Matthias Reif
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Trippstadter Strasse 122, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Meta-learning, Ranking, Algorithm selection, Dataset, Pattern recognition, Classification.
New approaches in pattern recognition are typically evaluated against standard datasets, e.g. from UCI or
StatLib. Using the same and publicly available datasets increases the comparability and reproducibility of
evaluations. In the field of meta-learning, the actual dataset for evaluation is created based on multiple other
datasets. Unfortunately, no comprehensive dataset for meta-learning is currently publicly available. In this
paper, we present a novel and publicly available dataset for meta-learning based on 83 datasets, six classi-
fication algorithms, and 49 meta-features. Different target variables like accuracy and training time of the
classifiers as well as parameter dependent measures are included as ground-truth information. Therefore, the
meta-dataset can be used for various meta-learning tasks, e.g. predicting the accuracy and training time of
classifiers or predicting the optimal parameter values. Using the presented meta-dataset, a convincing and
comparable evaluation of new meta-learning approaches is possible.
For a convincing evaluation of new pattern recogni-
tion methods, appropriate datasets are essential and
a sound and fair comparison of competitive methods
requires that each method should be evaluated on ex-
actly the same data. Therefore, many scientific papers
use for their evaluations the same datasets from com-
mon sources like the UCI machine learning reposi-
tory (Asuncion and Newman, 2007) or StatLib (Vla-
chos, 1998).
In meta-learning, a dataset is based on multi-
ple other datasets and contains experience knowledge
about how learning algorithms, so called target algo-
rithms, performed on these datasets. Therefore, it is
required that multiple target algorithms are applied
on multiple datasets. Depending on the number of
considered algorithms and datasets, the creation of
a meta-dataset can be very computational expensive.
For the meta-learning step, datasets are represented
by characteristics of them, so called meta-features.
Unfortunately, previous publications in the do-
main of meta-learning typically use their own data for
evaluation that is not publicly available. The repro-
duction of such a meta-dataset is theoretically possi-
ble, but very hard in practice due to missing informa-
tion about used datasets, parameter values, and im-
plementations. Moreover, meta-learning methods are
usually evaluated only on a small number of under-
lying datasets using a set of unoptimized target clas-
sifiers that is not diverse. In this paper, we present
a novel dataset that overcomes this limitations. The
dataset was created using 83 datasets from different
domains and sources, six target classifiers with dif-
ferent theoretical foundations including a parameter
optimization, and 49 meta-features, calculated by an
R-script that we made publicly available as well. Ad-
ditionally, the presented dataset includes multiple tar-
get measures such as accuracy and run-time that are
also available for each parameter combination consid-
ered during optimization.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. First,
we give a more detailed introduction to meta-learning
in Section 2. In Section 3, we describe the creation of
the dataset. The final section comprises the conclu-
Meta-learning uses knowledge about algorithms and
known datasets in order to make a prediction for a new
dataset. Datasets are represented by their properties
Reif M. (2012).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 273-276
DOI: 10.5220/0003736302730276
using different measures, so called meta-features.
The meta-features the desired target variable is
computed for all known datasets. These data con-
struct the training data for the meta-learning step. The
resulting model is used for predicting the target vari-
able for a new, unknown dataset by applying it on the
meta-features of the new dataset. This approach is il-
lustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Meta-learning uses meta-features and the desired
target value of known datasets for creating a meta-model
(top). This model is later used to predict the target value for
a new dataset (bottom).
The target variable depends on the goal of the
meta-learning approach. In the following, we will
present several meta-learning tasks that can be di-
rectly applied on the presented meta-dataset.
Best Classifier. In this task, the target variable is
the best classifier for each single dataset according
to some performance measure, e.g. the classification
accuracy. Since this is a classification problem, any
classifier can be used. The outcome of the prediction
model is the best classifier for the new dataset. This
approach was investigated in (Bensusan and Giraud-
Carrier, 2000a; Ali and Smith, 2006).
Ranking. The goal is to predict a ranked list of
all considered target algorithms, sorted according to
some performance measure, e.g. accuracy or time.
The target variable consists of the sorted list and a
nearest neighbor approach and scores are typically
used to predict the ranking. (Brazdil and Soares,
2000; Brazdil et al., 2003; Vilalta et al., 2004).
Quantitative Prediction. This approach directly pre-
dicts the performance or run-time of the target algo-
rithm in an appropriateunit. Since the prediction is in-
dependently performed for each considered target al-
gorithm, separate regression model has to be trained.
The quantitative prediction of error values was evalu-
ated by (Gama and Brazdil, 1995; Sohn, 1999; K¨opf
et al., 2000; Bensusan and Kalousis, 2001) and the
prediction of training-time was evaluated by (Reif
et al., 2011).
Predicting Parameters. Besides algorithm selection,
meta-learning can also be used for parameter predic-
tion. In this context, the target variable is one pa-
rameter value or a set of parameter values. Soares et
al. already investigated the parameter selection using
meta-learning for the Support Vector Machine classi-
fier (Soares et al., 2004; Soares and Brazdil, 2006).
In this section, the components of the dataset and its
creation will be described in more detail.
Meta-features. Meta-features can be grouped ac-
cording to their underlying analysis concepts. The
presented meta-dataset includes 49 meta-features
from the following six groups.
Simple Features are directly and easily accessible
properties of the dataset which need almost no com-
putations such as number of classes or number of at-
tributes. We included 17 simple meta-features.
Statistical Features use statistical analysis methods
and tests (Engels and Theusinger, 1998; Sohn, 1999).
Seven measures have been included, e.g. skewness
and kurtosis.
Information-theoretic Features typically use en-
tropy measures of the attributes and the class la-
bel (Segrera et al., 2008). We used seven features of
this group.
Model-based Features create a model of the data,
e.g. a decision tree, and use properties of it, e.g. the
width and height of the tree, as features. We fol-
lowed (Peng et al., 2002) and used 17 properties of
a decision tree.
Landmarking Features apply fast computable clas-
sifiers, e.g. Naive Bayes or 1-Nearest Neighbor, on
the dataset (Pfahringer et al., 2000; Bensusan and
Giraud-Carrier, 2000b) and use the resulting perfor-
mance as meta-features. The meta-dataset contains
14 landmarking features.
Time-based Featuresare specialized for time predic-
tions. They contain time measures of several compu-
tations regarding the dataset, e.g. the time for com-
puting the other meta-features. Meta-features of this
group have the benefit that they are able to take the
performance of the computer into account. Nine dif-
ferent time-measures have been included as presented
in (Reif et al., 2011).
The complete list of meta-features can be found
on the dataset website
Datasets. We used 83 datasets from the UCI ma-
chine learning repository (Asuncion and Newman,
2007), from StatLib (Vlachos, 1998), and from the
book Analyzing Categorical Data” (Simonoff,2003).
All datasets contain 10 to 435 samples with 1 to 69
http://www.dfki.uni-kl.de/ reif/datasets/
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: The classifiers, the number of optimized parame-
ters, and the number of evaluated parameter combinations
used for creating the meta-dataset.
Classifier Parameters Combinations
Decision Tree 5 161051
k-NN 2 152
MLP 3 242
Naive Bayes 1 2
Ripper 4 2662
SVM 2 225
nominal and numeric attributes and 2 to 24 classes.
The complete list can also be found on the website
Classifiers. We selected classifiers that use different
learning foundations like tree or rule based learners
but also statistical and instance-based learners as well
as neural networks. The selected classification algo-
rithms as well as the number of parameters optimized
during evaluation are listed in Table 1. Complete de-
tails are given on the website
3.1 Generation
After all features were normalized to the range [0, 1]
and nominal features have been converted to numeric
features for the SVM and MLP classifiers, every clas-
sifier was evaluated on each dataset using a grid
search and 10-fold cross-validation. The accuracy
of a classifier is the highest accuracy achieved dur-
ing the search. The total training time of a classifier
is the run-time of the search. Accuracy and training
time were also recorded for every considered param-
eter combination.
The ranking of classifiers for a single dataset was
determined by ordering the classifiers according to
their accuracy or total training time, respectively. The
best classifier for a dataset is the top-ranked classifier.
However, several classifiers may achieve the same ac-
curacy for a dataset. In such cases, classifiers with
equal accuracy were ordered according to their prior
probability of being the best classifier. A different or-
dering, if necessary, can be easily achieved by using
the provided accuracy values.
The ground-truth data was created using Rapid-
Miner (Mierswa et al., 2006). Target times were gath-
ered by measuring the thread CPU time. For the cal-
culation of the meta-features, we wrote an R script
that is freely available on the website
and can be used
to easily extend the meta-dataset by more datasets.
Based on the generated data, we created several
variants of the meta-dataset that are directly applica-
Decision Tree
Naive Bayes
Mean Accuracy
(a) The mean accuracy achieved by
the classifiers over all 83 datasets in-
cluding standard deviation.
Decision Tree
Naive Bayes
# Best Classifier
(b) The number of datasets on
which the classifier achieved the
highest accuracy overall and solely.
Figure 2: Statistics of the classifiers.
ble to one of the tasks described in Section 2. All
of these variants share most of the meta-features and
principally differ by the target variable. Variants with
an accuracy related target value contain all meta-
features but the time-based measures whereas the
variants for time-based predictions contain all meta-
features but the landmarking features. Datasets for
parameter prediction contain all parameter combina-
tions. All variants are available as separate plain CSV
files and in the XRFF format
on our website
3.2 Statistics
Finally, we present some statistics of the meta-dataset.
Figure 2(a) shows the classification accuracyachieved
by the target classifiers averaged over all datasets in-
cluding standard deviation. It is visible that the more
sophisticated algorithms achieve almost the same av-
erage accuracy, but the simple k-Nearest Neighbor al-
gorithm achieved comparable results, as well.
However, if we look at the frequency of a classi-
fier being the best choice for a dataset, the differences
are more significant. Figure 2(b) shows how often a
classifier achieved the highest accuracy solely (dark
gray) and how often it achieved the highest accuracy
where another classifier achieved this value as well
(light gray). It is visible that SVM and Ripper seem
to be superior for many cases, but also the simple ap-
proaches of k-Nearest Neighbor and Naive Bayes are
the best classifiers for several datasets.
In this paper, we presented a novel and publicly avail-
able dataset that allows rapid experiments and evalu-
ations of various meta-learning approaches.
The dataset is based on six classifiers with differ-
ent theoretical foundations, 83 datasets from differ-
ent domains, and 49 meta-features from six different
groups. The R-script for computing the meta-features
is also publicly available to make extensions of the
meta-dataset easier.
A brief analysis of the gathered data showed that
the accuracy of a specific classifier has a large devi-
ation and that also very simple classifiers like Naive
Bayes are still the best choice for some datasets. Both
aspects make the presented meta-dataset and meta-
learning in general a challenging task.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods