State-of-the-art in the Artificial Mind
Andrej Gardoň and Aleš Horák
Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Watson, True Knowledge, AURA, Dolphin-Nick, Transparent Intensional Logic,
GuessME!, Mind Theory, Mind Axioms.
Abstract: This paper discusses three up-to-date Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects focusing on the question-
answering problem – Watson, Aura and True Knowledge. Besides a quick introduction to the architecture of
systems, we show examples revealing their shortages. The goal of the discussion is the necessity of a
module that acquires knowledge in a meaningful way and isolation of the Mind from natural language. We
introduce an idea of the GuessME! system that, by a playing simple game, deepens its own knowledge and
brings new light to the question-answering problem.
The idea of a machine, at least as intelligent as the
human, has attracted many researches in the last few
decades (Crevier, 1993; Goertzel & Pennachin,
2007; Hall, 2007). Generally, three sub-problems
have to be solved: Data acquisition, data
manipulation and data processing. While data
manipulation is well-formed today, intelligent
processing and data acquisition is far from the
capabilities of our brains. Many tools for data
storage are available, but there are few for ingenious
information retrieval, especially those with natural
language support. Such technologies, besides
traditional data manipulation, provide data
categorization, understanding the meaning and a
deep question-answering mechanism. In this article
we discuss three projects aimed at intelligent data
processing. We analyse pitfalls of the mentioned
systems and describe the project GuessME! which
introduces the idea of automatic knowledge
A few months ago, the world was fascinated by an
AI system called Watson introduced by IBM. As a
competitor of the Jeopardy! quiz, it won the game
and superseded the DeepBlue system (Hsu, 2002) in
the chart of intelligent computers that defeated the
most successful human players. It had no internet
connection, no human interaction and was able to
answer enough questions to win $77 147, leaving
rivals at $24 000 and $21 600. Should we worry
about our intellect? Definitely not! Although Watson
is effective in factual problems, its abilities in
creative tasks are limited. Let us quickly look at the
system’s architecture, internal processes and, by
analysing some questions, reveal weaknesses of the
system (based on Ferrucci, 2010 and YouTube
archives of the Jeopardy! show).
The knowledge library is an essential component
of a question-answering system like Watson.
Millions of texts in different forms serve this
purpose. Besides an unstructured approach (similar
to Google), there is also a structured knowledge base
(KB), storing entities and relations between them.
IBM’s research revealed the necessity to combine
both methods. Usually, however, the KB must be
provided in advance and most of the knowledge is
stored in the unstructured form. These facts make
Watson a nerd. He knows a lot, but he does not
understand it.
Question-answering starts with a classification of
questions and identification of sub-queries.
Decomposed parts enter a phase of hypothesis
generation and candidate answers are proposed by a
n A. and Horák A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003831504060412
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 406-412
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
variety of search techniques (text/document/passage
searches, KB querying, constraint lists). The amount
of generated hypotheses was stabilized at 250 with a
precision level of 85% (85% is the probability of
generating a correct answer within the top 250
candidate answers for every question). Soft filtering
based on lightweight scoring algorithms prune the
initial set of answers and then proving by evidence
begins. One of the most effective proving methods is
a passage search. Here, a candidate answer is added
to the original question’s context and snippets of text
satisfying both are retrieved. Finally, scoring and
ranking algorithms identify the best answer. The
system has noteworthy architecture that combines
current data mining technologies and smart statistic
methods for achieving the best results. But do
human beings search tons of texts when answering a
simple question? The Jeopardy! show is fast (usually
3-6 seconds per answer) and there is no time to
conduct exhausting searches through one’s
knowledge. The most recent research identified
synchronized patterns in frequencies of firing
neurons. The highest frequencies represent an
overall perception of an object while lower
frequencies codify different visual aspects,
emotions, etc. (Lane, 2009). Therefore, it is likely
for the brain to store information in structured
associations rather than pure texts. In school, one
can try to be a nerd, but a clever teacher can always
ask the question that reveals the true level of your
understanding. In Watson, this is represented by a
question from Game 1:
“From the Latin for "end", this is where trains
can also originate”.
Watson top three answers:
1. finis (97%)
2. Constantinople (13%)
3. Pig Latin (10%)
He had chosen the answer “finis” which was wrong.
There is not a problem to infer the correct answer
from the partial solution (terminus, finis) for a
human. Another example comes from the Name the
decade category in Game 1. Watson was not able to
answer any questions from this category. He had the
highest confidence in the first question:
Disneyland opens & the peace symbol is created
1. 1950s (87%)
2. Kingdom (6%)
3. It’s a Small World (4%)
however, he was superseded by a rival. The system
most likely fails during a phase of evidence proving.
It looks for sources meeting the requirements from
both candidate answer and the question. Humans
rather solve sub-queries and then join them Sources
on Google related to the question
Disneyland opens & the peace symbol is created
1. 1920s (57%)
2. 1910 (30%)
support this theory. Watson preferred the answer
1920s to the correct 1910s (There are many sources
containing key words from the question and 1910s).
The human brain’s intelligence and limits of the
Watson technology are revealed in the Actors who
Direct category from Game 2. Human competitors
recalled the answers while Watson had still been
proving his hypotheses. However, other sections
showed the advantages of Watson’s methods. The
strength of associations in the human brain
determines the amount of knowledge and the level
of reasoning used during the search for an answer.
Therefore, some questions can take more time than
that which is required by Watson’s supercomputer.
Brightness of human intellect overcomes this
handicap in a brilliant way. A player with low
confidence in an answer immediately buzzes in and
takes five private seconds to seek the correct answer.
The Also on your computer keys category proves
Watson’s intelligence level. None of the proposed
answers met the computer key constraint:
A loose-fitting dress hanging straight from the
shoulders to below the waist
1. chemise (97%)It's an abbreviation for
Grand Prix auto racing
1. gpc (57%)
The main disadvantage of Watson is the
ignorance of the natural language (NL) meaning. A
different approach can be found in the AURA
project (prepared by Gunning, 2010), which
attempts to pass advanced placement exams by
learning from college-level science textbooks.
During the development, three areas of interest were
chosen (Biology, Physics and Chemistry) with
selected sections in the textbooks. A trained expert
in each domain was required to model the
knowledge extracted from these texts. These
responsible persons underlined the most important
words in a paragraph. The highlighted sections were
then mapped on concepts either by semantic search
against a specialized knowledge base (SKB) or
manually by the expert. Knowledge extraction was
finished in a graph-editing tool where a concept map
was created.
Besides textual entries, AURA can process
tables and mathematical equations; however,
diagrams and complex processes (as is the case in
Biology) must be omitted. System querying is
carried out in a simplified form of English:
A car is driving. The initial speed of the car is
12m/s. The final speed of the car is 25 m/s. The
duration of the drive is 6.0 s. What is the distance of
the drive?
Tests showed that AURA can correctly answer
more than 70% of questions that were available to
the experts during the creation of the SKBs (thus, it
was possible to formulate the knowledge in a way
that can easily reveal answers). When novel
questions were asked, best results were achieved in
Biology (47%), the worst in Chemistry (18%),
which was caused by optimizing the SKBs to prior
questions. The need for a trained expert to model all
knowledge in AURA limits the system’s usability. It
would be more appropriate if the expert just
supervised the learning process and answered
potential questions formulated by the system. An
inference module limits AURA in using built-in
rules. As it is not possible to obtain new rules from
NL, only a predefined set of problems can be solved.
True Knowledge (TK) is a project supporting
automatic acquisition of knowledge from various
sources (prepared by Tunstall-Pedoe, 2010).
Relational databases can be mapped to TK format by
specialized tools; summary tables found at the end
of Wikipedia articles provide a structured
informational resource; language processors extract
data from unstructured parts of Wikipedia and
Internet users can manually enter new knowledge.
Each English sentence is simplified into
subject-noun phrase verb-phrase
format, which is close to the one used by facts in KB
(named relations between named entities). Besides
simple facts, the KB can also have facts about facts
and facts about properties of facts, all of which has
the power to express many phenomena captured by
NL. Consistency of the system is ensured by the
inference mechanism that proposes the truthfulness
of facts and rejects data causing contradictions.
Inference rules are formed by generators
programmed by people; this limits TK in the
automatic creation of new rules.
Sentence analysis constrains the domain of
acceptable problems. Each question is mapped on a
template transforming NL into KB format. In case it
is not possible to match a question with a template
already present in the system, answer inferring fails.
The following questions demonstrate the pitfalls of
such a solution:
Who is the director of Rocky II? Sylvester Stallone
Who is the director of Rocky III? Sylvester Stallone
Who is the director of Rocky II and III? Fail
The system produces the best answers in simple
factual questions (e.g. “Who is Barrack Obama?”),
but an internal benchmark (by True Knowledge)
showed only 17% of common questions can be
answered. Although another 36% can be answered
by adding new knowledge and a further 20% by
creating new templates, poor results reveal the
abilities of the self-learning system.
The discussed projects can be used in everyday life,
but each of them lacks the intellect of the human
brain. AURA and TK understand a portion of NL
meaning, while Watson has great power to defeat
human players without knowing what the nature of
the question is. We identify the main problem in the
core of all systems – acquisition of knowledge.
Children require many years of studies to form an
integrated view of the world. By games, books,
problem-solving, they strengthen associations, tune
concepts and create new reasoning rules. From
childhood, human beings try to understand the
outside world. It is, therefore, necessary to research
a project that is able to learn in the same way as
children. In this way, the system can remember the
word “apple”, with appropriate references to the real
object, and further ask questions like: “What is the
colour of the apple? Is it food? Is the Apple a
member of any class?”
Natural language seems to be an essential
component of intelligence but, as Steven Pinker
says, it is rather an instinct (Pinker, 2000). Its main
purpose is the communication of internal thoughts
and awareness of external circumstances. In
comparison to the senses (vision, hearing), it is rapid
with effective exchange of information. However,
the logic behind it is, according to the modular
theory of Jerry Fodor (Fodor, 1983), likely joined
with a separate module – the Mind. Two arguments
support this proposition. First, the frontal lobe of the
brain is identified as a centre of the Consciousness
(Carter, 2009); the brain can process information
from the senses, but one is not aware of it until this
centre is activated. Thanks to this setup, we can walk
along a familiar street and think something
completely different. Secondly, learning by heart
allows the reproduction of text without knowing
what it is about (personally, I wonder about poems I
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
have learned and never known about the meaning).
Therefore, there are no doubts that handicapped
(blind, deaf-mute) people can achieve high
education levels even if they do not have a
functioning channel of communication. Deaf-
blindness is a loss of vision accompanied by lack of
hearing, so the development of everyday language is
excluded. Special communication methods based on
touch are sufficient for those people to learn
Mathematics (Řezáčová. 2007). As a conclusion,
natural language is just another form of information
coding with mediated reference of reality or the
abstract world. We suppose there is a special module
(call it the Mind), which supervises associations
between different codes (sounds, pictures, words,
etc.), providing inference capabilities and data
processing. The Mind, with the cooperation of the
Emotional module, forms a significant part of our
intelligence. Recent research has revealed that all
information from our senses meet in the Amygdala
part of the brain (Carter, 2009) which is responsible
for emotional reactions. If, let us say, that the
connection between the vision and emotional centre
is broken (as in Capgras’ syndrome), you can clearly
recognize the face of a familiar person, but you
consider the person is a cheater as no appropriate
emotion is invoked (Berson, 1983).
Despite the importance of the Emotional module,
let us focus on the Mind, as it is essential for
understanding coded information. Senses and NL
have five common properties (CP). They can:
Distinguish energetic fields called Objects
(Apple, Car, Red colour, Singing …);
Identify properties and parts of objects (red,
cold, leg …) that are themselves objects;
Describe relations between objects (a man
has a leg, a man has a father...);
Analyse the dynamics of objects (I ate an
apple); and
Categorize objects into concepts to provide
general properties of its members.
Grammatical categories in the sentence “Smart
Watson won the Jeopardy! game.” express some CP.
Watson and Jeopardy! game are objects, smart is a
property of Watson and the verb won describes an
activity performed by Watson (dynamics of an
object). You can realize CP by senses with a simple
test. Close your eyes and take an ice cube into your
hand. You inspect it as a sole object that is cold and
melts in time. Formal logic systems usually lack
some aspect of CP (e.g. first-order logic is unable to
represent the dynamics of objects) and, therefore,
their computational equivalents cannot reach the
required level of intelligence.
Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL) represents
NL meaning in an algorithmically accessible form
and fully supports CP (Tichý, 2004). It is designed
to analyse all information from the sentence
Figure 1: GuessME! architecture.
(temporal aspect, personal attitudes, beliefs, etc.)
and code it in the form of a construction. A sentence
with its corresponding representation in TIL follows:
Andrej was shopping in the supermarket on (this)
λw λt [P
w1 t1
Andrej [Perf
]]] Friday]
Joining TIL with a question-answering module
(QAM) is the idea of the GuessME! system.
GuessME! is a system based on a simple game for
two players. One player chooses an Object (see the
definition above) or Event and the other one has to
guess this object by asking questions. Actions and
relations are excluded from the possible domain;
however, questions can contain these actions (“Is it
used for washing?”). There are two operational
Game - the user chooses whether he/she
will guess or think and then questions are
postulated to reveal the object
Explorer – the computer asks about objects
from the KB to form new associations or to
confirm the truthfulness of previous
By asking questions about data already present in
the system, GuessME! is able to deepen knowledge
associations, generalize information, form concepts
or even create new inference rules. It also extracts
the meaning of NL and stores it in an internal format
(Dolly Construction, DC; see Gardoň, 2010).
Comparing this to the 20-Questions game (Speer et
al., 2009), GuessME! is an open domain, supports
typed NL and is two-way (humans can be the
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the
GuessME! system. The computational equivalent of
TIL called Dolphin-Nick (Gardoň & Horák, 2011) is
used as a KB. This system is capable of processing
TIL constructions, supports the temporal aspect
(Gardoň & Horák, 2011) and allows basic forms of
inference. A brief introduction of modules follows
(For more information consult Gardoň, 2011):
SYNT is a tool for automatic transcription of NL
sentences to corresponding TIL constructions
(Horák, 2008). It provides an NL language interface
to the Dolphin-Nick KB.
WWW stands for Why?What?Where? and
represents the QAM module. It is responsible for
generating questions and answers. Besides simple
Yes/No questions, it is possible to ask a question
having a set of simple words as an answer (e.g.
What is the colour of X, What classes is X member
YAGO is based on a KB containing more than
10 million entities and 80 million facts about them
(Suchanek, Kasneci, Weikum, 2008). It is used to
collect common knowledge and alternatively to get
additional information about previously stored data.
In GuessME!, it is possible to enter information like
“a car is a thing” and the system uses YAGO to
obtain further information.
DOLLY parser is a tool for converting TIL
constructions into DC. As a DC is language
independent, GuessME! can be adapted to any
CACHE is a temporary storage place for
incoming information (see Gardoň & Horák, 2011).
MEMORY is organized as a semantic network
of DCs.
MIND manages inference rules denoted by
sentences like “Every man is human.” The internal
mechanism checks the consistence of the KB using
these rules. GENERALIZER can automatically
create new rules from a probability table (PT)
defined by a concept. Every set (TIL object of type
(ο)ξ) in the Dolphin-Nick system corresponds to a
Concept with representative individual (RI) sharing
properties of all set members. CONCEPT
MANAGER creates PT according to proportional
coverage of properties (see Figure 2) and
GENERALIZER takes top rows with 100%
coverage to make new rules from them. The
dynamic nature of such rules is clear.
One of the TIL advantages is a theory of possible
worlds (Tichý, 2004) – the Dolphin-Nick KB can
contain knowledge with different truthfulness
depending on possible worlds used (The world is flat
can be true in the KB itself but false in a world
describing a model connected with the user Peter).
Worlds are used to model personal attitudes and play
GuessME!. When a game starts, a new individual is
Figure 2: Concept for the word Bird.
created in the game world (GW). With progress,
answers are transformed into a model represented by
the GW, which is continually checked against the
general KB world to propose new questions. When
there is enough confidence in the character of the
guessed individual, the system tries to guess its
At the beginning of a game, players agree on the
type of object being guessed (Object or Event). In
the case of an Event, temporal questions can be used
with full support of time tenses (see Gardoň &
Horák, 2011), e.g. thinking of the day America was
discovered, one can ask “Did this event happened
during last millennium? Was it before or after
Christ?, etc.”.
The GuessME! project is under development and
we are intensively working on its modules. It is
necessary to provide an interface connecting YAGO
with Dolphin-Nick and examine methods for
acquisition of knowledge from this KB. The Mind is
partially implemented with basic inference rules.
The temporal aspect is also fully supported. Further
steps are focused on the CONCEPT MANAGER,
GENERALIZER and a complex inference module
(especially on the capability of identifying rules in a
text and their incorporation into the Mind). Strategy
of game play is to be devised and formulation of
questions must be specified within the WWW
module. The key step is to formulate common
knowledge, which allows the playing of the first
games. School textbooks from the first grades of
elementary education will be used to teach the
system basic facts.
We hope that GuessME!, by simulation of
human progress through education, will lead to a
complex question-answering machine.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Summary of discussed question-answering systems.
Watson AURA True Knowledge GuessME!
Type of knowledge Mostly unstructured Structured Structured Structured
Input method Encyclopedias, DBs, texts Logic formalism DBs, Wikipedia, Users
Users, YAGO, School
Question formulation NL Simplified NL NL templates NL
Pros Unrestricted domain
Can solve
mathematical problems
Automatic acquisition of
Unrestricted domain, full NL
support, acquisition of
Does not really
understand NL
Input method, domain
Unable to answer complex
Usability Data mining Education tool New Google
New Google, smart
In this article we have discussed three different
projects in Artificial Intelligence that have a
common goal – the question-answering issue. We
identified their shortfalls and proposed intelligent
acquisition of knowledge as a solution. An overview
of presented systems is summarized in Table 1. The
GuessME! System, based on a simple game, is
introduced as a basic step towards a Watson-like
system with full NL support. It combines structured
knowledge in the form of a KB (like AURA),
natural language as the main communication method
(True Knowledge, Watson), open-domain orienta-
tion (Watson, True Knowledge) and a theory of
possible worlds. The nature of the GuessME! project
uncovers our mistrust in systems like Watson. As a
human being must undergo years of studies to
become an intellectual adult, the same must be done
within a computer system. GuessME! should be the
first step.
This work has been partly supported by the Czech
Science Foundation under the project P401/10/0792.
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ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence