Surface Electromyography and the Nasality Challenge
João Freitas
, António Teixeira
and Miguel Sales Dias
Microsoft Language Development Center, Tagus Park, Porto Salvo, Portugal
ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute/ADETTI-IUL, Lisboa, Portugal
Departamento de Electrónica Telecomunicações e Informática/IEETA, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Silent speech, Human-computer interface, European portuguese, Surface electromyography, Nasality.
Abstract: A Silent Speech Interface (SSI) aims at performing Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in the absence of
an intelligible acoustic signal. It can be used as a human-computer interaction modality in high-background-
noise environments, such as living rooms, or in aiding speech-impaired individuals, increasing in prevalence
with ageing. If this interaction modality is made available for users own native language, with adequate
performance, and since it does not rely on acoustic information, it will be less susceptible to problems
related to environmental noise, privacy, information disclosure and exclusion of speech impaired persons.
To contribute to the existence of this promising modality for Portuguese, for which no SSI implementation
is known, we are exploring and evaluating the potential of state-of-the-art approaches. One of the major
challenges we face in SSI for European Portuguese is recognition of nasality, a core characteristic of this
language Phonetics and Phonology. In this paper a silent speech recognition experiment based on Surface
Electromyography is presented. Results confirmed recognition problems between minimal pairs of words
that only differ on nasality of one of the phones, causing 50% of the total error and evidencing accuracy
performance degradation, which correlates well with the exiting knowledge.
Since the dawn of mankind, speech communication
has been and still is the dominant mode of human
communication and information exchange and, for
this reason, spoken language technology has
suffered considerable
evolution in the last years, in
the scientific community. However, conventional
automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems mostly
use a single source of information – the audio signal.
When this audio signal becomes corrupted in the
presence of environmental noise or assumes
unexpected patterns, like the ones verified in elderly
speech (
Wilpon and Jacobsen, 1996), speech
recognition performance degrades, leading users to
opt for a different modality or give up using the
system at all. These types of systems have also
revealed to be inadequate for users without the
ability to create an audible acoustic signal because
of speech impairments (e.g. laryngectomy) or in
situations where privacy or non-disturbance is
required (Denby et al., 2010). In public
environments where silence is often necessary such
as, talks, cinema or libraries, someone talking is
usually considered annoying, thus providing the
ability to communicate or execute commands in
these situations has become a point of common
interest. Likewise, disclosure of private
conversations can occur by performing a phone call
in public places, which may lead to embarrassing
situations from the caller point of view or even
regarding information leaks.
To tackle these problems in the context of ASR
for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), a Silent
Speech Interface (SSI) in European Portuguese (EP)
is envisioned. By acquiring sensor data from
elements of the human speech production process –
from glottal, muscles and articulators activity, their
neural pathways or the central nervous system itself,
an SSI produces an alternative digital representation
of speech, which can be recognized and interpreted
as data, synthesized directly or routed into a
communications network. Informally, one can say
that a SSI extends the human speech production
model, with signal data sensed by ultrasonic waves,
computer vision or other sources. This provides a
more natural approach than currently available
Freitas J., Teixeira A. and Sales Dias M..
TOWARDS A SILENT SPEECH INTERFACE FOR PORTUGUESE - Surface Electromyography and the Nasality Challenge.
DOI: 10.5220/0003786100910100
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2012), pages 91-100
ISBN: 978-989-8425-89-8
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
speech pathology solutions like, electrolarynx,
tracheo-oesophageal speech and cursor-based text-
to-speech systems (Denby et al., 2010).
Currently, to our knowledge, no SSI system
exists for European Portuguese, leaving, for
example, speakers of this language with speech
impairments unable to interact with HCI systems
based on speech. Furthermore, no study or analysis
has been made regarding the adoption of a new
Romance language with distinctive characteristics to
this kind of systems, and the specific problems that
may arise from applying existing work to EP
remains unknown. A particularly relevant
characteristic of EP are the nasal sounds (Strevens,
which are expected to be a challenge to
several SSI techniques (Denby et al., 2010). The
adoption of SSIs to a new language and the
procedures involved constitute by itself an extension
to the current scientific knowledge in this area.
Using the techniques described in literature and
adapting them to a new language will provide novel
information towards language independence and
language adoption techniques. Considering the
particular nasal characteristics associated with EP, it
is expected to see performance deterioration in terms
of recognition rates and accuracy using existent
approaches. If this occurs, the root cause of the
system performance deterioration needs to be
identified and new techniques based on that
information, need to be thought, for example, by
adding a sensor that is able to capture the missing
information. This will allow concluding the
particular aspects that influence language expansion,
language independency and limitations of SSIs for
the EP case.
To achieve our goals of developing a SSI for
Portuguese we have previously selected a set of
modalities (Surface Electromyography, Visual
Speech Recognition and Ultrasonic Doppler sensing)
(Freitas et al., 2011) based on their non-invasive
characteristics, cost and technological availability.
For this work we will focus on the SSI approach
based on Surface Electromyography (sEMG), which
has achieved promising results in last years, for
languages such as English and Japanese. The sEMG
modality collects myoelectric activity information of
the neck and facial muscles generated before
articulation of speech. This SSI modality is able to
collect information from audibly uttered speech,
murmurs or silent speech, being consequently robust
do adverse environments such as public places,
information disclosure and disturbance of
The remainder of this document is structured as
follows: In section 2, relevant background
knowledge concerning the human speech production
process is presented; Section 3 describes the related
work and the state-of-the-art in EMG-based
recognition; Section 4 describes and discusses the
EMG-based recognition experiment in European
Portuguese, including the observation and accuracy
impact of the nasality phenomena; Finally, the
conclusions and possible solutions for the appointed
problems are presented in section 5.
The following section presents a brief description
the speech production process, focusing on the
muscles and articulators involved in this process. It
also presents a brief description of the European
Portuguese characteristics and related work for this
2.1 Speech Motor Control
Speech production requires a particularly
coordinated sequence of events to take place, being
considered as the most complex sequential motor
task performed by humans (Seikel et al., 2010).
After an intent or idea that we wish to express have
been developed and coded into a language, we will
map it into muscle movements. This means that the
motor impulse received by the primary motor cortex
is the result of several steps of planning and
programming that already occurred in other parts of
the brain such as, Broca’s area, supplementary motor
area and pre motor area. The motor neuron then
sends the signal from the brain to the exterior body
parts. When the nerve impulse reaches the
neuromuscular junction, the neurotransmitter
acetylcholine is released. When a certain threshold is
hit, the sodium channels open up causing an ion
exchange that propagates in both directions along
the muscle fiber membranes. The depolarization
process and ion movement generates an
electromagnetic field in the area surrounding the
muscle fibers, which is referred in literature as the
myoelectric signal (De Luca, 1979). These electrical
potential differences generated by the resistance of
muscle fibers, leads to voltage patterns that occur in
the region of the face and neck that when measured
at the correspondent muscles, provide means to
collect information about the resultant speech. This
myoelectric activity occurs independently of the
acoustic signal, i.e. occurs either the subject
produces normal, silent or murmured speech. A
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
detailed overview about the physiology of
myoelectric signals and speech motor control can be
seen in Seikel et al. (2010) and Gerdle et al. (1999).
2.1.1 Muscles and Articulation
Articulation in phonetics describes how humans
produce speech sounds and which speech organs are
involved in this process. The articulators may be
mobile or passive and the mobile articulators are
usually positioned in relation to a passive articulator,
through muscular action, to achieve different
sounds. Mobile articulators are the tongue, lower
jaw, velum, lips, cheeks, oral cavity (fauces and
pharynx), larynx and the hyoid bone and the
immobile articulators are the alveolar ridge of the
upper jaw, the hard palate and teeth (Seikel et al.,
Facial and neck muscles represent a vital role in
positioning the articulators and in shaping the air
stream into recognizable speech. Muscles related
with lip movement, tongue and mandibular
movement will then be the most influent in speech
production. Below, the main muscles of the face
and neck used in speech production are described
(Hardcastle, 1976): Orbicularis oris: This muscle
can be used for rounding, closing the lips and
pulling the lips against the teeth or adducting the
lips. Since its fibers run in several directions, many
other muscles blend in with it; Levator anguli oris:
This muscle is responsible for raising the upper
corner of the mouth and may assist in closing the
mouth by raising the lower lip for the closure phase
in bilabial consonants; Zygomaticus major: This
muscle is used to retract the angles of the mouth. It
has influence in the labiodental fricatives and in the
production of the [s] sound; Platysma: The platysma
is responsible for aiding the depressor anguli oris
muscle lowering the bottom corners of the lips. The
platysma is the closest muscle to the surface in the
neck area; Tongue: The tongue plays a fundamental
role in speech articulation and is divided into
intrinsic and extrinsic muscles. The intrinsic muscles
(Superior and Inferior Longitudinal; Transverse)
mostly interfere with the shape of the tongue, aiding
in palatal and alveolar stops, in the production of the
[s] sound by making the seal between the upper and
lower teeth and in the articulation of back vowels
and velar consonants. The extrinsic muscles
(Genioglossus; Hyoglossus; Styloglossus; and
Palatoglossus) are responsible for changing the
position of the tongue in the mouth as well as shape
and are important in the production of most of the
sounds articulated in the front of the mouth, in the
production of the vowels and velars, in the release of
alveolar stop consonants, and contributes to the
subtle adjustment of grooved fricatives; Anterior
Belly of the Digastric: this is one of the muscles
used to lower the mandible, to pull the hyoid bone
and the tongue up and forward for alveolar and high
frontal vowel articulations and raising pitch.
For a sound to be perceived as nasal the soft
palate must be positioned in a way that the opening
for the nasal cavity is larger than the airway opening
for the oral cavity. This relation in the oral/nasal
opening will enable resonance in the nasal cavity
and consequently produce nasal sounds (Teixeira,
2000). The described movement of the soft palate is
supported by the following muscles (Hardcastle,
1976): Levator veli palatini: This muscle main
function is to elevate and retract the soft palate;
Superior pharyngeal constrictor: This is a muscle of
the pharynx and when it contracts it narrows the
pharynx upper wall, also elevating the soft palate;
Tensor palatini: This muscle tenses and spreads the
soft palate when elevating; Palatoglossus: Along
with gravity, previous muscles relaxation and the
Palatopharyngeous, this muscle is responsible for
the lowering of the soft palate.
2.2 European Portuguese Characteristics
According to Strevens (1954), when one first hears
EP, the characteristics that distinguish it from other
Western Romance languages are: “the large amount
of diphthongs, nasal vowels and nasal diphthongs,
frequent alveolar and palatal fricatives and the dark
diversity of the l-sound”. Although, EP presents
similarities in vocabulary and grammatical structure
to Spanish, the pronunciation significantly differs.
Regarding co-articulation, which is “the articulatory
or acoustic influence of one segment or phone on
another” (Magen, 1997), it is shown by Martins et
al. (2008) that European Portuguese stops, are less
resistant to co-articulatory effects than fricatives.
2.2.1 Nasality
Although nasality is present in a vast number of
languages around the world, only 20% have nasal
vowels (Rossato et al., 2006). In EP there are five
nasal vowels ([ĩ], [], [ɐ
], [õ], and [ũ]); three nasal
consonants ([m], [n], and [ɲ]); and several nasal
diphthongs [wɐ
] (e.g. quando), [w] (e.g. aguentar),
] (e.g. fiando), [wĩ] (e.g. ruim) and triphthongs
w] (e.g. enxaguam). Nasal vowels in EP diverge
from other languages with such type of vowels, such
as French, in its wider variation in the initial
segment and stronger nasality at the end (Trigo,
1993). Doubts still remain regarding tongue
TOWARDS A SILENT SPEECH INTERFACE FOR PORTUGUESE - Surface Electromyography and the Nasality
positions and other articulators during nasals
production in EP, namely, nasal vowels (Teixeira et
al., 2003). Differences at the pharyngeal cavity level
and velum port opening quotient were also detected
by Martins et al. (2008) when comparing EP and
French nasal vowels articulation. In EP, nasality can
distinguish consonants (e.g. the bilabial stop
consonant [p] becomes [m]), creating minimal pairs
such as [katu]/[matu] and vowels, in minimal pairs
such as [titu]/[tĩtu].
2.3 SSIs for European Portuguese
The existing SSI research has been mainly
developed for English, with some exceptions for
French (Tran et al., 2009) and Japanese (Toda et al.,
2009). As mentioned, there is no published work for
European Portuguese in the area of SSIs, apart from
an initial and recent contribution of the authors with
an experiment of an SSI for EP, using Visual Speech
Recognition and Ultrasonic Doppler sensing
techniques (Freitas et al. 2011), which also tackles
nasality, although there is previous research on
related areas, such as the use of Electromagnetic
Articulography (Rossato et al., 2006),
Electroglotograph and MRI (Martins et al., 2008) for
speech production studies, articulatory synthesis
(Teixeira and Vaz, 2000) and multimodal interfaces
involving speech (Dias et al., 2009). There are also
several studies on lip reading systems for EP that
aim at robust speech recognition based on audio and
visual streams (Pêra et al., 2004; Sá et al., 2003).
However, none of these addresses European
Portuguese distinctive characteristics, such as
The process of recording and evaluating this
electrical muscle activity is called Electromyography
(EMG). Currently, there are two sensing techniques
to measure EMG signals: invasive indwelling
sensing and non-invasive sensing. The work here
presented will focus on the second technique, which
is when the myoelectric activity is measured by non-
implanted electrodes. These are usually attached to
the subject on some adhesive basis, which may
obstruct movement, especially when placed on facial
muscles. By measuring facial muscles, the surface
EMG (sEMG) electrodes will measure the
superposition of multiple fields (Gerdle et al. 1999)
and for this reason the resulting EMG signal should
not be attributed to a single muscle and should
consider the muscle entanglement verified in this
part of the human body. The sensor presence can
also cause the subject to alter his/her behaviour, be
distracted or restrained, subsequently altering the
experiment result. The EMG signal is not affected
by noisy environments, however differences may be
found in the speech production process in the
presence of noise (Junqua et al., 1999). Muscle
activity may also change in the presence of physical
apparatus, such as mouthpieces used by divers,
medical conditions such as laryngectomies, and local
body potentials or strong magnetic field interference
(Jorgensen and Dusan, 2010).
Surface EMG-based speech recognition,
overcomes some of the major limitations found on
automatic speech recognition based on the acoustic
signal such as: non-disturbance of bystanders,
robustness in acoustically degraded environments,
privacy during spoken conversations and constitutes
an alternative for speech-handicapped subjects
(Denby et al., 2010). This technology has also been
used for solving communication in acoustically
harsh environments, such as the cockpit of an
aircraft (Chan et al., 2001) or when wearing a self-
contained breathing apparatus or a hazmat suit (Betts
et al., 2006).
3.1 State-of-the-Art
Relevant results in this area were first reported in
2001 by Chan et al. (2001) where five channels of
surface Ag-AgCl sensors were used to recognize ten
English digits. In this study accuracy rates as high as
93% were achieved. The same author (Chan, 2003)
was the first to combine conventional ASR with
sEMG with the goal of robust speech recognition in
the presence of environment noise. In 2003,
Jorgensen et al. (2003) achieved an average
accuracy rate of 92% for a vocabulary with six
distinct English words, using a single pair of
electrodes for non-audible speech. However, when
increasing the vocabulary to eighteen vowel and
twenty-three consonant phonemes in later studies
(Jorgensen and Binsted, 2005) using the same
technique the accuracy rate decreased to 33%. In this
study problems in the alveolars pronunciation and
subsequently recognition using non-audible speech
were reported and several challenges identified such
as, sensitivity to signal noise, electrode positioning,
and physiological changes across users. In 2007, Jou
et al. (2007) reported an average accuracy of 70.1%
for a 101-word vocabulary in a speaker dependent
scenario. In 2010, Schultz and Wand (2010) reported
similar average accuracies using phonetic feature
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
bundling for modelling coarticulation on the same
vocabulary and an accuracy of 90% for the best-
recognized speaker.
In the last year’s several issues of EMG-based
recognition have been addressed such as, investi-
gating new modeling schemes towards continuous
speech (Jou et al., 2007; Schultz and Wand, 2010),
speaker adaptation (Maier-Hein et al., 2005; Wand
and Schultz, 2009) and the usability of the capturing
devices (Manabe et al., 2003; Manabe and Zhang,
2004). Latest research in this area has been focused
on the differences between audible and silent speech
and how to decrease the impact of different speaking
modes (Wand and Schultz, 2011a); the importance
of acoustic feedback (Herff et al., 2011); EMG-
based phone classification (Wand and Schultz,
2011b); and session-independent training methods
(Wand and Schultz, 2011c).
In our research we have designed an experiment to
analyse and explore the sEMG silent speech
recognition applied to European Portuguese. In this
section an important research question is addressed:
“is the sEMG SSI approach for European portuguese
capable of distinguishing nasal sounds from oral
ones?”. To address this research problem, we have
designed two scenarios where at first, we try to
recognize arbitrary Portuguese words in order to
validate our system and, in a second scenario, we
want to recognize/distinguish words differing only
by the presence or absence of nasality in the
phonetic domain.
4.1 Acquisition Setup
The used acquisition system hardware from Plux
(2011) consisted of 4 pairs of EMG surface
electrodes connected to a device that communicates
with a computer via Bluetooth. These electrodes
measure the myoelectric activity using bipolar
surface electrode configuration, thus the result will
be the amplified difference between the pair of
electrodes, using a reference electrode located in a
place with low or none muscle activity. As depicted
on Figure 1, the sensors were attached to the skin
using adhesive surfaces and their position followed
some recommendations from previous studies found
in literature (Jou et al., 2006), considering also a
2cm spacing between the electrodes centre and some
hardware restrictions regarding unipolar
configurations. The 4 electrodes pairs and their
corresponding muscles are presented on Table 1. A
reference electrode was placed on the mastoid
portion of the temporal bone.
Figure 1: Surface EMG electrodes positioning.
Table 1: Electrode pair/muscle correspondence based on
the configuration proposed by Jou et al. (2006).
Electrode pair Muscle
1 Tongue and Anterior belly of the digastric
2 Zygomaticus major
3 Lower orbicularis oris
4 Levator angulis oris
The technical specifications of the acquisition
system include sensors with a diameter of 10.0 mm
and 3.95 mm of height, a voltage range that goes
from 0.0V to 5.0V and a voltage gain of 1000.0. The
recording signal was sampled at 600Hz and 12 bit
samples were used.
In Figure 2 and Figure 3, observations of the raw
EMG signal in the four channels for the minimal
pair cato/canto are presented. Based on a subjective
analysis we can see that the signals present similar
temporal patterns where the tongue movement is
first evidenced on channel 1 followed by the
remaining muscles movement on the other channels.
Figure 2: Surface EMG signal for the word cato.
TOWARDS A SILENT SPEECH INTERFACE FOR PORTUGUESE - Surface Electromyography and the Nasality
Figure 3: Surface EMG signal for the word canto.
4.2 Corpora
For this experiment two corpus - PT-EMG-A and
PT-EMG-B – containing respectively 96 and 120
observation sequences like the ones depicted on
Figure 2 and Figure 3, were created from scratch.
All observations were recorded by a single speaker
on a single recording session (no electrodes
repositioning was considered). The PT-EMG-A
consisted of 8 different European Portuguese words,
4 words that are part of a minimal pair where the
presence or absence of nasality in one of its phones
is the only difference and 4 digits, are described in
Table 2. The PT-EMG-B corpus consisted also of 8
different words in European Portuguese, with 15
different observations of each word. However, for
this corpus, the words represent four minimal pairs
of words containing oral and nasal vowels (e.g.
cato/canto) and sequences of nasal consonant
followed by nasal or oral vowel (e.g. mato/manto).
3 lists the pairs of words used in the PT-EMG-
B corpus and their respective phonetic transcription.
Table 2: Words that compose the PT-EMG-A corpus and
their respective phonetic transcription.
Word List Phonetic Transcription
Table 3: Minimal pairs of words used in the PT-EMG-B
corpus and their respective phonetic transcription.
Word Pair Phonetic Transcription
Cato/ Canto
[katu] / [kɐ̃tu]
Peta / Penta
[petɐ] / [pẽtɐ]
Mato / Manto
[matu] / [mɐ̃tu]
Tito / Tinto
[titu] /[tĩtu]
4.3 Feature Extraction
For feature extraction we have used a similar
approach to the one described by Jou (2006) based
on temporal features instead of spectral ones or a
combination of spectral plus temporal features, since
it has been shown in previous studies (Jou et al.,
2006) that time-domain features present better
accuracy results. The extracted features are frame-
based and for any given sEMG signal s[n] frames of
30ms and a frame shift of 10ms is considered.
Denoting x[n] as the normalized mean of s[n] and
w[n] as the nine-point double-averaged signal, a
high-frequency signal p[n] and r[n] can be defined
A feature f will then be defined as:
f = [
, z
where, and ̅ represent the frame-based time-
domain mean,
the frame-based power, and
the frame-based zero-crossing rate as described
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
= zero-crossing of
The feature vector also considers the
concatenation of k adjacent frames as formulated
where i is the current frame index. Most recent
studies (Schultz and Wand, 2010) show that k =15
yields the best results.
In the end, the final feature vector is built by
stacking the frame-based features of the four
channels. In order to address the dimensionality of
the resultant feature vector, PCA is applied reducing
it to 32 coefficients per frame.
4.4 Classification
For this initial stage of research, the Dynamic Time
Warping (DTW) classification technique was used
to find an optimal match between the observations.
DTW was chosen considering the relatively small
number of observations and also because it
addresses very well one of the characteristics of our
problem: it provides temporal alignment to time
varying signals that have different durations. This is
precisely our case, since even observations of the
pronunciation of the same word will certainly have
different elapsed times.
In order to classify the results an algorithm,
already applied to Visual Speech Recognition in
Freitas et al. (2011), was used: (1) Randomly select
K observations from each word in the selected
corpus that will be used as the reference (training)
pattern, while the remaining ones will be used for
testing; (2) For each observation from the test group,
compare the representative example and select the
word that provides the minimum distance in the
feature vector domain; (3) Compute WER, which is
given by the number of incorrect classifications over
the total number of observations considered for
testing; (4) Repeat the procedure N times.
4.5 Results
Regarding the classification results for the corpus
PT-EMG-A, the achieved values, using 20 iterations
and K varying from 1 to 11, are listed on Table 4.
Table 4: Surface EMG WER classification results for the
PT-EMG-A corpus considering 20 trials (N = 20).
K Mean σ Min Max
1 47.73 6.34 32.95 59.09
2 40.50 6.90 27.50 51.25
3 34.24 5.56 27.78 48.61
4 30.70 6.21 20.31 40.63
5 26.61 4.33 16.07 35.71
6 26.67 6.33 18.75 39.58
7 25.25 6.43 15.00 35.00
8 22.50 7.42 9.38 37.50
9 25.62 6.38 12.50 37.50
Based on Table 4, we find the best result for K = 8
having an average WER of 22.50%. The best run
was achieved for K = 8 with a 9.38% WER.
The classification results for the PT-EMG-B
corpus are described in Table 5. For this corpus we
find the best result for K = 10 with an average WER
of 42.29% and the best run for K=11 with a WER of
Table 5: Surface EMG WER classification results for the
PT-EMG-B corpus considering 20 trials (N = 20).
K Mean σ Best Worst
64.10 5.55 50.89 75.00
56.87 5.97 44.23 65.38
53.38 6.09 43.75 63.54
51.19 5.10 43.18 61.36
50.50 6.89 36.25 66.25
50.06 6.50 40.27 61.11
47.89 4.33 39.06 53.12
47.14 6.61 35.71 57.14
45.72 5.42 33.33 54.16
10 42.29
4.53 35.00 52.50
43.13 6.92
42.88 6.66 33.33 54.17
By analysing the WER values across K on both
corpus, the verified trend (WER decreases when K
increases), indicates that increasing the amount of
observations in the training set might be beneficial
to the applied technique. Regarding the difference
in the results with the two corpora, an absolute
difference of almost 20.0% and a relative difference
of 46.80% are verified between the best mean
results. If we compare the best run results, then an
absolute difference of 21.87% and a relative
difference of 70.0% are verified. Results indicate a
major discrepancy between the results from both
corpora, hence an error analysis was also performed.
If we examine the error represented by the confusion
matrix of the best run for the PT-EMG-B corpus
(depicted in Figure 4), we verify that most of the
misclassifications will occur in the nasal pairs. In
TOWARDS A SILENT SPEECH INTERFACE FOR PORTUGUESE - Surface Electromyography and the Nasality
this case errors can be found between the following
pairs: [kɐ
tu] as [katu] and vice-versa; [pẽtɐ] as
[petɐ]; [mɐ
tu] as [matu]; and [titu] as [tĩtu]. In Table
6, the average error percentage for all minimal pairs
in Table 3, is presented for each value of K. These
results show that 25.4% of the results, 50.8% of the
total error, occur between the analysed minimal
pairs. This result, leads us to conclude that the
current techniques for silent speech recognition
based on sEMG, will present a degraded
performance when dealing with languages with
nasal characteristics like EP.
Table 6: Error analysis for the several values of K. The
“Correct” column contains the percentage of correct
classifications, e. g. observation cato was classified as
cato. The “Minimal Pair Error” column represents the
percent of observations classified as its pair, e. g.
observation cato was classified as canto. The “Remaining
Error” column presents the remaining classification errors.
MP Error
Error (%)
35.89 21.42 42.67
43.12 24.18 32.69
46.61 24.58 28.80
48.80 26.07 25.11
49.50 27.31 23.18
49.93 27.29 22.77
52.10 26.01 21.87
52.85 26.69 20.44
54.27 26.25 19.47
57.12 25.00 17.87
56.87 24.53 18.59
Mean 49.74 25.40 24.87
Figure 4: Confusion matrix for the best run (K=11 and
4.6 Discussion
The results from the PT-EMG-A corpus (average
WER of 22.50% and best WER of 9.38%) show a
slightly worst accuracy when compared with the
latest state-of-the-art results for EMG-based
recognition (Schultz and Wand, 2010), considering
that a much larger vocabulary was used. This may
be explained by the low number of observations as
demonstrated by the improvement verified when K
increases and by hardware limitations in terms of
unipolar configurations and used pairs of sensors. In
the results from the PT-EMG-B corpus we verify a
relative difference towards the WER results from the
first corpus that in the best run case reaches the 70%.
Considering that the first four words of the PT-
EMG-A corpus were repeated and that the only
difference for the remaining words is the presence of
nasality in one of the phones, it all points to
inadequate handling of the nasality phenomena by
sEMGs, as a potential error source. Additionally, the
error analysis also indicates that 50.8% of the total
error occurs in the minimal pairs, confirming what
was stated before.
It´s interesting to mention that the results verified
in this experiment in terms of nasality detection,
were similar to the ones achieved for Visual Speech
Recognition (Freitas et al., 2011) using the same
corpora and similar circumstances.
These results suggest that all stages of the SSI
recognition process should be reviewed in order to
overrun the challenge presented by the nasality
phenomena verified in European Portuguese. It
needs to be analysed if the muscles involved in the
nasal process can be detected by the surface EMG
sensors and if the features that characterize the
signal correctly, represent this process well. In terms
of classification, increasing the number of
observations would also allow us to use a more
robust classification method such as, Hidden
Markov models.
In this paper we have analysed the adoption of
existent state-of-the-art techniques in terms of silent
speech recognition for the case of a Western
Romance language: European Portuguese. We began
by describing the current research status in this
topic, exposing the present-day challenges and the
relation of these challenges with the adoption to a
new Romance language. We have also presented the
most relevant characteristics of the considered
BIOSIGNALS 2012 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
language, giving emphasis to nasality, one of the
present challenges in SSIs. In view of these facts, an
experiment towards silent speech recognition in
European Portuguese was built. The experience
focused on the identification of nasality, and two
separate corpora were used. The first corpus,
composed of 8 European Portuguese words, allowed
us to validate the used framework. The verified
results were similar to state-of-the-art (Schultz and
Wand, 2010) (best WER 9.38%), if we consider the
low number of observations used and some
hardware restrictions. The second corpus, was
composed by 4 minimal pairs, where the presence or
absence of nasality in one of its phones was the only
difference. Results from the second corpus show a
relative difference towards the results from the first
that, in the best run case, reaches 70%. Error
analysis from these results indicates that 50.8% of
the total error is verified in the nasal pair. These
results allow us to conclude that when considering a
language with strong nasal characteristics, such as
European Portuguese, for a SSI based on sEMG,
performance degradation will be verified due to
difficulties of the technique in distinguishing nasal
phones from oral ones, motivating further research
on this topic.
5.1 Future Work
Regarding future work we can identify several main
research paths to explore. One of them is, of course,
nasality. Although the behaviour of the articulators
during nasals is not yet clear for EP, we believe that
its detection is not impossible. For this reason, we
intent to analyse if it is possible to identify nasality
in sEMG signals, by sensing specially selected set of
muscles, with a stronger association to nasal sounds,
or if we can extract nasality information from the
current signals, considering other features beyond
the time-domain analysis. Another path to consider
is the use of parallel modalities appropriate for SSI,
which could improve the detection of nasality in
European Portuguese, such as Visual Speech
Recognition and Ultrasonic Doppler sensing.
Particularly, the non-invasive characteristics and the
promising results seen in previous works of the
Ultrasonic Doppler sensing (Srinivasan et al., 2010)
modality open the possibility of a multimodal SSI
that addresses the nasality detection problem. A
solution for this issue would enable language
expansion for this type of interfaces.
This work was co-funded by the European Union
under QREN 7900 LUL - Living Usability lab
( and Golem (ref.251415,
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