Renato Lourenc¸o
, Paulo Leite
, Andr´e Lourenc¸o
, Hugo Silva
, Ana Fred
and David Coutinho
DEETC, ISEL-IPL, Lisbon, Portugal
Instituto de Telecomunicac¸˜oes, IST-UTL, Lisbon, Portugal
PLUX - Wireless Biosignals, S.A., Lisbon, Portugal
Centro de C´alculo, ISEL-IPL, Lisbon, Portugal
Dry Ag/AgCl, Electrolycra, ECG, Electrodes, Hands, Fingers.
Current Electrocardiographic (ECG) signal acquisition methods are generally highly intrusive, as they involve
the use of pre-gelled electrodes and cabled sensors placed directly on the person, at the chest or limbs level.
Moreover, systems that make use of alternative conductive materials to overcome this issue, only provide heart
rate information and not the detailed signal itself. We present a comparison and evaluation of two types of
dry electrodes as interface with the skin, targeting wearable and low intrusiveness applications, which enable
ECG measurement without the need for any apparatus permanently fitted to the individual. In particular, our
approach is targeted at ECG biometrics using signals collected at the hand or nger level. A custom differential
circuit with virtual ground was also developed for enhanced usability. Our work builds upon the current state-
of-the-art in sensoring devices and processing tools, and enables novel data acquisition settings through the
use of dry electrodes. Experimental evaluation was performed for Ag/AgCl and Electrolycra materials, and
results show that both materials exhibit adequate performance for the intended application.
Electrocardiography (ECG) is the recording of the
electrical activity of the heart over time, by means of
adequate signal acquisition and conditioning electron-
ics. These signals have found application in a variety
of fields, from healthcare and quality of life (Dubin,
2000) to security (Lourenc¸o et al., 2011b).
The acquisition of ECG signals is typically per-
formed on the chest with pre-gelled electrodes, which
is an intrusive placement as it requires the subjects
to expose an intimate part of their body. For clinical
applications, such a setup is accepted by the person
due to the added value that it introduces in assessing
the health conditions; however in applications such as
biometric recognition this is not the case.
For heart monitoring during leisure and sports
activities, state-of-the-art systems already use alter-
native conductive materials for increased usability.
Nonetheless, current devices only provide heart rate
information; furthermore, sensors are typically de-
signed to be in contact with the subjects chest, or
snapped to the limbs.
On the overall, for applications within the biomet-
ric recognition realm, conventional methods are either
unpractical and limiting for regular use in extended
periods, hindering the adoption in everyday life, or do
not provide sufficiently detailed information.
Hence, our work was motivated by the need of
finding alternative types of measurement settings, that
(a) do not require gel to perform an adequate inter-
face with the skin, (b) use a more convenient acqui-
sition location with limited intrusiveness, potentiat-
ing the use of ECG biometrics for authentication pur-
poses (Lourenc¸o et al., 2011c; Silva et al., 2007; Shen,
Our approach targets the reduction of the intru-
siveness that traditional systems introduce, by requir-
ing access to concealed parts of the body, or having
cables connected to the subject. The goal is to bring
ECG acquisition apparatuses to the level of accept-
ability found in commercial biometric systems, and
more traditional modalities (Jain et al., 2007; Ross
et al., 2006; Jain et al., 2005).
In this paper, we present a hardware setup and
comparison of dry Ag/AgCl electrodes and Electroly-
cras, a type of fabric with conductive properties. The
purpose is to evaluate the quality of ECG signals ac-
quired at the hand palms and fingers, as well as the
possibility of using only two measurement leads to-
Lourenço R., Leite P., Lourenço A., Silva H., Fred A. and Coutinho D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003777701960200
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2012), pages 196-200
ISBN: 978-989-8425-91-1
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
gether with non-gelled interfaces with the skin, in a
setup with which the person can easily interact with.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 briefly describes the current approaches to ECG
signal acquisition; Section 3 introduce the proposed
approach; Section 4 describes the experimental evalu-
ation; Section 5 presents a brief discussion on the out-
comes of our work; and Section 6 outlines the main
findings and conclusions.
Clinical grade ECG signal measurement methods are
based on the acquisition of signals from 12 or more
leads mounted on the chest and limbs, with pre-gelled
electrodes or conductive paste to improve conductiv-
ity with the skin (Chung, 2000).
New developments in signal acquisition technolo-
gies have greatly improved usability, and several sys-
tems already exist that have sensors integrated in a
more convenient way, that enable the monitoring of
the cardiac function without the need for conductive
In (Gamboa et al., 2010), a device is described
which uses Ag/AgCl electrodes, and that can be
placed around the subjects neck for heart rate mea-
surement. (Chou et al., 2006) describe a capacitive
sensor that can be attached to a t-shirt to measure
the ECG. A smart t-shirt was introduced by (Cunha
et al., 2007), which integrates the standard measure-
ment leads in the fabric, as a way of achieving a more
practical acquisition setup.
Also in commercial systems for sports and leisure
activities, an effort has been seen to improve over
standard clinical setting practices. In the portfolio
of (Polar Electro, 2011), conductive rubber and con-
ductive fabric based chest strap options can be found;
more recently, (EA Sports Active, 2011) has launched
a wearable armband. Nonetheless, in these cases the
full ECG readings are not accessible.
Current techniques require the application of the
sensing apparatus to the subject’s body, which in
some cases involves the placement of multiple sen-
sor leads. The existing less intrusivehardware devices
only provide information about the subjects heart rate.
For biometric purposes, not all application scenar-
ios cope well with these requirements. Targeting a
real-world usage scenario, the signal acquisition must
be performed in more convenient ways, which led us
to the development of an alternative solution.
For biometric applications, subjects are already fa-
miliar with commonly used modalities, which require
some degree of contact and proximity to the sensoring
device. These include fingerprint (Jain et al., 2004),
where the subject needs to place or scroll the fin-
ger on the reader, and hand geometry (Ross et al.,
2006), where the subject needs to place the hand on
the reader.
We propose an experimental apparatus for ECG
biometrics, that matches the usability and intrusive-
ness levels of conventional biometric systems. Our
device is comprised of a surface with integrated elec-
trodes and signal conditioning circuitry, where the
subject rests his/her hand palms, enabling the signal
acquisition without the need for conductive gel nor
access to more intimate parts of the body.
Figure 1: Block diagram of the proposed solution.
The proposed system can either be used with dry
Ag/AgCl electrodes or Electrolycras as interface be-
tween the sensor and the skin, for improved usability.
The former are based on conventional electrodes used
for clinical ECG acquisition; the later are generally
used in Faraday shields, and exhibit a surface resistiv-
ity < 0.5/ when unstreched.
A custom signal conditioning circuit was devel-
oped, which only requires two contact points with
the skin, through the use of a virtual ground circuit.
This design improves upon existing sensors (Webster,
1998), as traditional ECG sensors require positive (+)
and negative (-) poles, together with a ground (GND)
lead. With our design, only the (+) and (-) leads are
The virtual ground is generated using the positive
) and negative (V
) supply voltage of the circuit
to which the sensor is connected. A voltage divider
creates an intermediate voltage between these two,
which is taken as the common mode voltage of the
body in the remaining amplification and filtering cir-
cuitry; a unity gain buffer was added for increased
stability of the generated signal.
Figure 1 depicts the block diagram of the proposed
approach with: a) the electrodes that provide the in-
terface with the skin; b) the virtual ground generation
circuit; c) first stage of signal amplification with gain
10; d) analog band-pass filtering in the 1-30Hz range;
and e) second stage of signal amplification with gain
Although the remaining steps fall outside the
scope of this paper, the analog signal is then fed to the
digital conversion and transmission chain, comprised
of: f) analog-to-digital conversion; g) digital filtering;
h) heartbeat waveform segmentation; i) pattern evalu-
ation; and j) storage at the base station.
Figure 2, depicts the proposed setup. In the pro-
posed configuration, and for experimental validation
purposes, the device allows the acquisition of ECG
signals at the hand palm, through dry Ag/AgCl elec-
trodes, and at the index and middle fingers through
To evaluate the experimental setup, we performed an
extensive data collection in 31 subjects (24 males and
7 females) with an average age of 31.1±9.46 years.
Subjects were only asked to rest their left/right hands
as indicated in the device.
Two custom ECG sensors were used for signal
acquisition, with a total gain of 1000, and analog
band pass filtering between the 1-30Hz range. In
Figure 2: Experimental apparatus: at the top, Electrolycras
enable the acquisition of ECG using the index and middle
fingers; at the bottom, dry Ag/AgCl electrodes acquire ECG
at the hand palms.
Figure 2 both sensors are visible, one connected to
the Ag/AgCl electrodes, and another connected to the
Electrolycra strips placed at the index and middle fin-
ger level.
To guarantee electrical insulation of the sensors,
in order to avoid ground coupling, two independent
biosignal acquisition units were used, one per sensor.
We recurred to the bioPLUX research system (PLUX,
2011), which enables Bluetooth wireless transmission
of the collected signals to the base station. Data was
acquired at 1000Hz sampling rate and with 12-bit res-
Synchronization of the acquisition units was per-
formed optically using a syncPLUX kit and a light-
dependent resistor (LDR). To one of the systems a
triggering switch was connected, which simultane-
ously activated the digital input port of the system and
an LED.
To the other system, a LDR was connected to one
of the analog input channels, and placed in direct con-
tact with the LED of the first system, in such way that
a synchronization signal was obtained whenever the
LED was lit.
This allowed us to have the data collected by each
system synchronized, without recurring to any elec-
trical connection between them. Signals were ac-
quired during a period of approximately 2min, in
which the supervisor in charge of the experimental
procedure would describe the experiment, goals and
related work.
We evaluated the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for
each individual signal; a 6th order butterworth digital
BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Table 1: Experimental results for ECG sensor data collected
using the proposed approach.
Type of SNR [dB] MSE Raw/Filt.
Electrodes µ± σ µ± σ
Ag/AgCl 3.94± 6.24 0.60± 0.20
Electrolycra 3.15± 4.65 0.60± 0.18
filter was used, for which we considered the 2-30Hz
bandwidth as the signal, and the remainder as noise.
The mean squared error (MSE) was also computed to
provide additional insight regarding the morphologi-
cal difference between the raw and filtered signals for
each type of electrode. This metric can be used as a
correlation indicator, as it is zero when both signals
possess an exact match.
Results are summarized in Table 1, and Figure 3
shows a segment of collected signal for one of the in-
dividuals, at the hand palms using dry Ag/AgCl elec-
trodes, and at the fingers using Electrolycras. Al-
though high frequency noise is noticeable in the raw
data, digital filtering is able to enhance the signals, as
shown in Figure 4.
As we can observe, numerical analysis revealed
that dry Ag/AgCl electrode and Electrolycras exhibit
a comparable performance; signals acquired with
both electrodes exhibit similar levels of detail. Al-
though the P wave is masqueraded by baseline noise,
the QRS-T complexes are clearly noticeable, and the
heartbeat waveforms morphology show identical be-
haviors. Our configuration is the equivalent to a Lead-
I ECG placement.
2 3
Figure 3: Example of collected data: At the top, in blue, the
ECG signal acquired at the hand palm using dry Ag/AgCl
electrodes; at the bottom, in green, the ECG signal acquired
at the fingers using Electrolycras.
2 3
Elect roly cra
Figure 4: Example of filtered data: At the top, in blue, the
ECG signal acquired at the hand palm using dry Ag/AgCl
electrodes; at the middle, in green, the ECG signal acquired
at the fingers using Electrolycras.
Previous work from our group has shownthe potential
of ECG signals collected at the hands and fingers for
biometric applications. In (Lourenc¸o et al., 2011b), a
single lead setup with a standard ECG triode sensor
was used to acquire signals at the hand and fingers
In a standard configuration, the signal condition-
ing circuitry measures an electrical potential differ-
ence between two points, referred to the common
mode voltage of the body. The later is provided
through a ground lead directly connected to the per-
son. This setup is particularly advantageous since the
electronics is simpler, however, three contact points
are always required.
With our work, we were able to further improve
this setup, by introducing a virtual ground, which gen-
erates a reference voltage to the signal conditioning
circuitry from the sensor supply voltage. This config-
uration only requires 3 additional components in the
circuit, and allows the ECG signal acquisition to be
performed with only 2 contact points, by eliminating
the ground lead.
In the work by (Lourenc¸o et al., 2011a) and (Silva
et al., 2011) tests were performed with this experi-
mental setup, with the purpose of evaluating the bio-
metric potential. Results have shown that the obtained
signals enable recognition rates within the confidence
intervals of what is known in the field.
The field of application of electrocardiographic sig-
nals is expanding to new areas, which far extend the
medical and quality of life applications to which it
is typically associated with. Biometrics is currently
emerging as one of these novel application fields.
Within the scope of biometric recognition, con-
ventional acquisition apparatuses have specificities
which limit the acceptability by the potential end-
users. This arises from the fact that, in general,
devices require pre-gelled electrodes or conductive
paste to acquire the signals, but more importantly, be-
cause they need to be applied to the subjects body.
Furthermore, current methods require three con-
tact points with the subjects body, namely for positive
(+) and negative (-) poles, plus a ground (GND) lead.
In this paper we presented an experimental setup,
which allows ECG acquisition in a format that has us-
ability levels comparable to those found in readers of
other biometric modalities (e.g. fingerprint, hand ge-
ometry, among others).
Our approach recurs to a custom two-lead ECG
sensor, that can use either dry Ag/AgCl electrodes or
Electrolycras as interface with the skin. For signal ac-
quisition, the user only needs to rest his/her hand and
fingers over the reader without any other constraint.
Experimental results have revealed that the col-
lected signals provide adequate informative content.
In particular, the QRS-T segments are detectable with
high definition. Also, a good correlation was found
between signals acquired with each type of electrode,
material allowing the biometric system designer to se-
lect the type of material that improves the usability on
the intended application.
This work was partially funded by Fundac¸˜ao
para a Ciˆencia e Tecnologia (FCT) un-
der grants SFRH/BD/65248/2009 and
SFRH/PROTEC/49512/2009, and by the De-
partamento de Engenharia de Electr´onica e
Telecomunicac¸˜oes e de Computadores, Instituto
Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, whose support the
authors gratefully acknowledge.
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BIODEVICES 2012 - International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices