Bishesh Khanal, Sharib Ali and D
e Sidib
e de Bourgogne, Laboratoire Le2i, UMR CNRS 5158, 12 rue de la Fonderie, 71200, Le Creusot, France
Road Sign Detection, Color Segmentation, Color Constancy, Log-chromaticity Color Space.
This paper presents an efficient method for road signs segmentation in color images. Color segmentation
of road signs is a difficult task due to variations in the image acquisition conditions. Therefore, a color con-
stancy algorithm is usually applied prior to segmentation, which increases the computation time. The proposed
method is based on a log-chromaticity color space which shows good invariance properties to changing illumi-
nation. Thus, the method is simple and fast since it does not require color constancy algorithms. Experiments
with a large dataset and comparison with other approaches, show the robustness and accuracy of the method
in detecting road signs in various conditions.
The detection and identification of road signs is an
important component of any Intelligent Transporta-
tion System (ITS). It is useful in highway mainte-
nance, sign inventory or driver support systems. A
full road sign recognition system is composed of two
main stages, detection and recognition (Bascon et al.,
2007). The goal of the first stage is to identify poten-
tial road signs in the image, i.e. the possible regions
that represent road signs characteristics, using either
color or shape information. In the second stage, the
potential regions are further analyzed to determine the
correct sign and its meaning.
In this paper we focus on the detection stage of
road signs in still images or videos. Road sign detec-
tion in natural scene images is a challenging task due
to the complexity of the scene’s environment. The
challenges include changes of illumination, shadows,
occlusions, size variation, and the presence of object
similar in color.
Color and shape are the two main features used to
detect and recognize road signs. Color as a low-level
feature offers many advantages such as robustness to
occlusions, scale variation and geometric transforma-
tions. However, the color of an object depends on
the illumination conditions, the camera parameters
and the reflectance properties of the object. A good
road signs detector must then be robust against illu-
mination variations in uncontrolled environment and
a color constancy algorithm is usually used as a pre-
processing step. However, this increases the compu-
tation time of the detection method.
In this paper, a fast and robust road sign detection
method based on color segmentation is proposed. The
method is based on the invariance properties of the
log-chromaticity color space. The log-chromaticity
color space shows two important properties. Firstly,
a surface color seen under different illuminant col-
ors tends to lie on a straight line in this space. Sec-
ondly, for a given camera, all these lines are parallel
to each other for different surface colors. Thus an il-
lumination invariant representation of images can be
obtained in log-chromaticity color space (Finlayson
et al., 2004). We take advantage of this invariant prop-
erty to develop an efficient road signs segmentation
algorithm which is robust against illumination varia-
tions and shadows. This robust and fast algorithm can
be used as main input for a shape recognition and road
signs interpretation module of an ITS.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 de-
scribes previous work on road signs segmentation
based on color information. Section 3 introduces the
proposed method for road signs detection, and exper-
imental results are shown in Section 4. Finally, some
conclusions are derived in the last section.
The two main features used to detect road signs are
the color (red, yellow, blue, green, and white) and
the shape (circle, triangle, rectangle, and octagon) of
road signs. Road signs are specifically designed to
have a distinctive color from the surrounding envi-
Khanal B., Ali S. and Sidibé D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003802103070310
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2012), pages 307-310
ISBN: 978-989-8565-03-7
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ronment in order to help drivers to recognize them
easily and quickly. Therefore, several detection meth-
ods are based on color segmentation. Among differ-
ent segmentation approaches, image thresholding is
the simplest method and is used in a lot of works.
For example, (Benallal and Meunier, 2003) use a sim-
ple threshold formula applied to the red color chan-
nel to detect red road signs in RGB color space.
However, RGB space is very sensitive to illumina-
tion changes and traffic scenes tend to have varying
illumination. Therefore, a color space transformation
from RGB space to another color space is usually
performed. Several color spaces are used including
HSV (Paclik et al., 2000), HSI (Escalera et al., 2003;
Fang et al., 2003), CIECAM97 (Gao et al., 2006) and
IHSI (Fleyeh, 2004). The main assumption in these
works is that the hue and saturation components are
less sensitive to changes in illumination compared to
the luminance component. Hence, the luminance is
discarded in the segmentation algorithm. Neverthe-
less, most of the color based methods can deal only
with slight variations in lighting conditions.
(Fleyeh, 2004) compares three segmentation
methods for road signs detection in the Improved
Hue, Luminance and Saturation (IHLS) color space.
The first method uses an adapted threshold which is
computed for each image based on its mean lumi-
nance value. The second method uses region grow-
ing, and the third method, similar to the method de-
veloped by (Escalera et al., 2003), is based on lookup
tables where the thresholds are obtained from a set
of training images. The author concludes that the
segmentation method using adaptive threshold gives
the best results. Though this method, using dynamic
thresholding can adapt to the image content, it fails
to correctly segment road signs in different lighting
conditions. For example, it cannot detect a road sign
acquired by night, in a raining day or in very bright
To achieve robustness against illumination
changes, a color constancy algorithm can be used as
a preprocessing step. For example, (Fleyeh, 2005)
uses the local color shifts method of (Ebner, 2004) to
normalize the images before applying the dynamic
thresholding method. (Le et al., 2010) use the same
color constancy algorithm and (Zakir et al., 2011)
use the Gray-World algorithm to normalize the
images. In the experiments reported by the authors
of these work, applying a color constancy algorithm
leads to an improvement in the detection accuracy.
Nevertheless, using color constancy also increases
the overall computation time of the detection method
and, thus, limits its application for real-time systems.
In this paper, we present a robust road signs
segmentation method which achieves very good
detection results while avoiding the use of color
constancy. The method is based on the invariance
properties of the log-chromaticity color space.
3.1 Log-chromaticity Color Space
The log-chromaticity color space (LCCS) is a 2D
space obtained by taking the logarithm of ratios of
color channels. For example, log(R/G) and log(B/G)
form a 2D LCCS. The illumination invariance prop-
erty is based on the image formation model given by:
= σ
(λ)dλ, c {R, G,B}; (1)
where, I
is the color intensity at a pixel for the color
channel c, σ is the Lambertian shading, E is the illu-
mination power spectral distribution, S is the surface
spectral reflectance function and, Q
is the camera
sensor sensitivity function. The integral is computed
over the visible spectrum .
Under the assumptions of Planckian lighting,
Lambertian surface and a narrowband camera, equa-
tion 1 becomes:
= σIk
T λ
, (2)
where T is the illuminant temperature and k
are constants containing the Planck constant, the
Boltzman constant and the speed of light in vac-
uum (Finlayson et al., 2004).
If, we consider the chromatic components by tak-
ing the ratios, for example, of Red and Blue channels
w.r.t. Green channel, then, from equation 2 it is clear
that intensity and shading information are removed.
To remove the nonlinearity, we take the natural loga-
rithm of the ratios and obtain:
= log(I
) = log(s
)/T, c {R,B};
with s
= k
and e
= k
This last equation shows that in the LCCS all the
color values of a surface seen under different illu-
minants fall on a straight line. The direction of this
line, given by the vector (e
), is independent of
the surface reflectance function. As a consequence,
different surface characteristics will produce different
lines in the LCCS. However, all these lines are paral-
lel, since they share the same slope (independent from
VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
the surface). An invariant image can be formed by
projecting the chromatic components into a direction
orthogonal to these parallel lines.
3.2 Road Signs Detection in
Log-Chromaticity Color Space
As stated in Section 2, an important characteristic of
any road signs segmentation method is its ability to
achieve correct detection in the presence of varying
illumination conditions.
The invariance properties of the LCCS can be ex-
ploited to develop a robust road signs detector. The
motivation of our approach is that a characteristic
color of road signs, red for instance, under different
lighting conditions tend to form a distinct cluster in
the LCCS. Indeed, intensity and shading information
are removed when projecting the color of a pixel in
LCCS. Furthermore, when the illumination is varied,
the color values of a surface moves on a straight line
in LCCS. On this line, the red color for instance, will
occupy a small range. Hence, we can define a simple
segmentation rule based on the boundaries of the clus-
ter formed by red signs color in LCCS. The bound-
aries are obtained from a training set of pixels that
are manually selected from various road signs images
chosen in order to represent different lighting condi-
A pixel in an image is classified as a road sign
pixel if its projection in the LCCS satisfies:
a log(R/G) b and c log(B/G) d, (4)
where (a, b,c,d) are the thresholds. For red signs,
for instance, these thresholds are found to be equal
to (a,b,c, d) (0.5,2.1,0.9, 0.8).
The experiments described in Section 4 show that
this simple rule leads to very good detection results in
various conditions, providing an efficient solution for
road signs segmentation.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed road
signs segmentation method we apply it on a dataset
of 389 images containing 567 road signs of various
shapes and types. The dataset is a subset of the
one used by (Bascon et al., 2007) and shows im-
ages of road signs in different conditions such as
bright sunlight and electric lighting by night. We also
compare our method with the dynamic thresholding
method (Fleyeh, 2005) and its combination with two
popular color constancy algorithms: the Gray-World
method (Barnard et al., 2002) and the comprehensive
Figure 1: Example of segmentattion results. (a) Origi-
nal images. (b) Segmentation with the dynamic thresh-
olding method. (c) Segmentation with dynamic thresh-
old and Gray-World constancy. (d) Segmentation with dy-
namic threshold and comprehensive normalization color
constancy. (e) Segmentation with the proposed method.
normalization color constancy algorithm (Finlayson
et al., 1998).
Figure 1 shows some segmentation results ob-
tained with the different methods. As can be seen
in figure 1(b) and figure 1(c), the dynamic thresh-
olding method and its combination with the Gray-
World color constancy algorithm perform poorly.
Some clearly visible road signs are not detected. On
the contrary, the use of the comprehensive normal-
ization color constancy algorithm together with dy-
namic thresholding, figure 1(d), and the proposed
method based on log-chromaticity color space, fig-
ure 1(e), give very good results. However, the pro-
posed method does not need any color constancy al-
gorithm and is, thus, much faster.
Detection results using the entire dataset are sum-
marised in Table 1. From the 567 road signs, 552
are correctly detected by the proposed method which
results in a correct detection rate of more than 97%.
The standard dynamic thresholding method achieves
very poor performance as it correctly detects less than
half of the road signs (correct detection rate of 46%).
Adding the Gray-World color constancy algorithm
slightly improves the results, from 46% to 52%, while
Table 1: Summary of detection results.
Detection rate Computation
(%) time per image (s)
DT 46.2 0.249
DT + GW 52.02 0.546
DT + CN 87.83 29.01
LCCS 97.35 0.093
DT = dynamic thresholding
DT+GW = dynamic threshold with Gray-World color constancy
DT+CN = dynamic threshold with comprehensive normalization
color constancy
LCCS = proposed method in log-chromaticity color space.
increasing the computation time by a factor two.
The comprehensive normalization color con-
stancy algorithm gives good results with a correct de-
tection rate of more than 87%. However, the pro-
cessing time of comprehensive normalization is very
high, which limits its use in real-time applications.
On the contrary, the proposed method based on log-
chromaticity color space achieves the best detection
results in the least computation time as shown in Ta-
ble 1. Note that the given computation time are obtain
with non optimized MATLAB codes using a 2.4 GHz
CPU and images of size 640 x 480.
The proposed method fails to correctly detect road
signs when the image is acquired in complete dark
condition, the road sign being only illuminated by the
headlights of the moving car. In such a case, all meth-
ods fail to detect the road signs.
In this paper, an efficient and robust road signs seg-
mentation method based on color information is pro-
posed. The method is based on finding boundaries
of clusters formed by distinctive road signs color in
the log-chromaticity color space. Based on invari-
ance properties of this color space, we propose an ef-
ficient segmentation method and experiments with a
large dataset show that the proposed method is par-
ticularly robust against severe illumination changes
for images taken under various conditions. Compar-
ison with other approaches based on color constancy
algorithms show that the proposed method achieves
the best segmentation results while requiring the least
computation time. The simplicity and the robustness
of the method make it suitable for real-time appli-
cations such as on-board drivers assistance systems.
Our future work include using the proposed method
as a first step of a road signs recognition system.
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VISAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications