ul Mart
elez, Javier Ortells, Ram
on A. Mollineda and J. Salvador S
Institute of New Imaging Technologies and Dept. Llenguatges i Sistemes Inform
Universitat Jaume I. Av. Sos Baynat s/n, 12071, Castell
o de la Plana, Spain
Gender classification, Gait, ANOVA, Feature selection.
Apart from human recognition, gait has lately become a promising biometric feature also useful for prediction
of gender. One of the most popular methods to represent gait is the well-known Gait Energy Image (GEI),
which conducts to a high-dimensional Euclidean space where many features are irrelevant. In this paper, the
problem of selecting the most relevant GEI features for gender classification is addressed. In particular, an
ANOVA-based algorithm is used to measure the discriminative power of each GEI pixel. Then, a binary mask
is built from the few most significant pixels in order to project a given GEI onto a reduced feature pattern.
Experiments over two large gait databases show that this method leads to similar recognition rates to those of
using the complete GEI, but with a drastic dimensionality reduction. As a result, a much more efficient gender
classification model regarding both computing time and storage requirements is obtained.
The last decades have witnessed the wide study of
gait as a novel and appealing biometric feature. It
mainly consists of recognizing people by their partic-
ular manner of walking, what is a human skill proved
by early psychological studies (Johansson, 1975; Cut-
ting and Kozlowski, 1977). But in addition, humans
are also able to distinguish the gender of a person by
their gait (Kozlowski and Cutting, 1977; Davis and
Gao, 2004). In general, a person’s gender is more ac-
curately appreciated from a face or a voice, but gait
allows to obtain this information at a distance, in a
non-contact and non-invasive way, and without re-
quiring the subject’s willingness. These advantages
have stirred up the interest of the computer vision
community for conceiving gait-based gender recogni-
tion systems (Huang and Wang, 2007; Li et al., 2008;
Yu et al., 2009) since a number of applications may
benefit from the development of such systems: demo-
graphic analysis of a population, systems to analyse
This work has been partially supported by projects
CSD2007-00018 and CICYT TIN2009-14205-C04-04
from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Sci-
ence, P1-1B2009-04 from Fundaci
o Bancaixa and PRE-
DOC/2008/04 grant from Universitat Jaume I. The CASIA
Gait Database collected by Institute of Automation, Chinese
Academy of Sciences has been used in this paper.
the customer’s behaviour at supermarkets, advanced
interaction of robots, etc. Nevertheless, there are also
important weaknesses that hinder the use of gait. For
instance, gait analysis is very sensitive to deficient
segmentation of silhouettes or variations in clothing,
footwear, walking speed, carrying conditions, etc.
In the computer vision literature, two main ap-
proaches to describe gait can be found. The model-
based methods (Davis and Gao, 2004; Yoo et al.,
2005; Huang and Wang, 2007) extract dynamic fea-
tures from subject’s movements by matching the joint
locations with a kinematic model of the human body.
However, the free-model techniques (Han and Bhanu,
2006; Li et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2009; Makihara et al.,
2011) obtain static attributes related to the subject’s
appearance from a sequence of silhouettes, what im-
plicitly might contain motion information.
In general, model-free methods have lower com-
putational cost than model-based ones and allow to
acquire features in a easier way. One of the most
commonly used methods of this approach is Gait En-
ergy Image (GEI) (Han and Bhanu, 2006). It has been
proved to be a robust gait descriptor in different clas-
sification tasks, such as gender classification (Li et al.,
2008; Yu et al., 2009) and human recognition (Han
and Bhanu, 2006; Bashir et al., 2008). It consists
of obtaining an average silhouette image to represent
both body shape and movements over a gait cycle.
Martín- Félez R., Ortells J., A. Mollineda R. and Salvador Sánchez J. (2012).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 419-424
DOI: 10.5220/0003774404190424
Some studies have demonstrated that several body
parts depicted in a GEI have a higher discriminative
power than others for gender classification. For ex-
ample, (Li et al., 2008) proposed to separate human
silhouettes into seven components (head, arm, trunk,
thigh, front leg, back leg, and feet). Results gave the
arm (which includes chest) and front leg as the most
discriminative parts. On the other hand, (Yu et al.,
2009) described a better segmentation of body com-
ponents based on results of a psychological study,
and suggested the hairstyle, back and thigh regions
as the most discriminative body parts. Another recent
study (Makihara et al., 2011) uses frequency domain
features to obtain similar results: the hair, back, breast
and legs seem to be the most significant body parts.
(Bashir et al., 2008) presented an attempt to re-
duce the high dimensionality of GEI by means of fea-
ture selection methods to segment only the dynamic
features, since static features are more affected by co-
variate factors such as clothing changes or carrying
conditions. As the number of selected features was
still high, they used a combination of Principal Com-
ponent Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Discriminant
Analysis (MDA) to reduce the dimensionality. Re-
sults prove that a better performance can be achieved
by exploiting the discriminative information of GEI.
Based on conclusions of previous works, in this
paper, a simple methodology to select and exploit the
most discriminative features of GEI is proposed and
applied to gender classification. Firstly, the discrim-
inative power of each pixel (feature) in a GEI is ob-
tained through an analysis of variance (ANOVA) for
the whole gallery set. Then, a binary mask is ob-
tained by retaining only those pixels having the high-
est ANOVA values. Given an unknown probe sample,
it is projected onto the binary mask, and a lower di-
mensional representation is obtained. Experiments on
two large gait databases prove that small discrimina-
tive feature subsets lead to similar classification accu-
racies than that obtained from the original GEI, but
with a drastic reduction of the dimensionality. It pro-
duces an important improvement in terms of compu-
tational and storage costs.
In this section, the basic concepts of GEI representa-
tion and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are described.
2.1 Gait Energy Image (GEI)
This well-known free-model method was proposed
by (Han and Bhanu, 2006). It basically creates an
average silhouette for a gait sequence, which reflects
the shape of the body parts and, to some extent, their
changes over time (gait dynamics). In the resulting
image (GEI), the higher the intensity of a pixel is,
the more time that pixel belongs to subject silhouettes
accross the gait sequence. The main advantages of
this method are its robustness to silhouette noises and
the reduction of storage and time requeriments since
a unique image is used to represent a whole sequence.
In order to create a GEI given a gait sequence,
its frames must be preprocessed as follows: 1) fore-
ground (a silhouette) is segmented from background;
2) the bounding box enclosing all silhouette pixels is
extracted as a new cropped silhouette image; 3) this
image is scaled to a new one having a prefixed com-
mon height and a variable width to keep its particular
aspect ratio; 4) all normalized silhouettes are horizon-
tally centered from its upper-half horizontal centroid;
5) given the set of preprocessed silhouettes of a gait
sequence {I
(x,y)} with 1 t N, N being the num-
ber of silhouettes, and (x,y) referring to a specific po-
sition in the 2D image space, each gray-level pixel of
a GEI is computed as in Eq. 1.
GEI(x,y) =
(x,y) (1)
2.2 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
The ANOVA F-statistic (Brown and Forsythe, 1974)
is a measure that assesses the discriminative capabil-
ity of several features in an independent way. It is
calculated as in Eq. 2, where x
i j
is the j
sample of
class i, c is the number of classes, n
is the number of
samples of class i, n =
, x
is the mean of sam-
ples in class i, and x is the mean of x
. The greater the
F-statistic value for a feature is, the better its discrim-
inative capability.
F =
i j
A study to measure the relevance of each GEI
pixel to discriminate gender was performed in other
works (Makihara et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2009) by
analysing their variance through ANOVA. They stated
that the most discriminative pixels are those ones lo-
cated in the head/neck (because of the hair style), the
back region (due to the thinner body trunks of women
in comparison with men), and the thigh region.
They made a particular interpretation of ANOVA
that has been replicated in this work. For Eq. 2, c = 2
because there are two classes (men and women), x
i j
each particular GEI from a collection, x is the result-
ing image of averaging all GEIs, and x
is a mean im-
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: Example of a man (top) and a woman (bottom)
projected onto the ANOVA-based binary mask.
age obtained from all GEIs of a particular class (men
or women). The computation of the F value is made
at pixel level since each GEI pixel is considered as
an independent feature. As a result, an ANOVA F
matrix is obtained, in which each value F(x, y) cor-
responds to the relevance of the GEI pixel (x, y) to
discriminate between men and women. This matrix
is transformed into a gray-scale image by normaliz-
ing its values in the range [0,255]. In this image, the
whitest pixels are those with a better discriminative
capability, i.e., those pixels with a large variance be-
tween genders and a relatively small variance within
each gender. On the other hand, the darkest values
represent irrelevant pixels.
In this section, a general overview of the method is
introduced. The main goal of the proposal is to ex-
plore the potential of a novel ANOVA-based feature
selection technique, rather than to provide a compre-
hensive study about feature reduction in GEI.
Given a gallery (training) set and a probe (test)
set composed of two different collections of gait se-
quences, the learning procedure is as follows:
For each gallery gait sequence, its corresponding
GEI is computed as explained in Section 2.1.
ANOVA is computed from all GEIs in gallery.
A small number of the most discriminative pixels
is selected from the ANOVA results. This sub-
space is represented by a binary mask image.
Each gallery GEI is projected onto the binary
mask to obtain a reduced description of the GEI,
as depicts Figure 1. The resulting gallery is used
to train a classifier.
In the evaluation process, given a probe gait se-
quence, its corresponding GEI is computed and pro-
jected onto the binary mask to obtain its reduced de-
scription. Finally, a gender decision is made for this
reduced representation by the classifier.
Figure 2: Generation of ANOVA-based binary mask.
3.1 ANOVA-based Feature Selection
The novel idea proposed in this paper is to create a
binary mask image M, where the most discrimina-
tive GEI pixels for gender classification according to
ANOVA are highlighted. Firstly, since ANOVA val-
ues are not normally distributed and a few very high
values disturb the representation, a logarithmic nor-
malization with basis 2 is proposed to overcome this
problem. Then, the log normalized ANOVA matrix
is transformed into a gray-scale image. M is defined
as in Eq. 3, where χ denotes the percentage of most
discriminative log normalized ANOVA pixels to be
selected and θ(χ) is the lowest gray value for all the
selected pixels. A useful tool to obtain θ(χ) is an
accumulated gray-value histogram with the 255 gray
possible levels in the x-axis, and the accumulated per-
centage of ANOVA pixels in the y-axis. An example
can be seen in Figure 2.
M(x,y) =
1 if LogNorm ANOVA(x,y) θ(χ),
0 otherwise.
The experiments have been addressed to assess the
effectiveness of the new method for a gender classi-
fication task in comparison to that provided by the
plain use of the original GEI method. Besides, they
also aim at measuring the influence of the parameter
χ, which represents the percentage of more signifi-
cant ANOVA pixels that are highlighted in the binary
mask M, in terms of classification performance and
reduction of time and storage costs.
4.1 Databases and Preprocessing
Experiments have been carried out on two public large
gait databases. One of them is CASIA Gait Database
(CASIA) (CASIA, 2005) - Dataset B, which consists
of indoor videos of 124 subjects captured from differ-
ent viewpoints, and some sequences include changes
in clothing and carrying conditions. This database is
unequally distributed as concerns gender and contains
samples of 93 men and 31 women, which gives an im-
balanced ratio of 3:1. For each subject, only their six
side-view gait sequences without changes in clothing
or carrying conditions have been used in the present
experiments, what gives a total of 744 sequences.
The second gait database is the Southampton HID
Database (SOTON) (Shutler et al., 2002) - Subset
A. It is composed of indoor videos of 115 subjects
filmed from a side view without any covariate con-
dition. This database is also imbalanced regarding
gender, containing samples of 91 men and 24 women
(an imbalanced ratio of 4:1). Since a different num-
ber of sequences per subject ranging from 6 to 42 is
available, a total number of 2162 sequences have been
considered in experiments.
Both databases provide well-segmented fore-
ground images that have been used as inputs to the sil-
houette extraction step (see Section 2.1). Then, these
silhouettes have been scaled and horizontally aligned
to fit an image template of 128 ×88 pixels, which
have been the basis to compute the different GEIs.
4.2 Performance Evaluation Protocol
A stratified 5-fold cross validation scheme is repeated
five times to estimate the recognition rates and to re-
duce the impact of subset singularities. In addition,
all samples of a subject are put in the same fold, i.e.,
when a person’s gait sequence is in the probe set, none
of their sequences are used for training. Each gallery
fold feeds a classifier that later performs a classifi-
cation session on the corresponding probe fold. The
performance of the classification is assessed through
unbiased performance measures (see Section 4.4) in
order to avoid misleading results.
4.3 Classifier Setting
Two different classifiers have been used to test the po-
tential of the new method. One of them is a Support
Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, which was selected
because of its common high performance in two-class
problems with few samples (Boser et al., 1992). Like
in previous works (Li et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2009), a
linear kernel with C = 1 has been used.
On the other hand, a Nearest Neighbour (1NN)
rule has been used because it is the simplest and most
commonly used supervised classifier. The Euclidean
distance has been adopted to measure the similarity
between probe and gallery gait sequences.
Figure 3: Samples of ANOVA-based masks for both
4.4 Unbiased Performance Measures
Most of the performace measures for a two-class
problem can be derived from a 2 ×2 confusion ma-
trix, which is defined by the numbers of positive and
negative samples correctly classified (T P and T N re-
spectively), and the numbers of misclassified posi-
tive and negative samples (FN and FP respectively).
For example, the overall accuracy is computed as
Acc = (T P + T N)/(T P + FN + T N + FP), but there
are empirical evidence claiming that this measure can
be strongly biased with respect to class imbalance
and proportions of correct and incorrect classifica-
tions (Provost and Fawcett, 1997). Thus, some per-
fomance measures solving the shortcomings of accu-
racy are defined as follows:
True Positive Rate (T Pr) is the percentage of posi-
tive (women) samples that are correctly classified,
T Pr = T P/(T P + FN).
True Negative Rate (T Nr) is the percentage of
negative (men) samples that are correctly classi-
fied, T Nr = T N/(T N + FP).
Gmean (or Geometric Mean) uses the accura-
cies separately measured on each class, Gmean =
T Pr T Nr. The aim is to maximize the accu-
racy on both classes while keeping their accura-
cies balanced.
Unlike previous related works (Huang and Wang,
2007; Li et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2009) where only
the overall accuracy has been used, in this work three
measures are calculated to provide more reliable un-
biased results. T Pr and T Nr give the individual class
performances, and Gmean provides a global unbiased
information about the system performance.
ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 4: Results from CASIA database using Gmean (left) and Accuracy (right).
Figure 5: Results from SOTON database using Gmean (left) and Accuracy (right).
4.5 Discussion of Results
Several experiments to assess the best value for the
parameter χ have been carried out on both databases.
Its value has ranged from 10% to 1% with a decre-
ment of a 1% in each experiment. The particular case
of χ = 10% means that the binary mask is highlight-
ing the 10% of pixels with the highest log normalized
ANOVA intensity values. In other words, given the
accumulated gray value histogram of the log normal-
ized ANOVA, the gray value θ(χ) corresponding to
100% χ is extracted, and then all log normalized
ANOVA pixels with gray value equal or greater than
θ(χ) are highlighted in the corresponding place of the
binary mask.
An example of the binary mask evolution depend-
ing on the value of the parameter χ is shown in Fig-
ure 3 for both databases. From the analysis of these
images, some comments can be pointed out:
The most discriminative GEI pixels for gender
classification are in the hair style and the back
and thigh regions, what matches with conclusions
in (Makihara et al., 2011; Yu et al., 2009).
The chest region appears as relevant for SOTON,
but irrelevant for CASIA. A possible reason might
be that Asian women (in CASIA) usually have an
average breast cup size smaller than that for the
European women (in SOTON).
Some parts of the trunk are selected as discrimi-
native features in CASIA. It might be due to its
recording conditions, which produce some noisy
silhouettes with holes in the trunk area that are er-
roneously taken as significant features.
The area between the legs is highlighted as dis-
criminative for SOTON but not for CASIA, what
probably is due to the greater variety of clothing
styles in SOTON.
Figures 4 and 5 show the results for the original
GEI method and the approach here introduced as a
function of the parameter χ. Each figure shows the
different experiments in the x-axis, the number of fea-
tures in the left y-axis, and the classification perfor-
mance in terms of either accuracy or geometric mean
in the right y-axis. Both performance measures have
been despicted to demonstrate the biased results of ac-
curacy in comparison with those reported of Gmean.
From the general analysis of these figures, some
conclusions can be drawn:
The number of features for the original GEI
method is 128 ×88 = 11264 pixels. However, the
dimensionality with the proposed method is dras-
tically reduced ranging from approximately 1100
features with χ = 10% to about 100 features with
χ = 1%. It produces a strong improvement in
terms of time and storage costs.
Gmean results are more reliable than those of Acc
because both databases have an imbalanced num-
ber of gait sequences corresponding to each gen-
der. For example, for the particular case of SO-
TON and 1NN classifier, a relatively high accu-
racy of about 80% is obtained with the original
GEI method, but it hides an inadmissible 40% of
success on the women class with an almost per-
fect classification rate for the men class (98%). In
this case, Gmean better represents this biased be-
haviour with a low value of about 60%.
The proposed method obtains Gmean and Acc val-
ues similar to those of the original GEI, but with a
drastic dimensionality reduction. For SVM clas-
sifier, the best balanced trade-off between perfor-
mance and number of features might correspond
to the 3% Mask. However, for 1NN classifier, the
best solution is that with the highest dimensional-
ity reduction (1% Mask). This classifier shows a
tendency to improve its results as the number of
features decreases. In fact, the worst results cor-
respond to the original GEI, i.e., with all features.
A possible reason is that the number of samples
is too low in comparison with the number of fea-
tures, what produces a very spread feature space.
By considering both performance and number of
features, the best solution is probably that in which
1NN classifier is used with the 1% Mask, since differ-
ences with the best SVM results are not significant.
In this paper, an ANOVA-based algorithm has been
used to select the most relevant GEI features for gen-
der classification. The experiments carried out on two
large databases with a SVM and a 1NN classifiers
have shown that a similar performance to that of the
original GEI can be achieved by using only its most
discriminative information, what leads to an impor-
tant reduction in computing time and storage require-
ments. In particular, the 1NN approach has obtained
the highest success rates (comparable or better than
those of SVM) with the lowest number of features.
With respect to future work, a more comprehen-
sive study including other feature selection/extraction
methods should be addressed. In addition, the param-
eter χ should be automatically estimated by using a
validation set, since its value might depend on the sin-
gularities of the gallery set. In SOTON, the higher
imbalanced ratio produces worse results, thus some
techniques to deal with imbalance should be applied
in order to improve the overall Gmean result.
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ICPRAM 2012 - International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods