Leo van Moergestel
and John-Jules Meyer
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Natural Language Processing, Thai Language, Romanization of Written Thai.
This document describes the approach and techniques used in software that has been developed to generate
phonemes from written Thai. This software has been used to generate the phonetic transcription of Thai
words in a Thai-Dutch dictionary. The most important part of this software is a lexical analyzer based on
regular expressions for matching patterns in the Thai writing system. Because most software tools that use
regular expressions are still based on the 7-bit ASCII set, a mapping of Thai characters to ASCII-characters
has been used.
The written form of words, the so called orthogra-
phy, differs in some languages from the pronuncia-
tion. Especially English uses the written form ough
at least for seven different sounds as can be shown in
the sentence: ”Though a rough cough and hiccoughs
ploughed through him, he houghed the horse with
thorough thoughtfulness. For these languages it is
difficult, if not impossible, to generate the pronunci-
ation sounds in a written form using the international
phonetic alphabet (IPA) (Samuel, 1983), except for
the situation where a list of phonetic representations
for every single word is available. For languages like
Spanish and Italian the situation is a bit better, though
it is still a hard problem to generate what is called
the transcription. By transcription we mean the broad
transcription that is used in dictionaries, not the nar-
row transcription that is used in studying dialects or
differences in pronunciation of the same word among
different people using that word. In the current paper,
transcription of Thai is discussed, but the techniques
and approaches could be useful for other non roman
based writing systems.
Flex (Levine, 2009) is a tool to build scanners and
stands for fast lexical analyzer. Flex is based on an
older tool called lex. A scanner is a program which
recognizes lexical patterns in text. To use flex one has
to write a flex source file where the most important
part consists of rules. These rule are pairs containing
a regular expression and an action for the scanner to
perform when the regular expression is matched. By
using flex, the flex source file can be converted to a
C program file that can be compiled by a C compiler
thus producing the scanner.
A regular expression is a pattern describing a set
of text strings. A regular expression is said to match a
text if the text is a member of the set described by the
regular expression. A good treatment of regular ex-
pressions can be found in (Friedl, 2006). The theory
of regular expressions is based on formal languages
and finite state machines. (Hopcroft et al., 2006).
In the current work the most important part is the
development of regular expressions that match with
patterns of written Thai. By using these expressions
in flex rules we can generate output from our scan-
ner. This output explains the structure or blueprint of
the Thai text. If the structure is known, it is easy to
generate phonemes for the given text.
The Thai language has its own alphabet consisting of
44 consonants (Campbell and Shaweevongs, 1956).
The vowels are a separate set of symbols that are
sometimes combined to represent other vowels or
van Moergestel L. and Meyer J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003735603060311
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 306-311
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
vowel combinations (diphthongs). Finally there is a
set of extra symbols that can be used to mark the tone
of a syllable but also to suppress the sound of a syl-
lable or character. Thai is a tonal language that has
5 tones, low, medium, high, rising and falling. For
speakers of a language that does not use tones, it is
rather difficult to get used to a tonal language. The
Thai writing system is capable to express the tone of
a certain syllable. So syllables with different tones
are also written in a different way. A word consists
of one or more syllables. Every syllable has its own
tone. Here are some important rules of the Thai writ-
ing system:
All consonant characters can be at the start of a
syllable, but a few consonants are not used at the
end of a syllable;
A syllable can have an inherent short ’a’ vowel
A syllable can have an inherent short ’o’ vowel
A syllable end can be considered living or dead
and this fact influences the tone;
A vowel symbol (or group of symbols represent-
ing a vowel or diphthong) cannot be used on its
own, it should always have an accompanying con-
sonant character or a consonant cluster. This is the
consonant representing the beginning of the sylla-
Vowels can have a long or short duration
Depending on the vowel symbol, the written po-
sition of the vowel can be before, after, above or
under the consonant it is belonging to;
In this section we will focus on the sounds of spo-
ken Thai. For this section, it is important to under-
stand what we are trying to accomplish. When we
have a word written in Thai, we want a classifica-
tion or blueprint for the syllables of this word. This
means that after classification we have information
for a word in a standardized form. The role of the
symbols, both consonants and vowels, for each sylla-
ble is clear. Consider a word consisting of two sylla-
bles our aim is to produce a classification that looks
like this string:
< SaaV bbEcc >< SxxV yyEzz >
Where aa...zz represent numbers for identification
purposes. S stands for starting consonant, V for vowel
sound, and E for end consonant for that syllable. The
set of S types includes consonant clusters and special
cases where we do not use a consonant at the begin-
ning of a syllable. The same thing is true for the end
consonants though that set of possibilities is signif-
icant smaller for the Thai language. So in our no-
tation every syllable classification starts with < and
ends with > and uses a fixed format.
4.1 Consonants
At the start of a syllable the following situations are
A single consonant sound consisting of one Thai
A cluster of two consonants. All possible conso-
nant clusters are summarized in table 1
A single consonant sound consisting of two Thai
characters. This is mostly the case where a con-
sonant named hoh-heep is used to influence the
tone of the syllable. In Thai this character in this
situation is called hoh-nahm.
No consonant sound at the beginning, though
there is a Thai consonant character (oh-ang) to
carry the vowel symbol that cannot stand on its
own. Sometimes the aforementioned situation re-
sults in a glottal stop at the beginning of a syllable.
The end of a syllable is rather simple. There are only
13 possibilities of a single consonant sound. Three
of them are only used in loanwords, mostly from En-
glish origin. The possibilities are summarized in ta-
ble 3. Remark that the occlusives are unreleased fi-
nals in contrast to western European languages where
these occlusives are mostly released. Table 2 shows
the notation we use for the classification of the end
Table 1: Possible start clusters.
unaspirated aspirated
kr kl kw khr khl khw
pr pl phr phl
tr thr
Table 2: End consonant types.
E00 no end consonant
E01 glottal stop
E02 end consonant
E03 end consonant and start of next syllable
The type of consonant at the beginning of a sylla-
ble as well as the ending of a syllable will influence
the tone.
Table 3: All possible syllable ends.
k m w f (loan words)
p n j s (loan words)
t ng no sound l (loan words)
glottal stop
4.2 Vowels
The Thai writing system uses a special symbol set to
express vowel sounds. A vowel or vowel combina-
tion can use one or more symbols of this set. Even
some consonant symbols are used as vowels or in
combination with vowel characters. The patterns for
these vowels play an important role is our scanner, be-
cause it will clearly indicate the beginning consonant
or consonant cluster of a syllable.
4.3 Special Symbols
Special symbols are used to mute a character, repeat
a word or denote the tone of a syllable.
4.4 Properties of the Thai Writing
The Thai writing system is capable of expressing the
tone as well as the sound of a vowel. By carefully
analyzing written Thai, it is possible to generate most
of the information for a transcription, there are how-
ever situation where this transcription is ambiguous.
These situations must be taken care of before scan-
ning. Also special constructions should be taken in
account by the scanner.
The scanner is based on lexical analysis of written
Thai and is done in a sequence of passes. To use
ASCII based tools, like lex and its GNU derivative
flex we made a transcription to ASCII characters. The
scanner focuses on a character string generated by the
a pass called prelex. This pass maps the consonants
and vowels in the syllables of a Thai word to ASCII
characters. The following sequence of passes is used
(in parenthesis is the name of the tool that is respon-
sible for the action taken).
1. in the first pass the Thai string to parse is dupli-
cated (dupthai). This is done because our analy-
sis will result in an abstract classification of the
syllables. To construct the transcription, we need
the original Thai text for extra information like the
tones of the syllables;
2. The duplicated string is converted to an ASCII
based representation. Some Thai characters with
identical properties are represented by the same
ASCII character (prelex);
3. the next step is called ”dining vowels” (dinvow).
In Thai, a vowel is always attached to one or more
consonants. In this step we generate part of the
classification of the sounds by letting these vowel
symbols absorb the consonant(s) they belong to.
That is the reason why this step is called ”dining
vowels”. When this step is completed, all written
vowels are classified together with a substantial
amount of consonants.
4. There is now a partial transcription to consonant
and vowel types, but there are still consonants left.
Some of these dangling consonants have inher-
ent vowel sounds depending on the situation of
a closed or an open syllable. This pass tries to
solve this situation by looking at the number of
consonants and the position in the string. (flex-
pass). Another possibility is that these consonant
are closing consonants for a syllable that is par-
tially converted in step 2. Finally a scan is done to
close all unclosed patterns. If there are syllables
that were classified as possibly closed syllables in
the classification a ! symbol is used. If this sym-
bol is now followed by the start of a new syllable
i.e. <, the ! symbol is replaced by an > denoting
the end of the syllable.
All steps are simple commands or tools. On a Unix
based system, these commands are operating in a so
called pipeline.
dupthai i | prelex | dinvow | flexpass o
After applying these commands, where i is the in-
put file and o the output, the classification is done.
Because the most complex parts are implemented us-
ing flex, this section will focus on the passes using
flex (i.e. dinvow and flexpass). Of these two pases,
dinvow is the most complex part and has 252 patterns
with related actions pairs. To make the source better
readable and also maintainable a set of macro defini-
tions has been introduced.
S [YWHoGChKlsmTtPpwRLSNfc]
ot [1-4]?
Pc [Ppw][RL]
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
S is the set of possible start consonants, E the set of
possible end consonants and ot an optional tone mark
symbol. Hn shows all possible combinations of Hoh-
nahm with other consonants. Kc is a shorthand for all
possible K-clusters and Pc for the possible P-clusters.
A possible pattern action pair is:
{S}M{ot}{E} printf("<S01V03E02>");
If the scanner detects a single start consonant, repre-
sented by the macro {S}, followed by a vowel sym-
bol, represented here by M, with one or zero tone
marks, given by the macro {ot} and an end conso-
nant that is in the set of possible end consonants {E}
it will output <S01V03E02 >.
Another possible pattern action pair is:
e{Kc}I{ot}Y printf("<S04V27!");
The pattern matches a K-cluster Kc in combina-
tion with a compound vowel symbol, represented
here by e-IY (where the dash is the place of the
start consonant or cluster), with one or zero tone
marks, the action will be the generation of the out-
put <S04V27E02!. This syllable could be complete,
but there is also a possibility of an end consonant. In
flexpass this situation will be solved. This is also a
flex based scanner, but uses less patterns than dinvow.
The actions of flexpass will be discussed in the exam-
ple of the next section.
To explain in more detail the working of the scan-
ner, in this section two examples will be given. Let
us start with the famous ”Hello world” example. In
written Thai Hello world looks like and is
pronounced sawatdee lohk, phonetic [sawatdi: lo:k].
These are the steps from the scanner to come to a
blueprint where this phonetic result can be derived
from. First the Thai string is duplicated with dupthai
and then prelex makes a translation of Thai characters
to standard ASCII characters. When the duplication
of the original Thai text is ignored, this results in:
The [ and ]-signs are used as delimiters. Every char-
acter in this string represents a Thai symbol, a Thai
vowel or a set (mostly with one member) of Thai con-
sonants. Now we are ready to use dinvow to detect
the vowels and associated consonants. The result is:
In this phrase, three vowel-symbols in written Thai
are involved. The first one always needs an ending
consonant, so this syllable is finished. For the sec-
ond one there is the possibility of an end consonant
and the same is true for the third one. This is the rea-
son why these syllables are not closed by a > but by
a ! symbol. At the beginning as well as at the end
there is still a dangling consonant (symbol S and G).
In the next step (flexpass) the dangling consonant at
the beginning is treated as a single syllable with in-
herent a-sound and no end consonant. The dangling
consonant at the end is combined with the possibly
not closed syllable before it. The syllable denoted by
S01V10 appears to have no possible end consonant
so the combination !<will be translated to ><. The
result is:
Now we have a complete blueprint of the phrase. In
the section sound generation’ a tool will be intro-
duced to make a phonetic representation. The difficult
part however is now done by the scanner.
As a second example we consider the word
meaning sour and pronounced priaw. This word con-
sists of a consonant cluster pr in combination
with a compound vowel consisting of four symbols
and a tone symbol. To make things a bit more
complicated, this compound vowel also uses conso-
nant symbols. Using prelex the Thai characters are
translated to:
Using dinvow gives the result:
The meaning of this blueprint is: this is a word with
a p-consonant cluster (being either pl or pr accord-
ing to table 1) and a compound vowel V33 (having
the sound iaw) and no end consonant. In this case
no operation is done by the next pass of the scanner,
because the blueprint is already finished.
There are situations where the scanner fails to produce
the correct result. In this case a hint can be given to
tell the scanner where the end of a syllable actually is.
The scanner uses these hints as extra information and
this could result in a correct transcription. Hinting is
used in words where the syllables are not easy to de-
termine. An example is the word: birdcage that is
written in Thai using only five consonants and
is pronounced [krong nok]. In this situation the scan-
ner has a choice of using an inherent ’o’ between two
consonants or an inherent ’a’ after every single con-
sonant or perhaps a combination of inherent ’o’ and
’a’ sounds. K-R-NG-N-K should however result in
krong nok, so only two inherent o-sounds. By hinting
we tell the scanner that there is a syllable end after the
NG. In that case the scanner separates this composite
word in two parts that it will handle correctly. After
using prelex, this results in:
Where <Z00>represents the separator. Using this in-
formation, the next passes of the scanner are capable
of generating the correct blueprint for two syllables.
If hinting does not give the expected result the Thai
word is added to a file of exceptions where the correct
set of sounds is entered by hand. In an extra pass at the
beginning all these exceptions are searched for and
the sounds are already added and marked as complete.
In the scanning system some decisions are beyond
any doubt but some decisions are just good guesses.
It is also possible to fall back on these guesses to pro-
duce another transcription in case of an erroneous re-
sult. This means that the aforementioned hints can
also be generated by the system itself in a so called su-
pervised learning situation, where an operator trains
the system. This could be a useful add-on for this
By using the classification in combination with the
original text, the sounds can be generated. This is
done by a separate program that can use any table of
transcription codes to generate the final transcription
including a way to denote the tones of the syllables.
This transcription can be based on the IPA, thus pro-
ducing a phonetic transcription, but depending on the
transcription code used, the transcription can also be
adjusted to the phonemes of a certain target language.
This results in a phonemic transcription. For exam-
ple in Dutch the phonetic sound for [u:] is written as
[oe], while in English it is written [oo], in German or
Spanish [u] and in French [ou].
Figure 1 shows a dictionary entry (van Moergestel,
1995b) (van Moergestel, 1995a). The transcription
is produced by the aforementioned scanner in combi-
nation with the sound generation program that trans-
lates according to a given set of sound representa-
tions including the tones. Because this is table-driven,
one can produce different types of transcription as
is explained in the previous section. A dictionary
could use the IPA notation (Tingsabadh and Abram-
son, 1993). In the given example dashes, located at
the baseline of the text, are used to indicate the low
tone of both syllables.
[ fa rang] buitenlander
(blanke), westerling guave
Figure 1: Entry in the Thai-Dutch dictionary.
The small dictionary where this system is used for
contained 6932 Thai words. The file of exceptions
contains 373 words, meaning that 95 % can be tran-
scribed by the parser. We used 630 words with hints to
guide the scanner to the correct transcription. These
results are summarized in table 4.
Table 4: Results.
Number of words 6932 100%
Exceptions 373 5%
Hints 630 9%
The Royal Institute of Thailand has published he
Royal Thai General System of Transcription (RTGS).
This system describes how the transcription of Thai
words in the Latin alphabet should be done. Re-
search in the field of Thai romanization has also
been addressed, among others, by Aroonmanakun.
In (Aroonmanakun et al., 2004) a system is described
that can be used for transcribing English words, us-
ing the Thai writing system. By the same author
a tool for transcription of Thai based on the system
RTGS has been developed (Aroonmanakun, 2010).
This is an interactive tool where the user enters Thai
and the transcription is generated. Jucksriporn and
Sornil developed a system for syllabification of Thai.
They used a minimum cluster-based trigram statisti-
cal model (Jucksriporn and Sornil, 2011). This sys-
tem could be used in combination with the system
presented in the current paper and be useful for au-
tomatic hinting.
The system we present in the current paper can be
seen as a generic approach for transcribing in gen-
eral. This approach is based on a transposition of
non ASCII characters to the ASCII-set and thus stan-
dard parsing tools that are used for compiler building
can be used. By first generating a classification of
the syllables, the final transcription can be generated
in a flexible way. Most other transcription systems
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
use huge pattern bases and the transcription is gener-
ated without an intermediate classification. The sys-
tem presented in this paper is compact, fast and it is
possible to use the RTGS as well as symbols of the
IPA or a transcription that maps the Thai sounds to a
writing system that is familiar for readers of a certain
The Thai writing system is much better apt for auto-
matic transcription than most European writing sys-
tems. Especially in English it is not possible to gen-
erate the sounds of pronunciation by using simple
and consequent rules. The system presented here is
useful for bulk transcription as needed in dictionar-
ies but could be used as an intermediate system for
generating sounds of the spoken language. The topic
of future research will be the possibility of improve-
ments of the scanner by studying patterns and classes
of words in the exceptions and hinted groups.
Aroonmanakun, W. (2010). De-
partment of Linguistics, Chulalongkorn University,
Aroonmanakun, W., Thapthong, N., Wattuya, P., Kasisopa,
B., and Luksaneeyanawin, S. (2004). Automatic thai
transcriptions of english words. Southeast Asian Lin-
guistics Society Conference 14 (SEALS 14), Bangkok,
Thailand, May 19-21, 2004.
Campbell, S. and Shaweevongs, C. (1956). The Funda-
mentals of the Thai Language. Paragon Book Gallery,
New York.
Friedl, J. E. F. (2006). Mastering Regular Expressions, third
ed. O’Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA.
Hopcroft, J. E., Motwani, R., and Ullman, J. (2006). Intro-
duction to Automata Theory, Languages and Compu-
tation, third ed. Addison Wesley.
Jucksriporn, C. and Sornil, O. (2011). A minimum cluster-
based trigram statistical model for thai syllabification.
CICLing (2)2011 p493-505.
Levine, J. R. (2009). Flex and Bison. O’Reilly Media, Se-
bastopol, CA.
Samuel, J. T. B. (1983). Introduction to Practical Phonet-
ics. Summer Institute of Linguistics, England.
Tingsabadh, M. R. K. and Abramson, A. S. (1993). Thai.
Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 23,
pp 24-28 doi:10.1017/S0025100300004746.
van Moergestel, L. (1995a). Woordenboek Nederlands-Thai
(Dutch-Thai dictionary). Nangsue.
van Moergestel, L. (1995b). Woordenboek Thai-Nederlands
(Thai-Dutch dictionary). Nangsue.