Olarik Surinta, Lambert Schomaker and Marco Wiering
Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 9, Groningen, The Netherlands
Handwritten character recognition, Feature extraction, k-Nearest neighbors, classification.
Feature extraction techniques can be important in character recognition, because they can enhance the efficacy
of recognition in comparison to featureless or pixel-based approaches. This study aims to investigate the
novel feature extraction technique called the hotspot technique in order to use it for representing handwritten
characters and digits. In the hotspot technique, the distance values between the closest black pixels and the
hotspots in each direction are used as representation for a character. The hotspot technique is applied to three
data sets including Thai handwritten characters (65 classes), Bangla numeric (10 classes), and MNIST (10
classes). The hotspot technique consists of two parameters including the number of hotspots and the number
of chain code directions. The data sets are then classified by the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm using the
Euclidean distance as function for computing distances between data points. In this study, the classification
rates obtained from the hotspot, mark direction, and direction of chain code techniques are compared. The
results revealed that the hotspot technique provides the largest average classification rates.
Feature extraction can play an important role in hand-
writing recognition. It is used for generating suitable
feature vectors, and using them as representation of
handwritten characters. The difference between hand-
written characters and printed characters lies in the di-
versity of characters. In printed characters, the struc-
tural pattern of characters is always the same, there-
fore the main challenges are coping with different
fonts, or scanning qualities. However, in handwrit-
ten characters, the pattern of characters is different,
even for those of the same writer.
The main objective for using feature extraction is
to reduce the data dimensionality by extracting the
most important features from character images (Lauer
et al., 2007). When the feature vector dimensionality
is smaller, a set of features can be useful for repre-
senting the characteristics of characters. Moreover,
feature extraction can play a significant factor for ob-
taining high accuracies in character recognition sys-
tems (Trier et al., 1996), especially if there is not a lot
of training data available.
The present study aims to investigate a novel fea-
ture extractor for handwritten characters and other
types of characters such as handwritten digits from
different scripts. The main aim of this paper is to pro-
pose a fast and easy to use feature extraction method
that obtains a good performance. This study fo-
cuses on isolated characters. Three data sets including
MNIST, Bangla numeric, and Thai were used to test
our novel proposed feature extraction technique. The
hotspot technique is used to determine the distance
along a particular direction between the hotspots and
the first black pixel of the object. The hotspots are dis-
tributed at fixed locations over the character images.
This technique extracts some important information
from the character images and is fairly robust to trans-
lation and rotation variances. The important parame-
ters of this technique are the number of hotspots and
the number of chain code directions.
Related Work. Sanossian and Evans (1998) pro-
posed a scanning technique for English characters.
They used 64 × 64 pixels of binary images. The fea-
ture values are calculated by scanning through the
image in horizontal, vertical, and inner (inside the
character) directions of character images. Ferdinando
(2001) used a vertical and two horizontal directions
for digits. The feature vectors from this technique are
the positions of crossing points between each line. In
addition, an interesting approach is a direction tech-
nique consisting of 4 feature windows, and 4 neigh-
Surinta O., Schomaker L. and Wiering M. (2012).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 261-264
DOI: 10.5220/0003712002610264
bor marks. Firstly, Kawtrakul and Waewsawangwong
(2000) used 4 feature windows including horizontal,
vertical, left diagonal, and right diagonal directions.
This technique found the contour of Thai character
images. Subsequently, every feature window (3 × 3
pixels) is used to slide through all cells of character
images. The feature vectors of this technique rep-
resent the number of perfectly matching windows in
the feature window with the part of the character win-
dows. Secondly, Pal et al. (2008) presented 4 direc-
tion neighbors. These directions are used to count
a matching number of directions from contour im-
ages. Rajashekararadhya and Vanaja Ranjan (2009)
suggested the application of a feature extraction algo-
rithm for Kannada script. In this study, the zone and
projection distance metric technique was proposed.
The distance values from four different directions in-
cluding vertical downward direction, vertical upward
direction, horizontal right direction, and horizontal
left direction were calculated.
Contributions of this Paper. We propose a novel
method for feature extraction which is suitable for iso-
lated handwritten characters. We have used three dif-
ferent handwritten data sets from different scripts to
compare our novel feature extraction method to two
state-of-the-art techniques. The results show that our
novel method significantly outperforms the other 2
methods on 2 data sets containing handwritten dig-
its. Only on the Thai data set containing 65 classes,
one other technique achieves higher recognition ac-
curacies. The average recognition rate over the three
data sets is also highest for our novel technique, which
demonstrates its effectiveness.
The data sets used in the present study include Thai,
Bangla numeric and MNIST (LeCun and Cortes,
1998). Figure 1 shows some examples of handwritten
characters. Each data set consists of isolated charac-
ters. MNIST consists of 60,000 training examples and
10,000 test examples. MNIST is a handwritten nu-
meric data set that has been widely used as benchmark
for comparing feature extraction techniques (Lauer
et al., 2007). In the present study, 10,000 records (10
classes) of the MNIST data set were used. For the
Bangla numeric data set, 9,595 records (10 classes)
are used. The Thai data set used in the present study
includes 65 classes consisting of consonants, vowels
and tones. There are 5,900 Thai examples in this data
set. The Thai data set was collected from characters
written by writers aged from 20-23 years old. Among
this group of data, there are characters written by 7
female writers and 3 male writers.
Figure 1: Some examples of character images used in the
present study. (a) Thai data set. (b) Bangla numeric data
set. (c) MNIST data set.
Pre-processing starts off with cropping the ex-
ceeding parts of scanned images. The exceeding area
is the non-character area so that there are only charac-
ter pixels in the images. These images are then trans-
formed into binary images. Consequently, the images
are scaled to 40×40 pixels. Finally, the thinning tech-
nique is used to make the images absolutely thin and
ready for feature extraction and classification.
Feature extraction can play a significant factor for
increasing the efficacy of recognition systems (Trier
et al., 1996). It is a process that extracts the important
information from the character images and transforms
them into vector data. When a feature extraction tech-
nique is applied, the dimensionality of the resulting
feature vector is smaller in comparison with that of
raw data (Lauer et al., 2007). Since the smaller fea-
ture vectors are afterwards used in a classification al-
gorithm, with little training data they may suffer less
from overfitting than pixel-based methods.
The hotspot technique is our novel method useful
for representing the character. The distance between
black pixels and the hotspots in each direction is used
to describe the whole object. In this technique, the
size of the hotspot was defined as N ×N. For example,
the size of the hotspot can be 3 × 3 (Figure 2). The
distance between black pixels and the hotspots from
the first to the last hotspot is calculated. The direction
of the hotspots is defined by the chain code directions
(Figure 3). The hotspot feature vector P
is defined as
(Equation (1));
, y
Where (x
, y
) is the coordinate of the hotspot,
0, 1, 2, ..., 7
when chain code direction is con-
sidered as 8-directional codes, and D
is the distance
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
between the hotspot and the first black pixel of the ob-
ject found in the direction d
. It is noted that, if there
is no object pixel found then the distance D
is set to
. The distance is measured by using the following
equation (Equation (2));
+ (y
i f (x
, y
) exists,
Where (x
, y
) is the coordinate of the closest black
pixel of the object in the specified direction. As fea-
ture vector we only consider 4 or 8 values of ev-
ery hotspot and then concatenate it into some spe-
cific order to create a feature vector. The com-
plete notation of feature vectors can be defined as
f = {D
, . . . , D
, . . . , D
, . . . , D
}, where L is the
number of hotspots and K is the number of direc-
tions. The feature vector size depends on the number
of hotspots and the number of directions.
Figure 2: An example to illustrate the location and distribu-
tion of the hotspots.
Figure 3: The chain code directions for identifying the dis-
tance, starting from the hotspot until the object in each di-
rection was found, (a) 4 directions chain code and (b) 8 di-
rections chain code.
There are two parameters that influence this
method including 1) number of hotspots and 2) num-
ber of chain code directions. The preliminary results
demonstrated that the best setting uses 25 hotspots
and 4 directions, so that the hotspot technique pro-
vides 100 features.
We presented a novel method for feature extraction,
called the hotspot technique, which is compared in
this section to other methods including mark direction
and the direction of chain code technique.
The mark direction technique is also known as
the direction feature (Blumenstein et al., 2003) and
suitable for tracking the directions of the character
image. The mark size for the mark direction tech-
nique is 3 × 3 pixels (Kawtrakul and Waewsawang-
wong, 2000). The mark directions consist of hori-
zontal mark, vertical mark, left-diagonal mark, and
right-diagonal mark (Blumenstein et al., 2003). The
number of features obtained from mark direction was
64 features.
The direction of chain code technique is an effi-
cient technique in handwriting recognition (Bhowmik
et al., 2007). We applied this technique to the present
study according to the methods described by Pal et al.
(2008), although we adapted their technique to deal
more efficiently with our data sets by identifying the
starting point of the direction in each block.
The feature vectors obtained from these tech-
niques are classified by the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-
NN) method. The outcome of the classification pro-
cess is the classification rate. All different extrac-
tors were applied to three data sets including Thai,
Bangla numeric, and MNIST. These three data sets
were treated with the same methods so that the char-
acter image’s size for all data sets is determined as
40 × 40 pixels.
The data sets were divided into 10 subsets (90%
training set and 10% test set). We randomly divided
the data into a test and training set 10 different times.
The value of k of the k-Nearest Neighbor classifier
was optimized for each method and dataset.
Table 1: Comparison of data classification efficacy of fea-
ture extraction techniques by using kNN.
Data set
Feature extraction technique
Hotspot Mark Direction
direction of
chain code
83.3 88.0 71.3
σ = 0.5 σ = 0.6 σ = 0.7
89.9 85.1 83.5
σ = 0.3 σ = 0.3 σ = 0.2
Bangla numeric
90.1 87.6 82.7
σ = 0.4 σ = 0.4 σ = 0.4
The size of the feature vectors obtained from
hotspot, mark direction, and direction of chain code
technique were 100, 64, and 128 dimensions, respec-
tively, For the hotspot technique we used d
= 20
for the two data sets containing digits, and d
= 0
for the Thai data set, which worked slightly better for
an unknown reason than d
= 20.. Table 1 shows
the comparison of classification efficacy of the differ-
ent feature extraction techniques. It is found that the
best feature extraction technique for classification is
hotspot, followed by mark direction and direction of
chain code, respectively. The average classification
rate obtained from hotspot, mark direction, and di-
rection of chain code are 87.8%, 86.9%, and 79.2%,
respectively. Our new technique significantly out-
performs the other feature extraction method on the
two data sets containing digits. The mark direction
technique outperforms our method on the Thai data
set. The direction of chain code technique obtains
the worst performance by far. This technique is more
complicated and involves several subtleties which re-
quires adapting it to different data sets. Much bet-
ter results for MNIST have been reported in literature
(above 99% accuracy), but in those studies more train-
ing patterns were used (60,000 compared to 10,000 in
our study). This dataset has a very large number of
examples and few classes, which makes pixel-based
methods more effective. However, we believe that
by more fine-tuning, using more examples and better
classifiers, and combining multiple feature extraction
methods, we are able to obtain similar performances.
The present study proposed a new technique for fea-
ture extraction, named the hotspot technique. In this
technique, the distance values between the closest
black pixels and the hotspots in each direction are
used as representation for a character. There are two
key parameters to be taken into account; 1) number
of hotspots and 2) number of chain code directions.
The hotspot technique was applied to numeric data
sets including MNIST and Bangla numeric, and Thai
For the two data sets with few classes, namely
the handwritten digit data sets, Bangla and MNIST,
the novel hotspot technique significantly outperforms
the other methods. However, the mark direction tech-
nique outperforms the hotspot technique on the Thai
data set that has much more classes (65). Maybe
the hotspot technique needs more examples for this
data set, possibly because it is less robust to variances
in the handwritten characters than the mark direction
technique. Still, our results on data sets of multiple
scripts show that the hotspot technique achieves the
highest average recognition rate.
In future work, we want to compare different fea-
ture extraction techniques, among those the ones de-
scribed in this paper, to pixel-based methods. Sev-
eral neural network architectures have obtained very
high recognition rates on the MNIST data set, and we
are interested in finding the utility of feature extrac-
tion methods compared to the use of strong classifiers
that immediately work on pixel representations. Fur-
thermore, keypoint methods have not deserved a lot
of attention in handwriting recognition, and we want
to explore the use of adaptive keypoints to be more
translation invariant and also use generative models
to maximize the probability of generating the data.
We are sincerely grateful to Dr. Tapan K. Bhowmik
for providing the Bangla numeric data used in the
present study. We thank Jean Paul van Oosten for use-
ful remarks on a preliminary version of this paper.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods