A Lesson of the Struggle with Combinatorial Complexity
Dmytro Matsypura and Vadim G. Timkovsky
The University of Sydney Business School, NSW, Sydney, Australia
Combinatorial, Crash, Margin, Optimization, Market, Mixed, Integer, Program, Risk, Stock, Strategy.
In July 2005 the US stock market started using the risk-based approach to margining customer accounts grad-
ually excluding from margining practice the strategy-based approach, which has been used for more than four
decades. In this paper we argue that this change has a direct link to the stock market crash of October 2008.
We also show that among the main reasons of this change are high strategy-based margin requirements in
comparison with much lower risk-based, the combinatorial complexity of the strategy-based approach, and
the failure of the brokerage industry to adopt the achievements of combinatorial optimization.
“We still have a 1930s regulatory system in place.
We’ve got to update our institutions, our regulatory
frameworks, ... the banking system has been ‘dealt
a heavy blow, the result of lax regulation, mas-
sive overleverage, huge systematic risks taken by
unregulated institutions, as well as regulated insti-
Barack Obama
In the margin accounts of investors, margin payments
are based on established minimum margin require-
ments according to the margin rules enforced by the
margin regulations.
Deducting the minimum margin requirement for
an account from its market value we obtain its loan
value, which is the maximum portion of the account’s
market value that the broker can lend. The amount
that is actually lent to a customer by the broker con-
stitute the margin credit. The total margin credit pro-
vided by all brokers in a market constitutes the mar-
ket’s margin debt.
High margin requirements can reduce investors’
activity, lead to underpricing of securities, and cause
economic slowdowns. Low margin requirements, in
turn, lead to overpricing of securities, high levels of
speculation, cash deficits, market crashes, and, again,
economic slowdowns. The challenge for margin reg-
ulators is to find a proper approach to margining, a
“golden mean” that keeps the growth of margin debt
within tolerable limits.
Current margining practice uses two approaches,
strategy-based and risk-based.
In comparison with
the strategy-based, the risk-based approach uses sub-
stantially lower margin rates, therefore the final ap-
proval of the latter for margining customer accounts
by the SEC
in July 2008, at the time of the global
financial crisis, appeared to be one of the most radical
steps in the history of margin regulations.
The goal of this paper is to briefly discuss the dif-
ference between the strategy-based and risk-based ap-
proaches and to illustrate the influence of risk-based
margin calculations on the stock market crash of Oc-
tober 2008 by considering the margin debt levels in
the period 2005-2008.
The combinatorial essence of the strategy-based ap-
proach arises from the ability to partition a margin ac-
count in different ways in accordance with a large va-
riety of offsets in the margin rule book. The challenge
is to find a partition with a minimum total margin of
the offsets and naked positions left uncovered by the
offsets. Each securities market followsits own margin
rule book, for example, NYSE Rule 431 in the U.S. or
Regulation 100 in Canada. The strategy-based offsets
are of fixed size and imitate trading strategies. The ac-
count margin minimization (AMM) problem reduces
to a mixed integer program (MIP) as follows.
Matsypura D. and G. Timkovsky V..
MARGINING COMPONENT OF THE STOCK MARKET CRASH OF OCTOBER 2008 - A Lesson of the Struggle with Combinatorial Complexity.
DOI: 10.5220/0003841504840489
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES-2012), pages 484-489
ISBN: 978-989-8425-97-3
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Let an account have m positions i = 1, 2, . . . , m
in securities with quantities q
and n prime offsets
j = 1, 2, . . . , n. Prime offset j can be represented by
the column vector o
whose ith component o
is the
quantity of the ith component of prime offset j.
Note that o
= 0 if and only if position i is not
involved in prime offset j. We assume that m n
because we consider that the first m prime offsets are
trivial, i.e., they represent positions in security units.
Thus, each of the first m column vectors has only one
nonzero element o
j j
= 1.
Let m
be the margin rate for prime offset j. Then
is the margin rate for a security unit in position j
if 1 j m. Let x
denote the multiplicity of prime
offset j. If we introduce the vectors
= ( m
. . . m
= ( q
. . . q
= ( x
. . . x
which are the margin, quantity and variable vectors,
respectively, and the offset matrix O = [o
. . . o
of size m×n, then the AMM problem can be posed as
finding an x which solves
x : Ox = q, x 0
where 0 is a zero column vector.
Note that O = [I P], where I and P are the iden-
tity matrix, i.e., the matrix of trivial prime offsets, and
the matrix of proper prime offsets, i.e., the matrix of
prime offsets that involve at least two positions, re-
In this MIP, components of the variable vector x
from m + 1 to n must be integers because they define
offset multiplicities, while some of the components
from 1 to m can be real. They are integers if they
are quantities of positions in stocks, options, warrants,
etc., but they can be real if they are, for example, bond
quantities. The quantity vector q is also integer but
the margin vector m is real.
It is important to mention that the components of
the vector m are calculated on the basis of the current
security market prices.
MIP (1) can be viewed as an extension of
the transportation model introduced in (Rudd and
Schroeder, 1982) for the calculation of the minimum
margin by pairing, i.e., in the case where the matrix
of proper prime offsets is a matrix of prime pairs.
Surprisingly, current strategy-based margin cal-
culation practice still uses heuristics designed in the
mid seventies based on brokers’ intuition and taste,
even for margining by pairing. In the general case,
the most advanced heuristics take advantage of the
result from (Rudd and Schroeder, 1982). There ex-
ist, however, examples showing that these heuris-
tics can raise minimum margin requirements to catas-
trophic margin calls. Therefore, margin accounts
maintained by prime brokers up to 2005 with the
use of the strategy-based approach were substantially
over-margined, just because there has been no serious
attempt to find efficient optimization algorithms.
Despite the fact that the AMM problem was posed
(originally as a problem of margining accounts with
options only) more than thirty ve years ago, it has
not been well studied and remains one of the most in-
tractable problems in the brokerage industry. Neither
useful theoretical results nor solution techniques with
reasonable computing times are known.
The only exception is the already mentioned pa-
per (Rudd and Schroeder, 1982) devoted to a reduc-
tion of the AMM problem by pairing to the bipartite
minimum-cost network-flow problem and the very re-
cent paper (Matsypura and Timkovsky, 2011) extend-
ing this result to the case with more complex offsets.
An analysis of the literature suggests that the
AMM problem has never been considered in the MIP
form. However, as was shown in (Coffman et al.,
2010b; Coffman et al., 2010a), the MIP for the AMM
problem can be efficiently used in practice.
The risk-based approach uses variations of the cur-
rent underlying security prices in an attempt to catch
the worst-case price movements for the entire portfo-
lio. This technique is called portfolio shocking.
According to the portfolio shocking technique, the
margin requirement for each position is the largest
potential loss on this position among the losses cal-
culated for ten valuation points surrounding current
underlying security price. The lowest (highest) valu-
ation points must be
8%(6%), 10%(10%), 15%(15%)
lower (higher) than the current market price for high-
capitalization BBIs
and ETFs
based on it, low-
capitalization BBIs and ETFs based on it, and NBIs
and a margin eligible securities, respectively.
It is important to observe that, in accordance with
this rule, the risk-based margin rate for stocks and
margin eligible equities in customer margin accounts
is only 15%, the lowest margin rate since 1929.
Before the stock market crash of October 1929 it
was 10%. The current strategy-based margin rates
are 50% (initial) and 25% (maintenance).
In our opinion, this significant margin reduction
for stock positions and the faulty hedging mechanism
of risk-based offsets for stocks were the main contrib-
utors to the stock market crash of October 2008.
Combinatorial Complexity
Now let us explain how to calculate the loss on a
position s. Let c
, 1 v 11, be one of the eleven
valuation points including the current underlying se-
curity price c. If s is a position in the underlying se-
curity, then the difference o
= c
c or c c
the outcome (gain if positive, and loss if negative) as-
sociated with point c
for long or short position s, re-
spectively, for each security unit.
If s is a position in a derivative, then the out-
come o
associated with the valuation point c
be calculated in accordance with the mechanism of
the derivative. In most cases, o
is a function of c
, e
(the exercise price of the derivative) and p
(the mar-
ket price of the position s estimated at the valuation
point c
The estimated price p
must be calculated
using a qualified theoretical pricing model.
Unlike the strategy-based approach, the risk-based
approach uses much looser offsets whose hedging
mechanism is based on the cash settlement only.
A risk-based offset involves all positions with the
same underlying instrument, and the margin require-
ment for this offset is simply the net loss on the in-
volved positions. Thus, for each underlying instru-
ment, a single risk-based offset is the union of all pos-
sible strategy-based offsets.
Without portfolio shocking, the risk-based ap-
proach represents just a relaxed case of the strategy-
based approach with substantially lower rates.
The risk-based approach squeezes the entire rule
book of the strategy-based approach into only one
rule, therefore it allows to substantially simplify cal-
culations of margin requirements for offsets.
With using strategy-based offsets, the risk-based
approach would turn into the extension of the
strategy-based approach adopting the portfolio shock-
ing technique. It would have been natural to use such
an extension in the pilot program for a “cushioned”
transition to the risk-based approach.
The strategy-based approach to margining customer
accounts has been used in the brokerage industry for
more than four decades. By the end of the nineties, it
was commonly recognized that this approach yields
excessively high margin requirements. One of the
main reasons for this phenomenon is that the cal-
culation of the minimum regulatory margin by the
strategy-based approach is an intractable combinato-
rial optimization problem that is neither well studied
nor properly understood.
Despite the fact that margin regulations have a
75-year history dating from Regulation T in the Se-
curities Act of 1934, the literature on margin cal-
culations is surprisingly small.
We can point to
only two books (Geelan and Rittereiser, 1998; Curley,
2008) and two papers (Fortune, 2000; Fortune, 2003)
devoted to margining practice, two papers (Moore,
1966; Luckett, 1982) studying the influence of mar-
gin requirements on investor’s equity ratio, and two
papers (Rudd and Schroeder, 1982; Fiterman and
Timkovsky, 2001) devoted to margining algorithms.
The vast majority of publications on margining prior
to 2005 consisted primarily of regulatory circulares.
Consequently, margin calculation systems, de-
veloped and used in the brokerage industry up to
2005, ignored highly effective and broadly appli-
cable discrete optimization methods. In particular,
the reduction of the AMM problem by pairing to
the minimum-cost network-flow problem (Rudd and
Schroeder, 1982) was seemingly forgotten for more
than 20 years.
As a result, existing margin calculation technol-
ogy, faced with the combinatorial complexity of the
strategy-based approach, failed to take advantage of
efficient combinatorial optimization algorithms. The
vast majority of margin calculation systems used in
the brokerage industry prior to 2005, as our study
shows, used outdated heuristics proposed by brokers
in the mid seventies, cf. (Cox and Rubinsein, 1985;
Geelan and Rittereiser, 1998). But the failure to find
an exact solution, as shown in (Coffmanet al., 2010a),
can increase the margin requirement from zero to sev-
eral thousands of dollars.
The risk-based approach was proposed in 1989 by
the OCC
to calculate the net capital requirements
for brokers’ proprietary portfolios of listed options.
It was implemented in 1996 in TIMS
and approved
by the SEC
to be effective as of September 1, 1997.
However, the approach was not used for margining
customer accounts prior to 2005.
Employing lower margin rates and avoiding any
combinatorics in contrast to the strategy-based ap-
proach, the risk-based approach produces substan-
tially lower margin requirements. In the examples
provided by the CBOE, the requirements for naked
options and basic option spreads are at least two or
three times lower.
(72 times lower for a long strad-
dle!) After two NYSE proposals,
the SEC approved
the risk-based approach to margining customer ac-
counts under a temporary pilot program.
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
11-2003 07-2005 07-2006 03-2007
07-2007 07-2008 10-2008
phase II
phase III
pilot program
October stock
market crash
I: listed broad based index products, exchange traded funds
II: listed stock options and security futures
III: equities, equity options
unlisted derivatives
narrow based index futures
S&P 500
Figure 1: The margin debt in billions of dollars, the margin debt relative to GDP, and the level and trading volume of the S&P
500 index in the period from November 2003 through October 2008. The curves are scaled to fit on one graph and drawn by
smoothing the end-of-the-month data from and
5 PILOT PROGRAM OF 2005–2008
The pilot program can be divided into the following
three phases; see Fig. 1:
Phase I started on July 14, 2005 and permitted
the use of the risk-based approach to margin accounts
with only listed BBI and ETF derivatives. Phase II
started on July 11, 2006 and included listed stock op-
tions and securities futures.
Phase III started on
April 2, 2007 and included equities, equity options,
unlisted derivatives and NBI futures.
In contrast with Phases I and II, Phase III was
widely advertised in the media after its approval on
December 12, 2006,
i.e., more than 3 months be-
fore it would become effective. Hence, the substan-
tial decrease of margin requirements for equities, eq-
uity options, all unlisted derivatives and NBI futures
was widely anticipated by numerous investors who
entered the market on April 2, 2007 stimulating de-
mand for stocks and driving the market up.
The pilot program was to expire on July 31, 2007.
However, on July 19, 2007 it was extended for one
more year, and the risk-based approach was finally
approved to be used permanently on July 30, 2008.
Monthly margin debt reports published by the
NYSE provide clear evidence of the influence of the
pilot program on the stock market; see Fig. 1. Dur-
ing the initial 20-month period of the pilot program
(July 2005 - April 2007), the margin debt had in-
creased by $82.22 billion compared to the $38.80
billion increase during the previous 20 months. Al-
though the beginning of this period, between the start-
ing points of Phases I and II, looks ordinary, the
ending of this period, between the starting points of
Phases II and III, is remarkable owing to the unusu-
ally high rate of increase in the margin debt and the
trading volume volatility of the S&P 500 index.
During the subsequent four months (April 2007 -
July 2007), the period when equities, equity options,
unlisted derivatives and NBI futures joined the pilot
program, the margin debt increased by another $88.21
billion, i.e., at a rate at least ve times higher. Thus,
since April 2, 2007, the margin debt increased at a
rate of more than $22.05 billion per month.
Historical records show that a fast growth of mar-
gin debt can be a sign of an approaching market crash.
Such was the case in October 1929 and October 1987.
Examining the two most recent examples, consider
the assessments of the market crash of October 2000
in (Geelan and Rittereiser, 1998) (p.87):
As of February 2000, total margin debt stood at
$265 billion. It had grown 45 percent since the pre-
vious October and had more than tripled since the
end of 1995. Relative to GDP,
margin debt was
Combinatorial Complexity
the highest it had been since 1929, and over three
times as high as it was in October 1987. It was an
unmistakable sign of rampant speculation.
Bringing these assertions more up-to-date, we ob-
serve that, as of July 2007, total margin debt stood
at $381 billion. It had grown 30 percent since the pre-
vious March and had almost tripled since the end of
2002. Relative to GDP, margin debt was the highest it
had been since February 2000.
Figure 1 clearly shows that the market credit in the
period from April through July 2007 was excessive in
the extreme: 27% increase in Margin Debt/GDP. Even
though the margin debt reached the level of $381.37
billion by the end of July 2007, the pilot program had,
nevertheless, been extended for an additional year.
In September 2007, it was clear that the growth
in margin debt had lessened because in August 2007
it fell to $331.37 billion as a result, in particular, of
numerous margin calls received by investors and as-
sociated forced sales from their undermargined ac-
By July 2008, the time of the final approval of the
risk-based approach, the margin debt had plunged to
$314.36 billion, signalling an approaching stock mar-
ket downfall. In September 2008 the margin debt had
another plunge from $299.96 to $233.35 billion, and
the stock market downfall was evident as indicated by
the level of S&P 500.
“The task of the Board, as I see it, is to formu-
late regulations with two principal objectives. One
is to permit adequate access to credit facilities for
security markets to perform their basic economic
functions. The other is to prevent the use of stock
market credit from becoming excessive. The latter
helps to minimize the danger of pyramiding credit
in a rising market and also reduces the danger of
forced sales of securities from undermargined ac-
counts in a falling market.
W. McC. Martin, Jr.
In July 2007, it was clear that the market credit had
been excessive during the preceding three months: it
had been growing at an unprecedented pace and rel-
ative to GDP had reached its highest level since the
market crash of October 2000. In July 2008, it was
clear that the stock market had been falling for the
previous twelve months. Yet the practice of using the
risk-based approach, which evidently caused exces-
sive market credit, was continuing.
We argue in this paper that the stock market crash
of October 2008 has a direct link to the adoption of
the risk-based approach for margining customer ac-
counts in the US stock market. As shown in our com-
putational experiments with both approaches and ran-
domly generated portfolios (Coffman et al., 2010a),
this approach produces substantially lower margin re-
quirements, especially for investors playing bear.
The results of our research show that the strategy-
based approach is, at this point, the most appropri-
ate one for margining security portfolios in customer
margin accounts because it provides exit strategies.
Over-marginingcan be eliminated by offsetsof higher
sizes and related strategy-based algorithms.
In contrast, the risk-based approach does not pro-
vide exit strategies for security portfolios. In addition,
it can be misleading with respect to the level of risk
exposure of security portfolios.
However, the risk-based approach can work ef-
ficiently for margining index portfolios in customer
margin accounts and inventory portfolios of brokers,
because the liquidations of such portfolios do not in-
volve broker-to-broker security movements. It is pos-
sible in the former case because an index itself does
not have trading units. The application of the risk-
based approach to security (including ETFs) portfo-
lios in customer margin accounts is in fact very risky.
We suggest that Phases II and III of the pilot pro-
gram of using the risk-based approach for margining
security portfolios in customer margin accounts were
major contributors to the growth of margin debt in the
period from December 2006 through July 2007 and
the subsequent stock market crash of October 2008.
Margin minimization problems with complex off-
sets can be efficiently solved by optimization pack-
ages such as CPLEX. In our opinion, the strategy-
based approach was unjustly discredited by the belief
that the combinatorial problem stemming from the
use of complex offsets could not be efficiently solved
with the help of standard optimization packages. Nat-
urally, the development of special optimization algo-
rithms can bring much better results.
The practice of margin calculations has a long his-
tory. However, the science and art of margin calcula-
tions has only just begun to evolve. We hope that this
paper will attract the attention of margin regulators
and academic researchers who are involved in study-
ing efficient exits from the current economic crisis.
Coffman, Jr., E. G., Matsypura, D., and Timkovsky, V. G.
(2010a). A computational study of margining portfo-
lio of options by two approaches. In Prasad, S. L., Vin,
H. M., Sahni, S., Jaiswal, M. P., and Thipakorn, B.,
editors, Information Systems, Technology and Man-
agement, volume 54 of Communications in Computer
and Information Science, pages 325–332. Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1 edition.
ICORES 2012 - 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Coffman, Jr., E. G., Matsypura, D., and Timkovsky, V. G.
(2010b). Strategy vs risk in margining portfolios of
options. 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Re-
search, 8(4):375–386.
Cox, J. and Rubinsein, M. (1985). Options Markets.
Curley, M. T. (2008). Margin trading from A to Z. John
Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
Fiterman, A. E. and Timkovsky, V. G. (2001). Basket
problems in margin calculations: modelling and al-
gorithms. European J. Oper. Res., 129:209–223.
Fortune, P. (2000). Margin requirements, margin loans, and
margin rates: practice and principles. New England
Econ. Rev., pages 19–44.
Fortune, P. (2003). Margin requirements across equity-
related instruments: how level is the playing field?
New England Econ. Rev., pages 29–50.
Geelan, J. P. and Rittereiser, R. P. (1998). Margin regula-
tions and practices. NYIF Corporation, Division of
Simon & Schuster, Inc., New York, 4 edition.
Kupiec, P. H. (1998). Margin requirements, volatility and
market integrity: what have we learned since the
crash? J. Financ. Serv. Res., 13(3):231–255.
Luckett, D. G. (1982). On the effectiveness of the federal
reserve’s margin requirements. J. Financ., 37(3):783
Matsypura, D. and Timkovsky, V. G. (2011). Margining
option portfolios by network flows. Networks. DOI
Moore, T. G. (1966). Stock market margin requirements. J.
Polit. Economy, 74(2):158–167.
Rudd, A. and Schroeder, M. (1982). The calculation of min-
imum margin. Manage. Sci., 28(12):1368–1379.
1. From “Obama, Brown call for global changes, say finan-
cial regulations need to be revamped” by Roger Run-
nigen and Robert Hutton, Bloomberg News, p. 4A ·
March 4, 2009 · USA TODAY.
2. The risk-based approach also appears in margin reg-
ulations and business-related literature under the
names “portfolio margining” and “risk-based portfo-
lio margining” approach or methodology. (We omit
the terms “portfolio margining” and “methodology”
for compactness.) The argument standing behind the
term “portfolio” is based on the misrepresentation of
the strategy-based approach as a treatment of a mar-
gin account by considering individual positions only,
while the “portfolio approach” treats a margin account
as a whole. The strategy-based approach also treats a
margin account as a whole; although it does so in a
different way, it is also a portfolio approach. So we
consider the term “risk-based approach” to be most
appropriate. For the same reason, we do not think
that the term “rule-based approach, frequently used
in the Internet as synonymous with the strategy-based
approach, is suitable because the risk-based approach
is also based on certain rules, such as Rule 15c3-1a or
rules from Regulation T.
3. The U.S. Security and Exchange Commission.
4. Prime offsets have minimum position quantities.
5. Component quantities of prime offsets are integers, un-
like the quantities of convertible securities with non-
integer conversion ratios.
6. The upper index
denotes the transposition.
7. BBI: Broad Based Index.
8. ETF: Exchange Traded Fund.
9. NBI: Narrow Based Index.
10. These percentages follow Rule 15c3-1a(b)(1)(i)(B).
11. These gains and losses are called “theoretical gains and
losses” in SEC Release 34-53577.
12. For example, if s is a position in a call option, then, after
calculating i
= max{c
e, 0}, i.e., its in-the-money
amount for valuation point c
, and its estimated market
price p
corresponding to c
, its outcome can be cal-
culated as max{i
, p
} p, where p is the purchased
price of the call option, multiplied by the option con-
tract size.
13. The model must be approved by the DEA (Designated
Examining Authority). By February 2008, only the
OCC model implemented in STANS was approved,
see Federal Register, Vol 73. No. 29, February 12,
14. This remark does not refer to the literature devoted to
studying the relationship between margin requirements
and market volatility; see a survey in (Kupiec, 1998).
15. The Options Clearing Corporation.
16. SEC Release 34-27394, October 26, 1989.
17. Theoretical Intermarket Margining System.
18. SEC Releases 34-38248, February 6, 1997.
19. The SEC published the related NYSE proposal for public
comments in SEC Releases 34-46576, October 1, 2002
and 34-50885, December 20, 2004, before approving
the approach in July 2005.
20., CBOE Rules 12.4, 9.15(c), 13.5
and 15.8A.
21. SEC Releases 34-46576, October 1, 2002, and 34-50885,
December 20, 2004.
22. SEC Release 34-52031, July 14, 2005.
23. SEC Release 34-54125, July 11, 2006.
24. SEC Release 34-54918.
25. Exchange Act Release No. 58251, July 30, 2008, 73 FR
45506, August 5, 2008.
26. Gross Domestic Product.
27. See, for example, The Wall Street Journal, July-August
2007, for numerous reports on margin calls and asso-
ciated forced sales.
28. From the speech of William McC. Martin, Jr., Chairman
of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sys-
tem from April 2, 1951, through January 31, 1970, at
the hearing on the study of the stock market before the
U.S. Senate Committee on Banking and Currency on
Monday, March 14, 1955.
Combinatorial Complexity