Applying Clustering into Task Allocation and Coordination
Amr Hussein, Carmen Gervet and Slim Abdennadher
Faculty of Media Engineering and Technology, German University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt
Multi-agent planning, Clustering, RoboCup, Rescue, RoboCup rescue simulation.
The RoboCup Rescue Simulation system provides a rich environment for developing novel techniques for
multi-agent systems. The simulation provides a city map modeled as buildings and roads with civilians
amongst them. A disaster scenario is simulated causing buildings to catch fire, roads to get blocked, and
civilians to get injured and/or buried. The main goal is to use the available emergency services (rescue agents)
to extinguish the fires, clear the roads, and rescue the civilians. This paper describes a new multi-agent plan-
ning approach applied to the RoboCup Rescue problem. The key novelty lies in the distributed approach for
task allocation and coordination. It is done through clustering the map into several overlapping maps each
with a different group of agents assigned to it. Our results showed that not only we could compete against
the top teams in the 2011 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition, but we ranked 3rd in this first
participation of the GUC in the competition.
The RoboCup Rescue project, established in 2001,
aims at promoting research and development in the
rescue domain at various levels including simula-
tion and multi-agent team work coordination (Kitano
and Tadokoro, 2001; Skinner and Ramchurn, 2010).
The RoboCup Rescue Simulation project generates
a model of an earthquake in an urban center. Stu-
dent teams from different universities compete to pro-
duce efficient response techniques and policies for
the simulated emergency services. The earthquake
model covers building collapse, roads blocked by rub-
ble and other debris, traffic movement, fire, and in-
juries to civilians and emergency services workers.
Some buildings are refuges and can be used to heal
injured civilians or refill fire brigades. Roads include
traffic movement and blocked roads. Emergency ser-
vices include fire brigades, ambulance teams, and po-
lice forces.
The goal of the simulation tool is to find the op-
timal online strategy that best utilizes the emergency
services to save the maximum number of lives, extin-
guish the maximum number of buildings, and clear
the maximum number of blockades. Most existing
systems model the problem as a decision support sys-
tem that is centralized. In this paper we show how
the RoboCup Rescue Simulation can be modeled as
a multi-agent planning problem and thus benefit from
the strengths of distributed systems. In addition, our
approach tackled the different challenges and pro-
duced competitive results based on the following ad-
ditional contributions:
Use of clustering techniques to divide the map
into overlapping regions based on some density
criteria, instead of a static even geographical di-
vide. This will then allow us to distribute the
agents over these regions and perform the rescue
operations within them.
A multi-agent communication model allowing the
agents to exchange information and ask for help in
case of necessity.
Our RoboCup Rescue Simulation tools thus de-
fines 1) a multi-agent planning optimization prob-
lem that requires an efficient strategy for distribut-
ing up-to 30 agents over the simulated map, 2) an
efficient strategy for traversing the map and discov-
ering the unknown emergency events, and finally 3)
an efficient communication component to share in-
formation among the agents. The German University
in Cairo team RMAS
ArtSapience participated in the
2011 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competi-
tion in Istanbul, Turkey. This work has enabled us
Hussein A., Gervet C. and Abdennadher S..
MULTI-AGENT PLANNING FOR THE ROBOCUP RESCUE SIMULATION - Applying Clustering into Task Allocation and Coordination.
DOI: 10.5220/0003745303390342
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 339-342
ISBN: 978-989-8425-96-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
to qualify and win the third place in the competition.
1.1 Related Work
The approaches discussed in this section are all based
on the team description papers that belong to the
teams (excluding ours) that participated in the fi-
nal round of the 2011 RoboCup Rescue Competi-
tion. They share some common elements including
the even partitioning of the map and the model based
on a decision support centralized system.
SEU RedSun, Southeast University, China. Ranked
first in the 2011 competition and participating since
2008. Their approach is based on accurate world
modeling via multi-communication. Tasks were as-
signed via a centralized decision support system. The
main strength lied in the ability to predict fires early
and good utilization of agent communication. Their
main weakness lied in not having a well defined strat-
egy for communication-less scenarios.
Poseidon, Farazanegan High School, Iran. Rank-
ing second in the 2011 competition and participating
since 2009, Poseidon’s approach depended on discov-
ering connected and unconnected parts of the world
via agent communication to build an enhanced world
model. The approach is based on off-line precom-
puted schedules further optimized using genetic algo-
rithms. The approach also depends on dividing the
map evenly. The main strength lies in the optimized
schedules and the enhanced world model.The weak-
ness lies in dividing the map evenly without taking
into consideration the map structure or distribution of
buildings and in relying on the availability of commu-
IAMRescue, University of Southampton, UK. Rank-
ing fourth in the 2011 competition and participat-
ing since 2008, IAMRescue’s approach a hierarchical
decision-making system supported by disaster predic-
tion via learning fire spread. Their decision-making
system also depends on agent communication for co-
ordination. The accuracy of the decision-making
system marked IAMRescue’s main strength point,
but similar to the previous approaches, the lack of
communication-less strategies was a weakness.
We choose to solve the rescue problem by model-
ing it as a multi-agent planning problem which dif-
fers from existing approaches in the sense that it is
distributed(Weerdt et al., 2005). The main reason is
the ease to divide the tasks, to define them and han-
dled them autonomously. The nature of the presented
rescue problem provides well defined tasks that can
be easily divided among the different types of agents
with a main goal of performing and optimizing the
rescue process.The following section explain how the
different phases of multi-agent planning are created
and how they contribute to solve the rescue problem.
2.1 Defining Tasks
This phase refines the global tasks and divides them
into smaller individual tasks. The rescue problem can
be divided into three main tasks: extinguishing fires,
saving civilians, and clearing blocked roads. These
again can be further divided into several individual
tasks. Figure 1 shows a how the rescue tasks are di-
vided into individual tasks.
Figure 1: Rescue Tasks Tree Structure.
Finding routes to buildings and refuges will be
done by all agents individually. Extinguishing build-
ings can only be done by fire brigades. Rescuing
buried civilians and moving the injured ones can only
be done by the ambulance teams. Clearing blockades
can only be done by police forces.
2.2 Task Allocation
Task allocation is required to distribute and assign
tasks to the agents. In our case, task definition al-
ready provided what each agent will be doing but did
not specify where in the map it will carry out its ac-
tion. Since it is impossible for each agent to timely
traverse the whole map, the map was divided accord-
ing to the number of agents available. Related works
generally divided the map evenly into a grid which
did not take into consideration the map structure and
the distribution of the buildings in the map. In our
approach, we choose to cluster the map on the build-
ings such that we can output regions of almost evenly
distributed buildings. Each region will be assigned an
agents that will traverse all of the buildings and roads
in the region to search for events that require rescue
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
This introduced a new challenge to the rescue
agents due to blockades. A series of blocked roads
can divide a single region into disconnected parts pro-
hibiting, or delaying in the case of police forces, other
agents from reaching some parts in the region. This
challenge was solved in our approach with the use
of fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering (Bezdek, 1981;
Bezdek et al., 1984). Unlike many of the clustering
algorithms that produce disjoint non-empty clusters,
such as K-means, FCM clustering algorithm has the
ability to assign a data point to several clusters with a
specific membership function. This allows some de-
gree of overlap between the clusters.
Since FCM clustering produces intersecting clus-
ters, the produced regions will have common build-
ings and roads. This will allow some of the buildings
and roads within each region to be visited by at least
two agents. If it happens that the area of intersection
is disconnected in one cluster, it could be reachable
by agents from a different cluster the area is covered
by. This will increase the chance that agents will be
able to visit all buildings and roads in proper time.
2.3 Coordination before Planning
Coordination is required before planning to define the
rules and constraints that must be applied on planning
to guarantee the satisfaction of the main goal, which
is performing and optimizing the rescue process in
our case. The approach we used in task allocation in-
cluded coordination: 1) divide the map into regions,
2) assign agents to regions provided constraints on
which agents will perform the rescue process in which
Another coordination challenge presented itself
when it came to optimizing the rescue process. In
many cases, it was noticed that blockades can cause
some agents to be initially stuck and some refuges
unreachable. An agent is considered to be stuck when
it is surrounded by blockades from all directions and
cannot move. A refuge is considered to be unreach-
able if all roads leading to it are blocked. The ap-
proach used in task allocation and coordination de-
pends on dividing the map and distributing the agents
on the regions. Since blockades are initially unknown,
stuck agents will be considered in this distribution,
which has a big negative effect on the rescue perfor-
mance, especially for regions with a small number of
agents. On the other hand, refuges are used for treat-
ing injured civilians and refilling fire brigade tanks
and they are the only buildings that do not catch fire.
Blocked refuges will prevent the rescue process from
being complete and also has a big negative effect on
the rescue performance.
Since police forces are the only agents capable of
clearing blockades, they are the only ones that do not
get stuck. Normally, police forces are assigned to re-
gions as discussed earlier. The approach devised in
this paper gives the police forces first the task of free-
ing all stuck agents and unreachable refuges, then of
performing rescue processes in their assigned regions.
2.4 Planning
The planning phase involves the creation of the indi-
vidual plans created for each agent putting in mind the
global goal. In our case, planning is carried through
considering the actions required to carry out the indi-
vidual tasks the agents should perform and the con-
straints added in the coordination step. Each agent
creates its own individual plan taking into consider-
ation its type (police, fire, or ambulance agent) and
the cluster the agent is assigned to. All agents will
follow the routes that passes by all roads/buildings in
their regions. Ambulance teams Ambulance teams
are assigned the task of rescuing buried civilians and
moving injured civilians to refuges. Fire brigades are
required to scan all the buildings on its route and ex-
tinguish any building on fire. When it runs out water,
the fire brigade will head to the nearest refuge to refill
its tank. Police forces will execute two consecutive
plans. First they will move to their assigned region
for freeing all stuck agents and blocked refuges. Then
they will move to their main region in which they will
keep searching for blocked roads and clear them.
2.5 Coordination after Planning and
Coordination after planning was carried out dynam-
ically during the execution of the agents’ plans. It
mainly consists of utilizing multi-agent communica-
tion and adding a criteria to have agents change it’s
Communication. Communication is mainly used
to exchange information on the rescue events that re-
quire attention. Communication messages are divided
into informative and query messages. Informative
messages inform other agents of sensed fires, block-
ades, and buried civilians.They are sent by agents that
detect events they cannot act up on. On the other
hand, query messages ask for help from agents of the
same type as the sender. They are sent when an agent
realizes that it cannot perform a rescue action on it’s
and Coordination
Changing Region. An agent can change its as-
signed region during execution. Changing regions is
only allowed in one of two cases: 1)changing region
temporarily in response to a communication message
informing of an event in a different region the return-
ing to the original region, 2) and when an agent does
not find any rescue events in its region. In the second
case, the agent will change its region if there are no
more events that it can handle in its region. If some
regions are overloaded with rescue events, none of
its agents will change regions. On the other hand,
agents in other regions that are either event free or
with handled events will keep changing regions until
they reach the overloaded region. This will accumu-
late all free agents in the overloaded regions.
The main performance measure used to judge the
efficiency of the implemented approach was the fi-
nal simulation score of the rescue simulation. The
score is automatically calculated by the simulation
kernel. The full detailed scores of the 2011 compe-
tition can found on the RoboCup Rescue Simulation
3.1 Results and Ranking
Our team, RMAS_ArtSapience reached the final
round of the 2011 competition and ranked third af-
ter tying on the 2nd place in total ranking but lost
to score difference. Our evaluation is based on two
types of maps: maps with communication enabled
and communication-less maps.
Map with Communication The maps with agent
communication enabled are designed to test the abil-
ity of the agents to detect the fires early in the
simulation and coordinate with other agents through
communication to extinguish the fires and clear the
blocked roads around the fires. Our team ranked in
most cases in the top 4 in these maps. Table 1 shows
the results in some chosen samples from the 2011
competition. The main strength of our approach is
the efficient agent distribution. Police forces where
able to spread through the map and clear most of the
blockades fast enough during the simulation.
Communication-less Maps. The communication-
less maps did not allow the use of multi-agent com-
munication. This made it hard for the agents to dis-
cover the location of fires. In addition to that, fires
Table 1: Top 4 scores for thee maps with communication
Map Paris3 Istanbul3 Berlin3
Rank IAMRescue Poseidon SEU RedSun
Score 12.8098 66.1779 128.06
Rank RoboAKUT SEU RedSun RoboAKUT
Score 9.9392 60.9769 121.58
Rank Poseidon Our Team MRL
Score 9.7506 59.8821 119.50
Rank Our Team IAMRescue Our Team
Score 9.2929 49.2957 112.2160
started randomly during the simulation, which fur-
thermore increased the fire discovery challenge. The
scenario is designed to mainly test how agents will
perform in the absence of communication and how it
affects their rescue actions.
Our approach was able to control the fires more
efficiently than the other teams. This was due to effi-
cient distribution of the agents over the map achieved
through the use of clustering without depending on
agent communication. The final scores, as seen in ta-
ble 2, showed that in some cases our team achieved a
significantly higher scores than all other teams com-
peting in the map.
Table 2: Top 4 scores for thee maps with communication
Map Berlin4 Paris5 Kobe4
Rank Our Team Our Team Our Team
Score 140.95 15.51 90.64
Rank SEU RedSun SEU RedSun SEU RedSun
Score 132.01 12.4263 80.36
Rank RoboAKUT Poseidon Poseidon
Score 131.33 8.5938 77.76
Rank Poseidon IAMRescue IAMRescue
Score 130.46 0.9531 73.10
Bezdek, J. C. (1981). Pattern Recognition with Fuzzy Ob-
jective Function Algorithms. Kluwer Academic Pub-
lishers, Norwell, MA, USA.
Bezdek, J. C., Ehrlich, R., and Full, W. (1984). Fcm: The
fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm. Computers &
Geosciences, 10(2-3):191–203.
Kitano, H. and Tadokoro, S. (2001). RoboCup Rescue: A
Grand Challenge for Multiagent and Intelligent Sys-
tems. AI Magazine, 22(1).
Skinner, C. and Ramchurn, S. (2010). The RoboCup Rescue
Simulation Platform. AAMAS ’10, pages 1647–1648.
Weerdt, M. D., Mors, A. T., and Witteveen, C. (2005).
Multi-agent planning: An introduction to planning
and coordination. In: Handouts of the European Agent
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence