Dominik Gr
untjens, Daniel Arndt, Jenny Beschorner, Jonas Dietterle, Jens Epe, Paul Kobold,
Tobias St
uttem and Stefan M
Institute of Computational Visualistics, University of Koblenz, Universit
atsstraße, Koblenz, Germany
Augmented Reality Telescope, Gamebased Tourism, Interaction and Exploration.
TelARscope is a gamebased touristic augmented reality telescope. Its interaction and exploration concept is
sufficient for a heterogeneous user group such as tourists. It enables not only to watch augmented content
overlayed at all times statically but also to explore it completely interactively. We evaluated the telescope with
91 real tourists.
Augmented Reality is often used in tourism. In
(Fraser et al., 2004), a mixed reality system in a mu-
seum was discussed and analyzed. It is concluded
that ‘digital components can effectively deliver in-
formation which enriches subsequent hands-on ex-
ploration’. In (Schn
adelbach et al., 2001), a tripod
system was used to explore a historical site. An-
other project for exhibitions is (Hindmarsh et al.,
2002). The first Augmented Reality telescope was
the AR-Ocular XC-01 by Fraunhofer IGD (Lutz et al.,
2004). GeoScope was developed at the Leibniz Uni-
versity of Hannover in 2006 (Brenner et al., 2006).
The difference is that they used a touchscreen dis-
play. It presents geographic information to a large
audience without prior knowledge or instructions.
Another telescope is Timescope by ART+COM in
Berlin. Users are able to watch historical material
recorded at the focused location. A modified variant
of Timescope is the Jurascope at the Museum of Nat-
ural History in Berlin. It enables the visitor to follow
the virtual transformation of a dinosaur skeleton into
a ‘living’ animal (Juraskope, 2007). ‘One Rock’ is
a very informative project about Augmented Reality
telescopes in public places (Reeves et al., 2005). It
was developed and installed for two months during
an exhibition on a large rock in Morecambe Bay. If it
was pointed at a nearby bottle, a prefabricated video
of microorganisms living on the rock was presented.
Visitors are put under the illusion that they are zoom-
ing into the bottle to watch the microorganisms. The
system was evaluated by user observations.
Augmented Reality telescopes have been used suc-
cessfully in the past. These systems integrate every-
thing needed to build a stationary Augmented Reality
system. None of these projects used gamebased inter-
action and exploration concepts to allow an interac-
tive exploration of the surrounding areas.
Figure 1: Usage of telARscope.
Tourists explore new environments every day all over
the world. How can their touristic experience be en-
riched and how can applications add value to their
sightseeing tours? How can they be entertained in a
way that improves the touristic experience and does
not disturb but allow them to learn something in an
intrinsically motivating way? The touristic setting
only allows intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation
doesn’t work (Stier and Gr
untjens, 2011). Tourists
Grüntjens D., Arndt D., Beschorner J., Dietterle J., Epe J., Kobold P., Stüttem T. and Müller S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003827304970500
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 497-500
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
want to have free time during their holidays. They
do not want to work nor to learn: ‘Regarding the lat-
ter, experiential processes, such as imagining, day-
dreams, and emotions, play an important role in va-
cation choice behavior’ (Goossens, 2000). This lead
us to gamebased interaction and exploration concepts.
These concepts motivate users intrinsically and allow
a positive experience in a short time period.
TelARscope is a gamebased outdoor Augmented
Reality telescope exhibited at the national garden
show in Koblenz 2011 which had 3.5 million visitors.
It is shown in figure 1. It faces many interesting his-
torical places: Historical bridges, a prussian fortress
- Fortress Ehrenbreitstein - and some other remark-
able locations. It was presented to visitors from dif-
ferent countries, with different spoken languages and
various ages. It is designed to add value to the touris-
tic experience by allowing an exciting exploration of
the area and showing some historical interesting lo-
cations. The hardware was developed by Trivisio
GmbH, Trier. The software component was devel-
oped by University of Koblenz-Landau.
Figure 2: The hardware of the system.
The hardware of the telescope is encapsulated in
a cartridge installed into the telescope’s main tube. It
consists of three components: a computer in mini ITX
format, a display and a camera. The telescope seems
to be a normal touristic telescope. But if a user looks
through it, she or he will be surprised by seeing an
image presented on the display with added informa-
tion from the computer. The whole computer system
is encapsulated in a cartridge which can be removed
easily in the case of necessary maintenances on the
system. The computer consists of an Intel Celeron
T3100 @1.97 Ghz, a Geforce 9400 mobile graphics
card, a 60 GB SSD and 4 GB RAM. There are two
rotary encoders built in to track horizontal and verti-
cal movements of the telescope with 8192 encoding
levels. The installed camera is a Pointgrey Firefly
@61 fps with a resolution of 640x480. In the front
part of the cartridge, an active cooler is integrated.
For maintenance purposes we installed a UMTS stick
to be able to connect to the telescope via VNC. The
telescope is enabled to broadcast its state via email.
A cover at the side of the telescope can be removed
to gain access to a USB connector. A keyboard and
a mouse can be used to maintain the telescope. The
hardware is shown in figure 2.
We assumed that the average visitor uses telARscope
for about 30 seconds. An application for such a big
exhibition requires for it to work without any spoken
or written language. We couldn’t describe the age of
the users any closer. The noisy environment implies
that we couldn’t use any audio output. Our applica-
tion should be interesting every time. Users leave the
telescope in its actual position and a new user must be
able to use it with full functionality at every time. It
ought to work if the user is using it for a few seconds
only, but it should also enable long time exploration.
Figure 3: Left side: An overlay station. Right side: A
beamer station.
There are several gamebased stations. Each is
a point of interest. There are overlay stations and
beamer stations (figure 3). In overlay stations, an im-
age of the past overlays the reality. Beamer stations
beam users to another viewpoint (figure 3). This is
completely innovative. All stations are shown in table
Users should be able to interact with the environ-
ment by merely moving the telescope but they should
also be able to interact actively with the system. We
didn’t want to present the digital contents all the time.
The two buttons on top of the telescope could be used
for interaction but the user should be able to inter-
act without any additional input devices, as there was
a high possibility of users not detecting the buttons.
The first button enables or disables a station. The sec-
ond button is a gimmick: It throws flowers into the
Similar applications often use simple pointers. In
an augmented reality environment a lot of immersion
is by using icons. We wanted to create an environ-
ment where users get help to find the objects to in-
teract with but could also just use the telescope as a
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Table 1: All stations of the application.
Name Type Content if selected
Fortress Overlay Image of 1789.
Castle Overlay Image of the now
Philippsburg destroyed castle.
Ape Overlay The ape throws bananas
at the user.
Ship bridge Overlay A now destroyed
ship bridge.
Train bridge Overlay Old train bridge.
Tram Overlay A tram existent in
the past.
Balloon 1 Beamer The fortress in a
bird’s eye view.
Balloon 2 Beamer View from the bridge
below the ballon
Webcam Beamer A webcam image
Statue Beamer Koblenz in the past.
plain one. Users should be able to use the telescope
without understanding the interaction concept in ev-
ery detail. Therefore, an intelligent pointer was de-
signed for gamebased exploration: Hints show where
something can be explored and if a user activates it,
augmented contents appear. The curiosity of people
is piqued and there is fun exploring everything and in-
teracting with the contents. Instead of icons, vibrant
auras hint at interactive content and a cluster of float-
ing petals accompanying the user replaces a classic
pointer (see figure 4). Hovering over an aura for sev-
eral seconds causes the petal cluster to change its ap-
pearance from a loose drifting to a more defined for-
mation in the shape of the logo of the national garden
show. The content beneath is executed. When some
content is active, the petal cluster is faded to invisibil-
ity to prevent blocking sights and returns to full opac-
ity when the user leaves the current aura. Alongside
its selection mechanic the petal cluster is designed as
entertaining content itself. It draws the initial atten-
tion and gives the first hint that something is odd. It
follows the users movements and can be spread out
and pushed around.
We developed WatchGART (WatchGuard for
ARTelescopes) to watch the state of the main appli-
cation. In case of an application crash, it can restart
the application. If it isn’t successful, a status email
is sent. In this case, one can connect via internet to
the telescope. A MemoryFile class serves as an inter-
face for the communication between the main appli-
cation and WatchGART. After the system is booted,
WatchGART is started automatically. After the ini-
tialization, an ‘Out of order’ image is displayed in
fullscreen mode. The telescope’s main application
will be started by WatchGART in front of this.
Figure 4: Auras around selectable objects ant the intelligent
We evaluated the whole system with 91 real tourists
with an average age of 35.86 years. There was no spe-
cial evaluation setting. The average user group size
was 2.57 persons consisting of 0.64 children, 0.64
adolescents and 1.29 adults. The average time of
use was 33.8 seconds. All questions should be rated
by the participants in a range from 1 (‘completely
agree’) to 5 (‘completely disagree’) with the possibil-
ity to leave a question unanswered. The knowledge of
Koblenz was average (2.81 from 5, sd: 1.76). Most
users were interested in history (average: 1.98, sd:
1.02) but didn’t know much about the specific history
of Koblenz (average: 3.78, sd: 1.27). The interest in
technological inventions and new developments was
high (1.66, sd: 0.87), as well as the interest in new
compuer developments (average 2.21, sd: 1.29). Fig-
ure 5 shows the stations explored by the users. The
most explored stations are concentrated in the area
telARscope faces at. Users moved the telescope less
an expected. Fortress Ehrenbreitstein is the tallest
and most present building in this area.
Figure 5: Stations explored by the users.
We evaluated the telARscope’s concept, interac-
tion, innovation, comfort and social interaction. The
overall score is shown in figure 6. Users found the
overall concept apart from the knowledge transfer
good (average: 1.99, sd: 0.088). The knowledge
transfer was rated average (average: 2.68, sd: 0.82).
The innovation of telARscope was considered good
too (average: 1.63, sd: 0.21). The overall concept
of telARscope worked. The system was fun, interest-
ing and innovative. If such a system should provide
knowledge transfer, there should be an explicit con-
cept for it.
Figure 6: The overall score of the evaluation with standard
Most people didn’t understand the interaction con-
cept in every detail (average: 3.11, sd: 0.52). Due to
the heterogeneous user groups, the standard deviation
is high. The average time of use (33.8 seconds) is too
short to explore the interaction concept completely. If
users don’t explore the interaction concept in every
detail, telARscope still works as if there was static
augmented reality content. The interaction concept
works with every type of usage, it allows tourists to
explore everything interactively in detail or merely to
explore the stations in a short time.
The comfort of telARscope was rated good (aver-
age: 2.38, sd: 0.91). There is no optimal height for
a telescope. A block of wood has been installed in
front of telARscope so that children could step on it.
Because of this, children moved telARscope even less
because they had to move the wooden block too. It is
very hard to use telARscope’s lense because one has
to look straight through it to see the installed monitor.
The social aspects of telARscope have been rated
good (average: 2.29, sd of 0.64). People interacted
socially by speaking about it with their companions
and discussed about it. This adds value to the touris-
tical experience too.
The idea and concept were very much appreciated by
the users. We are going to advance our gamebased
interaction and exploration system by tuning our pa-
rameters and by designing, implementing and reeval-
uating new interaction concepts. In the develeopment
process, we developed an SDK. We are going to ad-
vance it with authoring opportunities. New concepts
could be implemented more easily and less time con-
suming. We are going to be able to test more interac-
tion and exploration concepts to find out which game-
based concepts work best. We are going to design and
implement approaches to enable gamebased knowl-
edge transfer on telARscope.
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GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications