Ritch Macefield
Shannon-Weaver Ltd, 19 Cornovian Close, Perton, Wolverhampton, WV6 7NU, U.K.
Keywords: Human Computer Interaction, HCI, Usability, Mental Model, Conceptual Model, Derivative Model
approach, Unified Modelling Language, UML.
Abstract: This paper describes the novel “Derivative Model approach” to improving the usability of ICT systems,
along with a formal usability study to prove the concept of this approach. This approach is grounded in, and
makes contemporary, successful research carried out in the 1980s that applied thinking around conceptual
and mental models to the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). The study found initial evidence that
this approach might significantly improve usability in terms of task effectiveness but not in terms of task
efficiency. The study also found evidence that the benefits of the approach might improve along with task
It is generally accepted that we have made
considerable progress over the last decade in
improving ICT usability. For example, over this
period, the mean task completion rates for the
WWW based systems that pervade today in the area
of 78% (e.g., Nielsen (2010). However, with a 22%
task failure there remains significant room for
It seemed to this author that much of the focus
for seeking progress in this area can be categorised
into two main areas. The first is by the continued
application of established interface design guidelines
such as those originated in Nielsen (1991). In other
words, we attempt to improve usability by making
the interface intrinsically more usability. The second
is by providing, or improving, one or more of the
following utilities: on-line help facilities, free text
search facilities and site maps (e.g., Nielsen, 1991;
2002; 2005). In other words, we attempt to improve
usability by augmenting the interface with well-
established user support utilities.
However, there is another approach to
progression in this problem area that is qualitatively
different to the two cited above – this is what the
author terms the Derivative Model approach. The
fundamental idea with this approach is that the
usability of a modern ICT system, such as a WWW
based system, might be improved if we provide the
user with a conceptual model of the system that is
derived directly from the conceptual model that was
used to design the system. The rationale being that
this provision might improve the accuracy of a
user’s mental model of the system and that, in
keeping with the ideas set out in Norman (1983),
this leads to an improvement in usability.
To understand the derivative model approach it is
first necessary to establish some founding principles
related to conceptual and mental models and, in
particular, how these ideas relate to ICT systems:
A model of an artefact is some form of
abstraction that lacks the full detail or accuracy
present within the artefact itself; therefore, in
producing a model, some properties of the
artefact are ignored, simplified or distorted
(Macefield, 2005).
A conceptual model implies an abstraction
concerned only with the key, or fundamental,
properties of an artefact. Such models are often
used to explain the basic principles of how
something works (Macefield, 2005).
Most cognitive scientists agree that our
perception of the world is constructed from
Macefield R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003840001900199
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 190-199
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mental models. We use these models to explain
our world, to anticipate events, and to reason.
This insight originated with Plato, was first
formalised by Craik (1943) and has been widely
applied to HCI thinking (e.g., Norman, 1983;
Johnson-Laird et al., 1983; Macefield, 2005).
Norman (1983) crucially distinguished between
conceptual models; which exist in a concrete
form, e.g., a diagram and mental models; which
exist only in someone’s mind. Norman (1983)
further explained how a conceptual model can be
provided as an explanation of an ICT system
which the user will then interpret into a mental
Norman (1983) hypothesised that without being
provided with a conceptual model, users will
always develop a mental model to explain the
behaviour of an ICT system, but argued that, in
most cases, this model will be (highly)
inaccurate. Empirical research carried out by
Mayer & Bayman (1981) and Bayman & Mayer
(1983) supported this argument.
Norman (1983) argued that, even if provided
with a conceptual model the resulting mental
model formed by the user will often differ, and
the two models are never likely to overlap
completely. Research carried out by Khella
(2002) supported this argument.
Using the principles set out in Section 2, researchers
in the 1980s hypothesised that ICT usability
generally improves along with the accuracy of a
user’s mental model. So, whilst accepting the
arguments in Norman (1983) that no mental and
conceptual models are ever likely to overlap
completely, they set out to improve the accuracy of
users’ mental models by providing users with
conceptual models of the ICT systems with which
they were interacting.
In some research initiatives, these models were
provided in the form of a metaphor, e.g., Borgman
(1986) used a card index metaphor to explain how a
library system worked, whilst other research used a
developer eye model whereby users were provided
with, e.g., the entity-relationship diagrams used to
design the system. These are both examples of what
the author terms the model approach to improving
The principal empirical studies that explored the
model approach were: Mayer & Bayman (1981),
Foss et al. (1982), Bayman & Mayer (1983), Kieras
& Bovair (1984), Borgman (1986) and Frese &
Albrecht (1988). These studies produced three
finding that are key to this paper:
All of the studies found that the model approach
can lead to general improvements in usability
that are statistically significant.
Four of the studies found that the effectiveness of
the approach increased along with tasks
The study by Kieras & Bovair (1984) found that
it was particularly important that the conceptual
model includes a “system topology”; which
defines the key components of the system and
how these components relate to each other. They
also argued that the importance of providing a
system topology increase along with task
Although these findings were both interesting
and encouraging, work on the model approach
diminished at the end of the 1980s.
The main reason for this seems to be that,
despite many valiant attempts, researchers failed to
develop any generalised theory of user’s mental
models (e.g., Borgman, 1986; Carroll & Olson,
1988; Sasse, 1991).
This failure was critical because it remained
impossible to directly study a user’s mental model
and, consequently, impossible to prove, or even
explore, any causation mechanism that would
explain how providing a (particular) conceptual
model might have (beneficially) influenced a user’s
mental model. Put more simply: whilst we could
quite easily demonstrate that providing users with
(better) conceptual models can improve ICT
usability, these researchers demonstrated that we are
not able to explain how this happens, or even
demonstrate that this involves a user’s mental model
at all.
Of course, all researchers working in this area
would want to be able to explain any causation
mechanisms that led to their results. Therefore, it is
little surprise that many researchers have (perhaps
sometimes naively) been seduced down this path.
However, the reality is that we are presently limited
to conjecture to explain any causation mechanisms
with the model approach.
Despite this limitation, this author believes that
the model approach retains merit: just because we
might not understand, or be able to prove, how this
approach works, the fact that is does seem to work
makes it well worthy of attention.
Given the author’s belief in the fundamental merits
of the model approach, a research initiative was
established that set out to build on previous work in
this area by both adding some novel thinking and
making the approach more contemporary; in
particular, making it applicable to the WWW based
systems that are so pervasive today.
The first step in this initiative was to addresses
two key questions:
1. What might be the best type of conceptual
model to present to users as an explanation of
an ICT system?
2. Through what medium should this model be
communicated to users?
4.1 Type of Conceptual Model
In Section 3 it was explained that some of the
empirical studies that explored the model approach
in the 1980s used a metaphor as the conceptual
The use of metaphors was rejected outright in
this research initiative. This was because ICT
systems benefit from concepts that have little or no
equivalency in the physical world. This can make
them limited, or even misleading, in their ability to
describe an ICT system. For example, with the
windows metaphor, it is easy to understand how a
user may (quite reasonably) conclude that an ICT
window cannot be resized because that is how things
work with physical windows.
Others studies described in Section 3 used a
developer eye model whereby users were provided
with models used to design the system. This
approach is superior to using metaphors in that is
can completely and accurately explain a system’s
conceptual model. However, these models have the
serious drawback that they (inevitably) involve
esoteric notations and formalism that we can not
expect the typical user to understand. For example,
consider the Unified Modelling Language (UML)
Class Collaboration Diagram in Figure 1. As
explained by e.g., Hunt (2000), UML Class
Collaboration Diagram are often the tool of choice
for technical architects designing modern ICT
systems. However, it is easy to understand how the
typical user would be overwhelmed, frustrated or
confused if presented with such a diagram as an
explanation of a system.
0, 1
Figure 1: Example of a UML Class Collaboration
Car DoorWheel
Sun Roof
Is used to make
Has 4
May have up to 5
Is used to make
Is used to make
May have one
Figure 2: Example UCCD Diagram derived from the UML
Class Collaboration Diagram shown in Figure 1.
To address this drawback of developer eye
models, the author sought a means by which these
(UML) Class Collaboration Diagrams could easily
be derived into a form that typical users might
understand, but without loosing any information or
accuracy contained within the model. It is this
feature of the author’s work that gave rise to the
term “derivative” within the derivative model
Meeting this challenge resulted in the idea of a
User-centred Class Collaboration Diagram
(UCCD), and an example of the UCCD which is
derived from the UML Class Collaboration Diagram
shown in Figure 1 can be seen in Figure 2.
As can be seen from figures 1 &2, the method
for deriving a UML Class Collaboration Diagram
into a UCCD is simply that:
the class package names (in stereotypes the
class title) are removed,
the class names are made bold,
the text size is increased,
each relationship is shown using two
unidirectional arrows,
any multiplicity of the class collaborations are
explained using short phrases centred along the
association arrows,
concatenated words are separated e.g., the class
title “SunRoof” is changed to “Sun Roof”.
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In keeping with the advice in Kieras & Bovair
(1984), it can also be seen from Figures 1 & 2 that a
key feature of UCCDs is their ability to clearly
communicate the system topology.
The rationale for the UCCD shares some
similarity with “Object, View and Interaction
Design” (OVID) developed by Robert et al. (1998)
in that both UCCDs and OVID attempt to make
modelling ICT systems using the UML more
relevant to the discipline of HCI.
However, UCCDs and OVID differ greatly in
two important ways. Firstly, a UCCD is simply a
type of diagram for representing the conceptual
model of an ICT system, whereas OVID is a whole
method for actually designing ICT systems.
Secondly, in keeping with their primary purpose, the
diagrams used within OVID retain a high degree of
formalism and, in this author’s opinion, remain
esoteric to the point of making them unsuitable for
presentation to the typical user as an explanation of
an ICT system. In summary, OVID is (and was
designed to be) a device targeted at ICT system
designers, whereas UCCDs are a device targeted at
ICT system users.
4.2 Communicating the Conceptual
Within the empirical studies cited Section 3 the
conceptual model was presented to users by either
face-to-face teaching or some form of hard copy
user manual. These communication media were
typical of ICT usage in the 1980s when these studies
were conducted; however they are clearly
inappropriate to e.g., the WWW based systems that
pervade today.
Given this, it was decided that the Derivative
Model approach would communicate the conceptual
model to users through self-explanatory video
presentations that used voice and screen capture
technology to explain the UCCDs in a ‘rich’ way.
The voice input for these presentations was
simply to read out the relationships on the UCCD
e.g., “A wheel is used to make a car”; with emphasis
being placed on the class name. The idea here being
that this makes the information more attractive and
easier to cognise for the user.
Importantly, it was anticipated that this
communication medium would have considerably
familiarity to modern ICT users since it is now
widely used to explain key features of ICT systems,
via online services such as YouTube and Vimeo.
However, some (arguably) novel thinking here was
that, rather than these video presentations being
provided externally to the system (through third
party services), the author envisaged them being
embedded, as a key featured, within the system
itself; perhaps as part of the system’s help facility.
Having developed the Derivative Model
approach in theoretical terms, the next stage in this
research initiative was to conduct a formal usability
study to act as an initial ‘proof of concept’ for the
The proof of concept usability study for the
Derivative Model approach was specifically
designed to have three key features as follows:
In keeping with the overall goals for this
research initiative, the study used a modern
WWW based ICT system as the test artefact.
Some of the empirical studies carried out in the
1980s (cited in Section 3) compared the model
approach with other approaches to improving
usability e.g., providing conventional training
manuals and various training methods. Other
studies compared the effectiveness of one type
of conceptual model to another. Another type of
study simply compared usability with and
without the provision of a conceptual model, so
that one of two test groups simply acted as a
neutral control. The proof of concept usability
study for the Derivative Model approach was of
this latter type. This is because a primary aim
of this study was to identify if the Derivative
Model approach might add sufficient value to a
modern ICT system such that system vendors
might consider the extra cost and time involved
in providing a conceptual model to be justified.
In keeping with the findings of the empirical
studies cited in Section 3, the study
incorporated features to determine if any
benefits of the Derivative Model approach
might increase along with task complexity.
5.1 Test Artefact
In keeping with the overall research aims here, the
test artefact was a WWW based prototype e-
Learning developed using HyperText Mark-up
Language and Cascading Style Sheets which from
hereon will be referred to as “the prototype”.
Figure 3: Example screenshot from prototype.
Figure 4: Example screenshot from prototype.
As illustrated in Figures 3 & 4, the prototype had a
hierarchal structure whereby a fictional university
was comprised of seven schools e.g., the “Business
School”. Each school had an area for case studies
and a number of divisions e.g., the “Information
Management Division”. Each division has a number
of modules (courses) e.g., “Information Systems
Strategy” and each module had a number of
resources e.g., notes and assessments.
5.2 Conceptual Model for Test Artefact
Figure 5 shows the UML Class Collaboration
Diagram used to design the Prototype, and Figure 6
shows the UCCD that was derived for the prototype
using the method set out in Section D.1.
Figure 5: UML Class Collaboration Diagram for
May have many
Case StudySchool
Belongs to one
Belongs to one
Has many
Has many
Belongs to one
M ay have up to 3
Is used on at least one
Are used on at least one
May have many
Is used on at least one
Has at least one
Figure 6: UCCD for Prototype.
In keeping with the ideas set out in Section 4.2, a
third party, who had been briefed on the Derivative
Model approach, used the UCCD illustrated in
Figure 6 to produce the necessary self-explanatory
video presentation using standard screen and voice
recording software.
The recording, editing and final run time for the
presentation was as follows:
Recording Time (mins.) 8
Editing Time (mins.) 4
Run Time (mins.) 1
From this data it can reasonably be concluded that
production of the self-explanatory video
presentations was not particularly time consuming.
The process was also not particularly onerous.
Similarly, the total run-time was very short,
implying that users viewing the presentation would
seem unlikely to find using them particularly
5.3 Study Groups
There were three important features of the study
In keeping with the study’s aim that it should
investigate any value that might be added by
the Derivative Model approach, the study had
an asymmetric design involving two groups of
participants. The control group (G1) used the
prototype without viewing the self-explanatory
presentations. By contrast, the experimental
group (G2) used the prototype shortly after
viewing the presentations.
As the study was a proof of concept the author
was seeking quantitative results that were
statistically significant. Therefore, using the
advice provided by Macefield (2009), the study
group size was set to 12 participants, making
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Overall results for proof of concept usability study.
Metric G1 G2 Hypothesis Difference (pValue)
Efficiency (mean time, secs) 395 335 G1>G2 0.103
Satisfaction with efficiency (Median) 6 6.5 G1<G2 0.364
Effectiveness (Mean failures) 0.52 0.31 G1>G2
Satisfaction with effectiveness (Median) 5 6 G1<G2
Table 2: Results for measured tasks four and eight.
Task Metric G1 G2
Hypothesis Difference (pValue)
G1 & G2
4 Efficiency (mean time, secs) 53 43 G1>G2 0.36 48
4 Effectiveness (Mean failures) 0.46 0.25 G1>G2 0.24 0.35
8 Efficiency (mean time, secs) 136 121 G1>G2 0.25 129
8 Effectiveness (Mean failures) 0.77 0.16 G1>G2
24 participants for the study as a whole.
To help increase the validity of the study, all
participants were recruited from a cohort of 1
year university students (in the UK) and
randomly assigned to one of the two study
groups. This was done whilst ensuring that
there was a broadly equal distribution of age
and gender across the groups. Similarly,
participants all had: English as their first
language, no disabilities in relation to ICT, and
were examined to ensure they had the requisite
baseline PC and internet skills.
5.4 Facilitation and Recording
The study consisted of 8 small tasks that were
indicative of using a modern e-Learning system e.g.
navigating to particular areas of the prototype,
locating a particular case study and completing a
simple on-line test. Four of these tasks were defined
as “measured tasks”. These were tasks to which
metrics were applied and which were specifically
designed to detect any affect of the Derivative
Model approach. The other four tasks were there to
provide a ‘warm up’ for participants and form a
coherent ‘link’ between the measured tasks, so that
the tasks ‘flowed’ better for the participants i.e.,
made the test a little more realistic.
In keeping with the study’s design features set
out at the beginning of this section, measured tasks
four and eight were specifically included to
investigate whether or not any benefits of the
Derivative Model approach increased along with
task complexity. These tasks were deliberately made
similar in that they both required participants to
navigate to a particular case study within the
prototype by clicking links. However, task eight was
designed to be significantly more complex than task
four in three ways:
Completion of task four required a minimum of
two mouse clicks, whilst task eight required
three clicks.
With task four, participants were provided with
the exact name of the case study to locate. By
contrast, the instruction to participants was
vaguer with task eight whereby participants
were simply asked to locate a case study
“related to fitness”.
The breadth of the navigation across the
prototype’s structure was greatly increased with
task eight. Unlike task four, completion of task
eight required participants to navigate outside
of the “Businesses School”, where they were
located for all previous tasks in the test, and
into the “School of Health” i.e. it involved
navigating through a higher level in the
prototype’s hierarchy.
5.5 Metrics
The primary metrics used in the study assessed
usability in terms of how it is defined in ISO 9241-
11:1998 – effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction
as follows:
Efficiency data was collected by recording the
time taken to complete each task.
Effectiveness was recorded using a binary value
if a participant failed a task. There were three
failure modes: The first was the participant
making more two errors with the task, which
were obviously of a fundamental nature e.g.,
looking for an on-line test in a “case studies”
section of the prototype. The second was the
participant exceeding the maximum time
allowed for the task; which was set very
conservatively using data gained from pilot
testing. The final failure mode was the
participant giving up on the task.
Satisfaction data was collected post-test, using
two questions from the ASQ questionnaire
developed by Lewis (1991). The first question
assessed satisfaction with effectiveness. The
second question assessed satisfaction with
5.6 Experimental Effects and Study
The study included the following features designed
to eliminate or minimise any confounding
experimental effects and maximise objectivity:
The prototype was a bespoke (custom) artefact
produce specifically for this study. Therefore
none of the study participants could already be
familiar with any of its functionality.
The prototype conformed to 28 well established
usability guidelines. This was to guard against
generic usability problems becoming an
effector in the study e.g. making some parts of
the prototype difficult (or even impossible) to
use by any participant.
The study relied exclusively on quantitative
data measured post-test from the test recordings
and questionnaires. There was no interpretation
involved in the metrics and the study
deliberately excluded any verbal protocols.
The moderator’s verbalizations were very
carefully scripted in considerable detail. This
included definition of all moderator inputs and
pre-emptive responses to participant’s request
for assistance. This script was applied
rigorously and consistently to all participants in
order to minimise variation in task moderation.
A reasonable set of failure criteria for the
effectiveness metrics was clearly defined in
advance of the study and applied rigorously and
consistently to all participants by the
No performance feedback was provided to
participants by the moderator at any stage. This
was to protection against the “Parson’s
interpretation” of the Hawthorne effect
explained in Macefield (2007).
As explained in section 4.2, it was envisaged that
the self-explanatory presentations, inherent within
the Derivative Model approach, would be embedded
in some way into the ICT systems they explained
(possibly within a wider help facility). This raises
issues as to how users might be made aware of the
existence of these presentation and under what
circumstances they might be accessed by users.
Whilst these are important questions, they were
scoped out of this study and left as a matter for
further research. This was to ensure that these issues
did not become confounding factors in addressing
the core objectives for this stage of the research
initiative i.e., a proof of concept for the Derivative
Model approach.
Given this, the conceptual model was explicitly
presented simultaneously to all participants in G2 by
showing them the self-explanatory presentation
within in a class room setting. In keeping with the
run time for the presentation (stated in Section 5.2)
these sessions lasted approximately one minute.
Table 1 shows the overall results for the study. The
effectiveness data was categorical and pValues for
this metric were determined using the Fisher Exact
Test. Values for efficiency data (interval) and
satisfaction data (ordinal) were determined using
Mann-Whitney U-test.
From Table 1 it can be seen that there was no
significant difference between G1 and G2 in either
efficiency or satisfaction with efficiency. However,
there were significant differences in both
effectiveness and satisfaction with effectiveness
(revise Section 5.6 for the definitions and metrics for
these satisfaction metrics).
Closer analysis of the results data revealed that
the vast majority of this difference between G1 and
G2, in terms of overall effectiveness metric, was due
to a large difference in performance across G1 and
G2 for measured task eight. Indeed, the only
statistically significant difference between G1 and
G2 for the effectiveness metric occurred with this
This difference can be seen in Table 2 and was
interesting because, as set out in Section 5.4, the
primary reason for including task eight was to form
a comparison with task four, in order to help
determine if any benefits of the Derivative Model
approach increased along with task complexity.
Given this, the next step in the results analysis
was to determine if the test participants, as a whole,
found task eight (significantly) more complex than
task four as intended in the study’s design.
From the data in Table 2, it can be seen that,
across all participants, there was a very large
difference in the mean task completion time across
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
these tasks: 48 seconds for task four and 129
seconds for task eight (p=0.0005). From this, it
seems reasonable to conclude that participants
generally found task eight significantly more
challenging than task four. In turn, it seems
reasonable to argue that, in keeping with the study’s
design, this was due to the additional complexity
designed into task eight.
The next step in the analysis was to investigate
why there was no significant difference in task
efficiency across G1 and G2 with task eight, whilst
there was a significant difference in task
effectiveness. To do this the raw video data
generated from the study was reviewed in detail.
As stated in Section 5.4, task eight asked
participants to navigate to a case study related to
“fitness” within the prototype. Completion of task
seven left participants located within the “Cases
Studies” page of the “Business School” section of
the prototype. The link to the fitness case study was
(quite deliberately) not placed on this page; rather, it
was placed within the “Cases Studies” page of the
“School of Health” section. Therefore, completion
of this task first required participants to navigate to
the “School of Health” section using the menu to the
left of the page.
Review of the video data revealed that,
independent of their group, the vast majority of
participants engaged with task eight initially spent a
long time simply scrolling up and down the “Cases
Studies” page within the “Business School” section
(i.e., where they were located at the end of task
seven) before making any mouse clicks (or
performing any other type of action). It seemed that
most participants were searching for the correct link
within this page and were very reluctant to navigate
away. Indeed, across all participants, the mean time
taken to make the first mouse click accounted for
92% of the total mean time to complete, or fail with,
this task.
Of further importance, this review found that
those participants whose first mouse click was
correct (clicking on the “School of Heath” link in the
menu) would always go on to complete the task.
Further, they did this without any errors or making
any requests for assistance from the facilitator.
To summarise here, independent of group, it is
easy to argue that the key to effectiveness with task
eight was locating the first correct link, and that
most participants spent a long time looking for this
link in the wrong area of the prototype.
Other than this, the pattern of interaction with
task eight was quite different across G1 and G2.
After the initial search of the “Cases Studies” page
for the “Business School”, the majority of
participants in G1 either gave up on the task, made
multiple errors by clicking links that were (quite
obviously) wrong and/or made multiple requests for
assistance to the moderator; all of which triggered a
failure condition. By contrast, the majority of
participants in G2 eventually elected to widen the
scope of their search for the correct link, resulting in
them quickly completing the task.
Based on these findings, it seems easy to
conclude that participants in G2 benefitted from the
Derivative Model approach in the case of task eight.
This conclusion is consistent with the findings of
most of the empirical studies cited in Section 3, that
the usability benefit of providing a conceptual model
to users increase along with task complexity.
As explained in section 3, our lack of a general
theory of users’ mental models means that
exploration, or proof, of any causation mechanism
that might explain how these benefits arose in this
study is presently beyond us. Therefore, this aspect
of the study must be a matter for conjecture.
One such conjecture is that these benefits are
related to functional fixity, sometimes known as
“functional fixedness”. This phenomenon is often
explained in terms of a fable:
A man knows that he has dropped his wallet
along the street between his home and
the neighbour he is visiting. It’s night and the street
is completely dark apart from a small area
illuminated by a security light in a shop window.
The man searches for his wallet for a long time
within this area but without success; distraught, he
stands there motionless. A stranger approaches and
enquires as to the man’s problem; she then asks why
the man has not looked anywhere else in the street –
the man replies “because this is the only place where
I can see”.
Put more formally, functional fixity occurs when
we get stuck with problems because we artificially
scope down our ‘problem space’ – hunting for a
solution in a space that is too small (see e.g.,
Dominowski & Dallob, 1995).
This phenomenon relates well to ideas of mental
and conceptual models within the context of
usability, because functional fixity can occur when a
user’s mental model is smaller in scope than the
conceptual model of the ICT system with which they
are interacting. Based on this, it is easy to conjecture
that, independent of group, the participants in this
study experienced a functional fixity ‘trap’ with task
eight whereby they got stuck trying to find the
necessary link within the wrong page and were
reluctant to widen the scope of their search.
However, participants in G2 were far more likely to
ultimately escape this trap due to the better mental
model they had developed as a result of the
conceptual model provided to them within the
Derivative Model approach - knowledge that may
well have been outside their consciousness.
Conventional wisdom in user interface design is that
conceptual (structural) information, such as that
presented to the experimental group (G2) in this
study, is in the domain only of ICT developers, not
ICT users. Indeed, some might argue that a very
rationale of good user interface design is to isolate
users from such information. However, this research
initiative has made contemporary an alternative
perspective on improving ICT usability, that
originated in the 1980s, whereby we seek to leverage
users’ mental modelling capability specifically
through the provision of such information.
The proof of concept study within this initiative
was small in scope and leaves open many areas for
conjecture and further research. Key amongst these
are: whether the approach can scale to real
contemporary pervasive ICT systems and the tasks
that these systems involve, how (practically) the
conceptual information is best communicated to
users, and whether or not users would (want to)
make use of such information and in what
However, the study has provided evidence that
this approach may be a viable means of improving
task effectiveness with such systems, particularly as
task complexity increases. Therefore, this author
argues that the Derivative Model approach is worthy
of further research, within the wider context of this
alternative perspective on progressing ICT usability.
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