Dilyana Budakova
and Lyudmil Dakovski
Technical University of Sofia, Branch Plovdiv, 61, Sankt Petersburg Blvd., Plovdiv, Bulgaria
European Polytechnical University of Pernik, Pernik, Bulgaria
Keywords: Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Architecture, Social behavior, Social scenario, Social emotion, Primary
and secondary emotions, Needs, Rationalities, Knowledge, Ambivalence, Choice, Deception.
Abstract: This paper investigates the social behaviour of an intelligent virtual agent (IVA) with PRE-ThINK
architecture with the help of typical working student’s life scenario modeling. Тhe program system and the
PRE-ThINK architecture, adapted for this scenario, are proposed, and their components are considered. The
dynamics of the decision making process in problem situations caused by the implementation of this
architecture is shown, when mixed emotions arise and the realization of what happened reflects on the
agent’s temper. IVA’s social behavior is shown, during which in the process of communicating with the
user the agent expresses learned from experience secondary emotions, which can be either in harmony or in
conflict with the realized secondary emotions, resulting both from the agent’s generalized condition and the
events. The investigated secondary emotions are: relief, confidence, prestige, uncertainty, confirmed fear,
disappointment; and also the socially expressed secondary emotions such as refrained sadness, refrained
anger, businesslike manners, politeness and authoritativeness.
In general, social norms are commonly believed
rules in social interaction. These rules serve as a
guide for human behavior, and as the basis for their
beliefs and expectations about others. Without them,
communication can break down easily (Si Mei,
Stacy C. Marsella, and David V. Pynadath 2006).
Social interaction is accompanied by social
emotions. Social emotions can be defined as one’s
emotions projecting on or affected by others. They
are “valenced reactions”, which can occur as a result
of how people understand events. The first
modification to the OCC model, (that define a
cognitive approach for looking at emotions) is to
allow for the definition of social emotions (Ortonty,
A., Clore, G.L., Collins 1988).
(Damasio 1994) distinguishes at least two
classes of emotions, namely, primary and secondary
emotions, on the basis of his neurobiological
findings. According to them secondary emotions are
more dependent on the agent’s cognitive reasoning
abilities. The appraisal of secondary emotions
depends much more on the situational context and
an agent’s memory than that of primary emotions.
The releasers of secondary emotions might be
learned based on the history of primary emotions in
connection with memories of events, agents, and
objects. Secondary emotions also modulate the
agent’s simulated embodiment, such as its general
level of arousal. The agent expresses its awareness
of secondary emotions verbally. Secondary emotions
are based on more complex data structures than
primary ones.
Recently a number of investigators distinguish
between primary and secondary emotions,
underlining the importance of their modeling and
studying (André, E., Klesen, M., Gebhard, P., Allen,
S.,&Rist, T. (1999); Pelachaud, C., & Bilvi, M.
(2003).; Becker-Asano, C., & Wachsmuth (2008)).
(Rehm Matthias and Elisabeth Andre 2005)
focus on synthetic agents that may express emotions
that are in conflict with their appraisal processes and
they put a question: how to handle situations in
which the agent decides to display an emotion which
is in conflict with its internal appraisal processes in
social settings.
Budakova D. and Dakovski L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003732103170324
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 317-324
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Acording to (Benny Ping-Han Lee 2006)
the emotion models and architectures for virtual
agents are not yet advanced enough to be imbued
with coexisting emotions but this is very important
because mixed emotions, especially those in
conflict, sway agent decisions and result in dramatic
changes in social scenarios.
In order to contribute to further development of
the described problems, this paper investigates the
social behavior of an intelligent virtual agent (IVA)
with PRE-ThINK architecture by means of typical
working student’s life scenario modeling. Тhe
program system and the PRE-ThINK architecture,
adapted for this scenario, are proposed. The basic
modules of the programming system and the
implementation of this architecture are considered.
The mechanism of arising of the agent’s thoughts, as
well as their assessment, are cleared out. The
dynamics of the decision making process in problem
situations is shown, when mixed emotions arise and
the IVA’s behavior changes in a way, allowing
achieving all of the goals of the scenario,.
The social behavior, shown by the agent, as well
as his/her generalized condition of awareness, which
are not always in harmony, are explained and
presented. The proposed scenario allows for
modeling and expressing of both primary and
secondary emotions. The social emotions, shown by
the IVA, when giving answers to user’s questions in
the experimental on-line information site, are a
mixture of primary (spontaneously caused by the
current context emotions) and secondary emotions
(demonstrated - learned from IVA’s experience in a
similar situation; and realized – caused by the IVA’s
self-esteem related to his/her generalized condition
and by all the simultaneous events, hidden for the
The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 considers similar developments; the third
section presents the scenario for the goals of the
experiment; the fourth section comprises the
description of the programming system and the
model of IVA with PRE-ThINK architecture,
adapted for typical working student’s life scenario
modeling. Section 5 gives description of the
experimental results. The sixth section includes
discussion and directions for further development of
the programming system; a generalization of the
present work is proposed at the end.
There is a considerable body of work on social
norms and norms in conversations in particular,
including formalization of norms and obligations
(Boella, G., Torre, L.v.d. 2003), how norms emerge,
spread and get enforced in a society (Castelfranchi,
C. 1995), levels of cooperation in social
communications (Airenti, G., Bara, B. G.,
Colombetti, M. 1993), discourse obligations in
dialogues (Traum, D. R., Allen, J. F. 1994) etc.
In Thespian's decision-theoretic framework (Si
Mei, Marsella, Pynadath 2006), conversational
norms enable the characters to behave human-like
by making relevant responses, following natural
turn-taking patterns, and having appropriate
conversational flow. (deRosis Fiorella, C. Pelachaud
et. al. 2003) as well as Prendinger and colleagues
(Prendinger Helmut and Mitsuru Ishizuka 2001)
developed agents that are able to control their
emotional displays if the social situation requires it.
For instance, if the social distance between an agent
and its conversational partner is high, Prendinger’s
agent would not show anger to the full extent.
The virtual tutor COSMO (Lester J. C. et. al.
2000) intentionally portrays emotions with the goal
of motivating students and thus increasing the
learning effect.
In the WASABI architecture (Becker-Asano, C.,
Wachsmuth, I.) use their agent’s cognitive reasoning
abilities to model the mood-congruent elicitation of
secondary emotions as well. They explain how nine
primary emotions together with three secondary
emotions—namely the prospect-based emotions
hope, fears-confirmed, and relief —were integrated
in such a way that their mood congruent elicitation
can be guaranteed. They discussing results of a study
on the effect of secondary emotion simulation in a
card game scenario.
Many researchers model IVA behaviour aiming
at establishing a trust-based relationship between the
user and the IVA (Celso M. de Melo et. al. 2009,
Gratch et. al 2007, Bickmore et. al.2007,
Niewiadomski et. al. 2008).
In the present paper the agent with PRE-ThINK
architecture proposed in (Budakova D. 2011)
(abbreviation from the initial letters of the basic
components making it up - Principles, Rationalities,
Emotions, Thoughts, Investigations, Needs, and
Knowledge) is used to investigate social behavior in
typical working student’s life scenario.
For the purposes of the experiment the behavior of
the typical working student is modeled, that have to
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
follows the polite form of social communication at
work; fulfills diligently its duties at work; manages
to pass all its exams; and manages to attend all
meetings and parties, organized by its friends.
According to this particular scenario the IVA is
modeled to be an attractive 20-year-old blond
student, giving information to the users of an
experimental, especially developed for the
experiment site, in the role of an on-line receptionist.
The users can only observe the IVA’s behavior
in its role of an on-line receptionist. The other
events, related to its modeled personal identity in
accordance with the modeled scenario (student’s
life, sleeping time, party time) as well as the course
of time, remain hidden for the users of the site and
are only simulated in a programming way.
The new aspect in the proposed paper is that a
situation is modeled, in which the hidden/refrained
emotions are caused by events that are outside the
current context and not related to the current events,
while the shown emotions are related to the current
context but they are well considered and result from
personal experience as well as from studying of
social standards.
The real secondary emotions of the agent, on the
one hand, could be: confidence, satisfaction with the
achievements and self-belief. They result from well
fulfilled tasks, passed exams, well spent time at
parties with friends, high ranking by the users of the
site, and they evoke at first happiness, relief and
pleasure and after their rationalization they turn in
the course of time into self-confidence, certainty and
This can be expressed by politeness, energy,
friendliness, readiness to help and understand the
others, willingness to communicate and join both the
others and various good causes.
On the other hand, these emotions could also be:
inferiority complex, disappointment and depression,
lack of self-belief, what is caused by failures at the
exams, unfulfilled tasks at work, lowered ranking by
the users, and they evoke at first fear and
anticipation of failures, as well as confirmed fear
and after their rationalization in the course of time
they turn into disappointment and inferiority
complex. They could be expressed by irritability,
aggression, dictatorial behavior or shyness, sadness,
depression and self-isolation from the others.
In order to reach all her goals, the IVA plans her
time for studying, working, sleeping and meetings
with friends, so that their optimal apportionment is
achieved. The scenario allows observing how in the
course of time, day by day, each deadline is met and
the IVA achieves this perfect time apportionment.
The basic modules of the program system are:
1) interface module; 2) module for simulating the
course of time – days and hours; 3) module for
decision making and defining the agent’s actions by
means of the PRE-ThINK architecture according to
her goals, principles, priorities and the assessment of
the generated thoughts; 4) module for initialization
of the scenario, comprising the relation need –
action, deadlines for achieving goals, related to the
different needs and emotions, necessary number of
working hours for successful fulfilling of a task,
hours for passing an exam and for normal attendance
of parties, as well as the agent’s luck and abilities
Figure 1: Structural scheme of the program system.
Time simulation.
Module for initialization of the
scenario. Schedule of the events,
deadlines and requirements for
achieving the assigned goals.
Module for realization of the scenario and
for modeling the IVA with the PRE-
ThINK architecture. IVA’s behavior,
decisions making for achieving the goals
according to the agent’s principles, priorities,
appraisals and experience.
Interface with the user
Experimental web site, where the IVA is a
Demonstrated social behavior.
4.1 The Interface Module
The experimental site is divided into three frames.
The first one is for choosing the topic in which the
user is interested; the second – for modeling the
IVA’s behavior, for initialization of the scenario, as
well as for simulating the course of time; and the
third is for visualization of the agent’s head and
realization of the agent’s multimodal social
The following relation is realized: a chosen
question and a corresponding answer, generalized
condition of the agent, temper, temperament, self-
confidence, emotional but socially appropriate
pronunciation of the answer by the IVA.
The user can see and ask the IVA questions by
means of the site only. The rest of events and
experiences from the predefined scenario remain
hidden from him/her.
4.2 The Module for Initialization of the
The relation need – action is preset as it follows:
physiological need – need of sleeping; need of safety
– working position as an on-line receptionist; need
of love and belonging – attendance at parties with
friends; need of self-actualization – university
course (fig.2).
Figure 2: Arrangement of the fulfilled and unfulfilled
needs in a crisis situation and their weight together with
the correspondence of the relation need-action according
to the considered scenario.
According to Maslow's theory the needs in
normal human development are arranged as follows:
physiological (ph), safety (s), love and belonging
(lb), esteem and self-assessment (es), self-
actualization (sa), aesthetics (a). In the architecture
considered here the needs are associated with
weights Wneed corresponding to their priority: Wph,
Ws, Wlb, Wes, Wsa, Wa.
because of the occurrence of an event,
one or more needs prove to be unfulfilled, i.e., there
is a crisis situation, then the needs rearrange so that
the unfulfilled ones receive first priority. The
unfulfilled needs arrange in an order, opposite to the
order of needs weights in a normal state of the agent.
The unfulfilled needs are denoted by W
, W
, W
, W
, W
. This concept is illustrated in
fig.2 where the predetermined (according to the
scenario) simplified relations of the type need –
action are denominated both for a normal and for a
crisis situation.
The dates of the exams, the dates of fulfilling the
working tasks and the dates of the parties are
predetermined. The hours necessary for the agent to
get ready for the exams, the hours for a task to be
fulfilled successfully, the sleeping hours and the
hours to enjoy a party are also predefined.
The IVA’s luck and abilities are predetermined
as well and they can facilitate or slow down the
fulfillment of a task, they can lead to a failure at an
exam, they can ruin one’s sleeping or his/her time at
a party. The thresholds of dissatisfaction for each
task, related to a particular agent’s activity are also
An initial schedule for realization of the IVA’s
goals is predetermined. It defines the initial
apportionment of the hours in the agent’s day and
night. This is the exact initial apportionment of the
time which changes in the course of the events in the
agent’s life and their optimum arrangement is a goal
of the algorithm for decisions making by the IVA.
The IVA’s aspiration/goal is to succeed in each of
the directions, to be in good spirits and have self-
The course of time is simulated by means of the
component Timer. Every hour is counted out and the
sequence of the morning, the noon, the evening and
the night is controlled; it is also controlled what is
the IVA supposed to do according to the initial
schedule in each particular moment; the real agent’s
behavior and actions in a moment are also controlled
and the activities from the schedule and the real
behavior according to the decision taken are
compared. All the agent’s activities are saved in the
database. The IVA knows how many tasks remain to
be fulfilled, how many his successes and failures
are, to which activities they are related.
4.3 Modelling of the IVA with the
PRE-ThINK Architecture and the
Process of Decision Making for
Defining the IVA’s Behavior
The IVA takes its decisions based on its principles.
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Required hours for studying in order to pass the
exams and sleeping hours needed from date to date.
Required hours for studying for successful fulfilling
the working tasks and sleeping hours needed from
date to date.
Fig. 3a) Fig. 4a)
Really used hours according to the IVA’s schedule for
every exam preparation as well for sleeping from date
to date. The sleeping hours are less when the IVA has
been to parties during the considered time interval.
Really used hours according to the IVA’s schedule
for working tasks fulfillment as well as for sleeping
from date to date. The sleeping hours are less when
the IVA has been to parties during the considered
time interval. interval.
Fig. 3b) Fig. 4b)
Hours used for studying and sleeping with the use of
the PRE- ThINK architecture mechanisms.
Hours used for working and sleeping with the use of
the PRE- ThINK architecture mechanisms.
Fig. 3c) Fig. 4c)
Figure 3 and Figure 4: Experimental results.
The following IVA principles have been modelled:
“Choose the better possible action"; "Neglect the
basic needs until reaching a definite threshold of
dissatisfaction, giving priority to the highest-order
“Follow a polite form of social behavior
regardless of your personal successes or problems”.
The IVA starts following her initial schedule and
realizes whether she manages to cope with the
assigned tasks or not. She also realizes how many
tasks from each activity remain to be fulfilled, e.g.,
how many exams to pass, how many working tasks
etc. According to the principles if the IVA does not
pass her exams, for example, she will try to
reallocate more hours for studying at the expense of
the sleeping hours at first; if this does not help, then
the new arrangement of hours is done at the expense
of the working hours; and, last, at the expense of the
time spent with friends. If all of these measures do
not help and her physiological need – her needs of
safety and friendship are seriously threatened, then,
according to her principles, realizing Maslow’s
theory and according to the predetermined at the
initialization very simple relation need-action, the
IVA will stop her studies in order to redress the
balance of the more basic needs, sacrificed in the
name of her assigned highest need/goal in this
Each thought of the agent is related to an
emotional (positive (+) or negative (-) sign), rational
and need value and receive the weight of this need.
Each thought is addressed to the situation s be
denoted by Th_s. If the importance of the thought
Th_s is denoted by I
, the weight of the need,
related to this thought is expressed by W
, , the
emotion implied by this thought is marked by
, then, following the formulae for
calculating the assessment value of the thought O
corresponding to the situation s will be (Budakova
D., 2011):
If a thought is partially related to more than one
need then the sum of the weight percentages of the
needs to which it is related is taken into account in
the formulae.
Each thought is related to an action. The
assessment values of the thoughts related to one and
the same action in one and the same situation are put
on the one basin of the “thoughts balance”. The
assessment values of the thoughts for the same
situation, but related to another action, are put on
another basin etc. Our “thoughts balance” will have
as many basins as the alternative actions considered
by the agent in the particular situation are.
(Budakova D., 2011).
The described mechanism for decision making is
adapted for the purposes of the considered scenario.
Instead of choosing the action from the basin having
the highest assessment value, the action with the
lowest ranking is sought for here, i.e., the less
important for the moment. The hours used for it will
be reduced in order to spare time for other more
important activities and, respectively, for achieving
other dissatisfied goals.
4.4 Mechanism of Origination and
Assessment of the IVA’s Thoughts
The IVA’s thoughts are generated in 24 hour each
clock round and they are related to the events from
the agent’s schedule, to her generalized condition, to
the successful or unsuccessful fulfillment of the
goals, as well as to the possibilities for action. Each
thought, related to achieving a goal/action, is
assessed from emotional, rational and need-related
point of view.
I can increase my hours for studying at the
expense of reducing the sleeping time. Emotion (+);
weight of the need for sleeping 10; rational
assessment – easy and safe 1; general assessment of
the thought related to this action (+10).
I can increase my hours for studying at the
expense of reducing the working hours. Emotion
(+); weight of the need for work 20; rational
assessment – easy and safe 2; general assessment of
the thought related to this action (+40).
I can increase my hours for studying at the
expense of reducing the hours for meeting friends.
Emotion (+); weight of the need for meeting friends
30; rational assessment – easy and safe 2; general
assessment of the thought related to this action
In addition to choosing an action for improving
her generalized condition, the agent also generates
thoughts about her social behavior at her working
The first experiment illustrates the consequences for
the IVA if she follows the schedule without changes.
They are given in figure 3b for the exams and figure
4b for the working tasks. Having the graphs 3a and
3b compared, it can be seen that the IVA studies less
than needed and correspondingly she fails at the
exams. When comparing the graphs 4a and 4b it can
be seen that the working time turns out to be
sufficient for fulfilling the tasks and duties perfectly.
The sleeping hours are also sufficient and from the
graphs 3b and 4b it can be seen that the IVA does
not miss a party. The second experience shows how
the agent tries to cope with her problems at the
university by increasing at first the hours for
studying at the expense of the sleeping hours and
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
then, at the expense of the working hours (fig. 3c и
fig. 4c).
The results from the graphs 3a and 3c should be
compared here to see whether the actually used
hours are sufficient. The results from the graphs 4a
and 4c should also be compared to see if the actual
hours for coping with the working tasks are
sufficient to lead to success.
It can be seen from the graphs that, after she
fails at her first exam, the IVA increases the time for
studying at the expense of the sleeping time. After
the second failure she reduces the sleeping time even
more in order to study harder. After the third failure
she reduces the working time, too, and this is how
she manages to pass the fourth and the fifth exams.
The success turns out to be sufficient for bringing
back her happiness and self-confidence.
The paper investigates the social behavior of an IVA
with PRE-ThINK architecture. A scenario is
proposed, allowing for clearing out and revealing the
following: the agent’s decision making mechanism;
the mechanism of origination and assessing
thoughts, related to the alternative actions for each
situation; the mechanism for achieving optimal time
apportionment in order to achieve the best possible
coping with the assigned tasks. The origination and
the influence of the primary emotions such as
happiness and sadness is also cleared out for
building and investigating the secondary emotions
such as relief, confidence, prestige, uncertainty,
confirmed fear, disappointment. The peculiarities of
the program system, as well as of the IVA’s PRE-
ThINK architecture together with the conducted
experiments are described and explained.
New principles and behavioral rules can be
formed based on the accumulation of observations
and their generalization. This is realized by means
of the subprograms of the architecture component
named Investigations.
Creation of a more complex situation is
envisaged, in which the IVA’s goals will be related
to different needs to a different extent. The decision
making will be more complicated and more realistic
Tracking the way the IVA gains experience in
communication with the users of the site will be a
subject of another investigation together with the
way she learns to be polite and businesslike
regardless of her problems, successes and failures.
It is assumed that, together with the further
development of the system, it could be possible to
realize a backward investigation, i.e., to
predetermine the decisions, taken in a problematic
situation in order to build a model of the investigated
The investigation of a collaborative or
competitive behavior in a multi-agent system for
similar scenarios would be also of great interest.
Another direction for further development is to
investigate how the various ways of communication
with users would influence the ranking of the IVA.
Is it better for her to be more businesslike if the user
is interested in what is going on when he has
understood from the IVA’s multimodal behavior that
something is going wrong or that she is extremely
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