A New Real-time Tool for Sports Evaluation
Jo˜ao Santinha
, Rui Santos
, Joana Sousa
and Hugo Gamboa
Physics Department, FCT - New University of Lisbon, 2829-516, Caparica, Portugal
PLUX, Wireless Biosignals, S.A., Avenida 5 de Outubro n
70 - 6
, 1050-059 Lisboa, Portugal
Sports, Real-time, Intensity, Evaluation, METs, Crouter, HR, %HR
In this paper we present a new tool for athletes performance evaluation in real-time using two different biosig-
nals (ECG and accelerometry). From the accelerometer signal, the level of activity was extracted based on
a validation protocol, in which metabolic equivalent tasks (METs) values were calculated in real-time from
a body-acceleration signal. METs values were obtained from various lifestyle and sporting activities, and
compared with the results from the reference work (Crouter et al., 2006b) for the same activities. The results
obtained showed correlation with the Crouter model. With the results we can conclude that present tool allows
the assessment of the athlete performance based on ECG and accelerometer signals, being a versatile tool,
which can be used by sports professionals and non-professionals.
The need to obtain results in sports and a sustained
evolution of athlete’s physical condition lead to con-
tinuous training assessment.
Athletic performance is evaluated by measuring
specific variables which provide information about
the athlete physical condition (Morrow Jr et al.,
2010). Providing feedback to the athlete and coach is
a major factor in the improvement of sport skill per-
formance. Nowadays this feedback can provide the
athlete and the couch with a real-time assessment tool
of the athlete’s performance.
1.1 Athlete’s Performance Evaluation
The athlete’s performancecan be assessed through in-
tensity. Intensity is defined as the amount of effort
that the body is exposed during the performance of a
certain task. However, while duration and frequency
are easily measured, the intensity is not. The amount
of effort can be assessed using internal, external loads
or both. Since the same external load applied to dif-
ferent athletes can frequently produce different physi-
ological responses, the importance of assessing inter-
nal load has increased. The intensity assessed using
internal load parameters is usually estimated through
physiological parameters, such as:
Heart Rate (HR);
Percentage of maximum Heart Rate (%HR
(Robergs and Landwehr, 2002);
Percentage of Heart Rate reserve (%HRR) (Bor-
resen and Lambert, 2009);
Training Impulse (TRIMP) (Borresen and Lam-
bert, 2009);
Metabolic Equivalent Task (MET).
MET is utilized to quantify the intensity in terms
of the energy expenditure and defined as the resting
metabolic rate, that is, the amount of oxygen con-
sumed at rest.
METs can be obtained from the magnitude of the
accelerometer signal. Using this magnitude, Counts
are determined and then converted into METs through
a non-linear signal processing algorithm using two re-
gression equations based on the method described by
Crouter et al. (Crouter et al., 2006b). For this oper-
ation, the range of the accelerometer is divided into
levels of 0.001664 g, being each level considered 1
Count. The number of Counts are determined by how
many levels the difference of the magnitude of the ac-
celeration between samples correspond to (Actigraph,
In the present work, a new tool to assess in real-
time the athlete’s performance is presented. This tool
allows the acquisition, visualization and processing of
biosignals in real-time, providing feedback of physi-
ological parameters both for athletes and coaches, in
Santinha J., Santos R., Sousa J. and Gamboa H..
PLUX REAL-TIME SPORTS EVALUATION - A New Real-time Tool for Sports Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0003773103890392
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2012), pages 389-392
ISBN: 978-989-8425-89-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
order to evaluate the athlete’s performance.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 describes the PLUX Real-Time Sports Evalu-
ation tool; Section 3 describes the validation proce-
dure of METs real-time algorithm; Section 4 details
the main results and Section 5 highlights the main re-
sults and future work.
PLUX Real-Time Sports Evaluation (PRTSE) is a tool
to assess athlete’s performance in real-time. This tool
was implemented and built in independent blocks,
which are responsible for different options (visualiza-
tion, processing, saving data). The processing option
features two types of algorithms to compute intensity
in real-time based on Heart Rate (HR-based Inten-
sity) and accelerometer signal (Accelerometer-based
2.1 HR-based Intensity
The HR-based intensity block processes, in real-time,
an ECG signal, in order to calculate the %HR
%HRR and TRIMP. For that, from the ECG signal,
R-peaks are detected using a buffer which contains
the acquired data from an ECG sensor. The R-peaks
will be used for calculating the R-R intervals in order
to obtain HR, in beats-per-minute (BPM). With HR,
, %HRR and TRIMP are calculated.
2.1.1 HR-based Intensity Real-time Algorithms
The algorithm used for detecting R-peak is based on
a method developed by Pan and Tompkins (Pan and
Tompkins, 1985).
The heart rate monitors show a relatively stable
HR between measures, by computing a mean R-R
interval to reduce the heart rate variability between
R-peaks (Achten and Jeukendrup, 2003). Therefore,
PRTSE obtains the R-R intervals from a 4 seconds
buffer and the HR and other HR-related parameters
are computed, and shown every 2 seconds.
The algorithm computes the HR from consecutive
R-peaks from equation (1):
) (R
with R
being the time instant where beat i was de-
tected and HR
being HR calculated from the i-th R-R
interval, with i ranging from 1 to number of peaks-R
– 1 in the 4 seconds ECG-signal buffer. A mean HR,
, is obtained in each 2 seconds using the HR
obtained from the 4 seconds buffer.
Using HR
, the algorithm will compute the fol-
lowing parameters through equations (2), (3) and (4)
in each 4 seconds from the ECG-signal buffer:
× 100
%HRR =
× 100 (3)
× t ×Y (4)
where the t
is 2 seconds since this value is cal-
culated and accumulated each 2 seconds and Y
is the
lactate profile determined using the athletes gender
and the HR
2.2 Accelerometer-based Intensity
Accelerometer-based intensity block runs a real-
time algorithm for accelerometer signal processing.
There are several equations available to predict the
METs based on accelerometer-data (Crouter et al.,
2006b; Crouter et al., 2006a). The algorithm of
Accelerometer-based intensity block obtains the Act-
graph’s counts × min
(Actigraph, 2011) and cal-
culates the corresponding METs using the model of
Crouter (Crouter et al., 2006b).
2.2.1 Accelerometer-based Intensity Real-time
For the algorithm developed in the present work, a
real-time band-passfilter was implemented based on a
Infinite Impulse response model expressed as follows:
y[n] =
x[n i]
y[n j]
where R is the feedforward filter order, b
are the
feedforward filter coefficients, S is the feedback filter
order, a
are the feedback filter coefficients, x[n] is the
input signal and y[n] is the output.
The coefficients b
and a
are determined for a
band-pass Butterworth of 4
order with corner fre-
quencies of 0.25 and 2.5 Hz.
This filter records and uses the last input and out-
put samples, x[n 1]...x[n R] e y[n 1]...y[n S],
respectively, and update them each new sample ac-
The input signal, x, corresponds to the unfiltered
z-axis acceleration signal and the output signal, y, to
the filtered z-axis acceleration signal.
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Then, the filtered z-axis acceleration signal is sub-
sampled at 10 Hz and the counts × min
and the
coefficient of variation of counts, c
, are deter-
mined each 10 seconds over a period of one minute.
Using the obtained values of counts× min
and c
the METs value is determined using Crouter’s model
(Crouter et al., 2006b).
The output values presented to the user, in visual-
ization, are the METs. If the user chooses to write
the data from Accelerometer-based intensity block,
the parameters recorded are the counts× min
Although the presented tool assess the performance
of athletes based on the ECG and accelerometer sig-
nals, the lack of tools to evaluate in real-time the ath-
lete’s performance based on ECG parameters doesn’t
allow to compare our cardiovascular results with stan-
dard. However, from preliminar study no missing cy-
cles were verified. This shows that used algorithm is
a robust one with good accuracy; hence the cardio-
vascular parameters were extracted directly from the
computed R-peaks. Thus, the validation of PRTSE
outcomes is focused on METs procedures, which is
reported by Crouter model, allowing the comparisons
between our results and the literature.
3.1 Acquisition System and Sensors
To acquire the acceleration signal necessary for this
validation a triaxial accelerometer sensor (ACC), xyz-
PLUX, was used. The acquisition system used was
the bioPLUX clinical (PLUX - Wireless Biosignals,
2007). This system is wireless and is responsible for
the signal’s analog to digital conversion, using a 12
bit ADC, and bluetooth transmition of data to a com-
puter. This system can acquire data at a maximum
sampling rate of 1000 Hz.
Since the accelerometer-based intensity uses the
inferior-superior axis, only the inferior-superior axis
of the accelerometer was connected to the bioPLUX.
3.2 Procedures
To validate the real-time algorithm for METs calcula-
tion based on the model defined by Crouter (Crouter
et al., 2006b) two sets (Set 1 and Set 2) of vari-
ous lifestyle and sporting activities were performed.
These activities were selected based on those used by
Crouter to validate his model.
