A. Albin-Clark
, T. L. J. Howard
and B. Anderson
School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K.
Faculty of Education, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, U.K.
Education, Simulation, Virtual Human.
Observation of young children is common in educational settings but student practitioners have infrequent ac-
cess so limited amounts of observable activity can ever be captured. We have developed a software application
using research-based models of child development to support observations made by pedagogical practitioners.
The prototype system Observation which we believe is the first to employ 3D interactive computer graphics
for visualising early childhood play, is available for download and evaluation.
Observation of young children is common in early
childhood settings to plan and assess activities ac-
cording to the developmental needs of the individ-
ual child. It is difficult for an observer to be a dis-
tant onlooker because children expect adults present
to supervise and help them. Making notes, record-
ing a video, or taking photographs, can also have an
impact on the way children play and behave. Fixed
cameras can only capture activity within one area and
may need editing to remove periods of inactivity but
an edited recording is not a true representation of
events. Hand-held cameras are more flexible but are
intrusive. An observer may miss something interest-
ing. It is also quite hard to walk and film at the same
time (Bruce and Meggitt, 2006). For student practi-
tioners, access to children is infrequent, and observ-
able activity may be limited, so observation sched-
ules are used with textual case studies, perhaps with
supporting images and/or video. Early work demon-
strated that the use of sound/colour film modules,
combined with questions posed from a computer ter-
minal, increased the observational abilities of the stu-
dents (Durrett and Richards, 1976). However, there
has been limited work attempting to simulate the ed-
ucational environments of young children. Support-
ing the decision-making process of the adult is usually
the underlying theme. The activities are often adult-
initiated, more typical with children after pre-school,
with static 2D graphics of learners. These systems
do not show any activities occurring; it is left to the
user’s imagination.
We have developed a cross-platform sandbox applica-
tion, using C++ and OpenGL, to support observations
made by pedagogical practitioners (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Characters engaged in blockplay on their patch.
A mixture of graphical and textual information
is provided for the observer, via an intuitive inter-
face. The observer is not represented as a 3D charac-
ter themselves, but viewing is designed to be through
the eyes of the observer, including: walking; flying;
and following a character. New characters are ran-
domly generated or defined manually along three di-
mensions: blockplay stage (Wellhousen and Kieff,
2000); social play stage (Parten, 1932); and egocen-
trism (Kesselring and M
uller, 2011). Character ap-
Albin-Clark A., L. J. Howard T. and Anderson B..
DOI: 10.5220/0003838805010502
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2012), pages 501-502
ISBN: 978-989-8565-02-0
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pearance is deliberately abstract, a physical manifes-
tation of engagement in play, rather than figurative.
Clicking somewhere in the scene adds the character
at that position and allocates a colour-coded patch (1
metre by 1 metre) provided it is not: outside the ter-
rain; on bumpy terrain; on another patch; or on areas
with objects. Once added, a character may relocate
their patch (at any time) if the location is not suitable
for them, based upon their sociability. Each charac-
ter has their own inventory to hold a database of cur-
rently owned objects. If displayed, it shows each type
of object and its respective quantity. To keep the ter-
rain free from clutter, in addition to returning unused
items to their inventory, characters periodically claim
objects within their patch and place them in their in-
ventory, removing them from view. Characters may
join a group; in some groups, individual inventories
may be shared. The well-being for a character is a
simplified representation of the ‘Leuven scale’ used in
the process-oriented child monitoring system (Laev-
ers et al., 2002), and uses the same five-points: ex-
tremely high; high; moderate; low; extremely low.
The well-being can be determined visually by looking
at their vest, where the tone ranges from white (high-
est), to black (lowest) using a continuous represen-
tation of the scale (Figure 1). Characters pathfind to
obtain the shortest route through the world and around
obstacles using our implementation of the A* search
algorithm, and local steering helps characters avoid
one other. Skeletal animations conform to the Bio-
vision Hierarchy motion capture standard. Charac-
ters are selected within the scene to display static and
dynamic data in the character information pane. A
timestamped event log shows both archived and real-
time events, filtered on characters, if needed. The ter-
rain is interactively edited (height, textures) to create
different types of landscape. Characters follow the
terrain, even while it is being edited, and they will
avoid steep areas. The corners of a character’s patch
are locked and cannot be moved. If a character relo-
cates patch, those corners are unlocked. Objects are
custom shapes defined in terms of other primitives,
or 3D models; these are dropped into the scene and
interactively manipulated. The physics library Bullet
has been integrated to give added realism to objects
in motion and at rest. Various visualisation options
expose the underlying functionality of the simulation.
A pilot evaluation with student practitioners and in-
structors in early childhood studies at Liverpool Hope
University was promising. The student practitioners
felt it was helpful: to have an influence on the well-
being of the characters; to be present among the char-
acters; to adjust their viewing position; and to define
the behaviour of the characters. Some students re-
ported increased understanding in the stages of block-
play. Several were enthusiastic about changing the
environment by modifying the terrain and applying
textures, such as flooring. They found setting the
scene to be useful because this is something that must
be done in real life; A practitioner provides things,
said one of them. Another student said, “Observation
would be perfect for developing observational skills
in childcare courses, for those lacking in confidence
to go into settings and just do it. Larger scale trials
are planned.
The pilot evaluation was encouraging and suggests
that computer graphics simulation of young children
has value for student practitioners. However, we do
recognise some limitations with our work. The well-
being representation is very much a simplification,
and does not take into account indicators such as body
posture and facial expression, which are used in the
Leuven scale. In addition, the uniform appearance
and animations of the characters imply no specific
age, which may be too open-ended when considering
the development of the child. These, and other is-
sues, are being addressed in our continuing research.
Observation is available for download and evaluation
Bruce, T. and Meggitt, C. (2006). Child Care and Educa-
tion. Hodder Arnold, fourth edition.
Durrett, M. E. and Richards, P. (1976). Computer-Based
Simulation for Observing Child Behavior. Home Eco-
nomics Research Journal, 5(2):88–91.
Kesselring, T. and M
uller, U. (2011). The concept of ego-
centrism in the context of Piaget’s theory. New Ideas
in Psychology, 29(3):327–345.
Laevers, F., Vandenbussche, E., Kog, M. and Depondt, L.
(2002). A Process-Oriented Child Monitoring System
for Young Children. Experiential Education. Centre
for Experiential Education.
Parten, M. B. (1932). Social participation among pre-school
children. The Journal of Abnormal & Social Psychol-
ogy, 27(3):243–269.
Wellhousen, K. and Kieff, J. (2000). A Constructivist Ap-
proach to Block Play in Early Childhood. Wadsworth
Publishing, first edition.
GRAPP 2012 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications