Yann Veilleroy
, Frédéric Hoogstoel
and Luigi Lancieri
Institut Catholique de Lille, Lille, France
Equipe NOCE, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Lille (LIFL),
Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille, Lille, France
Keywords: Interactive questionnaire, e-Brainstorming, Collective intelligence, Emergence, Malleability.
Abstract: The use of online interactive questionnaires is an interesting example of human-computer interactions
mediatizing human interactions to support the emergence of collective intelligence. To better understand
these interactions and their various effects, we propose to investigate the operating mode of interactive
questionnaires. First, we recall what the questionnaires are made of in order to know their anatomy. Then
we give two examples of interactive questionnaires: e-Brainstorming from the Orange Labs and the Real-
Time Delphi, one computerization of the Delphi method.
Questionnaires are mainly used in surveys that
address many issues in a wide range of areas. They
have spread with computerization and the
development of the Web, which makes data
collection easy. Unlike traditional questionnaires,
where questions and answers are frozen at the
beginning of the survey, interactive questionnaires
are dynamic or tailorable, malleable: new questions
may arise, with new possible answers that modify
the initial questionnaire. Through several iterations,
the interaction leads to an adaptation via the
feedback loop of the socio-technical system. The
result of this adaptation can be the achievement of
consensus or an aid to problem resolution or the
discovery of multiple tracks.
This paper is organized as follows. First, we
present a state of the art of traditional surveys just
before discussing the changes involved by online
interactive questionnaires. Then, we develop the
underlying concept and method and we present some
related products. Finally, we discuss the advantages
and drawbacks of such techniques.
Questionnaires are frequently used for surveys. The
following figure represents an overview of survey
concerns: the main issues of sampling, the classical
“errors”, and the different means to contact the
participants depending on their management.
In her “Fundamentals of Survey Research
Methodology”, Glasow (2005) begins with a quote
about the objectives of a survey: [Survey research is
used] “to answer questions that have been raised, to
solve problems that have been posed or observed, to
assess needs and set goals, to determine whether or
not specific objectives have been met, to establish
baselines against which future comparisons can be
made, to analyze trends across time, and generally,
to describe what exists, in what amount, and in what
context.” (Isaac and Michael, 1997, p. 136).
Errors generally arise for four reasons, Fricker
(2008) quotes Groves (1989): coverage, sampling,
non-response and measurement. The coverage error
occurs if the sample doesn't include all needed units
of the population. The sampling error occurs
because only a limited sample of the population is
invited to participate in a survey instead of the total
population, and some people in the sample tend to
make a measurement deviation. The measurement
error occurs when the answers given are not accurate
and the given answers difficult or impossible to use.
This happens, for instance, when the influence
during an interview is too much significant (Fricker,
2008). An important point to determine when
designing a survey is the mode (the channel of
communication). Roughly speaking, surveys are
classified into two categories: interviewer-
administered surveys and self- administered surveys.
De Leeuw (2005) explains mixed modes are a way
to reduce costs, errors and to get more data.
Veilleroy Y., Hoogstoel F. and Lancieri L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003845105200523
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2012), pages 520-523
ISBN: 978-989-8425-95-9
2012 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Overview of survey concerns.
An evolution came with computerization; the e-
mail mode and the web mode are new internet-based
modes. The web mode gives lot of capabilities and
advantages: shorter transmitting time, lower delivery
cost, more design options, and less data entry time.
However, it has several flaws: sampling remains
difficult, “Coverage is the most widely recognized
shortcoming of internet-based surveys” (Fricker,
2002), the response rate is estimated approximately
11% lower than the traditional modes (Manfreda et
al., 2008) quoted by (Fan and Yan, 2010). The web
mode allows designing a large amount of possible
surveys, the interactive questionnaires fit well with
the online modes such as web mode.
One interesting point with internet based
technologies relates to open-ended questions, Yun
(2000) quotes Bachmann and Elfrink (1996): open-
ended questions by e-mail collect longer answers,
more information than a paper survey. Keyboarding
can be easier than handwriting. This was also
observed at Murdoch University (Australia), where
students are surveyed to evaluate teaching. Collings
and Ballantyne (2004) made a comparison between
online and paper regarding the 2003 survey. The
students write more comments online than on paper,
when they do comment, the number of words is
higher. Collings and Ballantyne conclude saying that
the response rate focuses first the attention, but the
value of qualitative data, richness in responses is in
comment length.
This points out limitations of traditional static
surveys. Such surveys are conducted to gather
information about a population, but they are very
regulated, framed, constrained: participants can only
make a choice by a yes/no system, a check boxes
system, a scales system or respond in textboxes. We
can see that a better quality of information comes
from open-ended questions and interactivity because
respondents have things to say and they respond
willingly when they are given the opportunity. The
web mode lends itself to this form of questioning. A
questionnaire that allows people express themselves,
as in a real dialogue, or a debate, could collect lots
of valuable information. This would be another kind
of questionnaires, dynamic and interactive, with
another design, other goals and objectives. Now let’s
review two initiatives in the field of interactive
questionnaires: the e-Brainstorming and the Real-
Time Delphi. Roughly speaking, the e-
Brainstorming relies on multiple-choice questions as
first interaction mode and the Real-Time Delphi (RT
Delphi) is a web-based variant of the Delphi method
that we will remind.
3.1 e-Brainstorming
The e-Brainstorming, an initiative from the Orange
Labs of Caen in France (Lancieri et al., 2005), is a
computerized system of closed questions, a multiple
choice questionnaire system (MCQ), intended to
simplify and synthesize the opinions of a group. The
system uses the good will of the participants to
respond to open-ended questions as we have just
seen. Inside a question, respondents can leave a
comment: each question provides a free comments
zone, and the system allows them to add questions
and possible answers that are forwarded to all
respondent for a new questionnaire round. This is a
way to get rid of some limitations (lack of
cooperation, not enough choice) introduced by the
MCQ. The success rate of certain questions and the
amount of left comments on certain questions are
fuelling debates. The idea relies on human
intelligence: to solve a problem, half of the solution
is in formulation. The e-Brainstorming provides a
structuring frame to express, formalize and
reformulate ideas. There is no moderator, the group
has to be self-moderated.
The questionnaire is scripted with an easy tagged
language, writable in a form, in a mobile phone
application for instance, then sent to a web server.
After generation on a server, a return mail is sent to
the author with the URL of the web questionnaire, to
be distributed to the chosen participants. e-
Brainstorming can be applied in three modes:
without free comments, with free comments, with
free comments and capacity for adding new
questions. Among the features: new questions are
highlighted, participants can check a box “Does not
interest me”, they can access statistics and graphics;
the system uses traces to evaluate the collective
intelligence phenomenon. Data can be exported: it is
possible to exploit it in information processing
systems (semantic web, etc.). Cheap, easy and quick
to implement, it can be used with distributed
participants. This is another example demonstrating
that technology can change spatiotemporal
interactions between individuals (Lancieri et al., 2005).
3.2 Delphi, Real-time Delphi
“The primary strength of Delphi is its ability to
explore, coolly and objectively, issues that requires
judgment” (Gordon, 2003). In the 1950s, on demand
of the US Army, RAND (Research ANd
Development - a thinktank) was in charge of
creating a method to make forecasts from the
opinion of experts about the possibility (etc.) of an
enemy attack during the Cold War. RAND achieved
the Delphi method. A sample of experts on the topic
of the study enters an iterative process of
questionnaires, administered by researchers, which
stops when a pre-defined criterion has been reached.
Iterative process: the questionnaire has to be
prepared, the questions refined. In a first
questionnaire, the experts are asked to provide their
judgment. Data collected is analyzed, synthesized.
The next round begins with the sending of a new
questionnaire. The experts have to be more accurate,
some extreme positions have to be reassessed,
justified (Gordon, 2003). There are multiple rounds
until a defined criterion is reached, then the
administrator stops the questionnaires. Gordon says
that at the end, more often than not, group of experts
move toward a consensus. If not, the reasons are
known. The reasons and arguments for the
consensus as well as for disagreements can be highly
valuable and useful: with this material, it becomes
possible for planners to make judgments. Synthesis
is done to reduce the force of oratory of some people,
by this way every participant is equal; the Delphi
method was designed to encourage a true debate.
Okoli and Pawlowski (2004) have compared a
traditional survey approach with the Delphi method
in order to investigate what would be the critical
success factors for e-commerce in Sub Saharan
Africa. In a traditional survey, a questionnaire is
designed, the participants respond, data collected is
analyzed. In the Delphi method, a questionnaire is
designed, submitted to a group of experts, responses
are analyzed, then the questionnaire is re-designed
and re-submitted and this process is repeated. The
sample of the Delphi method is made of some
experts on the topic (literature recommends 10 to 18
experts). In a traditional survey, a large sample is
preferred, for generalization. Individuals responses
are averaged in a traditional survey while in the
Delphi method, “Studies have consistently shown
that for questions requiring expert judgment, the
average of individual responses is inferior to the
averages produced by group decision processes;
research has explicitly shown that the Delphi method
bears this out”. For a traditional survey, reliability is
an important concern, assured by multiple tests,
while in a Delphi study, the experts have to revise
their responses, the importance degree is different.
In a traditional survey, the construct validity is
assured in the design phase and participants only
respond. In the Delphi method, the experts are asked
to validate the design (researchers' interpretation and
categorization of the variables). Participants are
always anonymous in a traditional survey. In the
Delphi method, respondents are anonymous to each
other but not to researchers, then, if a participant
drops-out, researchers are able to discover the reason
by asking directly. Non-response is an error to be
reduced in traditional survey while in the Delphi
method, experts have been selected and solicited to
give their opinion. In a traditional survey, the quality
depends on the question, design, the follow-up, the
respondents... while in the Delphi method, multiple
iterations provide rich data, furthermore there may
be follow-up interviews: interviewers can come with
open-ended questions to learn more.
In 2004, the Defense Advanced Research Project
Agency (DARPA) asked for the development of a
Delphi-based method for improving the speed of the
Delphi method. A company, Articulate Software,
made the “Real-Time Delphi”. This computerized
method is quick and there can be more participants.
They introduced Artificial Intelligence and Natural
Language during the analysis phase of non-
numerical answers. It works “roundless”: every
ICAART 2012 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
participant can come, at anytime to update his or her
inputs. Each presented question comes with some
information (the average/median response of the
group, the number of responses, the reasons).
Respondents have got spaces to respond and justify
it. Real-Time Delphi has got a large range of
applications (Gordon and Pease, 2006).
There are elements that lead us to say e-
Brainstorming and the Real Time Delphi seem to
have some convergence points as interactive
questionnaires systems: they are well suited for
small groups of carefully selected experts. A second
point of convergence is the exploitation of what we
saw with open-ended questions: people are willing
to express themselves, in writing. e-Brainstorming
allows participants to add questions and to leave
comments. The Real Time Delphi tries to get the
opinion, the judgment and a justification of the
participants. They both take advantage of the ease of
keyboarding. A third point of convergence is: e-
brainstorming and RT Delphi solved the problem of
availability of a moderator thanks to
computerization but each in a different way: the first
uses multiple-choice questionnaire, the second uses
of Natural Language and Artificial Intelligence to do
the sort and classification tasks and to send back a
synthesis. e-Brainstorming relies on a self-regulation
from the participants because it is assumed that
multiple-choice questionnaire simplifies the
opinions (implicit management), RT Delphi uses a
sophisticated and instrumented device. Where they
differ is in the goal: the Delphi method seeks a
consensus with a predefined set of questions
carefully prepared and refined during the iteration
process. e-Brainstorming encourages participants to
formalize the subjects of interest in a structured
frame but participants can create new questions and
comment it, this can give an open direction to the
discussion; we might call such a questionnaire a
malleable questionnaire. The RT Delphi uses an
impressive computerization, e-Brainstorming uses a
cheaper, more creative and human method.
In this paper, we have seen that surveys have
evolved. Technologies such as web have allowed the
rise of different forms of interactive questionnaires.
We should continue to study interactive
questionnaires because they are group-meeting
methods that develop creativity, allow people to
share and pool together ideas, uses the good will and
where everyone is equal. They could be useful tools
for research purposes.
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