For the Set 1, each of these activities were re-
peated five times, except walking up and down the
stairs, walking at an average speed of 4.9 km/h and
6.2 km/h and running at an average speed of 9.5 km/h
that were repeat two times.
Each repetition had a duration of 10 minutes, pro-
ducing a total of 60 METs values per repetition, since
the algorithm determines the METs each 10 seconds.
The mean value and standard deviation of METs
per min were calculated to compare with Crouter
model results for each activity.
After that, modifications to the algorithm were
made and a new set of activities, Set 2, were per-
formed, this time with only one repetition. The values
obtained from the algorithm were, again, compared
with Crouter model.
In this section, the obtained outcomes will be present
and discussed based on Crouter study (Crouter et al.,
For the activities Lying, Standing and Computer
work, Crouter reported results and the PRTSE results,
from both sets, were all equal to 1.00±0.00 METs.
For the Filling activity, Crouter’s results, PRTSE
first set and PRTSE second set obtained METs val-
ues of 1.30±0.67, 2.44± 0.05 and 2.44±0.06, respec-
tively. For the activity of Slow walk, the results were
3.73±0.42, 9.38±0.54 and 5.36±1.31 and for the
Brisk walk, 4.71±0.58, 11.83±1.42 and 7.89±1.27.
For the Ascending/ Descending stairs the results were
6.08±1.29, 6.77±1.69 and 5.72±1.54. Finally, for
Slow run, the results were 7.76±0.96, 91.83±5.81
and 43.58±9.0.
For the PRTSE’s results of the first set of activi-
ties, it’s possible to note that, for the first three activi-
ties, the results from our tool show equal values when
compared with the results by Crouter (Crouter et al.,
2006b) for the same activities.
In the Filling activity, the PRTSE overestimates
the value of METs, when compared with the results
from Crouter. This might be explained by a different
intensity when performing this activity in the valida-
tion of PRTSE’s METs algorithm. Since a work rate
or intensity it’s not defined for this activity, a different
work rate or intensity might explained the difference
between our results and Crouter’s.
For the Ascending/Descending stairs activity,
PRTSE showed a close value from Crouter’s result
for this activity. The difference between the results
can also be explained by the differences in intensity
of this activity performance.
PLUX REAL-TIME SPORTS EVALUATION - A New Real-time Tool for Sports Evaluation
For the Slow, Brisk walk and Slow run, an in-
crease of METs values is verified. This trend is re-
ported in the literature, since Crouter results show
that there is an increase of the METs values with an
increase of the activity intensity. Despite the same
trend, the obtained results are higher than Crouter’s,
but are correlated in most of the situation.
The overall difference in the results for walking
and running may be due to the filter applied, pos-
sibly, because it allows higher frequencies than the
Actigraph thus verifying the high levels of METs for
these activities.
Therefore, another set of activities were per-
formed using the METs algorithm with a lower upper
cutoff frequency.
The values of Lying, Standing and Computer work
activities, from the second set of activities, estimated
using the METs algorithm were not significantly dif-
ferent from the METs, in (Crouter et al., 2006b).
All other estimated values, using METs algorithm
from PRTSE, overestimate the measured values pre-
sented by Crouter for these activities (Crouter et al.,
2006b) with exception of Ascending/descending
stairs that was underestimated. Although these re-
sults, it’s possible to note that the overall results im-
prove when compared with the results from the first
According to these results, we can state that our
hypothesis concerning the filter was correct and the
METs algorithm will need more adjustments to al-
low the use of the EE-based Intensity monitor from
The PRTSE represents a new tool capable of assessing
athletes performance using different physiologicalpa-
rameters, allowing to improve the athlete evaluation.
Concerning to METs results, in activities with high
level of intensity, higher values than Crouter model
were verified, showing the need of further adjust-
ments in the filtering, in order to obtain results closer
to Crouter model. This tool can be used both by pro-
fessionals and non-professionals of sports.
In the future work we plan to improve the
EE-based intensity monitor algorithm based on the
Crouter model and create our own METs model using
the 3-axis accelerometer signal for various activities,
trying to fill the gap of the Crouter model in activities
with METs values between 1 and 2.4 METs. Since
this new tool is capable of expansion, we intend to
allow the assessment of the athletes performance us-
ing other parameters, such as the critical velocity and
power, instantaneous acceleration, velocity and dis-
This work was partially supported by National Strate-
gic Reference Framework (NSRF-QREN) under
project ”LUL”, and Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7) program under project ICT4Depression, whose
support the authors gratefully acknowledge.
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BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing