John Bennedict T. Lorenzo and Rowel O. Atienza
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Keywords: Remote Collaboration, Digital Whiteboard, VoIP, Mobile Application.
Abstract: The need for internet teleconferencing is fueled by businesses which do not have the time and resources to
transport all the needed employees located around the world to work on a project or collaborate on an idea.
Current solutions to internet teleconferencing include VoIP and video conferencing, e.g. Skype. VoIP
permits a natural way of communication through voice but lacks visual information communication. On the
other hand, video conferencing requires a lot of bandwidth. The proposed approach uses a shared drawing
board, which all collaborators can see in realtime, together with VoIP to provide an intuitive and effective
communication medium. Our approach requires less bandwidth than video conferencing and is able to
communicate ideas such as ways of solving a circuit problem, collaborating on an interface prototype for a
new project, or strategizing a basketball game. Our approach utilizes the touch screen interface of current
tablets and smartphones as an intuitive way to draw. The application uses Google’s existing XMPP servers,
for three reasons: (1) most people already have accounts on them, (2) those accounts have existing contacts,
and (3) offload server maintenance to another entity. The system obtained a passing SUS score and a lower
than expected MOS.
Collaboration over the internet is a convenient way
to meet people from across the globe without having
to wait for them to arrive and without spending for
airfare. People often need to collaborate to produce
meaningful work. The lecture hall of a university for
example, collaborate the lecturer with the students to
educate them. These lecture halls sometimes have a
video projector that commonly projects a whiteboard
onto a larger screen that all the students can see. The
benefit obtained in that situation is sharing of
information through graphs and writings. Therefore,
even if the students and the lecturer are remotely
located from each other, what is important is the
communication that leads to sharing of information.
When the students provide feedback to the lecturer
via questions and queries, would it not be better to
also allow them to draw on that whiteboard?
Provided their insight and what they are going to
draw there is meaningful. Having both students and
lecturer being able to access the whiteboard makes
the whiteboard shared, and if both parties are
cooperative, collaboration between them begins. Our
approach is inspired by great lectures made on
whiteboards or blackboards on lecture halls in a
Looking at the available technologies for remote
collaboration, videoconferencing systems can bring
a more realistic collaboration experience to users.
However it requires enormous bandwidth, requires
the cameras to be fixed on the collaborators' object
of interest, and costs a lot. Videoconferencing also
does not allow people to modify a shared object,
such as a whiteboard. VoIP collaboration systems
require less bandwidth than videoconferencing,
however, they lack the ability to relay visual
information. Meanwhile, pure text-based
conferencing is similar to VoIP, both of which
cannot easily relay visual information. However this
kind of conferencing requires little bandwidth as it
has been used since the 56k era. To be able to relay
visual information while using as little bandwidth as
possible, drawings can be represented as a series of
line strokes, which can be transmitted as text
containing its start and end points. Using this low
bandwidth text transmission to relay visual
information and at the same time enabling users to
communicate naturally with their voice, using VoIP,
one can build a system from tablets and smartphones
T. Lorenzo J. and O. Atienza R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003820901290134
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2012), pages 129-134
ISBN: 978-989-8565-00-6
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of today to produce a portable productivity and
collaboration tool.
The number of smartphone owners worldwide
has increased from 41 million users in 2009 to 80.5
million users in 2010 (Gartner, 2011). That figure
does not yet include other mobile devices such as
tablets, e.g. the iPad, and non- phone devices, e.g.
iPod Touch. Due to this large and growing user base,
mobile collaboration services provide tremendous
new opportunities that are not possible on PCs (Li et
al., 2008). In addition, due to the fact that
smartphones use a touch screen interface, the user
has an intuitive way to draw on the device. Our
proposed approach uses these advantages of the
mobile device, specifically the iOS devices, both
increasing user base and usability, as a leading edge
over existing whiteboard collaborative systems.
There are existing applications like the proposed
system in the Apple App Store. These are Netsketch
(Gotow, 2011) and Whiteboard Pro (GreenGar
Studios, 2011). These applications provide
collaboration on a shared whiteboard. However, the
applications only works on local network due to
absence of a server for user presence. Having a
collaboration tool work only on the local network
prevents use cases of the system where collaborators
are geographically challenged. The proposed system
works outside of the local network by utilizing an
existing presence and messaging server. In addition,
the proposed system provides voice over IP, not
found on other existing apps, that would possibly
improve the perceived usability by users.
There are existing work on using electronic
whiteboard on mobile devices. Work by
Ambikairajah et al. (2007) focuses on using tablet
PCs for use with teaching DSP education. Demeure
et al., (2005) used PDAs with whiteboards as
supplement to lectures and meetings. Liu et al.
(2002) did an earlier attempt to use wireless
technologies as a tool in a classroom environment.
The system would also work for people located
remotely from each other.
The application without its Voice over IP
capabilities has also been released on the Apple App
Store under the name DoodleTalk.
The next section contains details about how the
system was implemented from building the digital
whiteboard and voice over IP features, call signaling
and NAT traversal. Then in the succeeding section
the system is tested and results are presented.
To implement the application, several libraries and
frameworks were used. A library that implements
the RTP stack called oRTP (Morlat, n.d.) was used.
A library that implements XMPP related functions
called xmppframework was used.
The shared digital whiteboard implemented
allows two or more people to share a digital
whiteboard. A person's changes to the digital
whiteboard can also be seen by others. This enables
communication not limited to text.
To complement the digital whiteboard feature,
voice over IP is implemented. Voice communication
will potentially allow easier communication than
with the shared digital whiteboard only. The
expected experience on the final application will be
similar to listening to a classroom lecture while
looking at notes being made shown on a digital
video projector.
The voice over IP feature is implemented by
parts in the following sequence: audio related
functions, peer to peer communication, call
signaling, and NAT traversal but most details of the
implementation will not be discussed here. The
audio related functions provide access to the voice
data captured by the microphone and also the buffers
that the speakers use when playing audio. Peer to
peer communication provides wrapping of audio
data into RTP packets, and facilities to send and
receive RTP packets. Call signaling provides
automatic discovery of the peer's IP address and port
and exchange those information with that peer to
establish a working call. Finally, NAT traversal
allows the voice over IP feature to work through
most NAT topologies.
Call signaling is derived XEP-0166 (Ludwig et
al., 2009) and the Google Talk Call Signaling
protocol document (Google, n.d.a).
NAT traversal was implemented by using STUN,
which is defined in RFC 5389 (Rosenberg et al.,
2008). It uses Google’s own STUN server that
echoes the public address and port number where a
packet originated. Even with this utility, the
application will work only on some network
The packet sniffer used is Wireshark on Mac
OSX. The network setup used when sniffing packets
is as follows. A laptop running Mac OSX was setup
to make an ad-hoc network that shares its ethernet
connection. Then an iPod Touch is made to connect
to the ad-hoc network. That way, packets going to
and from the iPod Touch can be sniffed including
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
packets to and from the iPhone Simulator running on
the laptop.
2.1 Digital Whiteboard
The protocol for implementing communication for
the devices using the digital whiteboard is partially
derived from Postscript commands.
There are four PostScript derived commands
used in drawing: lineto, moveto, color, and width.
The functions of these instructions are as follows.
The instruction `lineto x y` is used to represent a line
drawing from a previous saved point (x',y') to the
coordinate (x,y) and then changes the saved point to
(x,y). The instruction `moveto x y` is used to
represent a state change that moves the saved point
to (x,y). The instruction `color c` changes the state to
use the color c for the succeeding drawing
instructions. The instruction `width w` changes the
state of drawing to draw lines of thickness w in the
succeeding drawing instructions. Finger painting can
be simulated using these four instructions and that is
the reason for choosing just these four instructions
from Postscript. These instructions are passed to the
participants of the digital whiteboard using XMPP
The protocol for group communication used in
described in XEP-0045: Multi-user Chat of the
XMPP Standards Foundation (Saint-Andre, 2008).
The XEP-0045 standard describes the messages that
are being sent to and from the XMPP server and the
users. It describes messages for various commands
used in the multi-user chat. The commands
particularly used in the implementation of the multi-
user digital whiteboard are creating or joining a
room, sending a message to all participants in the
room, and receiving chat from the room.
A screenshot of the digital whiteboard is shown
in Figure 1.
Figure 1: A screenshot of the application showing the
shared digital whiteboard and controls.
2.2 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
The voice over internet protocol feature of this
project was implemented to be compatible with
Google Talk's implementation. That means the
application developed can be used to initiate or
receive calls to or from a Google Talk user. That is
aside from other users using the same application
developed in this project. This made it easy to test
the functionality of the VoIP features. The codec
chosen is iLBC in 30ms mode.
A visual diagram of how audio is processed in
the application is seen on Figure 2. The audio data
from the microphone is supplied to the application
from the remote i/o unit's input element. In one of
the render callbacks, the audio data from the
microphone is collected and copied into a buffer that
eventually gets sent to the remote peer/s. On the
other hand the audio data received from the remote
peers get processed into a designated render callback
for that peer.
Figure 2: A graph showing how the audio units are connected. Render callbacks are triggered when they need audio data.
The mixer unit combines audio from its inputs into a single stream of audio on its output. The remote i/o unit's input and
output elements represent the buffers for the iOS device's microphone and speakers respectively.
Figure 3: Wireshark capturing STUN binding request from Google Talk to a STUN server at
Figure 4: Wireshark capturing STUN binding response to Google Talk from a STUN server at
2.3 Call Signaling
The protocol for call signaling used in the
application is implemented to be compatible to
Google Talk's. Therefore we derived the protocol
from Google Call Signaling (Google, n.d.a) with
some modifications. The modifications were derived
by first following the call signaling protocol
specification and inspecting the response of Google
Talk’s web client. The call signaling protocol by
Google does not completely describe the protocol in
use by Google Talk’s voice chat call signaling.
2.4 NAT Traversal
STUN was implemented for NAT traversal, which
according to Google (Google n.d.b) is enough to
enable VoIP to work most network topologies
without the need for a relay server. By inspecting the
packets sent by
Google Talk while generating its candidates, it is
found out that the binding request sent has no
attributes and is just a plain STUN binding request
addressed to some IP address assumed to be
Google's STUN server, as seen in Figure 3. The
binding response for the request is a STUN packet
containing mapped-address and source-address
attributes, as seen in Figure 4. From the packet
captures obtained, the ip address of Google's STUN
server is dynamically obtained. Google's STUN
server is used to discover the public ip:port pair for
the application's VoIP socket.
Two user studies were done to test the application.
The first one is using Mean Opinion Score (MOS)
test that aims to measure the satisfaction of users on
the audio and conversational quality of the
application. Testers for MOS test were gathered
from a university. There were 6 testers for MOS test,
5 of them are male and 1 of them is female. They
were asked to form pairs and test and application by
pair. Pair by pair, they were oriented on the testing
procedure. First, they are give two devices both
running the application. Those devices running the
application already has the VoIP call set-up so that
testing is focused on the quality of audio. The two
PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Table 1: SUS questionnaire mean ratings.
Question Mean Rating
I think that I would like to use this system frequently. 3.69
I found the system unnecessarily complex. 2.31
I thought the system was easy to use. 3.63
I think that I would need the support of a technical person to be able to use this system. 2.00
I found the various functions in this system were well integrated. 3.63
I thought there was too much inconsistency in this system. 1.88
I would imagine that most people would learn to use this system very quickly. 4.00
I found the system very cumbersome to us. 2.75
I felt very confident using the system. 3.94
I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get going with this system. 2.00
devices were connected to a common access point
through WiFi, therefore the test is for voice chat on
the local network. There are many other access
points running 802.11g/b/n in the test environment
aside from the access point used. The access point
used for testing is a Ruckus Wireless ZoneFlex.
Then one person in a pair is asked to read out to
his/her buddy the five phrases recommended by
(ITU-T, 1998) for MOS test.
The MOS of the system, as rated by the testers is
2.67. Compared to the MOS of iLBC codec in
(Bhatia, 2006), iLBC has a MOS of 3.9, the
application's MOS is lower.
Another test performed is for measuring usability
of the whole application. It includes using both the
shared whiteboard and voice chat. The test was
performed by 16 people, one pair at a time. The
testers were all students at a university with an
average age of 20.69 years old and standard
deviation of 0.82 years old. Of the 16 testers, 3 are
female and 13 are male. They were asked to perform
task completion and then fill up a questionnaire at
the end of the task. The questionnaire items were
derived from (Brooke, 2007). The task they
performed was about building a floor plan, similar to
the task performed by users in (Kunz et al., 2010). In
a pair of testers, each is given a unique set of
requirements. They have to draw a floor plan that
satisfies both of their requirements. The results of
the test is shown in Table 1. The system obtained a
SUS score with a mean of 69.84 and standard
deviation of 14.21.
From the results obtained by performing MOS, SUS,
and benchmarking tests, the application can be said
to be usable but still needs to improve its MOS and
SUS score. It is advised that more tests be performed
with a larger sample size to make a more accurate
measurement of the application’s audio quality and
usability from user’s perspective. It is also
recommended to perform the test on a more diverse
set of users, because the tests performed are
concentrated on getting feedback on people around
the age of 20.
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PECCS 2012 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems