoperable because they integrate information
from different IS vendors.
When purchasing a new IS for the department,
75% respondents think that the interoperability issue
is addressed; the others have no knowledge about it.
The vast majority believes that the important factors,
by order of importance, in this issue are: 1st existing
IS integration problems, 2nd
IS need, 3rd
interoperability problems in the workflow, 4th
context of purchasing. The integration of the new IS
in the workflow, is commonly defined by the vendor
together with the informatics and the medical
For a good policy, most experts assume that the
more sophisticated equipments and flexibility of IS
for the integration in multi-vendor context are more
important compared with context of one single
vendor. To achieve SI interoperability, with the
DICOM-RT, the procedures considered more
important are: replacement of analogue by digital
image, determination of workflows, frequent
updating versions of SI. The three most frequently
mentioned reasons to justify the immaturity of the
DICOM-RT implementation are: 1st inexistence of
DICOM-based database, 2nd lack of strategic
management of the department, 3rd low compliance
to standard by suppliers. Regarding DICOM-RT
benefits the experts classified by the following order
of importance: 1st transfer of information between
different IS vendors, 2nd integration of RT
technologies in IS multi-vendor context, 3rd
integration into the ePR, 4th communication with
other institutions, 5th communication with other
specialties, 6th workflow monitoring, 7th support for
computer-assisted decision, 8th helpful in clinical
research, 9th assistance for the knowledge base
For the open question about the existence of
interoperability problems between the IS of the RT
department, only two participants assume that have
problems. One specified that the problem lies in the
interface between the R&V system with three HIS.
The other identified that the problem is based on the
fact of having many different suppliers in the
Currently in the RT departments, the question of
interoperability is considered as crucial for
achieving gains, by improving the quality and
continuity of care, allowing cost reduction by
minimizing repeated procedures or exams,
improvements in research, decision support, among
many others.
In RT context more important that achieve
connectivity “plug and exchange” between two
systems is to accomplish application interoperability
“plug and play”. The complexity of interoperability
in RT is greater compared with the radiology.
A limitation of this study is the inexistence of
other similar studies for comparison. It was found
national surveys of RT (Alto Comissariado Da
Saúde, 2008) but only focusing in the workforce,
workloads and equipment. None of none of them
focuses on IS, DICOM-RT and interoperability.
These preliminary results show that the RT
departments have some equipment and IS from
different vendors contributing for heterogeneity of
RT workflows. The experts somehow attribute
importance to interoperability, but have low
knowledge about their own IS and respective
integrations. The same happens about the
familiarity with DICOM, DICOM-RT and other
communication standards; in the questions about the
conformance with the DICOM v3.0 and DICOM-
RT, there are a significant percentage of respondents
that answered “I have no knowledge”.
Essential for the RT departments’ cooperation
has been the issue of confidentiality and anonymity
of participants. The data collection, in the majority
of the cases, was hard. This may be over due to the
lack of documentation regarding existing IS and
their integrations.
This survey has assessed the current status of RT
technologies and IS. This characterization is helpful
to understand the real RT workflows of each
department. The expert’s opinion about
interoperability and DICOM-RT reveals that they
trust in the standard but with lack of specific
information about this issue.
The questionnaire aimed to explore issues that
could help departments to optimise their IS in the
RT workflow. But as the participants think that have
no interoperability problems and those who think
that have, didn’t detailed with enough information.
Therefore, only general recommendations can be
suggested. Experts of this study believe in the
benefits of integration between the IS and
equipments but with few knowledge about this
pertinent issue. Information that can be drawn from
these opinions is that the RT professionals don’t
have sufficient training on issues such as: DICOM-
National Survey
RT, application interoperability, other
communication standards, etc.
General recommendations for RT professionals
to achieve or optimize the interoperability at the RT
When purchasing a new IS for RT department
request a IS compliant with DICOM-RT with all RT
objects available.
When purchasing new equipment for RT
department only buy a machine in conformance with
DICOM v3.0.
When implementing the new device DICOM
conformant, specification and testing of the clinical
application capabilities and data flow needs to be
performed by the RT facility to ensure effective
For a good policy in RT department, the strategy
must focus on reliable computer applications with a
high degree of built-in connectivity.
Use the PACS model in the RT department,
whether departmental or institutional, with the
DICOM v3.0 and DICOM-RT.
It is important to adapt the existing RT
workflows to those publicised by
integrating the healthcare enterprise (IHE) (I.H.E.,
2011) integration profiles and technical frameworks
providing a common platform to use DICOM and
The implementation of these recommendations will
be essential to optimise the interoperability in the
RT context.
The authors acknowledge the RT departments that
participated in the study, the contribution provided
by the RT experts (António Gonçalves, Luís Cunha,
Ana Barros) and the help afforded by Jorge Gomes
in the MedQuest utilization.
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HEALTHINF 2012 - International Conference on Health Informatics